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CSM Hollis

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  1. I'm exteremly sorry for my 'vanishing act' which as you may have guessed had a lot to do with my baby daughter but also down to some net problems I was having. I'm happy to default on my game to enable the tournament to reach a conclusion & would like to thank you all for patiently giving me every chance to get back in touch. I am of course happy to finish of my semi game with Dr Juzzy 'just for fun' if he would like but if not wish him good luck in the final.
  2. Setup done & first turn underway. I choose Russkies for a change, wonder if I'll have to face any 'big cats'. I'll let you know how the game is getting on from time to time. BTW Lou is there a deadline for this match?
  3. Aaaarrgggghhh, sorry everyone got my head stuck up my arse recently & forgot all about this. Lou don't know if you need the full results for last round but I was a 60%/40% winner, 825/542 on points. In what was unfortunately a non too dynamic battle due to the sparsity of cover. I believe there was only 27 KIA total. Anyway I thank you all for your patience & hope I can make amends with my swift gameplay, though did I mention I have a baby due in 2 weeks.... Just emailed Dr Juzzy so hopefully we'll get sorted soon. Oh please don't throw anything but I've also realised my email address on my profile was incorrect, though its right now(sorry). [ September 22, 2003, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: CSM Hollis ]
  4. Wonder if anyone can help with a slight NOWT problem. I updated to 1.03 but didn't copy a 1.02 back up first & my opponents file is in the view only phase so he can't update it. Would a kindly soul update my last orders turn if I mail it to them?
  5. I'm happy with whatever settings as its all fun to me. However the last ones you listed seem especially fair & well thought out so they get my vote. As for our battle Lou it's good to see that the battles not quite ove yet, I can't wait to find out what that '?light tank' really is.
  6. Well if it isn't bad enough to lose one of my precious T34's to such a disgraceful newbie error now the whole damn forum gets to hear about it. That does it Lou2000 from now on I'm only going to play sober. [ March 26, 2003, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: CSM Hollis ]
  7. Still very cagey in my battle with Lou, though I notice he failed to mention his little SP gun that's now burning merrily after my T34's caught it trying to sneak into position. I'm also pleased that my HE fire on the woods he's skulking in has caused few casualties which can only mean that those Germans I saw fleeing towards the rear must have just remembered some pressing prior engagement forcing them to relocate westward. [ March 17, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: CSM Hollis ]
  8. Sorry didn't notice double post at first [ March 11, 2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: CSM Hollis ]
  9. At last real contact. On the map that Lou & I are playing the flags are both to my left & the map is dominated on both sides by small central hills. Lou just trundled an AA van to the top of his for a look around & found out that something was already watching from my side. Still that fine column of smoke looks very scenic & may act as a marker for the threatened air assault
  10. Sorry to be holding things up but I had to go watch Livingstone V Hearts at the weekend which was as entertaining as it sounds. Anyway hopefully things should speed up now & who knows at some point Lou might even decide to fire back.
  11. Just a thought on the 2pdr HE rounds. These couldn't be a reference to the HE AA ammo used in the 2pdr 40mm Bofors gun could they.
  12. I had the same in a QB against the AI. The Pz38(t) had a Panther graphic. Interestingly this only affected tanks in a platoon & not other ind Pz38(t)s.
  13. Well as a Boro fan I'm only too delighted to be playing in Red & I see I'm playing the top banana so I've a good excuse for my early elimination. Lou, my file will be back with you shortly once I've figured out the most gamey force selection. Good luck to everyone & thanks to Lou for taking the time & Apache for his generous prize. Incidentally shall we post our game comments/taunts here or start another thread? [ February 24, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: CSM Hollis ]
  14. Sounds like a great idea, please count me in. I guess I qualify as a Teesider who's moved 'down south' to Leeds. Is there plans for the winners of this & SEPTIC to have a North/South showdown?
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