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From the BFC troubleshooting page:

Problem: I have a dual processor G4 with a Radeon Pro 9000 card installed and I am getting what looks like psychedelic graphics displayed when playing the game.

Cause/Solution: The problem lies with the current drivers for the Radeon Pro 9000 card and we are not able to fix it on our end. Both ATI and Apple have been contacted but there has to date been no progress on this issue.

Sigh. Guess I'm done playing Combat Mission, guys.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

From the BFC troubleshooting page:

Problem: I have a dual processor G4 with a Radeon Pro 9000 card installed and I am getting what looks like psychedelic graphics displayed when playing the game.

Cause/Solution: The problem lies with the current drivers for the Radeon Pro 9000 card and we are not able to fix it on our end. Both ATI and Apple have been contacted but there has to date been no progress on this issue.

Sigh. Guess I'm done playing Combat Mission, guys.

Buy a different video card, Steve.


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Yes, Seanachai, do what MrSpkr says.

(You know, that's a sentence that I was sure I would never ever say.)

Until such time as you get a new card, why not keep the old machine connected for your games. That's what I'm doing.

Be like me Seanachai. Come over to the dark side.

And on an entirely unrelated note, I was discussing dwarf tumblers here at the office today (it's advertising...what do you expect?) as a direct offshoot of dwarf tossing, but then I thought, could you call a shot glass a dwarf tumbler?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sigh. Guess I'm done playing Combat Mission, guys.

I was unaware you ever played.

I mean, really, you can't call that appalling display of stumbling around a field drunk as a lark while mortars, machine guns, and artillery FO's have their way with you "playing", now can you? More like a cry for help. Do as Boo suggests, run the files on your old machine. Or just keep using the new one. You might as well lose in a surreal version of TechniColor.

I can see it now, a little gnome screaming, "I just lost two KV-2's to a fish!!!".

Actually, that seems more coherent than most of your posts.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Change the rules to suit your needs.

Now sod off.

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Seanachai there is a REASON that Bill Gates is the annoited of Gawd! Did you think that he'd amassed all that wealth and power by sheer accident? Buy a PC man ... once you get over the feelings of self-loathing and disgust you'll be the better man for it.


p.s. You could hardly be the WORSE man now could you?

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Now for some good news. It looks as if I may have a detached retina, I have all the classic symptoms, because I had one before in the other eye a few years back, turns may be slow in coming, but at least I can play the game because I have a PC.

Waiting to hear from the PCP (managed health care is so wonderful), to find out where I have to go, I'll see you guys later.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Buy a different video card, Steve.


I have considered this, but currently my options in that direction seem to be negligible, with the only guaranteed 'Mac compatible' cards coming from ATI (my original problem), or a single, extremely high-end $400 card from Nvidia (with no guarantee that they won't have other, currently unknown problems with CM).

I've posted a request in the Tech Forum asking for help in finding a video card that will work in a Mac G4 with a 4x AGP slot, and will also work with CM, and am waiting for someone hopeful response.

Things look grim, and I simply don't have the space to keep two computers set-up, especially since I have but the one monitor, and yanking and swapping cables constantly does not appeal.

I hope there is a solution, as I would hate to retire from this fine community and incredible game.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

could you call a shot glass a dwarf tumbler?


Shame on you Boo, don't you know that it was the Scottish Dwarfs who first gave the glass industry the idea for these small glasses?

They decided way back then not to refer to these little unique glasses as Dwarf tumblers, the name conjured up something akin to a circus side show.. I mean Dwarf Tumblers?? I ask you....

What's more it was our very own Gnomes Great Uncle Jeremiahs Sunday Footwear that inspired the first in a long line of these little glasses..

5SkiBtShotGlassblue.jpgJeremiahs Smurfpint Glass...

It was so popular that soon every Dwarf and Gnome wanted one of their own..

Of course most people these days tend to think these little glasses should be used for small measures of your fav tipple, i.e. whisky..... And they refer to them as shot glasses.. But every self respecting Dwarf and Gnome knows the real name for these small glasses...


You only need to pop into Seanacoochies local ale house to see a fine collection of these Smurfpint Glasses.........

shotglass.gifThe every day Smurfpint Glass..

jesuspaid.jpgFor Sat nights.

67013.jpgFor weddings and Funerals

So please Boo, tell your advertising team that if they are going to discuss these splendid little glasses, then to at least refer to them by their Gnome given name...

Smurfpint Glasses.......... NOT Dwarf Tumblers..


Now if you'll excuse me... Time for my meds!!!

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Okay, I hate to do this, but I am now setting up the Help Keep Seanachai in CM Campaign. Just send whatever you can (I will forward $20) to Seanachai at the following address:


3841 Grand Ave South

Apt. #1

Minneapolis, MN 55409


1) What the feck? I mean, really, what the feckin' feck?

Simply put, this is a campaign to help Seanachai a/k/a SenileTea a/k/a The UberGnome a/k/a The Bard a/k/a Seaniecoochiecoo get a new video card for his computer as the pillock was foolish enough to buy a new system without ensuring that the video card would support CM.

2) But, like, WHY should I support Seanachai with my money?

The fact is, you probably already do. I mean, he lives in Minnesota. You know how those people are. He spends eleven months of the year trapped in a frozen wasteland, waiting for his welfare check to come in so that he can rush down to the nearest Quick-E-Mart and trade it out for some nice, warming booze.

If you give to his Video Card fund, you will at least know that he is using the money to buy an item designed to keep him off the streets and away from your children, or, more importantly, away from you.

3) Are you serious?

