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Soldier languages

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I don't mean THAT kind of Immersion.

If you want kids to learn to speak French, you put them in French Immersion classes. As the langauage is used more, they naturally learn it.

It's like Guy Sajer - one of the criticisms of THE FORGOTTEN SOLDIER was that he kept complaining about his poor German for 3 years. One critic of his says "immersion in the German Army would have solved that problem in short order."

That's what I mean by immersion, not the "immersion factor" of playing with guys you don't understand, but the fact that playing with those voices will eventually get you to understand what they are saying!

Hmm. Mike, CMBB is the only game I have put a significant amount of time into over the past year (playing about 2 hours per day on average). I still have no CLUE what the Russians are saying most of the time, nor what the Germans are saying half of the time.

Again, for those of us unable/unwilling to learn our soldiers' languages, I think my MOD proposal is a reasonable compromise that requires little effort on BFC's part (IF they do it at the time they record the other voices -- probably too late for CMAK, but should be included in CMX) and will provide a good deal of satisfaction for customers (and I would suspect many customers, particularly those who buy the game retail, would make use of the MOD if it was included on the CD or as a downloadable MOD).


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  • 1 year later...

i agree with dorosh. i mostly play as the germans, and i can understand everything they say, or the meaning. when i hear it again, i know i heard it before, and you begin to associate that spoken phrase, with some event. on the odd time i play as some allied force, i can hear the things they say, and realize i heard that in german. things like, 'look, a tank!, or...enemy infantry ahead.' its not that hard.

on another note, i have lived in china now for 4 years, and i can speak pretty good chinese. that wouldnt have happened if i stayed in canada.

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Originally posted by PLM:

sorry to bump but damn, the links to the translations are dead. those were good links i remember. any other links to the translations???

German :

00030000 "Ziel ausgemacht, Feuer!" = "Target sighted, fire!"

00030001 "Schütze, Feindziel, Angriff!" = "Soldier, enemy target, attack!"

00030010 "Achtung Pak, Richtschütze Feuer!" = "Attention AT gun (crew), gunner open fire!"

00030200 "Schütze, Feindgruppen, Feuer!" = "Soldier, enemy infantry groups, fire!"

00030201 "Neues Ziel, feindliche Infanterie, Feuer!" = "New target, enemy infantry, fire!"

00030300 "Lade Panzerbrechend, feuer frei!" = "Load AP, open fire!"

00030301 "Schütze, feuer frei auf Feindpanzer!" = "Soldier, open fire on enemy tanks!"

00030500 "Feindkontankt!" = "Enemy contact!"

00030501 "Feindliche Einheit, Feuer!" = "Enemy unit, fire!"

00030600 "Pak, Feuer!" = "AT gun, fire!"

00030700 "Feindliche Schützen voraus, Feuer frei!" = "Enemy soldiers ahead, open fire!"

00030701 "Feindschützen, Feuer! = "Enemy soldiers, fire!"

00030800 "Feindlicher Panzer, Feuer!" = "Enemy tank, fire!"

00030801 "Feindpanzer voraus, Feuer!" = "Enemy tank ahead, fire!"

00031000 "Volltreffer, Ziel vernichtet!" = "Dead hit, target destroyed!"

00031001 "Ziel tot!" = "target dead!"

00031100 "Guter Schuss, der brennt aus!" = " Good shot, he's burning!"

00031001 "Das war's, der brennt aus!" = "That's it, he's burning!"

00031200 "Nochmal feuern!" = "Fire again!"

00031201 "Noch'n Schuss!" = "One more shot!"

00031300 "Nachladen!" = "Reload!"

00031301 same as above

00031400 "Feuer einstellen!" = "Cease fire!"

00031401 "Ab jetzt Munition sparen!" = "From now on conserve ammo!"

00031402 "Nur noch auf Befehl feuern!" = " Only fire on order!"

00031403 "Munition sparen!" = "Conserve ammo!"

00031500 "Wirf mir Munition her!" = "Throw me some ammo!"

00031501 "Mein Magazin ist leer!" = "My clip is empty!"

00031600 "Feindbeschuss!" = " Enemy fire!"

00031601 "Handgranate!" = "Handgrenade!"

00031700 "Volle Deckung!" = "(take) full cover!"

00031701 same as above

00031800 "Ich bin verwundet!" = " I'm wounded!"

00031801 "Hilfe, ich bin getroffen!" = "Help, I'm hit!"

00031802 "Oh Gott!"= "Oh god!"

00031803 "Hilfe, hilfe!" = "Help, help!"

00031804 "Sani, Sani!" = "Medic, medic!"

00031805 "Ich bin verwundet!" = "I'm wounded!"

00032000 "Deckung!" = "(Take) cover!"

00032001 "Verdammt!" = "Damned!"

00032002 "Volle Deckung!" = "(take) full cover!"

00032003 "Unten bleiben!" = "stay prone!"

00032004 "Achtung, unten bleiben!" = "Attention, stay prone!"

00032100 "Wir werden alle sterben!" = "We're all gonna die!"

00032101 "Wir sind umzingelt!" = "We're surrounded!"

00032102 same as above

00032103 "Los, alle raus hier!" = "Come on, let's get out of here!"

00032200 "Bei mir sammeln!" = "Rally here!"

00032201 "Kämpft fürs Vaterland!" = "Fight for the fatherland!"

00032202 "Steht auf und kämpft!" = "Get up and fight!"

00032203 "Kämpft, Ihr Feiglinge!" = "Fight, you cowards!"

00032300 "Feindeinheiten voraus!" = "Enemy units ahead!"

00032301 "Feind voraus, halt!" = "Enemy ahead, stop!"

00032400 "Achtung, feindliche Infanterie!" = "Attention, enemy infantry!"

00032401 "Kontakt, Feindinfanterie!" = "Contact, enemy infantry!"

00032500 "Feindpak gesichtet!" = "Enemy AT gun sighted!"

00032501 "Pak voraus!" = "AT gun ahead!"

00032600 "Da hinten sind Feindpanzer!" = "Back there are enemy tanks!"

00032601 "Panzerfahrzeug voraus!" = "Armoured fighting vehicle ahead!"

00032900 "Gebt auf oder Ihr seid tot!" = "Surrender or you'll be dead!"

00032901 "Waffen fallen lassen, ergebt Euch!" = "Drop your weapons, surrender!"

00033000 "Nicht schiessen Kamerad, Kamerad!" = "Don't shoot comrade, comrade!"

00033001 "Wir ergeben uns!" = "We surrender!"

00033100 "Ah (Ja?), Waffe klemmt!" = "Ah, weapon jammed!"

00033200 "Rohr gewechselt!" = "Barrel changed!"

00033300 "Machen Sie Meldung, Gefreiter!" = "Report, private!"

00033301 "Die Flanken absichern!" = "Secure the flanks!"

00033302 "Leise jetzt!" = "Silence, now!"

00033303 "Jawohl!" = "Yes, Sir!"

00033304 "Aufpassen!" = "Stay alert!"

00033500 "Nahkampf!" = "Close combat!"

00033501 same as above

00033600 "Steigt auf!" = "Embark (vehicle!"

00033700 "Alle absitzen!" = "All, disembark!"

00033800 "Vorwärts, und die Augen offen halten!" = "Advance, and keep your eyes open!"

00033801 "Ausschau halten!" = "Keep observing!"

00033802 "Beobachten!" = "Observe!"

00033900 "Schneller, Leute!" = " Faster, guys!"

00033901 "Vorwärts, vorwärts!" = "Move on, move on!"

00033902 "Sprung auf, los los los!" = "Get up, go go go!"

00033903 "Los geht's Soldat!" = "Move on, soldier!"

