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If Jiggles had ever got his infantry in place the result would have been very very different.

there were swarms of the buggers!!

and if it hadn't ended when it did he was going to over run me cus we were mighty close to running out of ammo.

it was like Rorkes drift only on the eastern front :D:D :eek:

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Only done a couple of turns as i have been away, Got a problem with not being able to access Lycos, so send turns to same addy but yahoo.com smile.gif

Anyone got tips on how to take out a KV as i have seen one skulking through the countryside. smile.gif )

Seem to have had the better of the countryside but no real contact made yet......


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Originally posted by CSM Hollis:

Sorry to be holding things up but I had to go watch Livingstone V Hearts at the weekend which was as entertaining as it sounds.

Anyway hopefully things should speed up now & who knows at some point Lou might even decide to fire back. ;)

I see what's happening here..........

A few mortar rounds start landing and the T-34's roll over the hills .... then he goes all quiet on me.....claims its a weekend away in bonnie Scotland....leaving me twitching and biting my nails all weekend.

Now my nerves are all shot to bits the attack continues. :D

This is psychological warfare CM style ;)

Well hopefully soon we'll hear the droning of the Henschell HS-129s engines disturbing the clear morning sky and witness the scattered smoking remains of a T-34 force ;)


at work now - move will be back later tonight)

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At last real contact. smile.gif

On the map that Lou & I are playing the flags are both to my left & the map is dominated on both sides by small central hills. Lou just trundled an AA van to the top of his for a look around & found out that something was already watching from my side.

Still that fine column of smoke looks very scenic & may act as a marker for the threatened air assault ;)

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Bit of a battle we have going here, a few t34's, a brace of KV-1's and a valentine in a pear tree! All just about immune to my AT weapons. I'll run out of ammo before he runs out of tanks :( The Valentine took over half a dozen penetrations before retreating!

thought the 50mm gun was the answer to russian armour!

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Those Valentines are R0x0r. Apparently.

Hey comes on you guys, MrByte has finished me off and is waiting for his next opponent. Wha'chew doin'? Plotting tactics that don't involve gamey tank rushes, or what? A guy could grow old of waiting...!!! I've got a loser to play too!


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Originally posted by jiggles:

Those Valentines are R0x0r. Apparently.

Hey comes on you guys, MrByte has finished me off and is waiting for his next opponent. Wha'chew doin'? Plotting tactics that don't involve gamey tank rushes, or what? A guy could grow old of waiting...!!! I've got a loser to play too!


Patience Jiggles .... I have a feeling I'll be with you soon :D

Like Prester John, Im currently having some Russian armour problems ... We are at turn 11 and CSM Hollis has his T-34's sat back hitting some of my infantry ... thankfully not causing too many casualties .... but the 10% the AI took from me all seems to have been my heavy hitting armour and left me with the light stuff - - All is not lost (yet), it'll just take a bit of time (and luck) to try turn this around !

How are the rest of the battles coming along ... Green's where are you !!


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Blue2/Yellow2 currently at turn 11. Main flag is at top of a hill which we have both pushed men up, but the King of Castle has yet to be decided. I know Firefly has armour nearby, but as my men have reported the same vehicle variously as Marder, MkIV, Stug, Tirpitz on a skateboard and VW Polo I am none the wiser. Both our infantry have received fairly heavy mortar fire, but the only certain casualty is an armoured car that got caught mixing it with a couple of Russian tanks. Well, I am guessing it was an armoured car, but knowing my men's eyesight and Firefly's sneakiness it will probably turn out to be a wheelbarrow full of burning tyres.

Some progress expected this weekend with a high expectation of game-deciding losses...that'll be me then.

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Blue4 v Yellow4 is on turn 22 and getting into the end game.

A few turns ago I managed to lose within 30 seconds about 35 men on with an assault on a wood on my left flank. It was only defended by a couple of guys with pitchforks and their dog...according to old Sandyorevich. I've learnt the valuable lesson that suppression doesn't mean sticking three mortar shells in and hoping for the best, but blowing the **** out of a place for about 5 minutes before you move in.

On the plus side the hill on my right is decorated with three dead T34s and there are another couple skulking about with extra ventilation holes courtesy of my PZIIIJs.

Still all to play for.

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Just thought you ought to know that that woods setup was a trap - there was a third guy with a empty PPSH, and their dog has rabies...

By the way my T34 brigade commander is feeling very peeved at the way your Pz IIIJs keep ventilating his tanks with their deadly 50mm big guns, while his own puny 76mm AP rounds keep bouncing off the 100 mm front armour (not actually sloped) of the PzIII! Something wrong here I think, but never mind, war is hell.


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Still very cagey in my battle with Lou, though I notice he failed to mention his little SP gun that's now burning merrily after my T34's caught it trying to sneak into position.

I'm also pleased that my HE fire on the woods he's skulking in has caused few casualties which can only mean that those Germans I saw fleeing towards the rear must have just remembered some pressing prior engagement forcing them to relocate westward. ;)

[ March 17, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: CSM Hollis ]

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Blue2/Yellow2 - I've just sent Nick my surrender. The final straw was a Stug being KO'ed by a T-26 with a frontal shot - the crew decided to bale out after being immobilised. Nick played well keeping most of his tanks out of sight of my armour until my infantry were well and truly suppressed. I'll let Nick provide the gory details when he sees the AAR screen.

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Originally posted by Firefly:

Blue2/Yellow2 ... I'll let Nick provide the gory details when he sees the AAR screen.

The terrain gave me the bulk of the roads, so my troops generally got places quicker, sitting on T34s. One of which, cunningly masquerading as the front end of a pantomine T26, gave Firefly's Stug IIIF a quick dose of AP at about 90m range. He managed to miss a Stug flank shot, but immobilised him in the nick of time. I think the German's morale was a bit iffy at this point, as in quick succession an armoured car (with a duff gun I now find out) had lost the duel at 50m with a KV1, and a brave platoon of German infantry had discovered that the woods they were detailed to enter were held by 3 Russian infantry platoons (1 SMG).

A lot of these ranges were quite short as the terrain was quite lumpy and dippy in addition to the hills - on only one occasion were the Stugs able to get a shot at other than short range and that resulted in a dead T34.

Thanks to Firefly for the game - it was hard work and only at the very very end after a couple of crucial hits did I feel as though I had him on the ropes.

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