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Save Seanachai!

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Okay, I hate to do this, but I am now setting up the Help Keep Seanachai in CM Campaign. Just send whatever you can (I will forward $20) to Seanachai at the following address:


3841 Grand Ave South

Apt. #1

Minneapolis, MN 55409


1) What the feck? I mean, really, what the feckin' feck?

Simply put, this is a campaign to help Seanachai a/k/a SenileTea a/k/a The UberGnome a/k/a The Bard a/k/a Seaniecoochiecoo get a new video card for his computer as the pillock was foolish enough to buy a new system without ensuring that the video card would support CM.

2) But, like, WHY should I support Seanachai with my money?

The fact is, you probably already do. I mean, he lives in Minnesota. You know how those people are. He spends eleven months of the year trapped in a frozen wasteland, waiting for his welfare check to come in so that he can rush down to the nearest Quick-E-Mart and trade it out for some nice, warming booze.

If you give to his Video Card fund, you will at least know that he is using the money to buy an item designed to keep him off the streets and away from your children, or, more importantly, away from you.

3) Are you serious?

Yes, this is a serious campaign. Please do try and pay a little closer attention.

4) How can I be sure Seanachai will by a video card with my money?

How can we be sure of anything in this life? I mean, how can you be sure that Steve Grammont and company are REALLY working on CMAK or CM2 or whatever it is? A few screenshots? Please -- Juju could rig those up in an afternoon and still have time for tea. This campaign is about FAITH -- even for you, Berli.

5) Should I send cash?

Sending cash through the mail is not advisable. I recommend you send either a personal check or, should the thought of giving Seanachai your current address bother you as much as it does me, a money order. Make them out to "Steven Pemble".

Oh yes, Boo, you pillock, this does mean you should not send change either, whether loose or rolled.

6) Hey! Your name is Steve! Now you tell me to make out a check to "Steven"! Are you just trying to screw me out of some cash?

Sigh. Don't be a silly. Steven Pemble lives under a bridge in Minnesota, drinking beverages out of bottles wrapped in brown paper bags. Steve Hines practices law in Texas, and drinks beer from bottles while driving his Durango down the highway.

7) Are you sure this is for real?


8) Can I just attach my money to a postcard?

No, no, that was LAST year's campaign. Attaching money to a postcard is NEVER advisable.

However, if you would like to (belatedly) send Seanachai a postcard to tell him how much you hate him, that would be okay, too.

9) Can I put my check or money order in the same envelope as my postcard?

Sigh. Yes, although I must point out that, strictly speaking, one does not generally send postcards in envelopes.

10) You're a lawyer! What do YOU get out of it?

My interest in this is not pecuniary. I merely seek to help a long-standing member of this community remain . . . oh heck, I can't pull that off.

I want to see Seanachai keep playing CM because HE SUCKS AT IT. He returns files slower than old people fornicating, and, like old people fornicating, is generally sloppy and unable to complete his mission. It brings sheer JOY to my black heart to know that he will continue his addiction to this most humbling of hobbies.

11) Doesn't this serve him right for buying a Mac?

Probably, but let's face it -- he probably doesn't know the difference between a Mac and a casio wristwatch. Poor sod just got buggered by the sales staff at his local "Computers-R-Us".

You can't really blame him, can you?

12) I'm a Canadian technogeek! Can I contribute by PayPal?

You certainly may! We here at the Save Seanachai! project are proud to offer PayPal services to our donors. For further information, please contact MrSpkr through the email address in his profile.

Now get busy and send in your money to help Seanachai!


[ August 25, 2003, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

How about Canadian Tire money? I've got oodles of it in my glove box.

Although we at the Save Seanachai campaign suggest United States Dollars as the donation currency of choice, it is true that Seanachai has known Canadian sympathies and connections; therefore, your donation would be acceptable.

We look forward to receiving your donation soon.


