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Those That I Taunt I Do Not Hate, And Who Hates the Peng Challenge I Do Not Love

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Seanachai, on this occasion I will bend my resolve to avoid the toxic wasteland that is the Peng thread. Joyful news about your mother. As others have pointed out, I'm sure to her breast cancer pales vis-a-vis the abject shame of having birthed the village idiot of both of the Twin Cities.

Please let her know that I for one don't hold your continued existence against her personally. It's simply a cruel twist of fate.

Now I must sod off, and go take a 12-hour bath in mineral spirits to feel clean again.

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Seanachai ,

I also have best wishes for you mum..unlike the Aussies here, you actually have one. May all the news continue to be good news.

No Good Cavscout,

if you are EVER going to make it to Squire, try, TRY to keep your liege happy. Boot If i see one more comment Boot about Illinois Drivers, Boot I will point out the obnoxious habit Boot that Cheeseheads have of Boot visiting Chicago and driving at 3 mph when they see tall buildings, which to them, is anything with a second story or more. Boot Your next quest is to ticket 3 Minny Sodians, and to let 3 FIBs go with a smile. Boot Hey! I never said becomming a Squire was easy.



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Simply lovely rules Seanachai, as good as they could be condidering I didn't write them.

I've got my fingers crossed for you my friend, I do indeed know exactly how you feel. All the best to your Mom and our profound sympathies for having to carry the burden of birthing YOU.

As to the rest of you whippersnappers ... not exactly sure what a whippersnapper is mind you, but I'm feeling crotchety today and it seemed appropriate ... as to the rest of you, don't feel you can abuse me without retribution. I was in Des Moines for two days and was worried sick about my office laptop the whole time. It APPEARS to be better now ... I knew you'd want to know.

Turns ... whenever.


p.s. Found it ...

whippersnapper: noun: someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous
Well ... couldn't have found a better word had I known what it meant could I?
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At the behest of Dave H, I too would like to extend best wishes to he who is called Seanachai.

Good news is always so welcome these days. After tangling in recent days with National Socialists and conspiracy theorists, it is good to see there is still hope for us all.

Your insults of Cheery Waffle aside, I wish you a lovely AGRG ARG GR AGG ARG ARG G AR!!! on behalf of MasterGoodale who is busy deconstructing the lower bits of his life to rid it once and for all of mold. :mad:

Cheers/sod off,


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What follows is a shameless plagarism of a Saturday Night Live bit:

M is for the many things you gave me,

O is for the other things you gave me,

T is for the thousand things you gave me, and

H is for the hundred things you gave me.

E is for every thing you gave me and

R is for the rest of the things you gave me.

Put it all together and it spells MOTHER!

And let me just finish by saying that Seanachai, you should crawl on your knobby knees to your mother and apologize for being the right berk that you are and such a heavy burden on her poor shoulders and if there is any justice in the world, she will look fondly at you and tell you that you were adopted.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the rest of you whippersnappers ... not exactly sure what a whippersnapper is mind you, but I'm feeling crotchety today and it seemed appropriate


p.s. Found it ... </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />whippersnapper: noun: someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous

Well ... couldn't have found a better word had I known what it meant could I? </font>
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Guest PondScum

To celebrate Seanachai's good fortune, I've just administered a tactical whupping to mon petite liege, aka dalem.

Normally this would be a cause worthy of celebration with a full AAR, but that would be lost on you lot of mouth-breathing reprobates. So I'll just skip to the 'splodey bits, m'kay? (With apologies to the Ladies, but the chick-flick version didn't score well in test screenings).

The fight for "The Library" has been going on for half an hour, and all that's left between the children's section and two platoons of fresh Panzergrenadiers is Sergeant Pozgalev's pioneer squad. Everyone else in the building is either cowering or dead, with the exception of the heroic, handsome, etc etc company commander.

47 seconds into the turn, Sergeant Pozgalev suddenly realizes that he has three demo charges and orders to use them (they make 'em strong but dumb out on the steppes - kinda like Minnesotans):


Thirteen seconds, three demo charges, and two very unhappy German platoons later, Sergeant Pozgalev has acquired the nickname that Stalin will later utter as he pins a medal to his chest. "Ah yes, the mad bomber of the Ukraine":


And then it's all over. Sergeant Pozgalev's squad are miraculously unscratched, despite having blown 50 Germans to pieces and single-handedly turned the tide of the battle:


But most of all, what they are really looking forward to is some R&R with crayons in the coloring-book section (see, I told you they were just like Minnesotans).