Yes, this is a serious campaign. Please do try and pay a little closer attention.

4) How can I be sure Seanachai will by a video card with my money?

How can we be sure of anything in this life? I mean, how can you be sure that Steve Grammont and company are REALLY working on CMAK or CM2 or whatever it is? A few screenshots? Please -- Juju could rig those up in an afternoon and still have time for tea. This campaign is about FAITH -- even for you, Berli.

5) Should I send cash?

Sending cash through the mail is not advisable. I recommend you send either a personal check or, should the thought of giving Seanachai your current address bother you as much as it does me, a money order. Make them out to "Steven Pemble".

Oh yes, Boo, you pillock, this does mean you should not send change either, whether loose or rolled.

6) Hey! Your name is Steve! Now you tell me to make out a check to "Steven"! Are you just trying to screw me out of some cash?

Sigh. Don't be a silly. Steven Pemble lives under a bridge in Minnesota, drinking beverages out of bottles wrapped in brown paper bags. Steve Hines practices law in Texas, and drinks beer from bottles while driving his Durango down the highway.

7) Are you sure this is for real?


8) Can I just attach my money to a postcard?

No, no, that was LAST year's campaign. Attaching money to a postcard is NEVER advisable.

However, if you would like to (belatedly0 send Seanachai a postcard to tell him how much you hate him, that would be okay, too.

9) Can I put my check or money order in the same envelope as my postcard?

Sigh. Yes, although I must point out that, strictly speaking, one does not generally send postcards in envelopes.

Now get busy and send in your money to help Seanachai!


[ August 25, 2003, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Seanachai I find I have little sympathy for you ... well, okay I've NEVER had any sympathy for you but that's as may be.

What the HELL were you thinking?

What kind of idiot buys a new computer ... WITHOUT CHECKING ON CM COMPATIBILITY FIRST? You're not some foofee computer artist, you're not doing desktop publishing so there was NO NEED to get a Mac in the first place! There's no need in any case but if you were one of the above you might have been persuaded by misguided collegues who didn't know any better, BUT YOU'RE NOT!

Who the HELL were you talking to that might have put ... oh ... well, I have even less sympathy for you. Serves you right for listening to Berli.


p.s. But in the GOOD news department, you needn't leave the MBT just because you can't play CM ... there are those who might suggest that YOUR ability to play CM is indistinguishable from playing the AI ... not I certainly, but some.

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MrSpkr I find that I have additional questions not covered in your email:

MrSpkr this isn't one of those Nigerian email schemes is it?

MrSpkr I thought you, being a Republican, were against this sort of thing. You know ... helping people?

MrSpkr does Seanachai accept PayPal?

MrSpkr how do I know that Seanachai won't foolishly spend the money on ANOTHER substandard video card? He talks to Berli you know.

MrSpkr what kind of beer do you drink in your Durango? Do you know there's a town in Colorado by that name? Couldn't we just send enough beer that Seanachai wouldn't notice his weird ass display?

MrSpkr I thought that you, as a lawyer, were against this sort of thing. You know ... helping people?

MrSpkr if this IS legitimate it may be unnecessary since I'll shortly be coming into a LARGE sum of money (see my first question) and will be able to buy Seanachai a REAL computer.


[ August 25, 2003, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Dear Mr. Shaw (if that is your REAL name):

We here at the Save Seanachai! campaign wish to make your donating experience as pleasant as possible. We ask that you please address your concerns to the Appropriate thread so that we can best inform ALL potential donors.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter, and remember to send in your cash.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<font size=-1>What kind of idiot buys a new computer ... WITHOUT CHECKING ON CM COMPATIBILITY FIRST?</font>

Probably the same kind of idiot whose friends have to send him a video card that renders CMBB at more than one frame per second, eh Joe? How's that card doing, anyway?

And I'm not too sure about this whole Pay Seanachai To Play fund. What next, a dollar per turn? 50c per song? Here's a nickel kid, go insult yourself? It'll all end in tears and PayPal addiction, I'm telling you.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What kind of idiot buys a new computer ... WITHOUT CHECKING ON CM COMPATIBILITY FIRST?

It was developed on a Mac, it's supposedly Mac compatible, the G4s were, until a day or so ago, the primary available Mac system, and ATI is the only one who makes video cards specifically for Macs.

Perhaps foolishly, I imagined that Combat Mission would play on a current Mac system that used current Apple supplied video cards.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, I hate to do this, but I am now setting up the Help Keep Seanachai in CM Campaign. Just send whatever you can (I will forward $20) to Seanachai at the following address:


I just found this out on the Main Forum!



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, I hate to do this, but I am now setting up the Help Keep Seanachai in CM Campaign. Just send whatever you can (I will forward $20) to Seanachai at the following address:


I just found this out on the Main Forum!



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Originally posted by YK2:

You only need to pop into Seanacoochies local ale house to see a fine collection of these Smurfpint Glasses.........

Oh Fairest of Ladies...know that all we Dwarfs and Gnomes avoid all use of the 'smurf' word.

Strangely enough, back in College one of my best friends one day declared me to be 'A twisted little dwarf'. It was immediately adopted by all who knew me. "Let's see what the twisted dwarf wants to do," etc.

Many years later, another close friend with no connection to those times or knowledge of that usage suddenly declared me to be 'an evil little troll'.

Then Berli, returning from his first visit, declared me to be a garden gnome.

I sense a theme...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, I hate to do this, but I am now setting up the Help Keep Seanachai in CM Campaign. Just send whatever you can (I will forward $20) to Seanachai at the following address:


I just found this out on the Main Forum!



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