[ August 25, 2003, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by eichenbaum:

Would this fund also forces Seanachai to send his turns back more quickly ?

I have read that he's o so slow in returning them

Dear Mr. eichenbaum:

We here at the Save Seanachai campaign are pleased to see you have recovered from your recent experiences with over-zealous Nazi-hunters.

In regards to your question, it is anticipated that Seanachai will be able to return turns at roughly twice his current rate IF we are able to raise sufficient funds to purchase a new video card for his machine.

Of course, whether this will result in Seanachai returning files "quickly" is a different issue. Speed is, of course, relative.

Thank you for your concerns. We would ask you transmit your funds in US dollars rather than Euros as Mr. Seanachai has a slight allergy to nickle, and would likely break out in a rash if he came in contact . . . on second thought, sending Euros is fine.


[ August 25, 2003, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Is it OK to put on the little memo line that it's for "for sexual favors" or "for that mob hit"?

Dear Mr. Boo:

Yes, of course, you may put whatever you would like on the memo line.

For example, I understand that Berli traditionally notes his drafts as "full and final payment on soul" or somesuch. Of course, given that this IS Seanachai, he may make an exception.

Personally, I plan on writing "donation: transgender fund" on mine.

But please, whatever you write, do send in your check or money order to:


3841 Grand Ave South

Apt. #1

Minneapolis, MN 55409


[ August 25, 2003, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Is it OK to put on the little memo line that it's for "for sexual favors" or "for that mob hit"?

Dear Mr. Boo:

Yes, of course, you may put whatever you would like on the memo line.

For example, I understand that Berli traditionally notes his drafts as "full and final payment on soul or somesuch. Of course, given that this IS Seanachai, he may make an exception.

Personally, I plan on writing "donation: transgender fund" on mine.

But please, whatever you write, do send in your check or money order to:


3841 Grand Ave South

Apt. #1

Minneapolis, MN 55409

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But MrSpkr if I send a check won't Seanachai be able to see my address?

Dear Joe:

That is a concern we at the Save Seanachai campaign encounter everyday.

In fact, our campaign headquarters moves every four to six hours to a new, hidden location to preven Seanachai from pinning down our location.

However, if you desire to send a check, you can get a temporary check from your financial institution. You can then manually type in the name and address of your choice.

Now, don't let FEAR stop you from doing the right thing and sending in that check to Save Seanachai!


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But MrSpkr if I send a check won't Seanachai be able to see my address?

Dear Joe:

That is a concern we at the Save Seanachai campaign encounter everyday.

In fact, our campaign headquarters moves every four to six hours to a new, hidden location to preven Seanachai from pinning down our location.

However, if you desire to send a check, you can get a temporary check from your financial institution. You can then manually type in the name and address of your choice.

Now, don't let FEAR stop you from doing the right thing and sending in that check to Save Seanachai!

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars:

He already owes me $20, can I just say he owes me nothing rather than actually giving money?


If I do support will I get an "I like Ike" pin with masking tape over Ike and Seanachai written on it?

Dear Shadow:

Are you certain that $20 is enough for a cause of this magnitude? What if you were to open your heart and wallet to this dire situation, and donate $40 to the cause? You could declare your old debt repaid, and only be out $20 (that you are out already). It's a win-win situation.

As to a button or pin, we here at the Save Seanachai campaign are indeed looking at various marketing devices. Although I cannot say for certain what items we WILL offer, I can tell you that every item will be personally used or tested by Seanachai before being offered ot the general public.

For obvious reasons, we will not, therefore, offer any sort of thong.

We look forward to receiving your donation.


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MrSpkr, have you filed with the IRS for non-profit status, so we can all write off our donations on our income taxes? Surely saving the eyesight of a street person like Seanachai would qualify as some sort of a charity. Of course, euthenasia for him would also probably qualify as a charity, and you may get more donations. How much would that cost?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How about trepidation? Can I let trepidation stop me?

