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Hurricane Peng – A Cat 5 Challenge or just a steady drip?

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

The offer of a wild, drug induced orgy of insanity still stands by the way. If you have the stomach for it. Oh, if its a burden, forget the talcum powder. Just bring more cocoa butter and some ground maize.

It's too bad we had to meet under these circumstances Mr. Peng. You sound like my kind of guy if you know what I mean.

Am I getting it yet?

Has anyone figured out my new strategy? [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

It's a Cesspool ya toad.

Cesspool or sewer, whatever you desire, there's human waste in it and the mailbox says "Peng" on the side. If home is where the heart is than your taste in decor I admire.

OK, Pengboy, let's take your little set of rules to their logical conclusion.

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Peng, I am sad to see this day come. I always told myself that, no matter how over the top you got, I would never end my support for you. But now I am afraid that I will have to change my tune. Now, I find myself, like Cabron66, in a position of having to call for your banning.

How dare you go slutting around after my Stalker, you bastard?! I get called away from posting for a couple of days, worrying the whole time that my new Mortal Enemy will be quite lost and adrift without me, and what do I return to? You jezebeling up and down on the Thread of threads, handing out abuse (and vile bad abuse it was, too, Peng. Let's not go the way of MrHappy, shall we?), and offering to lure him away from his proper and just hatred of myself by offering drug orgies and a rather disturbing excess of peppers.

You watch yourself, laddy! I'll have your shameless attempts to corrupt my Mortal Enemy wrapped up and sent on to BFC before you can shake another dollop of talcum powder out, see if I won't! The nerve! Eight months of virtual silence, while I slave away earning my damn hatred, Peng, and then you come in here and with a couple of vulgar posts attempt to capitalize on everything I've achieved.

Did you, Peng, read the innumerable abusive, clueless, humourless and above all, witless posts by Cabron66, as I did? No, you did not. Did you bother to attempt to tweak him with a bit of humour in the attempt to get him to lighten up, and then sit through his rather vulgar an bullying abuse? No. Did you take the time to make multiple posts explaining to him exactly why everyone regarded him as a twit, why he was being shunned, and just how clueless he was being? No, again you did not. Did you wander away, laughing a little in amazement that anyone could be that big a pillock, only to have the same fool follow you into the Thread and demand that you make, as he put it, 'peace' with him, or suffer the consequences? I don't think that was you, Peng.

But, did you suddenly show up, toss off a few Subterranean Homesick Pengs, and attempt to assume ownership of my lunatic Canadian Stalker and deeply, deeply paranoid Mortal Enemy? Yes, Peng, that sounds like what you did!

I think that BFC will be very interested in this behaviour, MrPeng!

You will excuse me now, I hope, while a take a transcription, photo documentary, and PowerPoint presentation of your recent posts over to BFC to see if you are the sort of person they want posing on this Board! When I posted my threads asking for cards, postcards, and letters filled with the Forum Members' hatred, did you privately email them all and ask them to send those to you, instead?

Good day to you, sir!

[ September 21, 2003, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Sad really.

What kind of complete arsehole gets his jollies off by hanging his wang out and saying "Ya Ya look at me! I can be a utter boor if I want to, and there is nothing you can do about it."

Crap-on, you are about the most un-entertaining poster I think the MBT has ever had, and that takes some doing. How anyone can be such a dried up little turd on such a consistent basis is beyond me. It must take real effort. Your total lack of humor, and inability to grasp even the tiniest mote of a clue about what this thread is about is unmatched in the tens of thousands of posts that have been made to the Peng Challenge Threads. Your head is so far up your forth point of contact that the fecal impactions on your brain have caused you to mistake responses to your textual dullness as some form of acceptance. Nothing could be further from the truth, though I doubt the truth about anything could penetrate your impressive cranial armor.

Lads, since I doubt this will ever find a clue even if it was stapled to his wee-wee, I says it is Coventry time for the dolt.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Peng, I am sad to see this day come. I always told myself that, no matter how over the top you got, I would never end my support for you. But now I am afraid that I will have to change my tune. Now, I find myself, like Cabron66, in a position of having to call for your banning.

How dare you go slutting around after my Stalker, you bastard?! drones on for another half a page...

More romantic AND more hated! This just isn't your year Gnome

Stuck around the Peng THread when I saw it was time for a change...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

How dare you go slutting around after my Stalker, you bastard?!

So typical of you, Seanachai. So very,very, so-so typically typical. Of you. Seanachai.

Here you go and get your very own crazed stalker and anti-fan boy and what do you do? You leave him out in the rain where anybody can find him!

I warned you, didn't I Seanachai? Didn't I??? Wait...did I?

Yes! I did!

You have no one to blame but yourself. And for good measure, we'll blame you too.

Silly prat.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

So typical of you, Seanachai. So very,very, so-so typically typical. Of you. Seanachai.

Here you go and get your very own crazed stalker and anti-fan boy and what do you do? You leave him out in the rain where anybody can find him!

I warned you, didn't I Seanachai? Didn't I??? Wait...did I?

Yes! I did!

You have no one to blame but yourself. And for good measure, we'll blame you too.

Silly prat.

Well, I would be ashamed, but my over-weaning ego and the knowledge that I clearly am superiour argues me out of it.

Now, Boo, as my large and oafish henchman, it will be your duty to put the collar and leash on Cabron66 and direct his snarling disregard for Reality and decorum at the many enemies we have earned here on the Forum, as well as that lot from Australia. Just watch your legs.

I will not ask you to bathe him, because when he gets worked up the spray of spittle pretty much takes care of any imperfections to his coat.

You may be asked on occasion to feed him, but this will probably be rare, as an important part of maintaining the Victim/Stalker relationship will be in making sure that his food comes from my own hand.

Neither of us will need to spend much time with taking him for 'walkies', as it is pretty clear from reading the other threads that he's still trying to participate in that he's completely at home with soiling himself wherever he happens to be at the moment.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

Lads, since I doubt this will ever find a clue even if it was stapled to his wee-wee, I says it is Coventry time for the dolt.

Ah come on, do you really want to take Peng's (formerly Seanachai's) stalker away from them? He's like a chew toy for Olde Ones </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Aren't they part of the Meat Packers Union?

And a thousand honest men bit their tongue in anguish, contrition and at the same instant in time.... </font>
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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

Lads, since I doubt this will ever find a clue even if it was stapled to his wee-wee, I says it is Coventry time for the dolt.

Ah come on, do you really want to take Peng's (formerly Seanachai's) stalker away from them? He's like a chew toy for Olde Ones </font>
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A call for Coventry has been made and must be put to the membership.

It is hereby proposed that the SSN known as Cabron66 be sent to Coventry for actions beyond the pale ... even here.

In accordance with past procedure, any Olde One, Lady or Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread may declare their opposition to the call for Coventry and it will be cancelled. Twenty Four hours is usually set for the procedure.

In this case, barring the above opposition, the call for Coventry shall be automatically agreed to at 10:00 PM Eastern Time on September 22nd.

Of course he may not last THAT long without being banned by BFC and rendering the whole process moot.

I'LL be in Des Moines, worse luck. I'll try to check in from time to time.


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Originally posted by Wildman:

Marlow you pathetic, mannequinn squeezin', tub of lard, a battle lad.

I've missed your depravity in my inbox, and which to squeeze you for all the ****e your worth. Scenario of your choice, pronto.

Somfink with you as the Nazi Evildoers® (term used with permission. VRWC license number 0715) will be winging its way to your porn ridden harddrive as soon as we settle on which battle I will use for kicking your fat flyboy butt. You played "South of Heaven" yet?
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