00034000 "Angriff!" = "Attack!"

00034001 "Und los!" = "Go!"

00034100 "Vorwärts, anfahren!" = "Advance! (vehicles)"

00034101 "Vorwärts marsch!" = "Advance!"

00034101 "Auf geht's!" = "Come on!"

00034200 "Rückwärts, los, rückwärts!" "Reverse, come on, reverse!"

00034202 "Zieht Euch zurück!" = "Withdraw!"

00034300 "Los, los!" = "Go, go!"

00034301 "Weiter, weiter!" = "Move on, move on!"

00034302 "Vorwärts, vorwärts, Männer!" = "Move on, move on, men!"

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Soviet :

00080004: Gunner! Destroy the target! Navodchik! Unichtozhit’ cel’!

00080005: Soldiers! The target is detected! Fire! Soldaty! Cel’ obnaruzhena! Ogon’!

00080006: Gunner! Destroy the target! Navodchik! Unichtozhit’ cel’! (accent)

00080007: Gunner! At the foe! Fire! Navodchik! Po nepriyatelu! Ogon’!

00080008: Gunner! Destroy the target! Navodchik! Unichtozhit’ cel’!

00080100: Ahead of us is an enemy cannon Fire! Vperedi vrazheskaya pushka. Ogon’!

00080101: Gunner! At the enemy cannon! Fire! Navodchik! Po vrazheskoi pushke. Ogon’!

00080102: Fire at the anti-tank gun! Ogon’ po protivotankovoy pushke.

00080103: Gunner! At the enemy cannon! Fire! Navodchik! Po vrazheskoi pushke. Ogon’!

00080104: Ahead is an enemy cannon… Fire! Vperedi vrazheskaya pushka! Ogon’!

00080105: Fire at the enemy anti tank gun! Ogon’ po protivotankovoi pushke!

00080200: At the infantry! Fragmentation! Load! Fire! Po pekhote! Oskolochnym! Zaryazhay! Ogon’!

00080201: At the infantry! Fragmentation! Load! Fire! Po pekhote! Oskolochnym! Zaryazhay! Ogon’! (different voice)

00080202: Gunner at the infantry Fire! Navodchik po pechote ogon’! (accent)

00080203: Gunner! At the infantry! Fragmentation! Fire! Navodchik! Po pekhote! Oskolochnym! Ogon’!

00080205: Fire at the infantry! Ogon’ po pekhote! (accent)

00080204: Fire at the infantry! Ogon’ po pekhote!

00080206: Gunner! At the Fascists! Fire! Navodchik po fashistam! Ogon’!

00080300: Enemy tank ahead! Fire! Vrazheski’ tank vperedi. Ogon’!

00080301: At the tank! Armor piercing! Fire! Po tanku broneboinym! Ogon’!

00080302: Fascist tank ahead. Fire. Fashistski tank vperedi Ogon’! (accent)

00080303: Gunner at the enemy tank! Fire! Navodchik po vrazheskomu tanku Ogon’!

00080304: German tank ahead. Fire. Nemetzki tank vperedi Ogon’! (accent)

00080305: Armor piercing! Fire! Broneboynymi! Ogon’!

00080400: At the vehicle! Fire! Po mashine! Ogon’!

00080401: Enemy vehicle ahead! Fire! Vrazheskaya mashina vperedy! Ogon’!

00080402: At the vehicle! Fire! Po mashine Ogon’! (accent)

00080403: Gunner! At the vehicle ahead! Fire! Navodchik! Po mashine vperedi! Ogon’!

00080404: Gunner! At the vehicle ahead! Fire! Navodchik! Po mashine vperedi! Ogon’! (different actor).

00080500: Enemy! Fire! Vrag! Ogon’!

00080501: Fire! Ogon’!

00080502: Fire at the enemy! Ogon’! po vragu!

00080503: Fire at the enemy! Ogon’ po vragu!

00080504: Fire! Ogon’!


00080506: FIRE! AGON’!

00080507: Enemy. Fire. Vrag Ogon’.

00080508: Fire! Ogon’ (accent)

00080509: Ahead is the foe! Fire! Vperedi protivnik! Ogon’!

00080510: Fire at the fascists! Ogon’ po fashistam!

00080600: Destroy the cannon! Fire! Unichtozhit’ pushku! Ogon’!

00080601: Enemy piece! Destroy [it]! Vrazheskaya pushka! Unichtozhit’!

00080602: Target is the enemy cannon. Fire! Cel’ protivotankovaya pushka. Ogon’!

00080603: Ahead is a German piece! Fire! Vperedi Nemetzkoe orudie! Fire! (accent)

00080604: Shoot at the cannon! Strelyay po pushke!

00080605: Shoot at the cannon! Strelyay po pushke! (different actor)

00080606: At the German piece! Fire! Po Nemetzkomu oridiu! Ogon’! (accent)

00080700: Fire at the infantry! Ogon’ po pekhote!

00080701: Enemy infantry! Fire! Vrazheskaya pekhota! Ogon’!

00080702: At the infantry, fragmentation, Fire! Po pekhote oskolochnym ogon’!

00080703: At the infantry! Load! Fire! Po pekhote zaryazhay ogon’! (accent)

00080705: At the infantry, fragmentation, Fire! Po pekhote oskolochnym ogon’!

00080704: At the infantry! Fire! Po pekhote Ogon’! (accent)

00080706: Aim at the infantry! Celsia po pekhote!

00080707: Enemy infantry Fire! Vrazheskaya pekhota Ogon’!

00080800: At the enemy tank! Po vrazheskomu tanku!

00080801: At the enemy tank! Po vrazheskomu tanku! (different actor)

00080802: Tank ahead! Destroy [it]! Tank vperedi! Unichtozhit’! (accent)

00080803: Tanks ahead! Fire! Tanki vperedi! Fire! (accent)

00080804: Enemy vehicle ahead! Fire! Vrazheskaya mashina vperedi! Agon’!

00080805: Enemy tank ahead! Destroy [it]! Vrazheski’ tank vperedi! Unichtozhit’!

00080806: At the enemy tank! Armor piercing! Fire! Po vrazheskomu tanku proneboinym ogon’!

00080807: Aim at the tank! Celsia po tanku.

00080808: Enemy tank ahead! Destroy [it]! Vrazheski’ tank vperedi! Unichtozhit’!

00080900: At the vehicle! Fire! Po mashine! Ogon’!

00080901: German vehicle ahead! Fire! Nemetzkaya mashina vperedi! Ogon’!

00080902: Gunner! Come on! At the vehicle ahead! Navodchik! Davai po mashine vperedi!

00080903: Vehicle ahead! Fire! Mashina vperedi! Ogon’!

00080904: Vehicle! Open fire! Mashina! Otkryt’ ogon’!

00080905: At the vehicle! fire! Po mashine! Otkryt’ ogon’! (accent)

00081000: YES! (not an acknowledgement) Yest’! (accent)

00081001: Come on come on come on get them (approximate translation) bastards! Davai davai davai tak ih svolochei!

00081002: Finally I hit [it]! Nakonec! Ya popal!

00081003: Target is destroyed! Cel’ unichtozhena! (accents)

00081005: Aunt Motia sends her regards! (an exclamation at a successful hit, or throw or kill, in Russian aunt rhymes with proper name Motia) Privet ot teti Moti!

00081006: YES! (not an acknowledgement) Yest’!

00081007: YES! (not an acknowledgement) Yest’!

00081008: Hit it! Popal!

00081009: Hit it! Comrade commander I hit it! Popal! Tovarish Komandir! Ya popal!

00081010: Contact! (I’m assuming in this context it means a successful hit) Est’ contact!