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You were playing dalem. His men were distracted by the odd sounds emenating from their commander, who had barricaded himself in the bathroom with the entire National Geographic collection.

Now, had it been Joe Shaw or somefink, I might have been impressed.

Or not.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

You were playing dalem. His men were distracted by the odd sounds emenating from their commander, who had barricaded himself in the bathroom with the entire National Geographic collection.

Now, had it been Joe Shaw or somefink, I might have been impressed.

Or not.


Damn tooting there sonny. Had he done something noteworthy against ME it would have been noteworthy.

Winning against dalem is a lot like winning against dalem.

That's the problem with youngsters these days, they've no respect for their elders or the people older than them either.

Young whippersnappers.


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Let's see...

Leeeeeo is learning that having large amounts of armor right out in the open gives his opponent many, many targets.

Sirreal is also learning this.

Lars is learning that having large amount of armor in scattered trees gives his opponents many, many targets (as long as you play with the foliage OFF. I'm crafty that way).

Joe is learning that having a small amount of armor in the fog means that the dying screams of his men are muffled.

PondScum has already learned that Shermans don't match up with StuGs...so the coward is letting his men decimate my men. Personally, I blame dalem, since it's his map.

Seanachai has learned that my definitions of words can be painful.

Papa Kahn has learned that even if the flamethrower is green and his tank aint...he can still die.

Malakovski has learned that staging a barbeque inside a wooden bunker might just get him the Darwin award.

Noba has learned that if he doesn't send moves, he doesn't lose as fast.

That's what I love about these guys. No matter how old or stupid they might be, they're always willing to learn.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

That's the problem with youngsters these days, they've no respect for their elders or the people older than them either.

Old foul One, if anyone, for some unfathomable reason (brain-dead, perhaps), did try to show you a smidgen of respect (and not be laughing behind their hand), it would probably signify the end of the world.

You should thank us for that comfort.

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Dear Seanachai,

Glad to hear your Mom has been been doing well. Me own Mum went through a bout last year (colon) and has been right as rain ever since. Medical science has grown in leaps and bounds in our lifetime. Quite frankly I am counting on it growing even more with all the smokin and drinkin I do.



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Seanachai, My sincerest congrats for your mother, the sheer saintlyness of your mother after dealing with you is truely something to behold.

This good news, and the fact that I'm finally back from hell on earth, Berli's mansion the middle east, specifically Al Udied AB, Qatar. Where I found my one-star plays this game and even has a lower forum number than most (three-digits to be believed).

This caused me to reexamine the most holy of objects that brings us together, this the huneysuckle dripping from our lips, Combat Mission.

I was overcome, weeping with joy that although I may abandone her, she always welcomes me back with open arms.

The I remembered you wastes of perfectly good oxygen and I wept again, out of sheer horror of course.

On that note, Speedy or some other poor, deluded Aussie who can look up from his Fosters lager and see Speedy email me. I've tried to return files periodically anf they get bounced...email is in my profile, not that I expect any Aussie to read.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Good news is always so welcome these days. After tangling in recent days with National Socialists and conspiracy theorists, it is good to see there is still hope for us all.

Your insults of Cheery Waffle aside

Cheers/sod off,


Now here is a bit of strangeness in the Universe. I stayed up until about 3 or 4 AM the other night, stressed out, reading the whole 'Conspiracy' thread, in which that little neo-nazi punk Schoerner finally showed the uniform that many of us all knew he'd been wearing for quite some time. I remember when that little ****e first started showing up here.

And do you know, I almost sent you an email that night thanking you for posting that link that responds to 'Holocaust Deniers'? I read it for hours, and went to many of the connections.

Thank you for your good wishes, and thank you for your efforts on that thread.

[ July 23, 2003, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Seanachai, bonnie news aboot ye Mum!

Boo (must hae worrrms cos hae's draggin' haes bum on tha carrrpet) Radley - ye kin tak tha turrrrn ye owe mae, tie at tae a grrreat big rock, an' smash ye shtyupid sailf on tha haid wi' at. Thain saind at tae mae.

Dalem, ye're a kilt full o' stingin' nettles fer bollocksing oop ye bleedin' versions. Jus sae ye knoo.

Lars, ye're a bag o' horse testicles. Saind mae a feckin' setoop, max 700 points an' 20 turrrns. Bastarrrd.


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Furthur good news: Official pathology report in this afternoon: All Nodes Clear.

They will do a bone-scan, just to be on the safe side, but right now it looks like we win, cancer loses.

My Mom will likely go home tomorrow or Friday.

