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What is "Gamey" and why are there so many crybabies

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From a newbie (at least to these forums anyhow) my inital asumption is:

Gamey : A tatic used, to kick your ass, and you dont like it. EG you kicked the enemys units asses, but then at the last minute they rush a ceritan objective and hold it with one measly little unit.


Get over it.

Get over it?

Get over it!

Right? If they beat you, they beat you. Thats it, unless its a bug exploit. Right?

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Gamey tactics are annoying to say the least. Most people on this forum who play CMBB like to play it because of the historic atmosphere. And many people consider gamey tactics like flag rushing or using bailed tank crews to draw fire from assault squads to be un-historical and taking away from the flavor and fun that they get out of the game.

If you do not like this, then make sure you detail this to your opponent before you start any PBEM or TCP/IP matches. I am sure that there are people out there who do not care about using gamey tactics.

I don't like them. But usually they can be countered by a good player.

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Gamey = using the quirks in the game engine to your advantage in a a-historical kind'a way. In the real world an advancing platoon can't hug the edge of the map to protect their flank. That kind'a stuff. Think of it as the CM version of 'corking the bat' (a nasty old American baseball cheating method for you foreigners).

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Edge of the world isn't gamey IMO - all games have that feature.

What is gamey is using soft vehicles like trucks to scout when historically they'd be miles to the rear.

Using crews in combat isn't so bad any more IMO, since they give lots more victory points when they'er killed now than they used to in CMBO smile.gif

In fact there aren't really all that many REAL gamey tricks left - soft vehicle crews tend to bail out faster now so that's not such a problem eitehr really.

What used to be gamey:

PIAT scouting (or any other AT team scouting) in a game with no armour. I guess this could still be done.

Soft vehicle scouting - they used to be dificult to knock out and so a jeep racing along behind enemy lines would "borg" spot lots of things

Flak half-tracks - due to a bug in the game (CMBO) the SdKfz-7 series of flak half tracks weer almost immune to gunfire.

Flag-rush - knowing it's the last turn you rush all your troops to the flags regardless of cover, enemy suppression, etc. Variable endings put paid to that mostly

What's left??

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I did a ton of reading over the last two days on both the combatmission.com website, this site, and both of the help files. (as well as having played the CMBO game on and off for nearly 5 years)

Im still a "newbie" but i dont fell im one of thoes jackasses that says "hey how do you check LOS??" without first trying to find the defenition in-game or on the help docs. smile.gif

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Gamey is not a battlefield tactic, or even a game tactic, it is a player tactic. When things don't go your way it's gamey, when they do it isn't. Anyone ever hear of someone coming on the forum complaining of how the gamey tactic they used succeeded and they won? Quite the contrary, it is always when someone else uses the so called gamey tactic and the offended party lost.

It's like the two political parties bickering over which one can save the most money by cutting government when both know full well the taxpayers would not really stand for any such reduction in benefits and services and in full realization that if anything at all happens, the size of government will only increase as the costs of those benefits and services increase. It is simply that they'll call it something else inventive, like competitive outsourcing. Which only sounds good until one looks at the costs involved and realizes the cost of government outsourcing explodes the budget in the process. But it sounds real good in a 30 second evening news soundbite. In the end however, nothing more than a word game has taken place for the sake of the naive and the final result is the opposite of what was promised, and the primary goal of the hidden agenda had nothing to do with saving money in the first place.

Just play the game and accept the fact that your not always going to win.

[ January 16, 2003, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Okay, newbie, listen up. Your sequence of first postings was SUPPOSED to go like this

a) first post - "How do I take a screenshot"?

B) second post - "How come my T-34s always die, I thought they were invincible?"

c) third post - "Who is Mr. Peng?"

d) fourth post - "I was graciously invited to post here in the Peng Thread, and was wondering..."

e) fifth post - shocked outrage and profuse apologies (see d) above)

Get it right next time.

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Originally posted by demoss:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Edge of the world isn't gamey IMO - all games have that feature.

I hereby sentence you to go back and read what you just wrote until you find the irony in your statement.

tongue.gif </font>

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The point is ladies and gentlemen that gamey, for lack of a better word, is good. Gamey is right. Gamey works. Gamey clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the CMBB spirit. Gaminess, in all of it's forms - gamey flag rushes, edge hugging, knowledge of ground conditions - has marked the upward surge of mankind and gaminess - you mark my words - will not only save CM:BB but that other tactical combat game called CM:BO. Thank you.


[ January 16, 2003, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Okay, newbie, listen up. Your sequence of first postings was SUPPOSED to go like this

a) first post - "How do I take a screenshot"?

B) second post - "How come my T-34s always die, I thought they were invincible?"

c) third post - "Who is Mr. Peng?"

d) fourth post - "I was graciously invited to post here in the Peng Thread, and was wondering..."

e) fifth post - shocked outrage and profuse apologies (see d) above)

Get it right next time.

Is taking a screenshot of the Peng Thread considered gamey?
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