00081011: Contact! (I’m assuming in this context it means a successful hit) Est’ contact!

00081012: He’s been hit (referring to enemy? Vehicle)! Ego podbili! (accent).

00081013: Here’s something for you! Bastards! Vot vam svolochi!

00081014: He (enemy) fell! On upal! (accent)

00081015: He’s finished! Son of a bitch! Gotov sukin syn! (remember the end of Patton?)

00081016: Good shot! Hurah! It hit! Horoshyi vystrel Ura! Popal!

00081100: They are burning well! The bastards! Horosho goryat svolochi!

00081101: Target destroyed! He’s burning! Cel’ unichtozhena! Gorit!

00081102: Look he’s burning! Smotri! On Gorit!

00081104: They are finished! Gotovy!

00081103: The beasty caught fire! (Tigers Panthers Nashchorns… you know the rest) Zagorelas’ zveruga!

00081105: The cucumbers are finished! Gotovy ogurchiky! (Reffering to enemy personel?)

00081106: Target has been destroyed! Cel’ Unichtozhena!

00081107: Target has been defeated! Cel’ Razbita!

00081200: Ah! Hanses! Aunt Motia sends her regards! Ah Gansy! Privet ot teti Moti!

00081201: Gunner! Shoot once more! Navodchik! Strelyay eshe!

00081202: Gunner! Shoot once more! Navodchik! Strelyay eshe! (different actor)

00081203: No results! Fire once more! Bezrezultatno! Eshe strelyai!

00081204: No results! Fire once more! Bezrezultatno! Eshe strelyai! (different actor)

00081205: Once more! Come on! Eshe davay!

00081206: Target has not been destroyed! Come on! One more time! Cel’ ne porazhena! Davai esche razok!

00081207: Target has not been destroyed! Fire! Cel’ ne porazhena! Ogon’!

00081208: Target has not been destroyed! Come on! One more time! Cel’ ne porazhena! Davai esche razok! (accent)

00081209: …your mother! Come on once more! …tvou mat’! Esche davai!

00081210: Gunner! shoot again! Navodchik! Strelyai eshe! (accent)

00081211: Your mother! Come one once more!! Tvou mat’! Esche davai! (accent)

00081212: Target has not been destroyed! Come on! One more time! Cel’ ne porazhena! Davai esche razok! (accent)

00081213: Target has not been destroyed Fire! Cel’ ne porazhena! Ogon’!

00081300: Load! Zaryazhai!

00081301: Load! Zaryazhai!

00081302: Load! Zaryazhai!

00081303: Load! Zaryazhai!

00081304: Gunner! Target ahead! Load! Navodchik! Cel’ vperedi! Zaryazhai! (accent)

00081305: Load! Zaryazhai! (accent)

00081400: Cease fire! Prekratit’ Ogon’!

00081401: Cease fire! Prekratit’ Ogon’!

00081402: Cease fire! Prekratit’ Ogon’!

00081403: Shoot only when I order [you] to! Strelyai tol’ko po moemu prikazu!

00081404: Don’t shoot! Ne strelyat’! (accent)

00081405: Don’t shoot! Save the ammo! Ne strelyat’ berech patrony!

00081406: Cease fire, Don’t shoot! Prekratit’s Ogon’! Ne strelyat’!

00081407: Don’t shoot! Ne strelyat’!

00081408: Don’t shoot! Ne strelyat’!

00081500: They are coming on… commander! Oni nabiraut Komandir!

00081501: Comander, where’s the ammo? Komandir, gde patrony? (accent).

00081502: Ammo! Patrony!

00081503: Ammo! Patrony!

00081504: We are running out of ammo, commander! U nas konchautsa patrony Komandir!

00081505: We are running out of ammo! U nas konchautsa patrony!

00081507: Comander, where’s the ammo? Kommandir gde patrony?

00081506: Pass me the ammo! Peredai mne patrony!

00081508: They are gaining [on us], ganing! Commander! Oni nabiraut, nabiraut Komandir!

00081600: Grenade! Granata!

00081601: Grenade! Granata!

00081601: Grenade! Granata!

00081603: Grenade! Granata!

00081700: Get down! Lozhis’!

00081701: Get down! Lozhis’!

00081702: Get down! Lozhis’!

00081703: Everybody take cover! Vse v ukrytie!

00081704: Everybody take cover! Vse v ukrytie!

00081705: Everybody take cover! Vse v ukrytie!

00081706: Careful! Ostorozhno!

00081707: Get down! Get down! Lozhys’ Lozhys’!

00081708: Everybody take cover! Vse v ukrytie!

00081709: Get down! Lozhis’!

00081800: Agh! God! Got me! Agh Gospodi v menya popali!

00081801: God! What’s with me!? I’m wounded! Bozhe! Shto sa mnoi! Ya ranen!

00081802: Help me! Help! Pomogi mne! Pomogi!

00081803: Help me! Help! Pomogi mne! Pomogi! (different actor)

00081804: I’m wounded! Ya ranen!

00081805: Got me! V menya popali!.

00081806: Medic! Sanitar!

00081807: Medic! Where are you… Medic! Sanitar! Gde ty gde ty sanitary!

00081808: Oh God! O Bozhe!

00081809: Oh God! O Bozhe! (different actor)

00081810: God! My leg! I’m wounded! Bozhe! Moya noga! Ya ranen!

00081900: Aaaghh God! I’m burning! Aaaa Bozhe! Ya goru!

00081901: Aaaghh! I’m burning! I’m burning! Aaaa! Goru ya Goru!

00081902: We are burning! My gorim!

00081903: Aaghh! I’m burning! God! Aaaa ya goru! Bozhe!

00081904: We are burning! My gorim!

00082000: There are too many of them! Ih slishkom mnogo! (accent)

00082001: They are gaining [on us] commander! Oni naberaut Komandir! (accent)

00082002: Agh the (you?) devil! Get down! Ah ty chert! Lozhis’!

00082003: Agh the (you?) devil! Get down get down! Ah ty chert! Lozhis’ Lozhis’!

00082004: Get down! Lozhys’!

00082005: Get down! Lozhys’!

00082006: Get down! …you mother! Lozhys’! Mat’ tvou!

00082007: We won’t stand [our ground]! My ne vystaem! (accent)

00082100: Get out of here! Vali ot suda!

00082101: Lord! we are getting surrounded! Gospodi! Nas okruzhaut!

00082102: Save yourselves if you can! Spasaisa kto mozhet!

00082103: Get out of here! Vali ot suda!

00082104: We’ll die here! Run for it brothers! My zdes’ umrem bezhym bratsy!

00082105: Watch out! Beregis’!

00082106: Lord! We are getting surrounded! Gospodi! Nas okruzhaut!

00082107: We’ll die here! Run for it brothers run! My zdes’ umrem bezhym bratsy bezhym!

00082108: Lord! we are getting surrounded! Gospodi! Nas okruzhaut!

00082109: I won’ be able to do it! Ya nesmogu eto sdelat’!

00082110: We won’t hold them back! Nam ne uderzhat’ ih!

00082111: Save yourselves if you can! Spasaysa kto mozhet!

00082112: Save yourselves if you can! Spasaysa kto mozhet!

00082113: There are too many of them! Ih slishkom mnogo!

00082114: They are coming coming! Save yourselves! Oni idut idut! Spasaysa!

00082115: They are coming coming! Save yourselves! Oni idut idut! Spasaysa!

00082116: They are coming coming! Save yourselves if you can! Oni idut idut! Spasaysa kto mozhet!

00082117: Save yourselves if you can! Spasaysa kto mozhet!

00082118: We won’t stand [our ground]! My ne vystaem!

