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Fun, Feuds, frutescent frolics and flamed frangipani in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

I have no doubts you are good at taking advantage of them. No doubts at all. What is questionable, though, is whether that can be counted as your merit.

snip infantile faeces joke

No style, no wit, and no panache. Perhaps you should return to the warm, cozy little fairytale you came from before we accidentally hurt your feelings. We wouldn't want that, oh no. Perish the thought. I don't think you have what it takes to hack it as a SSN of the MBT.


/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Uncle Joe:

Well, what could be more clear eh? NO knowledge of the MBT, no sense of what's important, no VALUE SYSTEM! AND he Delivers Newspapers.

Oh dear, it seems I got caught.

Very well, I will retire to the other thread, where I real battles are played. I didn't think there would be proper challenges around here, only a load of bull. :D

Originally posted by Uncle Joe:

As if we CARE who wins or losses in CMBB. It is, as all here well know, ABOUT THE taunting

My point proven. CMBB is a game, you play it to win. Everything else comes second. And, when it comes to fairytales, atleast we at the Cheery Waffle don't pretend to be Knights of some non-existant house.
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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

Very well, I will retire to the other thread, where I real battles are played. I didn't think there would be proper challenges around here, only a load of bull.

And this from a being who has 'Nice guys finish last' in his sig. Or perhaps he meant 'Nice finnish guys last'. Well they don't in here, bucko.


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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

CMBB is a game, you play it to win. Everything else comes second. And, when it comes to fairytales, atleast we at the Cheery Waffle don't pretend to be Knights of some non-existant house.

[stares sullenly at the grim rhubarb bucket of despair... ]

Oh, bother... reality is crashing in... bother, bother, bother.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[stares sullenly at the grim rhubarb bucket of despair... ]

Oh, bother... reality is crashing in... bother, bother, bother.


Here Yekky, I'm going to change your rhubarb bucket of despair to a rhubarb bucket of......um......rhubarb!

*Fills bucket with freshly picked extremely sour red juicy rhubarb*



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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I wouldn't know; we don't put snot on our doorknobs over here.

Now, now Sir SirReal, let's be fair ... they don't INTEND to put snot on the doorknobs in Ohio ... it just kind of happens.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm actually reading "Gidget Sleeps Over On The U.S.S. Enterprise." It's a gripping story about a young girl's journey into womanhood with Jim Kirk, Bones, Spock, Kirk, Scotty, Kirk, Ens. Chekov, Kirk and Uhuru while Kirk watches.


No Yeoman Rand?

You're quite prosaic, you know that?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Well congrad-u-freakin'-lations Boo! Here I thought no one could come up with a worse thread title than PanzerLeader, and you done proved me wrong. Your's is so bad, in fact, that I thought it was a Master Goodale thread.


Berli. I could make proving you wrong my life's work, but I've already got a day job. Did you have to work up the courage to post in here? Is that why you blithely kept posting in the last incarnation loooong after everyone had moved over here?

Or are you just that slow on the uptake?

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Didn't heed Willy Wonka's warning, did they?

"They"? "THEY"? Ye chatterin' wee stoat's sphincter! Wha' di ye think ye dwin, includin' tha Fair Emma ain ye snide slanderous gibberin'?

Ye kin taill Seanachai tae tape haes shtyupid haid tae haes buttocks an' sit on a splintered tree stump, but didnae bae includin' tha wee lassies ain ye diatribin'!!


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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

And, when it comes to fairytales, atleast we at the Cheery Waffle don't pretend to be Knights of some non-existant house.

I thought by the banging of large clubs on rocks, gnashing of teeth, chest beating, and illiterate grunting (especially the illiterate grunting), that you lot were pretending to be neanderthals.

You mean.....You weren't pretending?!!!


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

And, when it comes to fairytales, atleast we at the Cheery Waffle don't pretend to be Knights of some non-existant house.

I thought by the banging of large clubs on rocks, gnashing of teeth, chest beating, and illiterate grunting (especially the illiterate grunting), that you lot were pretending to be neanderthals.

You mean.....You weren't pretending?!!!

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Didn't heed Willy Wonka's warning, did they?

"They"? "THEY"? Ye chatterin' wee stoat's sphincter! Wha' di ye think ye dwin, includin' tha Fair Emma ain ye snide slanderous gibberin'?

Ye kin taill Seanachai tae tape haes shtyupid haid tae haes buttocks an' sit on a splintered tree stump, but didnae bae includin' tha wee lassies ain ye diatribin'!!

Bastarrrd. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

...keep in mind that it might desensitize you for contact with actual women.

Women?!? Who needs women? (No offense Mesdames Persephone, YK2, Emma, and yes, even that Dame Kitty) Just give me a nice wheel of smoked Gouda, a fine Brie, or an nice thick slice of good ol' Provolone. They don't worry what other cheeses I have in the refrigerator... they don't care how many cheeses I nibble in one evening...

aah, the power of cheese...

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Originally posted by Mouse:

Just give me a nice wheel of smoked Gouda, a fine Brie, or an nice thick slice of good ol' Provolone. They don't worry what other cheeses I have in the refrigerator... they don't care how many cheeses I nibble in one evening...

aah, the power of cheese...

I'd rather the women.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Did you have to work up the courage to post in here? Is that why you blithely kept posting in the last incarnation loooong after everyone had moved over here?

Or are you just that slow on the uptake?

Moron. I didn't post in this thread because it HAS a Goodale title. Now that I have arrived, I notice that it is flooded with Goodale idiots. No doubt they saw your pathetic attempt at rules as some form of warm welcome. Face it, you are the reincarnation of PanzerLeader
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

What? The blue paint or being seen in public with Seanachai?

Neither... I was referring to the hideous blonde wig... It reminded me of a 70s fancy dress party when me and some girlfriends dressed up as members of Abba..

Of course we all wanted to be the blonde, until I tried on the wig......... :eek: :eek: :eek:

Needless to say I opted to be the Brunette....actually, I have a pic somewhere wearing that wig and Abba outfit, I'll see if I can hunt it ooot..

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Originally posted by YK2:

It reminded me of a 70s fancy dress party when me and some girlfriends dressed up as members of Abba..

Of course we all wanted to be the blonde

MmmMMMMMmmm Agnetha Fältskog! *drools*

Oh. Err. Kitty might be reading this.

ummm... <font size = 1>I never said this. I was never here!</font>

*sneaks off*


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