On Friday morning, at the insistence of my Mother, with the blessings of my sisters, the manly nod from my brothers-in-law, and the 'yeh, yeh, get the hell out of here' from my step-father, I will head North, to Canada.

Look for a massive falling off in the wittiness and entertainment value of this Thread until Sunday, August 3rd, or so.

Until then, of course, I will do what I can to respond to the many, many highly valued gibbering idiots that have made this Thread one of the very best places to be on the entire Web.

My Mother, oddly enough, sends her regards to all of you. You puzzle her, and although she despairs that you do not seem to appreciate my true worthiness, she feels that 'well, if you have fun there, they must be very nice people.'

How to explain to a woman who believes in goodness that the main part of you are un-lanced boils on the bum of humanity?

She'd probably have all you lot over for Thanksgiving dinner, but especially the Kiwis and Aussies. She went to New Zealand and Australia for a trip a couple of years back, and she thought that everyone there was 'just wonderful'.

Interestingly, she thought the Kiwis were just a bit obsessive and odd, but very nice.

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Originally posted by Mace:

Excellent news about you mum, Seanachai!

Mother's are such understanding people....yours doubly so.


Too true, Mace. Please keep your lot in line until I return from the North, when I hope to once again undertake the 'Crushing of All Australians'.

Having to deliver a tribute to you lot has filled me with a horror that can only be alleviated by delivering a right good crushing to several of you.

It would be nice, for one thing, if at least some of you were crushed. So far, it's been a very mixed armageddon.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

She went to New Zealand and Australia for a trip a couple of years back, and she thought that everyone there was 'just wonderful'.

Everyone has their shortcomings, Bardic One/ I am glad she is feeling better.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Mother's are wonderful creatures, they forgive our most vile transgressions, it it obvious that your Mum must be a saint, to have put up with the likes of you for the majority or her adult life would ensure her canonization.

Yes, I remember her being there at my second court appearance. What a tower of strength she was. And so good about not pointing out that if there was any hint of justice in the American court system, I'd be chained to a rock for vultures to tear at my entrails.

She kept telling me everything would be fine.

You can't even buy that sort of faithfulness.

Although the lawyer did cost us a huge sum, and he seemed very earnest about not wanting me to go to jaill.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Steve, that is great news about your Mom! She's in my prayers.



And we are in all of her prayers.

Well, not you so much. You're a Lady of the 'Pool, after all, and not much in need of them.

It's for the vulgar hairy-backs that prayers are needed.

Dearest Persephone, I wish I could get you the photo of myself 'walking on the water' in Canada. A classic. But it seems to have gone missing. Doubtless Berli wishes to prevent my ascension.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

"Those That I Taunt I Do Not Hate, And Who Hates the Peng Challenge I Do Not Love ???

Who wrote this dreck? Oh, Seanachai...figures. It reminds me of: "The white zone is for unloading and loading, only." Maybe if you jazzed it up a bit. How about "Those That I Taunt I Do Not Hate, And Who Hates the Peng Challenge I Do Not Love with a Hey-Non-Nonny and a Ha-Cha-Cha!"

See? Now that works.

Steven, my most heartfelt congratulations to your mother. I hope only the best for her.

If it is true that mansions are made in heaven for those who are sorely tried here on earth, then just for being your mother, I'd imagine she's got one under constuction right now that would make Charles Foster Kane's Xanadu look like a van down by the river.

Envy becomes you, Boo. You wear your desire to be worthy of me like another man might wear a tuxedo. Shoot your cuffs, straighten your bow-tie, and give your cummerband that final smoothing as you step out before all the world saying 'Good golly, aren't I just the spitting image of the Gnome's intellectual sartorial display?! Never mind the seed-cap, I'm from Ohio! Squint up your brain, and read my posts, and can't you just see how erudite I am, too?'

You are never alone, Boo. I am always with you.

Your good wishes for my Mom mean more to me than even the image of Governor James Rhodes writhing in hell.

Which he is, and my Mom's doing well, so I'm damned happy.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

A Mother's Love, if I could sell

Would eliminate the need for hell

A dose for pain, a dose for sad

A healthy dose when you've been bad

No matter what you say or do

A Mother's Love is there for you

So Steven now, in your time of joy

To Her you're still Her little boy

The above versification is feeble at best. There is really no way to ever explain a Mother's Love. We can only rejoice in it's existence.

All the Best

When all the South is cleansed of it's stupidity and silliness, my hope is that you'll be left until the last.

You may versify. Dalem's efforts are being studied for use as anti-personnel weapons.

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