00082119: We won’t stand [our ground]! My ne vystaem! (different actor)

00082200: Don’t cower guys! Ne trus’ rebyata!

00082201: Get up Coward! Vstan’ Trus!

00082202: Get up! …your mother! Vstavai mat’ tvou!

00082203: Pick up your riffle and join the fight! Voz’mi vintovku is v boi! (it is better to translate it as “Pick up your riffle and Forward!”).

00082204: Where are you running (slang)? Coward! Kuda drapaesh! Trus!

00082205: Pick up your riffle and join the fight! Voz’mi vintovku is v boi!

00082207: Don’t cower guys! Ne trus’ rebyata!

00082206: Braver! Let’s battle! Smelei! Srazimsya!

00082208: Everybody come to me! Vse ko mne!

00082209: Get up! …you mother! Vstavai mat’ tvou!

00082210: Forward! You cowards! Vpered vy trusy!

00082300: Dogs (derogatory)! Sabaki!

00082301: Opponent! Protivnik!

00082302: Careful! Germans detected! Ostorozhno! Zamecheny nemcy! (accent)

00082303: Fascists ahead! Fashisty vperedi!

00082304: Enemy firing position detected ahead! Obnaruzhena ognevaya posicyya vperedi!

00082305: Attention! Ahead is the opponent! Vnimanie! Vperedi protivnik!

00082306: Oh Lord! Ahead is some enemy unit (large unit)! O Gospodi vperedi kakayato vrazheskaya chast’!

00082307: Attention! Ahead is the opponent! Vnimanie! Vperedi protivnik! (accent)

00082308: Careful! Ostorozhno! (accent)

00082309: Enemy! Vrag!

00082310: Ahead is the foe! Vperedi nepriatel’!

00082311: Ahead is the enemy! Vperedi vrag!

00082312: Opponent ahead! Protivnik vperedi!

00082313: Ahead is the enemy! Vperedi vrag!

00082314: Ahead is opponent! Vperedi protivnik!

00082315: Careful! opponent has been noticed ahead! Ostorozhno! Vperedi zamechen protivnik!

00082316: Careful! Opponent has been notized! Ostorozhno! Zamechen vrag!

00082317: Oh lord, the opponent. O gospodi, protivnik!

00082318: Ahead is some enemy unit (large unit)! Vperedi kakayato vrazheskaya chast’!

00082400: Enemy Infantry! Vrazheskaya pekhota!

00082401: Ahead are the enemy soldiers! Vperedi vrazheskier soldaty!

00082403: German Infantry! Nemeckaya pekhota! (accent)

00082402: Comrade commander, enemy infantry has been noticed ahead! Tovarish Komandir, zamechena vrazheskaya pekhota vperedi!

00082501: Anti tank piece ahead! Protivotankovoe orudie vperedi!

00082502: Anti tank piece ahead! Protivotankovoe orudie vperedi! (accent)

00082503: German cannon! Nemeckaya pushka! (accent)

00082504: Enemy cannon, comrade commander! Enemy cannon! Vrazheskaya pushka tovarish Komandir! Vrazheskaya pushka!

00082600: Comrade commander, enemy tank has been spotted! Tovarish Komandir, obrnaruzhen vrazheskiy tank!

00082601: Enemy tank ahead! Vrazheski tank vperedi!

00082602: Attention! Enemy tank ahead! Vnimanie vrazheski tank vperedi!

00082603: Tanks! Tanki! (accent)

00082604: Tank ahead! Tank vperedi! (accent)

00082605: Comrade commander, enemy tank has been found! Tovarish Komandir, vrazheski tank obnaruzhen!

00082606: Attention! Enemy tank ahead! Vnimanie! Vrazheski tank vperedi!

00082607: Enemy tank is approaching! Priblizhaetsa vrazheski tank!

00082608: Enemy tank is approaching! Priblizhaetsa vrazheski tank! (different actor)

00082609: Enemy tank has been spotted! Obnaruzhen vrazheski tank!

00082610: Guys… Enemy tank ahead! Rebyata! Vrazheski tank vperedi!

00082611: Tanks! Tanki!

00082612: German tanks have been noticed! Zamecheny Nemeckie tanki!

00082700: Enemy vehicle! Vrazheskaya mashina!

00082701: Comrade commander [we] have noticed opponents armored car! Tovarish comandir, zamechena bronemashina protivnika!

00082702: Ahead is a German armored car! Vperedi, Nemeckaya brone mashina! (accent)

00082703: Attention! An enemy vehicle! Vnimanie! Mashina protivnika!

00082704: Ahead are opponent’s vehicles! Vperedi mashiny protivnika!

00082705: Ahead! Is and enemy APC! Vperedi! Nemecki BTR!

00082706: Opponent’s vehicle! Mashina protivnika!

00082707: Enemy vehicle has been noticed! Zamechena vrazheskaya mashina!

00082708: Enemy vehicle! Vrazheskaya mashina!

00082709: [We] Have noticed an enemy vehicle! Zamechena mashina vraga!

00082800: German Fighters! Nemeckie istrebitely!

00082801: Air Air! Vozduh Vozduh!

00082802: Air! Vozduh!

00082803: Air! Vozduh! (accent)

00082804: Air! Vozduh!

00082805: Enemy aviation! Vrazheskaya aviatsya!

00082900: Hands up you bastards! Ruki vverkh svolochi!

00082901: Hands up! Ruki vverkh!

00082902: Hands up I said! Ruki vverkh ya skazal!

00082903: [Drop your] Weapons on the ground. Oruzhye nazemlu!

00082904: [Drop you] Weapons on the ground! Hands up! Oruzhye nazemlu! Ruki vverkh!

00082905: Get up! Hand’s up bitch! Vstat’ ruki vverkh suka!

00082906: Get up! Hand’s up! Vstat’s ruki vverkh!

00082907: Hans! Hande hoh! Ganz Hand ahoh!

00082908: Hand’s up! Ruki vverkh!

00083000: Fritzes nicht shusen! Fritzy nicht shusen!

00083001: Don’t shoot guys! We surrender! Ne strelyaite rebyata! My sdaemsya!

00083002: Don’t shoot! Ne strelyai!

00083003: Don’t shoot we surrender! Ne strelyaite my sdaemsya!

00083004: Dear, don’t shoot please! Rodimyi ne strelaite pozhaluista!

00083005: We surrender! My sdaemsya!

00083006: We surrender! (accent)

00083100: Agh you… your mother! It’s Jammed! Ah ty mat’ tvou, zaelo!

00083101: Devil! It’s Jammed! Chert! Zaelo!

00083102: It’s jammed again! Commander! Opyat’ zaelo Komandir!

00083103: It’s jammed! Zaelo!

00083104: It’s jammed again, Commander! Opyat’ zaelo, Komandir!

00083200: It’s working again, [my] dear! Snova zarabotala dorogaya!

00083201: It’s done! Gotova!

00083203: It’s working again, [my] dear (different word for dear)! Snova zarabotala dorogaya

00083202: It’s working again! Snova zarabotala!

00083205: It’s done! Commander, where to shoot? Gotova! Komandir, kuda strelyat’!

00083204: Commander, we have fixed it! Komandir, my pochinili!

00083300: Listening (acknowledging an order)! Slushaus’!

00083301: Don’t shoot (in a cease fire sense)! Da ne strelyai ty!

00083302: Listen! Slushai!

00083303: Everybody stay in their places! Vsem ostavatsya na svoih mestah!

00083304: Look around! Smotri po storonam!

00083305: Hold the position! Derzhat’ positsyu!

00083306: See? Over there! Vidish? von tam! (accent)

00083307: Look over there! Posmotry tuda!

