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Strategy Guide, 2nd edition?

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I ordered the Strategy Guide on Monday and picked it up today (Thursday) and was very happy to open it up and find wonderful ideas on tactics, but even more so a nice listing of all the untis in the game...BUT THEN!!!

I loaded up some units to compare with the stats, and not a single one was correct in terms of armor penetrations of weapons. Also there is no listing of the amount of ammunition carried by AFVs or ATGs.

Typos? Page 1/9, picture at the bottom, "firled of fire"? Ok I can live with typos, but....

Page 1/19 & 1/20 "The lightning bolt represents command" "The star icon represents HQs with a combat bonus."

Huh? Are you guys even reading what you are writing?

Either I was sent a first edition or the 2nd edition is still fraut with errors. Heck I've only read to page 44 yet...what else is wrong in this book?

I bought the book mainly for stats of units so the fact that every unit I have checked has had errors makes the book a waste of $22.00 ($15+$7shipping)

How can you tell if the book is second edition? My copy does not say 2nd edition on it anywhere.

So I am not happy, and not recommending the guide, at least until they get the stats corrected,



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I have also just recieved my Strategy guide and I am pleased with it for the most part. I share Panzer5's complaint about typos & bad data. I am not as angry as he is, after all proofreaders are humans too, stuff happens. I am concerned about it though. Hopefully, I will besent a third edition when it comes out. ;)

My main beef is with the example pictures. They are just too small. :confused: Can these pictures be posted somewhere so I can figure them out??

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Oops then,

I did not mean to say that I was mad, just disappointed. Basically I was saying that if I had been able to review the book before hand and was told that the tables in the back were not current, I probably would not have bough the book.

My one hope though, and it has happened with the first edition so I believe it will be so with the 3rd, is that when they update the tables they will make them avaialabe to everyone who has purchased a previous book. At least an errata sheet to download would be nice.

I play this game with my friend and recommended that he not buy the book, at least until they come out with the 3rd edition. I suggest they same to anyone else.


[ September 27, 2003, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: panzer5 ]

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The easiest way to tell if you have the 2nd edition is to look at the last page. It should be numbereed 4/80.

The 2nd edition unit tables should be current though and even includes some new 1.03 data in it as I recall. We are aware of some typos and that command icon mistake in the 2nd edition.

What unit data do you see that is wrong?

As to updating owners of the earlier versions, we did send EVERYONE that bought a 1st edition copy a 2nd edition free of charge.

AS to the pictures,I know we were looking at posting them for download but I am not sure what came of that or if we even still had the originals to do so with.


[ September 27, 2003, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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  • 8 months later...

Madmatt says the data is current....so which is it?? Is the data current to ver. 1.03 or is it off? I want a correct unit guide too.

I'm in the publishing/printing business so I know that even the slighted mistake is unacceptable. But to Battlefront's defense they don't charge very much for the guide and I reckon they aren't making much if any profit from it so it would seem that they made the guide more so for their customers enjoyment than their bottom line. The author might be getting the majority of the sales and the rest to the printing cost. Battlefront might not even have had a hand in the entire production of the guide except for making info available to the author.

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FM Paul Heinrik, if you're in the printing business then you will certainly know how difficult it is to make patches to books that were printed before some new piece of information (1.03 patch) was available :D

The 2nd edition was made when 1.03 was in preparation IIRC, and Matt was correct that some of the information that went into the patch was also already used in the new edition. However, I cannot promise that no changes were made after that before 1.03 actually went final, and the book was in print at that time already AFAIR.


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Yep, stuff like that happens all the time and I guess with software it happens much more frequently, hence the proliferation of the attached files instead of nicely bound manuals.

Is there going to be a 3rd ed.?

What we do at our company is issue overlays (stickers) with the current text and let our customers insert them if they wish but, more importantly the customer is made aware that there are changes that took place that is not represented in the book.

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This was why I had been lobbying for a full color PDF game manual (which is what CMAK got, though I don't think most people notice it sitting there on the CD). Easily fixable, updatable, and downloadable, with art and photos unrestricted by B&W printing limitations. Unfortunately, a pdf book is not exactly a 'saleable' item. If only BFC were a non-profit entity and could just give us all this cool stuff free! ;)

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If I were to guess (and I'm only guessing), BFC probably didn't really want to do a pdf manual for CMAK just for that reason. Tight German restructions on the size of CD packaging for store shelves may have made bundling a 250 page manual impossible, and forced their hand.

Just speculating.

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The manual does have some faults, but it was cheap. It would be nice to see the corrections added to the patch section of the site as they would not be too hard to do and would result in more people supporting the book. It gets a bit of a bashing in the forum which is a shame.

From memory Matt was going to ask the author for the originals to post the pictures after an inquiry I made awhile ago.

The pictures at the very least should be available for download for those that want them, and hopefully the correction formatted so they can be printed and inserted into the book.

But overall for the price it was not too bad.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got the book. It IS worth it. Besides having unit stats available for quick reference, it better explains the hq's command radius, morale effects, and experience lvs. The strategy part is rudimentary but it is always good to reread and reinforce basic military tactics. This book goes above and beyond the game manuel in presenting specific game features and what effects they have.

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In a related complaint: I certainly hope someone reminds the good people at Battlefront that AN INDEX THAT IS NOT ORGANIZED ALPHABETICALLY IS NOT WORTH S##T. For some incomprehensible reason, the CMBO index is alphabetical and easy to use, but the CMBB index follows no system at all, making it no more useful in finding a topic quickly than the table of contents in the front of the manual. In fact, the index in the CMBB manual is simply the table of contents fleshed out a little more. It's not an index at all.

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