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Has the Challenge Replaced Peng in CMBB? Who to Blame for the Death of the Cesspool

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Egads. I save up 5 days worth of postings for this??

That and the buck-private's flagrant use of smileys. Some one get a giant mallet like that one in the Conan movie.

Ahh, it was here in the corner all along!


The following is in no way shape or form to be considered an inane smilie. It is, in fact, an image of the Holy Mallet of Antioch showing the only valid use for the vile things.

SSNs note well.


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Gamey Updates:

Mr Peng: Surrounded by Reds in a crumbling villiage, he makes what looks to be his last stand.....cowering under shingles of blown out roofs.

Lars: I was stuck with the Russians so of course i'm going to lose, i have no achtung span for anything other then Fritz units.

Ninjan1.01: Bracing his forces for a vicious Axis assault, already lost a concrete bunker, wich looks to cement my victory.

Vadrisil: His armored cars are being shot to pieces, the day shall be mine.

Panzer Leaser: Looks as if he's trying to fend of defeat by not sending turns....or either that he's trying ot think up a plan to actualy make it a battle, either way the end shall not differ.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

Besides which he's too bloody unreliable to be anything else!

You forgot to mention his multiple personality disorder. Both of them gits. He he.</font>
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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

You forgot to mention his multiple personality disorder. Both of them gits. He he.

Hey - we resemble that remark!!

Am I beating you up in a game at eth moment?

Oh yeah - well you can await your turn at my pleasure pillock!


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Originally posted by Snarker:

Yes, but it's unfair. Two against one...

Any game you're in is unfair by definition because your opponents want a game, a fight, a contest - none of which you provide.

So all that's happening here is you're being twice as unfair as usual.

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Good gravy, I go out on location to the flat end of the state for a day and come back to three and a half new pages of the most whiney, sophomoric, projectile mewlings I've seen since the days of the Bren tripod thread. Thank goodness for the little scrolly wheel gizmo.

Seanachai, I did Gollum does Gershwin with you in mind. I sincerely hope it gave you the red arse.

RSColon! I am NOT from Minnysnowduh! I am an Ohioan and damn proud of it! For that ultimate slander, you shall die horribly on the field of battle!

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Originally posted by Mike:

Now I think I need a word with Hortland's Knight - who's willing to own up to giving him that armoured car thingie to play with??

whoever it is you're an intellectual giant!

Well done for a change.

Why, thank you.

It would have been light tanks if there was a way to keep you lot from taking the stray KV-1.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

Now I think I need a word with Hortland's Knight - who's willing to own up to giving him that armoured car thingie to play with??

whoever it is you're an intellectual midget!

Well done for a change.

Why, thank you.

It would have been dumber if there was a way to keep me even more stupid yet still able to breathe on my own.</font>

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A simple question:

Do the current SSN's (a.k.a. "serf wannabes") ever read the "Tomes of Yore?" Have they not the brain-function to use the "search" to study up on this little clique, and what it takes to belong?

I was proud to hold the piss-bucket to those greater than I. That I progressed to become their equal pleases me even more (Here's to a thumb in your eye!).

It's not like it's that friggen hard. We're here to play the game. Mastery is to be scoffed. Winning is a welcome (if over-represented) bolt of luck from the clear-blue sky.

Come here to have fun. Come here to challenge others. Come here to preen and puff falsely about your victories.

<big>But come here naught to proclaim your "skillz."</big>

You will take the challenge you are given, and play it for better or worse, whether you like it or not. Or you are not of us.

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Yes, but it's unfair. Two against one...

Any game you're in is unfair by definition because your opponents want a game, a fight, a contest - none of which you provide.

So all that's happening here is you're being twice as unfair as usual.</font>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Gamey Updates:

Mr Peng: Surrounded by Reds in a crumbling villiage, he makes what looks to be his last stand.....cowering under shingles of blown out roofs.

Peng is playing you? Now we know why he's about to be hospitalized with anti-biotic resistant pneumonia again.
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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

I've followed and participated in previous MBT's, and I used to ridicule Lorak at simHQ months ago.

I think I should know by now what goes and what doesn't in here. Poking fun at me beeing austrian is A-Okay...that's not the problem. The problem lies in the use of "Pissboy" which is neither witty nor funny, but simple a mindless boring insult.

And the second problem lies in implying that I'm only here to win, not to have fun. Which is again neither witty nor funny, but just a rather blunt stab at my character as an online gamer.

Like I said, I've read and followed several other Cess Pool outbreaks, and I dont think Lars was beeing funny here. Or if he tried to be funny and witty, at least he failed miserable.

Ah, I think that I can make all things clear.

Shut the hell up, and listen to the UberGnome.

No one is implying 'you take those Uber Austro-Hungarian Hapsburg troops' out of a desire to win. Well, we would, but you sods have been losing for centuries, and Fascist Germany was the last best time you lot ever had as a military power.

You think Lars was giving you ****e as some sort of 'Cherry Nation Picking UberMenschen Exploding Annoyance'.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I've met Lars. I (shudder) feel I know Lars. If you met the stupid sod, he'd buy you dinner, and actually lie to you about how big the glass of beer he was buying you. He would buy you a glass of beer twice as large as what he told you. Doubtless with the hope that you'd be so drunk, you'd be arrested on your way home, but on top of that, after you'd been arrested for driving home drunk on the beers he'd bought you, the generous but dumb son-of-a-bitch would actually show up to bail you out of jail (mind, his cousins have given him a lot of practice).

