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Close Air Support

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Hi all...

Okay, I've read some on it in this forum but I just want to know, is it worth the points? Does the experience matter? What's the difference between Green and Crack? Also is it worth getting more than one? Just a newbie with some questions.

Bed time now, just got done playing for 8 hours. :D


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Air support seems to be somewhat of a gamble.

I've had times where it seemed like the plane couldn't miss, and took out a bunch of enemy stuff.

I've also had times where the plane didn't show up at all, or even worse mistook my own guys for the enemy and bombed us.

So yeah, it's a gamble. When they do good, it's definitely worth the points. But there will certainly be times where you'll wish you'd spend that extra 200 points on something else.

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In CMBO they might not show up at all.

In CMBB they will always show up.

The defender has a slight advantage in airpower use, as his unit are hidden, therefore reducing 'friendly fire' incidents.

There are a few ways to nullify the effectiveness of enemy airpower by drawing them to non-critical targets.. such as placing both a cheap tank and an AAA unit next to each other in plain view. The planes have a love-hate thing going with AAA, it either attacks them or gets chased off/shot down by them.

In CMBB I don't bother with planes but if it's clear I buy the 'bait' pair in case the enemy does.

Better to buy something you have more control over if you are playing a QB. If it is a scenario, just watch your back for friendly fire.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:

In CMBB they will always show up.

Sometimes much delayed though... During a life-game mini-campaign weekend we had designed two games with air support, and the planes (designed for turn 10 and 15) turned up at turns 25 and 35, respectively... By which time they no longer had any influence on the game.
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Andreas.. one of the Beta testers once told me that when placing planes in a scenario, always put the reinforcement in about 7 turns before you actually want the plane to show up... unless it is placed "On Map", in which case it will show promptly.

I have no idea why this is so, but testing proves this to be correct most of the time. Example: If you want planes on turn 10 put 'em in on turn 3.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:

Andreas.. one of the Beta testers once told me that when placing planes in a scenario, always put the reinforcement in about 7 turns before you actually want the plane to show up... unless it is placed "On Map", in which case it will show promptly.

I have no idea why this is so, but testing proves this to be correct most of the time. Example: If you want planes on turn 10 put 'em in on turn 3.

Ahem - as my two examples show, it may actually not be correct 'most' of the time. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is really dependent on the length of the scenario. In both cases, the scenarios were set to 60 turns fixed. Delays were about twice what you would expect under the rule of thumb you outlined above. What scenario length did you test things at?
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Does anything happen if each side has close air support? Do they scare each other off or do they do their own thing and blow %#@& up?

Last night I was playing a QB against the computer. I was doing a 1500pt. assult, Axis attacker. Well my King Tiger is kicking some but when it gets targeted by a plane. Two bombs land right next to it. Not even a scratch!!! :relief:

But over the next few turns it immobilizes a Panzer and knocks out a halftrack. But boy was I surprised the KT took those blasts that close to them.

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Andreas: The only test I used was a scenario I made and it was a 79 turn variable ending. The 7 turns is by no means a hard and fast rule, but the planes were always at least five, and sometimes up to 10 turns late from the turn they were set to show up on.

I could find no way to make planes show up on the exact turn they are placed.

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If the enemy has to cross an open field and you can hide your tanks for 3-4 turns, its a pretty good bet the other side will be hurt by the air strike. Unfortunately, my opponents have sometimes taken multiple anti aircraft guns and i've lost aircraft. They do crash on the map.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My worst gripe with Tac Air support is no doubt a real life one.

In addition to them occaisionally straffing my own troops the thing that really annoys me is when either the aircraft just circle overhead looking for targets when there are plenty in view or even worse, ignore the real battlefield threats that they would be best suited in knocking out (Panzers, AFV's etc) and instead shoot up trucks and usually ones that they have knocked out 3 or 4 turns previously.!

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Originally posted by Code13:

...even worse, ignore the real battlefield threats that they would be best suited in knocking out (Panzers, AFV's etc) and instead shoot up trucks and usually ones that they have knocked out 3 or 4 turns previously.!

I've had this happen to me a couple of times. Rather annoying. Has this been improved with CMBB?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi BD!

My bet is that this is not a bug to fix, rather a fairly accurate reflection of flying around at tree-top height at 200+ MPH, scared shirtless, getting shot at by every grunt with anything larger than a rubber band and a paper clip, trying to figure out exactly WHAT that is over there in the bushes, and trying to drop those heavy bombs/rockets (that make you meat on the table for any real-man, hot-rock fighter pilot) on anything that looks dangerous and getting the frack outta there.

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Just need to vent a little bit, and it seems this is appropriate place.

Played a small operation against AI (I was attacking with Germans), and was given Stukas (two of them, i think). On the first pass, Stuka attacked my StuG, knocking it out, pulverizing the HMG team, which was riding on it, and knocking out three 50mm mortars, which were having a smoke nearby. And Company HQ unit suffered three casualties.

But that's not all during the subsequent 5-7 turns the bloody stuka-hamster attacked my infantry squads with cannons and machineguns. I was so happy when it went away...

Lesson: if your airplane attacks you once, be very carefull as it probably will attack you again.

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Originally posted by Slybird51:

Hi BD!

My bet is that this is not a bug to fix, rather a fairly accurate reflection of flying around at tree-top height at 200+ MPH, scared shirtless, getting shot at by every grunt with anything larger than a rubber band and a paper clip, trying to figure out exactly WHAT that is over there in the bushes, and trying to drop those heavy bombs/rockets (that make you meat on the table for any real-man, hot-rock fighter pilot) on anything that looks dangerous and getting the frack outta there.

After playing IL-2:FB (A real must for anyone slightly interested in flight siming) I have had GREAT success with the ground pounding planes. Given this is not 100% realistic I can usually pick out my target while circling 1000 meters above the target, set up my attack run accordingly and attack, sometiems multiple runs with great accuracy. I have done this with IL-2's, P-47's, P-40's, Yaks, LaGG's, FW-190, BF-109's. If you can name a flyable plane I've used it successfully in CAP missions. AA or not it's not that difficult. Ok I know it's a game and my life isn't on the line, I'm just giving you a different perspective to it.
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