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Is the muzzle blast realistic?

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Since I don't own CMAK yet i'm always looking at the screen shots. I notice that all the AFV have huge fireball muzzle blast coming out of their guns, is that realistic? I don't seem to notice that effect on CMBB or CMBO. Or is it there and I'm not paying attention?

Anyway, how much of a fireball is visible in real life?

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Originally posted by tar:

CMBO just has a white symbolic representation of the blast. I don't recall offhand what CMBB does.

CMBB and CMAK are the same when it comes to muzzle blast. I have seen shots of Pz.IVs firing and it seems to be a least a great deal more relatistic than what is seen in CMBO.
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CMBO, IIRC, features a crummy pointed muzzle flash and the expanding spherical shockwaves.

The fireball in CMAK and CMBB is only brief.

Joe Ekins, a Firefly gunner, describes the blast of the 17pdr as seeming to "wrap right round the turret" and that it was necessary to blink on firing in order to observe the fall of shot.

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Originally posted by tar:

At night, it's even more impressive. This is a Brazilian EE-T1 Osorio with a 120mm gun.


Can that cause a brush fire?

What does it feel like to be behind a big gun going off? I imagine you "feel" the sound more that hear it. One time I was standing off to the side watching this guy shoot a big caliber rifle (.577 nitro) and it was as if a ghost took a telephone book and hit me in the face with it. The concussion was huge, now directly behind the shooter was ok, sound wise and concussion wise.

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Oh you hear it alright. Even wearing ear plugs. As for the concussion, it is a rapid slap going through you. You don't feel hit or moved; there is no momentum transfer to speak of. You feel a jump in your chest, a little like momentarily touching the brakes while going fast and wearing a seat-belt. But over very fast.

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I allways found that it's not your tank that's loud, it's the tank next to you that's loud. If you are not prepared for it, it will make you jump. lol

But even while standing behind or beside a 120mm smoothbore, the concussion isn't all that bad at all. OTOH I once got to watch an 8" arty piece fire from a range and that thing is sick! It will rattle your bones when it goes off.

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But even while standing behind or beside a 120mm smoothbore, the concussion isn't all that bad at all. OTOH I once got to watch an 8" arty piece fire from a range and that thing is sick! It will rattle your bones when it goes off.

I know exactly what you mean Iron Duke. I was with an 8" arty unit and went on a number of live fire exercises with them. The recoil is enough to rock the unit back on its tracks. I can certainly understand the need for the rear blade on the SP chassis.

My favorite was standing on the ammo carrier behind the gun during a night fire. You could actually see the round flying down range.


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I served in a 8 inch artty unit (michigan national guard) back in 91 then went active in 92 and moved into tanks (19K).

Trust me, the two are nothing alike. The 8 inch was like being decked in the face each time it went off. Ever shot off full charge? It blew me right off the piece the first time, all the older guys knew to hold on, not me! It picked all the dirt and dust off the ground for 50 yards around and made it float for a few seconds. Pulling the lanyard is a trip!

The M1A1 is like being punched in the chest if your on top if it or near it out side. The percussion is deep and takes your breath away. I use to love engaging targets while hanging out of the TC's hatch.

I imagine that WW2 tanks are a mixture of the two. Not as high volicity as the M1 but less of a charge then the 8 inch. JMO

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