00083308: Look around! Smotri po storonam!

00083309: Listening (acknowledging an order)! Sergeant! Slushaus’ serzhant!

00083310: Attention! Vnimanie!

00083311: Quite! Tikho!

00083312: Ahead! Vperedi!

00083313: Observe! Nabludat’

00083314: That’s right (military version)! Tak tochno!

00083315: Listening (acknowledging an order). Slushaus’!

00083316: Listening (acknowledging an order) comrade sergeant! Slushaus’ tovarish serjant!

00083317: Onto position! (???) Na posicyu!

00083318: Hold the defense of the position! Derzhat’ oboronu na posicyi!

00083319: Strengthen the flanks! Ukrepit’ flangi!

00083320: Watch (singular) the flanks! Sledi za flangami!

00083321: Keep watch! Sledit’!

00083322: Watch (plural) the flanks! Sledite za flangami!

00083323: Attention! Vnimanie!

00083324: Attention! Vnimanie! (different actor)

00083325: You see… over there! Vidish… von tam!

00083326: Watch the flanks! Sledi za flangami!

00083327: Careful careful! Ostorozhnie ostorozhnie!

00083328: Careful! Ostorozhno!

00083329: Look over there! Posmotrika tuda!

00083330: Quite! Tiho!

00083331: Everybody, stay at your places! Vsem ostavatsya na svoih mestah!

00083332: Listening (acknowledging command) sergeant! Slushaus’ serjant!

00083333: Check out, what’s there! Posmotri, shto tam!

00083334: Look around! Posmotri po storonam!

00083335: Look over there! Posmotri ka tuda!

00083336: Listen! Slushay!

00083400: Mines! Miny!

00083401: Watch out! Mines! Beregites’ Miny!

00083402: Careful everybody! Mines! Ostorozhno vse! Miny!

00083403: Careful! Mines! Ostorozhno miny!

00083404: Guys! Careful! Mines! Rebyata ostorozhno miny!

00083405: Mines! Miny!

00083406: Careful! Mines ahead! Ostorozhno! Vperedy miny!

00083407: Mines field! Minnoe pole!

00083408: Attention! Mines! Vnimanie! Minnoe pole!

00083500: Crush the serpents! Davi gadov!

00083501: Yeah yeah bitch! Na na suka!

00083503: Attack! V ataku!

00083502: Assault! Na shturm!

00083504: Yeah bitch, yeah! Na suka na!

00083505: Bastard! Svoloch!

00083506: Get it bitch! Poluchai suka!

00083507: Get it bitch! Poluchai suka!

00083508: Yeah, yeah, yeah bitch! Na, na, na, suka!

00083600: Everybody [get] to their vehicles! Come on come on come on! Vse po mashinam! Davai davai davai!

00083601: Everybody [get] to [their] vehicles! Come on come on! Vse po mashinam! Davai davai!

00083602: Get on! Zalezai!

00083603: Everybody [get] on the vehicle! Vse na mashinu (accent)

00083604: Everybdy [get] to [their vehicles]! Come on come on!. Vse po mashinam! Davai, davai! (accent)

00083605: Guys [get] to [your] vehicles! Rebyata po mashinam!

00083606: Everybody [get] on the vehicle! Vse na mashinu!

00083607: Get it on! (?) Nasazhevai! (?)

00083700: Jump! Come on come on! Prygai! Davai, davai!

00083701: Jump! Come on come on! Prygai! Davai, davai! (accent)

00083702: Get up! Podnimaytes’

00083703: Get out! Quick quick! Vykhodite! Bystro! Bystro!

00083704: Jump! Move your ass! Prygay dvigay zhopay.

00083705: Jump! Come on come on! Prygay davay davay!

00083706: Everybody split! Vse vstorony!

00083707: Jump! Prygay!

00083800: Watch the flanks! Sledi za flangami!

00083801: Watch the flanks! Sledi za flangami! (diff actor)

00083802: Moving carefully guys, ahead is the foe. Dvigaemsya ostorozhno rebyata vperedy nepriyatel’.

00083803: Move carefully, ahead is the foe! Dvigatsya ostorozhno, vperedy nepriyatel’!

00083804: Move! Carefully! Dvigatsya ostorozhno!

00083805: Look around! Po storonam smotri!

00083806: Careful! Ostorozhno! (accent)

00083807: Move very carefully! Dvigatsya ochen’ ostorozhno!

00083808: That’s it, careful. Tak, ostorozhno.

00083809: Careful! Ostorozhno!

00083810: Be alert! Bud’ nacheku!

00083811: Be alert! Bud’ nacheku! (accent)

00083812: Move carefully! Dvigatsya ostorozhno! (accent)

00083813: Move carefully! Germans ahead! Dvigatsya ostorozhno! Vperedy Nemcy! (accent)

00083900: Forward! Go go! Vpered poshel poshel!

00083901: Go! Go! Poshel Poshel! (accent)

00083902: Running running (double time double time!) Begom! Begom!

00083903: Forward! Vpered!

00083904: Come on! Davai!

00083905: Don’t stop! [move]Fast! Ne ostanavlivotsya! Bystro!

00083906: Forward guys! Vpered rebyata! (accent)

00083907: From cover to cover! Perebezhkami!

00083908: Jump! Faster faster! Pryzhkom! Bystro bystro!

00083909: Fast! Fast! Bystro bystro!

00083910: Forward, brave ones! Vpered hrabrecy!

00083911: Come on! Davai!

00083912: Farther farther! Dalshe dalshe!

00083913: Forward! Vpered!

00083914: Forward guys! Vpered rebyata!

00083915: Come on come on, go! Davai davai, poshel!

00084000: For motherland! Come on fowrad! Za rodinu! Davai vpered!

00084001: Die snake! …your mother! Umri gad! Mat’ tvou!

00084002: Come on! Davai! (accent)

00084003: Forward! Vpered!

00084004: Come on, go go! Davai poshel poshel!

00084005: Attack! V ataku! (accent)

00084006: We’ll show them! My im pokazhem! (accent)

00084007: Forward guys! Vpered rebyata!

00084008: Forward guys! Without delays! Vpered rebyata! Bez zaderzhek!

00084009: Forward! Don’t stop! Vpered! Ne ostanavlivatsya!

00084010: Forward! Don’t stop! Vpered! Ne ostanavlivatsya! (different actor)

00084011: Come on, go go! Davai poshel poshel!

00084100: Forward! Go go! Vpered! Poshel poshel!

00084101: Come on forward guys! Come on! Davai vpered rebyata! Davai!

00084102: Forward! Vpered!

00084103: Forward march! Vpered marsh!

00084104: Move it! Dvigaysya! (accent)

00084105: Let’s go! Poshli! (accent)

00084106: Come on come on! Go! Davai davai! Poshel! (accent)

00084107: Come on forward! Davai vpered! (accent)

00084108: Forward march! Vpered marsh!

00084109: Come on, faster! Davai bystrey!

00084110: Forward! Vpered! (accent)

00084111: Begin movment! Nachat’ dvizhenie!

00084112: Go go! Poshel poshel!

00084113: Go go! Poshel poshel!

00084114: Come on come on! Go! Davai davai! Poshel!

00084115: Forward march! Vpered marsh!

00084116: Let’s go! Poshli!

00084117: Let’s go! Poshli! (diff actor)

00084118: Move [it]! Dvigaisya!

00084119: Move [it]! Dvigaisya! (diff actor)

00084201: Everybody pull back! Vse otstupaem!

00084200: [Get] back [get] back! Nazad nazad!

00084202: That’s it! Everybody get back! Vse! Vse nazad!

00084203: Pulling back, comrades! Otstupaem tovarishi!