Dear Joe:

We here at the Save Seanachai! campaign would like you to know that we care about you. That is why we believe trepidation, in the archaic sense, should not be an obstacle for anyone seeking to donate. There are many fine drugs to treat the symptoms long enough for you to make out that check or money order.

We look forward to receiving your donation to Save Seanachai!


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Originally posted by Dave H:

MrSpkr, have you filed with the IRS for non-profit status, so we can all write off our donations on our income taxes? Surely saving the eyesight of a street person like Seanachai would qualify as some sort of a charity. Of course, euthenasia for him would also probably qualify as a charity, and you may get more donations. How much would that cost?

Dear Dave:

We here at the Save Seanachai campaign appreciate your interest; however, we regret to inform you that we do not think this would be in Seanachai's best interests. The last time we mentioned the IRS to him he leapt behind the couch and began screaming. We were only able to coax him out with a quart bottle of Schlitz and a cheap cigar.

You can see the difficulties under which we work.

As to the question of Euthanasia, we posed that to Seanachai for consideration. Here is his response:

Save Seanachai: "Some people have asked whether you would consider yourself a candidate for Euthanasia. What would you say to them?"

Seanachai: "Well, while that is quite flattering, I simply could not pull it off. I'm just too old. Perhaps they would consider me a candidate for 'Middle-Aged in Canada' instead."

Thank you, and we look forward to receiving your donation.


[ August 25, 2003, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I'd rather pay by Paypal. To which email address can I send my money?

Dear Mr. Dorosh:

We here at the Save Seanachai! campaign are delighted that our neighbors to the north have taken an interest in this cause. Unfortunately, we have not yet activated an email or paypal address for Seanachai.

Your check or money order, however, is still welcome. Please send your donation care of:


3841 Grand Ave South

Apt. #1

Minneapolis, MN 55409

Thank you for your interest.


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MrSpkr I have put aside fear AND trepidation and stand with you in your noble cause. Unfortunately, until my Nigerian profit comes through (I'm informed by the Nigerian Forieng Ministry ... you'd think they'd know how to spell "foreign" in a Foreign Ministry wouldn't you) that it will be in my account any day now) I'm unable to actually donate cash.

I can, however, contribute by offering another fine Ker Dessel* scenario to the cause. Anyone who contributes ... or even CLAIMS to contribute ... to the cause will receive SAVE SEANACHAI!, a gripping CMBB scenario crafted by the artists at Ker Dessel* especially for this campaign.

SAVE SEANACHAI! features a supply convoy from Video Cards R' US that MUST GET THROUGH with a vital NEW video card for Seanachai. This critical convoy is guarded by CRACK, HIGHLY TRAINED conscript troops who would think nothing of laying down their lives so that Seanachai can once again play CMBB. They are opposed by the evil minions of MAC who would deny him this pleasure.

So be sure to dig deep and give generously to this noble cause!

* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!


[ August 25, 2003, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Could not Seanachai work off a loan by, say, standing in the front yard as a lawn ornament? I would gladly loan the money for a new card if he was willing to work it off by standing on Berli's front lawn for a few days.


[ August 25, 2003, 03:03 PM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Hold on a moment. Isn't this the Save Seanachi fund? I do not see how buying der Uber-Gnome a video card will save or in any way preserve, him. Wouldn't you be better off with a large jar and a couple gallons of formaldehyde?

Should you need the aforementioned chemical let me know. I rack up points for every purchase and if you run it through my account I get a free wall clock.

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You know, I just had to do it:

Hi, Mom!

It's been a while since I last wrote you but I have to apologize once more for that C-Section and the dissapointment you felt when you first saw my mishapen head.

Remember when I used to play on the front lawn and pretend to be "Captain Kirk"? Well, William Shatner is still my hero and I'm thinking about naming one of my kids after him. Yes, the next one will be "Dorosh".

I hope the gout isn't giving you too much trouble and that mean little rash is clearing up.

Your adoring son,


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