And 'Pissboy' is indeed a Cesspool taunt/title of almost long-standing. I never liked it that much, but in circumstances like this, it's purpose is revealed.

Do you know how many cock-posturing idiots we get in here with every incarnation of the Thread? Do you know how many strut out like a rooster, having contributed nothing but their belief they should belong, and act like people who've actually made an effort to post should fall down and lick the sides of their feet?

Do you know how much absolutely pointless, dull, mentally damaging drivel we all absorb every year by posting in the Peng Challenge Thread?

How much useless fecking ****e gets rained down as the 'height of humour'? How many posters who discharge their own waste products as an example of their sense of fun expect to be treated as though they've just brought the Commandments down from the Mount?

In a word, lad, do you know how horrible, sometimes, it is to be a Member of the Peng Challenge Thread, and take an interest in seeing it continue?

In CMBO I played the Brits by choice. My sodding family has been so battered, broken, ripped, and screwed by England that it doesn't even bear thinking about.

Beyond that Land's Pride that any of us must feel, there's the knowledge that only by putting ourselves in the place of our Enemy will we achieve a true appreciation of what our folk faced, and an understanding of why their sacrifice was enough.

I don't read you as a bad lad.

But if you're here to tell us that you cannot view the other side as anything more than 'alien others' who you will not, and cannot have any sympathy for, then I think you've come to the wrong place.

Certainly we, as gamers, can have our preferences, and take pride in and have sympathy for our own folk. But if you're telling us that you will not, and cannot, play the 'other side'...

Then you perpetuate the very prejudices that used untold thousands as the means of nationalistic and political prejudice, and sent millions to their deaths in battle against others, or in the Camps.

Pride is one thing. Prejudice is another.

We're sympathetic of pride. We've no truck for prejudice.

We hate, and respect, everyone equally.

Can you do the same?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Gamey Updates:

Mr Peng: Surrounded by Reds in a crumbling villiage, he makes what looks to be his last stand.....cowering under shingles of blown out roofs.

Peng is playing you? Now we know why he's about to be hospitalized with anti-biotic resistant pneumonia again.</font>
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Seanachai, that was, touching ("Sit down, bauhaus, and go change a diaper, eh?). Perhaps some of the SSN's will catch a clue?

Okay, probably too much to hope for, but I am a dreamer.

Now, seeing as how you have failed to send me a setup, I'm sending one to you. No uberFinns for you this time, laddy (not that they did you much good in our last matchup) -- this time you get Russki Guards!

I shall take the SS. Or maybe some nice Fallschirmjagers.

Then we can beat each other about the head and shoulders at will. Of course, this gives you a distinct advantage, what with your sloping forehead and thickened skull . . .


Edited in memory of Germanboy.

[ January 14, 2003, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>In CMBO I played the Brits by choice. My sodding family has been so battered, broken, ripped, and screwed by England that it doesn't even bear thinking about.</font>

It's only because we love you so, Seanachai. For an encore, we'll bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate your sodding family too.

But talking of the-love-which-knows-no-name (no, not again, Gaylord Focker, and put that turnip down) how about a turn then, eh? I think our battle was just reaching its jolly little slaughter-fest climax. My stiff upper lip is a-quiver with barely-suppressed emotion. How I long for the sweet release of the kill stats.

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Amongst the pedantic mewlings, creaks, moans, groans, conspiratorial vociferation and other means of releasin' hot gas, a little birdy whispered in my ear. It tells me I should set to groveling and boot licking in more professional manner.

Seems in a that portion of the dear departed previous incarnation of the MBT the word squireling was mentioned whilst a poxy finger gestured in my general direction.

Before I set to falling about, fawning over the brave, noble kind sir for simply noticing his boots, pissbucket, and saddlery are spit shined to the enth degree. I must first inquire:

To whom do I owe the honor, (if at all ) or, am I played for the fool. (Not that it's hard. Well...) Or were you simply pointing towards the nongs still face down in the muck, behind me? Either way, it certainly is FUN!, wot with the bowling and all.

Afterall, it's the 'pool, who wants to play Marco Polo?

edited because I wanted to say "Neverbefore" one more time.

[ January 14, 2003, 02:10 AM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

It would seem Coventry* is the appropriate response for this one, but, as the Justicar is gone, I leave that to the Seniour Knights and the Olde Ones. What say you?

Let’s not be hasty. After all, he IS just a serf. Maybe he will wake up and realize the gamey possibilites inherent in the ampoulmet. Or whatever that white cigarettey thing is supposed to be.

Then again, we could just sic AussieJeff on him.</font>

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Tis good to see thee other than in yon email inbox. I thought maybe you were busy digging your putrid Axis combat vehicles (and I use the term loosely) out of the snow you inflicted on us. Are you compensating for your backwards seasons.

Fear not for my glorious defenders of the Rodina will quickly end your frozen misery. If they can figure out which end of the tank goes in front that is!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I (shudder) feel I know Lars. If you met the stupid sod, he'd buy you dinner, and actually lie to you about how big the glass of beer he was buying you. He would buy you a glass of beer twice as large as what he told you.

Where's mine then?


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