00084204: [Get] back! Nazad! (accent)

00084205: [Get] back! Nazad! (accent)

00084300: Come on! Run! Go go! Davai begom! Poshel poshel!

00084301: Faster, faster! Bystrei bystrei!

00084302: Faster, faster! Bystrei bystrei! (different actor)

00084303: Double time march! Begom marsh!

00084304: Double time march, guys! Begom marsh rebyata!

00084305: Faster, brave ones! Bystrei hrabrecy! (accent)

00084306: Come on! Double time! Go go! Davai! Begom! Poshel poshel!

00084307: Double time! Begom! (accent)

00084308: Double time! Double time! Begom! Begom!

00084309: Double time! Double time! Begom! Begom! (different actor)

00084310: Double time guys! Begom rebyata!

00084400: Hoohra! Uraaaa!

00084401: Soldiers, victory is in our hands! Hoohra! Soldaty, pobeda u nas vrukah! Uraaa!

00084402: Hoohra! Uraaa!

00084403: Hoohra! Uraaa!

00084404: Hoohra! Uraaa!

00084405: Forward guys! Let’s go! Vpered rebyata poshli!

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i just go by tone, when my troops are up for a good fight,, they sound enthusiastic,,,, when they are walking along a road with no enemy contact, they sound bored, ,,,,, when they are being pounded into the dirt by airstrikes, they sound terrified,,, ,,, and if they are ukranian motorized cavalry, they sound drunk,,

if you are axis , and you hear a loud cry of ''UHRAAAHHHHH!!!!!'',, that means the russians are going to kill you,, you dont need to know the exact meanings of the words,, although you will pick up the general meanings, apply common sense,, when your troops are fleeing in panic, what words are they saying,,, these are fear words,, figure it out from there

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Hi guys!

I copy/paste the translation of "What the Italian troops say" I did for CMAK. Hope it helps!

For me, I found extremely useful German and Russian ones!



00060000: Artigliere! Inquadra il bersaglio! - Gunner! Engage the target!

00060001: Artigliere! Bersaglio nemico: fuoco! - Gunner! Enemy target: fire!

00060002: Artigliere! Bersaglio nemico: fuoco! - Gunner! Enemy target: fire!

00060003: Artigliere! Inquadra il bersaglio, dannazione! - Gunner! Engage the target, dammit!

00060004: Artigliere! Bersaglio nemico: fuoco! - Gunner! Enemy target: fire!

00061000: Artigliere! Maledizione! Bersaglio cannone anticarro: fuoco! - Gunner! Dammit! Target ATG: fire!

00060101: Artigliere! Che cavolo fai! Bersaglio cannone anticarro: fuoco! - Gunner! What in hell are you doing? Target ATG: fire! ("Cavolo" means "cabbage": it's a more polite word to use in this kind of phrase instead of the good ole "f*ck"...)

00060102: Artigliere! Bersaglio cannone nemico, spara! Subito! - Gunner! Target enemy gun, shoot! NOW!

00060103: same as 00060003

00060104: Artigliere! Bersaglio cannone nemico, spara! - Gunner, target enemy gun, shoot!

00060105: Artigliere! Cavolo! Inquadra il cannone nemico, fuoco! - Gunner! F*ck! (or S*it!, or Damn!, you choose...) Engage the enemy gun, fire!

00060200: Artigliere! Fanteria nemica, FUOCO! - Gunner! Enemy infantry, FIRE!

00060201: Artigliere! Attacca la fanteria nemica! - Gunner! Attack the enemy infantry!

00060202: Artigliere! Fanteria nemica, fuoco! FUOCO! - Gunner! Enemy infantry, fire! FIRE!

00060203: Artigliere! Bersaglio fanteria nemica, fuoco! FUOCO! - Gunner! Target enemy infantry, fire! FIRE!

00060204: same as 000602001

00060205: Artigliere! Bersaglio fanteria nemica, spara! - Gunner! Target enemy infantry, shoot!

00060300: Bersaglio carro nemico! Artigliere! Spara! - Target enemy tank! Gunner! Shoot!

00060301: Artigliere! Bersaglio carro nemico, fuoco! - Gunner! Target enemy tank, fire!

00060302: Artigliere! Carro nemico, fuoco! - Gunner! Enemy tank, fire!

00060303: Artigliere! Bersaglio carro nemico, spara! - Gunner! Target enemy tank, shoot!

00060304: Bersaglio carro nemico! Artigliere, spara! - Target enemy tank! Gunner, shoot!

00060305: Artigliere! Bersaglio carro nemico, spara! Spara! - Gunner! Target enemy tank, shoot! Shoot!

00060400: Artigliere! Bersaglio mezzo nemico, spara! - Gunner! Target enemy vehicle, shoot!

00060401: Bersaglio mezzo nemico! Artigliere, spara! - Target enemy vehicle! Gunner, shoot!

00060402: Artigliere! Mezzo nemico... spara! - Gunner! Enemy vehicle...shoot!

00060403: Artigliere! Bersaglio! Veicolo nemico, fuoco! - Gunner! Target! Enemy vehicle, fire!

00060404: Bersaglio veicolo nemico! - Target enemy vehicle!

00060405: Bersaglio veicolo nemico! Artigliere, spara! - Target enemy vehicle! Gunner, shoot!

00060500: Unità nemica, fuoco! - Enemy unit, fire!

00060501: Fuoco, idiota! FUOCO! - Fire, you idiot! FIRE!

00060502: Fuoco, dannazione! - Fire, damn it!

00060503: Unità nemica, spara! - Enemy unit, fire!

00060504: Fuoco sull' unità nemica! - Fire on the enemy unit!

00060505: Attacca il nemico! - Attack the enemy!

00060506: Attacca! - Attack!

00060507: Unità nemica! Unità nemica! Fuoco! - Enemy unit! Enemy unit! Fire!

00060508: Unità nemica! Spara! - Enemy unit! Shoot!

00060509: Dannazione! Attacca il bersaglio! - Damn! Attack the target!

00060600: Cannone anticarro di fronte! Spara! - ATG ahead! Shoot!

00060601: Cannone anticarro di fronte! Fuoco! - ATG ahead! Fire!

00060602: Bersaglio cannone anticarro, spara! - Target ATG, shoot!

00060603: Cannone anticarro! Fuoco! - AT gun! Fire!

00060604: Fuoco sul cannone anticarro! - Fire on that AT gun!

00060605: Colpisci il cannone anticarro! - Hit the AT gun!

00060606: Fuoco sul cannone! - Fire on the gun!

00060607: Cannone anticarro di fronte! Fuoco! FUOCO! - ATG ahead! Fire! FIRE!

00060700: Bersaglio fanteria nemica! Spara! - Target enemy infantry! Shoot!

00060701: Puntare la fanteria nemica! - Aim the enemy infantry!

00060702: Fuoco sulla fanteria nemica! - Fire on the enemy infantry!

00060703: Bersaglio fanteria nemica! Fuoco! - Target enemy infantry! Fire!

00060704: Fanteria nemica! Fuoco! - Enemy infantry! Fire!

00060705: Fanteria nemica di fronte! - Enemy infantry ahead!

00060706: Fanteria nemica di fronte! Fuoco! Presto! FIRE! - Enemy infantry ahead! Fire! Quick! FIRE!

00060707: Fanteria nemica di fronte! Spara! - Enemy infantry ahead! Shoot!

00060708: Fanteria nemica di fronte! Fuoco! - Enemy infantry ahead! Fire!

00060800: Carro nemico! Fuoco! - Enemy tank! Fire!

00060801: Carro nemico! Spara! - Enemy tank! Shoot!

