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Delta Peng, What's that Challenge You Have On?

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Originally posted by r0tten:

Ok, was this off-topic enough for this silly thread?

No. Now sod off.

(Sometimes the direct approach works best.)

And if you ever post something that eye-gougingly annoying in this thread again, I will personally hunt you down, kill you in an unnecessarily slow manner and grind your bones to make my bread.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tigger:

Have a Sveedish meatball already and send a turn.

It will be winging it's way to you as soon as they let me out of work.

Sadly, the boss went home but was canny enough to give me the key to lock up.

So I'm stuck here till 5:00.</font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Why don't you sprinkle some fox pee around, then lockup early. The smell will make everyone think you are still there.

The thought of leaving my co-workers trapped overnight in a building reeking of fox urine is tempting, but I think they would rat me out.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

See what happens when you let a hippie set forth the rules?


I clearly have the threads with the best titles and clearest rules. Notice that the current swarm of SSNs have read the rules. They didn't understand them, but at least they read them. Next time I'll put in lots of sub paragraphs and citations, just for you. Send me a setup.
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I would like to take this opportunity to welcome a new manager to the best football team in ze vörld (AIK). His name is Richard Money and he started his career in ...

oh dear.


In other news, Satan is taking a sabbatical for a bit but should bounce back this milennia since you can't keep a bad man down.

That means that I no longer have a full dance card and that The Bard is going to have something bad happen to him. And I will also forward a setup.

Lars: I just started on "The Power and the Glory". Don't forget to do your homework too.

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It's nice that you guys (gals?) contain yourself again into one single thread.

I hate to agree with Poo_Readily, but Rotten should indeed be shot for linking his retina-destroying results of his current afternoon brainfart. Least this stuff starts to spread itself over the web...

As for OSGF (did I spell that right) is there any software around which translates his writings into english?

Seems Lawyer and Lorak are still busy creating insta-foxholes in IL-2, for they didn't show up here already. I miss their familiar smell from simHQ - NOT.

Interesting enough, Pondscum our ways have crossed a few times. You are the same guy from Bombs-Away.net back then? At least the lack of manners seems familiar.

If someone wants to send me a setup (500 to 1000 points, meeting engagement, I take the Jerrys) that would be your chance to kill off another newbie (but not a SSN, since I leave the SS part to the honored members of the Cess Pool).

Oh, please send all hatemail, dead wishes, donations and CMBB setups to colonel@yline.com.

If I'm not busy surrendering to Cubes I'll give it a whirl.

And now, y'all can sod off.

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Hmm -- a general challenge ("Please chaps, wouldn't you engage me in a game of CM, that would be jolly good"); no email IN THE PROFILE (yes, yes, you put it in your post, but really, how many people OTHER than those of us stuck at work this afternoon are going to bother to read your tripe), a vague location (Vienna, Virginia; Vienna, Austria; Vienna, Sausages, what?), and gratuitous name-dropping people who haven't been around here in a fortnight (not that that is a bad thing -- perhaps the Odztraylyuns could go off looking for them?)

Go back three squares and sod off.


[ December 30, 2002, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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To afraid to pick up the gauntlet, Mr Spock?

Maybe you deem it more fascinating to watch Mace and Harv chase the sheep, but if not feel free to send me a setup.

And no, after seeing what infests this boards I'm neither going to add an email to my profile, nor am I going to give you an exact location. I'm stupid...but not THAT stupid. Least someone comes around visiting me looking for sheep.

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Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

To afraid to pick up the gauntlet, Mr Spock?

Maybe you deem it more fascinating to watch Mace and Harv chase the sheep, but if not feel free to send me a setup.

And no, after seeing what infests this boards I'm neither going to add an email to my profile, nor am I going to give you an exact location. I'm stupid...but not THAT stupid. Least someone comes around visiting me looking for sheep.

Ah well, in that case ... Buh Bye!

We don't even RESPOND to SSNs who don't have email addresses and locations in their profiles. I'm breaking that rule because ... I CAN!

Sod Off!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

To afraid to pick up the gauntlet, Mr Spock?

Maybe you deem it more fascinating to watch Mace and Harv chase the sheep, but if not feel free to send me a setup.

And no, after seeing what infests this boards I'm neither going to add an email to my profile, nor am I going to give you an exact location. I'm stupid...but not THAT stupid. Least someone comes around visiting me looking for sheep.

Ah well, in that case ... Buh Bye!

