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The Peng Challenge Telethon for Australia: How Many Times Can You Just Look Away?

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

You all know what I mean, but few of you will admit it.


If we admit what we've lost, then we might as well admit that we have lost.

I never wanted to go quietly into that good night.

But perhaps there is no alternative.

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MrSpkr, a word with you sir!

Is it liebel or slander when Seanachai accuses me of foisting a Joke scenario on an SSN?

What are your fees?

If the scenario in question is a Ker Dessel* scenario would you have to recus ... reexcus ... recuss ... bow out of the litigation?

What are your fees?

Just exactly how much "truth" would there have to be for me to lose?

What are your fees?


p.s. What in the world are you on about?

* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In THe Worst Way!

[ July 14, 2003, 12:34 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

You all know what I mean, but few of you will admit it.


If we admit what we've lost, then we might as well admit that we have lost.

I never wanted to go quietly into that good night.

But perhaps there is no alternative. </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I miss YK2.

I miss Persephone.

I even miss Speedbump, but for entirely different reasons.

It is good to hop back in and see some things haven't changed. You all know what I mean, but few of you will admit it.


Been "working" on the olde 'Website' ? Have we...??


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

MrSpkr, a word with you sir!

Is it liebel or slander when Seanachai accuses me of foisting a Joke scenario on an SSN?

What are your fees?

Standard rates apply - $175 per hour, 20 hour retainer.

If the scenario in question is a Ker Dessel* scenario would you have to recus ... reexcus ... recuss ... bow out of the litigation?
Not if there is a dollar to be made.

What are your fees?
For you, the bargain price of $200 per hour, 40 hour minimum. Payment in advance.

Just exactly how much "truth" would there have to be for me to lose?
Ask Dana Scully.

What are your fees?
For you, the low low price of $250 per hour, 50 hour minimum, payable in advance.


* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

[ July 14, 2003, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Since I have no intention of posting on this thread in the future, except to make irrelevant coments in order to get rid of my junior member status, I will speak in plain English (at least my version thereof). I appologise for any mistakes I make - English is my second language.

You may have heard this quote before (I assume most of you can hear, if even with the help of hearing aids): "Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups".

I am not now, nor was I ever a Kiwi/New Zealander/Sheep shagger, or any other term you would use to refer to those born and bred in this wonderful land. New Zealand is my location - surely you old farts, claiming to be esteemed (if even virtual) soldiers can still tell the difference between nationality and location.

Generally, as much as I may dislike Australians, I find your humourous abuse of this nation rather offensive, and yes, somewhat amusing. Having read through the old peng threads, I noted that the true Cesspoolers never mocked individuals or groups based on their nationality.

Tell me what is it that makes you feel so threatened by the funny talking Australians? Is it that a country, which started out as a colony of convicts, now has a higher, or at least comparable, standard of life to that of the US and UK? Is it that they have become one of the leading sporting nations?

I for one think that New Zealanders and Australians deserve far more respect for their actions in WWII than either the US or the UK. They answered the call and joined a war that was not theirs to fight. They fought in the heat of the desert, whilst most of the rest of the Allies picked their arses, sitting safely across the channel (with the exception of the RAF).

In any case, I look forward to reading your witty abuse in my spare time.

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Ah! a man after my very own heart, many have made the mistake that you have, meiner freunden. Cruel and unusual is the heart of this thread and for many years it has withstood the inquiries of class A n00bz such as youreself and me. I would leave it alone if i were you...the moderators let these people do what they like, if you were to start a thread on a similair vein you would be banned for racism. Nevertheless, I will stay so as to dog them constantly and let them know that the spirit of n00bz can never be crushed - as represents my title as defender of coventry. go my son, and speak not of this putrid thread ever again

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urefinger - if there's room for two annoying n00bs on this page, I will be more than happy to join you.

How are you gentlemen !!

You are on the way to destruction

You have no chance to survive make your time

Ä|| Ýøü® cꧧp•º| ®è ßë|•ñg †º µ§


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Guest konrad

So ,I'm taking some time from my very busy shedule ,thinking ,hey ,I post some poetry for my fellow imbeciles at Peng Challenge Thread ,just to be a nice ,and what ?!!

Joe putting my name next to Coventry.

ME ,sir Konrad ,faithful Squire to sir Aussiejeff ,proud owner of Jim Boggs butts ...

and Coventry...

And why ? 'cause its puzzle ? too difficult ?

Herr Justicar ,I have to say this ,You are a idiot .

Now ,if you excuse me ,there is a lot of quests for me to do.

PS:old times are always good ,trick is to behave ,like it is always beginning.

PS2: because it is always beginning

PS 3: urineonmyfingers is a moron.

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This is outrageous! I spend two weeks dutifully checking my mail for incoming turns, and then I get bashed by Joe Shaw for, well, not bashing!

Perhaps the high and mighty Just-a-car should spend his precious few minutes that he is allowed unsupervised with licking the wings off dead houseflies, instead of harassing defenseless serfs like moi<sup>*</sup>.

I certainly don't need his inexpert opinion, advice or frothing screams. I'll have you know that unlike that disgusting piece of a rusty exhaust pipe, the SSN wazpillow (or whatever), I figured out what SSN means without any help whatsoever! This, of course, is an accomplishment few can credit themselves with.

Finally, it is unseemly that the Knight Champion of the M.B.T is so shamelessly exposing himself and his tender parts in pathetically begging for new unsuspecting meat to enter his Shaved House. If he really needs new flesh so bad, why not take a trip to Coventry? I'm sure there are plenty of trembling loins for him to covet over there.


<sup>*</sup> Note the clever use of french to appear intelligent and well educated. Not bad, eh?

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Hey, I am not rusty at all, I am rather well lubed, thank you very much.

wazpillow ? That doesn't even make sense, it is something I would expect from an Ohioanne, not a Sweat.

I am glad that you gave up your neutrality, world famous porn, and Sauna long enough to drip on the keyboard. I have heard so much about you, it is good to finally smell... er, I mean see you.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

So would V42 Below count as an honorary Aussie? Isn't New Zealand kind of like the stunted little Danny DeVito twin to the Arnold Schwarznegger Australia? Of course that in no way lessens the Genetic Vacuum that is Australia. Wasn't it colonized by people not even good enough to be ENGLISH?????

This was only so-so, if mildly amusing, but then, with the last sentence, it just soared!

I imagine it pissed off the Aussies and the English.

But he still needs to try harder. Someone give the bugger a game. Nidan, are you doing anything besides marvelling over the fact that technology can keep grass from dying? Because I'd hate to interrupt anything truly significant, like some New York lackwit marvelling over the sustaining powers of water on plantlife.

Hey, NG Cavscout, or whatever, insult Nidan. Bugger needs to have less time on his hands. </font>

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Welp....thinking about this, I went through the Thread at least 3 times, and JoeBob never actually claimed Scout as a serf. So, what better way to get under Joebob's skin, kinda like the small lice he has trained under the logo of House Shaw . Besides, what better way to make a serf suffer then knowning that he must report...to an Ex-Navy man.

So, as one of the Senior Knights, I use my right and claim first claim on NG cavscout, placing him under House Rune, .

To further inflict pain, No Good cav scout, pick a member of House Shaw and I will be sending you Rourke's Drift to play two player.

I now go back to working on that which cannot be named...


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