00060802: Fuoco sul carro nemico! - Fire on the enemy tank!

00060803: Attacca il carro nemico! - Attack the enemy tank!

00060804: Carro nemico di fronte! Spara! - Enemy tank ahead! Shoot!

00060805: Carro nemico di fronte! Fuoco! - Enemy tank ahead! Fire!

00060806: Bersaglio carro nemico... Spara! - Target enemy tank... Shoot!

00060900: Mezzo nemico di fronte! Fuoco! - Enemy vehicle ahead! Fire!

00060901: Mezzo nemico di fronte! Fuoco! Fuoco! - Enemy vehicle ahead! Fire! Fire!

00060902: Mezzo nemico! Fuoco! - Enemy vehicle! Fire!

00060903: Mezzo nemico! Attacca! - Enemy vehicle! Attack!

00060904: Bersaglio mezzo nemico! Fuoco! - Target enemy vehicle! Fire!

00061000: Evvai! Preso! - Hurrah! Got him!

00061001: Grande! L'abbiamo beccato! - Great! We got him!

00061002: Evvai! L'abbiamo beccato! - Hurrah! We got him!

00061003: Bel colpo! E' andato! - Nice shot! He's finished!

00061004: DISTRUTTO!!! - DESTROYED!!!

00061005: Bel colpo! - Good shot!

00061006: Bersaglio distrutto! - Target destroyed!

00061007: Sìììì!!! - Yesss!!!

00061008: same as 00061005

00061100: same as 00061000

00061101: same as 00061001

00061102: Bel colpo! Sta bruciando! - Good shot! He's burning!

00061103: Bel centro! Sta bruciando! - Bullseye! He's burning!

00061104: Evvai! L'abbiamo preso! E' in fiamme! - Hurrah! We got him! He's in flames!

00061105: Sì! L'abbiamo preso! E' in fiamme! - Yes! We got him! He's on fire!

00061200: Artigliere! Continua a sparare! - Gunner! Keep on firing!

00061201: Sparagli ancora! - Shoot him again!

00061202: Spara ancora! - Fire again!

00061203: Dannazione! Spara ancora! - Dammit! Fire again!

00061204: Dai, spara ancora! Forza! - Come on, fire again! Come on!

00061205: Artigliere, continua a sparare! Dai! - Gunner, keep on firing! Come on!

00061206: Artigliere! Artigliere! Spara di nuovo! - Gunner! Gunner! Shoot again!

00061207: Artigliere! Mancato! Spara ancora! - Gunner! Missed! Fire again!

00061300: Ricarica! - Reload!

00061301: Ricarica! Dai! - Reload! Come on!

00061302: Ricarica! Ricarica! - Reload! Reload!

00061303: Ricarica! Veloce! Veloce! - Reload! Fast! Fast!

00061400: Cessate il fuoco! - Ceasefire!

00061401: Trattenete il fuoco! - Hold your fire!

00061402: Risparmiate le munizioni! - Save your ammo!

00061403: same as 00061400

00061404: Cessate il fuoco, maledizione! - Ceasefire, dammit!

00061405: same as 00061400

00061500: Passatemi delle munizioni! - Give me some ammo!

00061501: Ho finito le munizioni! - I'm out of ammo!

00061502: Noo! Ho il fucile scarico! - Noo! My rifle's empty!

00061503: Ho bisogno di munizioni! - I need ammo!

00061504: Ma ho finito i colpi! - I'm out of rounds!

00061600: Granata! - Grenade!

00061601: Granata! Tutti a terra! - Grenade! Everybody get down!

00061602: Granata! A terra! - Grenade! Hit the dirt!

00061700: Tutti a terra! - Everybody get down!

00061701: Colpo in arrivo! - Incoming!

00061702: Artiglieria in arrivo! - Incoming arty!

00061703: Artiglieria in arrivo! - Incoming arty!

00061704: Al riparo! - Take cover!

00061705: A terra! - Get down!

00061800: Medico! - Medic!

00061801: Medico! - Medic!

00061802: Sono ferito! - I'm wounded!

00061803: Oddio! -Oh my God!

00061804: Aiuto! Aiutatemi! Mi hanno colpito! - Help! Help me! I'm hit!

00061805: Aiuto! Mi hanno colpito! - Help! I'm hit!

00061806: Aiuto! Medico! - Help! Medic!

00061807: Argh! Sono colpito! - Argh! I'm hit!

00061808: Sono ferito! - I'm wounded!

00061809: Medico! - Medic!

00061900: Ahhh! Al fuoco! AHHH! - AHHH! Fire! AHHH!

00061901: Ahhh! Sto bruciando! - Ahhh! I'm burning!

00061902: Nooo! Sto bruciando! - Noo! I'm burning!

00062000: State giù! state giù! - Stay down! Stay down!

00062001: Attenti! Attenti! State giù! - Watch out! Watch out! Stay down!

00062002: A terra! - Get down!

00062003: Giù! - Down!

00062004: A terra! - Get down!

00062005: Dannazione! - Damn!

00062100: Ci faremo ammazzare tutti! - They'll kill all of us!

00062101: Presto! Presto! Andiamo via di qua! - Hurry up! Hurry up! Let's go away from here!

00062102: Salvatevi! Scappate! - Save yourselves! Run away!

00062103: Scappate via! - Run away!

00062104: Andiamo via di qua! - Let's go away from here!

00062105: Scappate via! - Run away!

00062106: Salvatevi! Scappate! - Save yourselves! Run away!

00062107: Ci stanno venendo addosso! - They are coming straight on us!

00062108: Oddio! Siamo circondati! - Oh my God! We're surrounded!

00062200: Alzatevi, bastardi! - Stand up, you bastards!

00062201: Alzatevi, fifoni! - Stand up, you funks!

00062202: Alzatevi! - Stand up!

00062300: Attenzione! unità nemica! - Look out! Enemy unit!

00062301: Attenti! Contatto col nemico! - Watch out! Contact with the enemy!

00062302: Contatto! Unità nemiche! - Contact! Enemy units!

00062303: Unità nemica avvistata! - Enemy unit spotted!

00062400: Fanteria nemica! Attenti! - Enemy infantry! Watch out!

00062401: Fanteria nemica! - Enemy infantry!

00062402: Attenzione! Fanteria nemica! - Look out! Enemy inantry!

00062403: Contatto! Fanteria nemica! - Contact! Enemy infantry!

00062404: Avvistata fanteria nemica! - Enemy infantry spotted!

00062500: Cannone anticarro individuato! - AT gun detected!

00062501: Contatto! Cannone anticarro! - Contact! AT gun!

00062600: Attenti! Corazzato nemico! - Watch out! Enemy armor!

00062601: Carri armati! - Tanks!

00062602: Carri armati! - Tanks!

00062603: Carro nemico di fronte! - Contact! Enemy tank ahead!

00062604: Contatto! Carro nemico! - Contact! Enemy tank!

00062605: Carro nemico in avvicinamento! - Enemy tank approaching!

00062606: Attenzione! Carro nemico! - Watch out! Enemy tank!

00062700: Mezzo nemico! - Enemy vehicle!

00062701: Mezzo nemico avvistato! - Enemy vehicle spotted!

00062702: Attenzione! Mezzo nemico! - Look out! Enemy vehicle!

00062703: Mezzo nemico avvistato! - Enemy vehicle spotted!

00062704: Mezzo nemico individuato! - Enemy vehicle detected!

00062800: Attenti! Attacco aereo! - Watch out! Air attack!

00062801: Attenti! Attacco aereo! - Watch out! Air attack!

00062802: Caccia nemici! - Enemy fighters!

00062803: Maledizione! Aerei nemici! - Damn! Enemy planes!