We don't even RESPOND to SSNs who don't have email addresses and locations in their profiles. I'm breaking that rule because ... I CAN!

Sod Off!


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

To all: Taking a bit of... sabbatical, yeah that's it, will be Seanachai-like in my turn-bouncing. Deal with it.

Oh, and fear not, your demise at my hands will come soon enough, and it will be all the more sweet for the wait.

To all gits: Sod Orf!

Oh, and here I was thinking you couldn't take the sorry start your walking corpses experienced. Silly me.
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Originally posted by Noba:

This one is at the least....intruiging, in a simpleton sort of way. A little more specific in the challenges may garner a little more attention. Maybe.


How is this for specific you Aussie dustbin, you owe me a re-match, and for the love of Jehosephat, learn to spell will ya!!

[ December 30, 2002, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

In order to prevent the "cricketeers" from the other English speaking lands from highjacking this thread, and turning it into a shouting match of unintelligible babble in heavily accented, pommie, kiwi, and aussie English. I hereby announce that both the Giants and the Jets are in the playoffs. Although both teams play in a stadium in New Jersey, they are considered the New York teams, figure that one out will ya?

Noba , you promised a re-match man, too busy washing the poopie stains out of your cricket shorts, are ye? Send me a set up, something from 1941-42, I'll take the Krauts again, 1000-1500 pts. Do it quickly laddie!!!

I watched the Jets beat someone on monday (over here)....booring as all get up. Not like that last day in the cricket, hehehe. We let the POMS think they had a chance just so we can whitewash them in Sydney. Eevil, we are.

Call that a challenge. Been taking lessons from Poo daily ? Feh. If you think playing the Germans in that time frame will save you, I DON'T THINK SO. I shall think up something slightly 'offbeat' with which to thrash you.

Start holding your breath whilst I consider this......


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Now I mentioned in the previous-ness of this thread, words to the effect that Boo_Radley posts copious amount of dribbling wastes of bandwidths-s-s-s-ss.


Latin would be, Dribbelus dribbelus.

Spare us. Go on holiday..somewhere there is no electricity and your laptop left behind. Thankyou.


"Thirty percent starting from when? The beginning of time? Since this incarnation of the MBT? Since you became self aware? (Ewww...)

Give us a time frame, if you can tell time that is.

Whereas, YOU on the other hand, are a git. No, wait...that's understood.

Whereas, between the above post and this post were eight messages. Four were yours. Now, according to my cipherin', that comes out to 50%.

Talk about your verbal diarrhea...

Talk about your hubris soaked waste of bandwidth...

Talk about you behind your back because it's just so much fun.

Big frilly, Chicken Little, air horn.</font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

Dear Dribbelouse . If it pleases you, I would explain the intricate computations required to work out the 30% - BUT - knowing your attention span is around that of fish (i.e. 3 seconds) it's a waste of time. Kind of like now, you reading this will have forgotten the first part already....



Oh deary, deary, dear.

Do you know what you've done now? You've bored me. Not to death, for it takes a special type of person to do that. Someone along the lines of a Kiwi or a Minnesotan, but you've come close.

Strange interlude...

I was watching TV the other day and a commercial came on advertising some kind of mop called a "FloorMate". In it, this lovely young housewife was in her kitchen when a kangaroo with muddy feet comes hopping by like a jackrabbit on steroids. The housewife began to scream. Whether it was because of the sudden appearance of the kangaroo or if it was because or the marsupial's muddy feet is never explained, but I digress.

Jump cut to a landrover-type vehicle carreening down a dirt road, through mud puddles and tree branches. it skids to a stop and out jumps a burly (not Berli) man dressed in khaki shorts and a wife beater tee shirt.

He runs into the kitchen and pulling the mop (remember, this is a commercial for a mop?)off of his back, he says in an unmistakable Aussie accent, "I can handle this floor, mate!" (FloorMate, get it?)

This commercial filled me with a comforting warmth like a good bowl of soup. Why? Because I feel that this sort of escapade is commonplace in Australia.

Large beefy men breaking into kitchens, ignoring comely women in order to clean floors.

One thing confused me though. I thought most Australian homes had dirt floors.

End strange interlude

Expect a set up tomorrow, you Pom wannabe!

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>Send me a setup.</font>

<font size=-1>Check your mail, you reprobate.</font></font>
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>Send me a setup.</font>

<font size=-1>Check your mail, you reprobate.</font></font>
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>Send me a setup.</font>

<font size=-1>Check your mail, you reprobate.</font></font>
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