00062900: Mani in alto! - Hands up!

00062901: Gettate le armi e arrendetevi! - Drop your weapons and surrender!

00062902: Buttala! Mani in alto! - Drop it! Hands up!

00063000: Stiamo uscendo! Non sparate! - We're coming out! Don't shoot!

00063001: Non sparate! Non sparate! Ci arrendiamo! - Don't shoot! Don't shoot! We surrender!

00063002: Ci arrendiamo! We surrender!

00063003: Molliamo! - We give up!

00063004: Ci arrendiamo! - We surrender!

00063005: Va bene! Molliamo! - All right! We give up!

00063100: Dannazione! - Damn!

00063101: Cavolo! Si e' inceppato! - F*ck! It's jammed!

00063102: Dannazione! Dannazione! - Dammit! Dammit!

00063103: Agh! L'arma si è inceppata! - Agh! Weapon jammed!

00063200: Bene! Bene! Rimosso! - All right! All right! Cleared!

00063201: Disinceppato! - Weapon cleared!

00063202: E' aggiustato! Vai! - It's fixed!

00063300: Zitti! - Shut up!

00063301: Silenzio, sù! - Come on, quiet down!

00063302: Oh, avete visto? - Did you see that? (this guy comes come Tuscany!)

00063303: Sissignore! - Yessir! (and this one from Sicily...)

00063304: Oh, avete visto? - Did you see that?

00063305: Fate attenzione! - Pay attention!

00063306: D'accordo Sergente! - All right Sarge!

00063307: Dategli un po' un' occhiata. - Give a look at this/him.

00063308: Oh! Dategli un' occhiata. - Give a look at this/him.

00063400: Attenti! Campo minato! - Look out! Minefield!

00063401: Mine! Mine! - Mines! Mines!

00063402: Attenti alle mine! - Watch out for mines!

00063403: Attenti! Attenti alle mine! - Watch out! Watch out for mines!

00063500: Muori, brutto bastardo! - Die, you bastard!

00063501: T'ammazzo, maledetto! - I kill you, you damned!

00063502: Ammazzateli tutti! - Kill'em all!

00063503: Crepa! - Die!

00063600: Salite, pelandroni! Salite! - Climb on, you bums! Climb on!

00063601: Salite! Dai! Dai! - Get on! Come on! Come on!

00063602: Salite tutti! Forza! - Everybody aboard! Come on!

00063700: Forza! Vai Vai! Vai! - Come on! Go! Go! Go!

00063701: Tutti fuori! Forza! - Everybody out! Come on!

00063702: Scendere! Scendere! - Get off! Get off!

00063703: Fuori! Muovetevi! - Out! Mooove!

00063800: Tenete gli occhi aperti! - Keep you eyes peeled!

00063801: State all'erta! - Stay alert!

00063802: Attenti sui fianchi! - secure the flanks!

00063803: Fate attenzione! Be careful!

00063900: Muovetevi! Muoversi! Muoversi! MUOVERSI! - Let' move! Move! Move! MOVE!

00063901: Via! Via! Via! - Go! Go! Go!

00063902: Sbrigatevi! - Hurry up!

00063903: Avanzare! - Advance!

00063904: Continuate a muovervi! Andiamo! - Keep on moving! Let's go!

00063905: Avanzare! Avanzare! - Advance! Advance!

00063906: Via! Via! Via! - Go! Go! Go!

00064000: Seguitemi! - Follow me!

00064001: All'attacco - Attack!

00064002: Carica! - Charge!

00064003: ALL'ATTACCO!!! - ATTACK!!!

00064100: Avanti...Marsch! - Forward...March!

00064101: Forza soldati! Muovetevi! - Come on soldiers! Let's move!/Hustle up!

00064102: Ragazzi! Muoversi! - Boys! Move out!/ Hustle up!

00064103: Forza! Muoversi! - Come on! Hustle up!

00064104: Muovetevi, soldati! - Move out/Hustle up, soldiers!

00064105: Avanti...Marsch! - Forward...March!

00064200: Ritirata! - Retreat!

00064201: Ritirata! Indietro! - Retreat! Pull back!

00064202: Indietro! Indietro! - Pull back! Pull back!

00064203: Indietro! Indietro! Via! Via! - Pull back! Pull back! Go! Go!

00064300: Muoversi! Muoversi! MUOVERSI! - Move! Move! MOVE!

00064301: Veloce! Di corsa! - Hustle up! Run!

00064302: Avanti! Andiamo! - Forwards! Let's go!

00064303: Muovetevi! Andiamo! - Hustle up! Let's go!

00064304: Passo...di corsa! - Double time! / On the double!

00064305: Correte! - Run!

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Would it be possible to use the English wav-files?

It might not be a perfect translation, but I would guess, that an English sound file can be found to carry the same meaning as the original. Couldn't this English wav-file then be copied to the corresponding non-English file name?

I can't be so hard to find CM players of different nationalities, that can go through different parts of the wav-folder and post lists here at the forum like:

00061801 -> 00024023

00061802 -> 00024189



Collecting these posts in a Mod might not be the most interesting job, but it seems possible. - If the lists are written with a predefined syntax it might be computerized.

The same kind of lists could be made to the other languages as well.

However, - do we want this? In highly competitative PBEM-games this Mod could be used by one side without the other knowing, and thereby give the 'cheater' little advantage. :confused:

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Originally posted by Askovdk:

However, - do we want this? In highly competitative PBEM-games this Mod could be used by one side without the other knowing, and thereby give the 'cheater' little advantage. :confused:

Now, just how much of an advantage is that? Since I understand Finnish and a bit of German and Russian, does that mean that I have an advantage in CMBB? I seldom pay attention to them, unless I'm wearing headphones. After all, the sounds don't give any extra information. It's all in the unit info panel.
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Actually, the sounds do sometimes give information of a sort. If you see a German unit shoot at you for a while, and then start hearing shouts of "keine Muni", you've just learned something. Or if you're shooting at a single indistinct German figure and suddenly hear somebody yell "Sanitaete" you've learned something else.

Having said that, the use of languages in the game is one of its more brilliant features (one of my regrets is that there are no Czech or Bulgarian sound files). Many Americans are culturally naive, under-educated, and xenophobic, and can only tolerate foreigners in non-threatening emasculated English-speaking Epcott-center form. I hope that's not true of anyone in this forum, because a bowdlerized view of foreigners (who use fictional German flags) is incompatible with historical accuracy.

Transcripts (with translations) of the wav files are a good thing, because they clarify things otherwise misunderstood. I never realized until I read one that that weird sound one of the Americans was making was actually a cry of "Hustle up". And I'm still not sure if that is idiomatic 1940's English. I suppose I should check the dialog in Mailer's "Naked and the Dead". And I don't know if CMAK is any better, but the Canadians in CMBO were never very convincing, eh?

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I recall when the CMBB Demo first showed up shortly before the game release there was an lobbying effort by some on the board to have the voice files all redone in English - I suppose with fake foreign accents. When the full game came out the scale of the undertaking was realised and the Englidh voice mod concept was quietly dropped.

As a CMAK player, I must say that besides the occssional "Ah, my leg!" or "Let's get a little noise discipline here" or "We're running low on ammo!" the voices mostly drift past as indistinuishable cried of alarm or barked commands - just like the Russian and German voices do.

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You need to know what situation your troops are in? Look around you. If they're walking calmly through wheatfields, they'll be talking about what was for supper last night. If they are being shelled at close range by a tank, they'll be yelling "Holy ****!". The language they are doing that in is irrelevant. I already intuitively know that "Masoh! Mashoh!" is Russian for "Let's get moving" or something like that, because that's what they say when they start moving.

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