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Peng Challenge Telethon a Success – Australia Saved

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Enlighten me if you will.

A tragedy has occurred in my dear hometown of Winter Haven. Nay a travesty!

We thought that we had finally given the *BOOT* to the cleveland indians (spelt but not bolded), but they brought out their high-priced lawyers and discovered a loophole that allows them to stay another 5 years.

Oh Joy.......NOT!!

Five more years of being overrun each Spring by of all things Ohioans!. Certainly life has no worst case scenario that can possibly beat that, except..........

Boo, you don't like baseball do you?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />However, despite the fact that I did not insult or challenge anyone, NG felt the need to make fun of my adopted country and my sexual orientation, encouraged by Nidan1 and yourself.

Well OF COURSE we felt the need ... you are an SSN, SSNs are habitually harrassed in all sorts of ways, not least for NOT challenging someone. The rules state very clearly that the purpose of this thread is to taunt and challenge and if you have no challenge then you have no need to be here! I believe you stated that English is not your first language, if so may I compliment you on your mastery of it. However, it is possible that many of the things we say can be misunderstood by those without a firm understanding of the nuances of the language.

Finally ... where did anyone make sport of your sexual orientation? Where would we even get a clue as to what that orientation was?

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />However, despite the fact that I did not insult or challenge anyone, NG felt the need to make fun of my adopted country and my sexual orientation, encouraged by Nidan1 and yourself.

Well OF COURSE we felt the need ... you are an SSN, SSNs are habitually harrassed in all sorts of ways, not least for NOT challenging someone. The rules state very clearly that the purpose of this thread is to taunt and challenge and if you have no challenge then you have no need to be here! I believe you stated that English is not your first language, if so may I compliment you on your mastery of it. However, it is possible that many of the things we say can be misunderstood by those without a firm understanding of the nuances of the language.

Finally ... where did anyone make sport of your sexual orientation? Where would we even get a clue as to what that orientation was?

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Boo, you don't like baseball do you?

Depends (And no, I'm not naming your favorite brand of underwear), would my liking baseball add even one iota of misery to your already sad, dreary, colorless life? Would you weep, wail and gnash your teeth (the two of them)? Would my interest in baseball cause you to rend your bargain basement clothing and dump ashes all over yourself while engaging in self mutilation, screaming to the high heavens, "WHY ME? OH, WHY OH WHY ME?"?

Then, sure. I'm a big fan. Not only that, I may have to join a bunch of my buddies and travel down to Winter Haven for spring training next year. Which trailer park do you reside in, again?

(Edited to say that I'm editing this post.)

[ July 17, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


NG cavscout (spelt but not bolded) is still a serf and not under instruction at present and ... let's be honest here ... even when he IS taken to Squire it will be by rune ... well ... the lad will be lucky to know which way to put his trousers on of a morning ... (hint: the zipper goes in the FRONT).


Joe [/QB]

Thanks for the hint. I am glad you could clear that up because I know in the House of Palm Shaving you prefer your serfs to have the zipper in the back. How is that whole NAMBLA membership thing working out for you?
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Then, sure. I'm a big fan. Not only that, I may have to join a bunch of my buddies and travel down to Winter Haven for spring training next year. Which trailer park do you reside in, again?

[serious]No ****e? If true send an e-mail.[/serious]

Currently residing at The Shady Rest. Kate and the girls send their regards, but Uncle Joe is bit miffed by the whole thing. When you get here catch the Cannonball Express at Hooterville, then go through Bugtussle and Green Acres. The next stop is The Shady Rest.

You don't have a problem wearing an orange jump-suit, do ya? It's for your own protection is what they're telling me.

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Tis time for the first of three quests.

No Good Cavscout, you are to write a paper on the reasons Joebob should not post in the General Fourm, sub-title it "The Reason the Movie Logan's Run was correct". Using quotes from any thread in the GF, prove to Joebob that he is a pillock, and that nothing good comes from arguing with those unarmed in the battle of wits. You may also submit a paragraph on why his posting in the General Forum is part of a conspiracy, using the guidelines of Oliver Stone.

Secondly, You much find Lady Moraine, and after a decent taunt [but be careful, Ladies of the Pool are to be respected, even those that FAIL to post AARs of their battles. Play her in....hmmmm....Cossack Carnage.

Third of your three quests, is a formal apology to FIBs, since some of the greatest evilness has come from both Berli and I. Here in the forum will suffice.

Get to work young serf.


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Originally posted by rune:

Tis time for the first of three quests.

No Good Cavscout, you are to write a paper on the reasons Joebob should not post in the General Fourm, sub-title it "The Reason the Movie Logan's Run was correct". Using quotes from any thread in the GF, prove to Joebob that he is a pillock, and that nothing good comes from arguing with those unarmed in the battle of wits. You may also submit a paragraph on why his posting in the General Forum is part of a conspiracy, using the guidelines of Oliver Stone.

Secondly, You much find Lady Moraine, and after a decent taunt [but be careful, Ladies of the Pool are to be respected, even those that FAIL to post AARs of their battles. Play her in....hmmmm....Cossack Carnage.

Third of your three quests, is a formal apology to FIBs, since some of the greatest evilness has come from both Berli and I. Here in the forum will suffice.

Get to work young serf.


Not ... so fast there rune. Thought you'd just sneak one by did you? Thought you'd evade the rules did you? Thought the old Justicar would be sleeping at the switch did you? WELL NOT BY A LONG SHOT.

Young NG cavscout (spelt but not bolded) is a SERF ... a serf of the entire CessPool on whom you hold the rights of first refusal. Those rights may only be exercised WHEN AND IF I, as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread acting on behalf of the Olde Ones have ACCEPTED NG cavscout as worthy.

So ... go ahead and make your case. Let's see if you think him worthy of being a Squire in the CessPool ... then I'll make my ruling.

Until then ... well I'LL be needing young NG cavscout to ... muck out the stables ... yeah, that's it.


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Last things first. APOLOGIZE TO THE FIB'S?????

Ok, I am sorry that you "people" (once again using the term rather loosely) can't drive. When appreciating the meaning of true beauty in Wisconsin, where it seems that the ENTIRE population of your rather anemic excuse for a state comes EACH AND EVERY weekend, you should really pay attention to which side of the road you are on. We know that trees are lovely, and truly represent the glory that is nature, but please stop HITTING ours with your cars.

I am sorry that your state is so devoid of culture and opportunity to commune with the nature gods that you must over run "God's Country" (As Wisconsin is affectionately known throughout the western world) whenever your mob bosses allow you no-necks to drift out of the speak easys, put a temporary halt to your protection rackets, and do your best to stop knuckle dragging long enough to cross the border.

I am sorry that the aforementioned bosses seem to think that proceeds from the I-90 toll road fits better in their Swiss accounts and used as bribes to ensure another democratic tenure in the governor's mansion, than in the fund to fix that sorry excuse for a dirt road that has more holes than a 6 year heroin junkies arm.

The essay is under completion. And I am trying to find a nice way to tell Lady Moraine that although her tactical abilities may stand up to muster against the genetic backwaters I see in here (how appropriately named is this cesspool), but perhaps, if she were to match them to someone actually possessing a forebrain, they might come up a bit short. As soon as I am able to put that into gentlemanly terms, I will attempt to pry her from the embrace of the dreaded "Hiram-Beast" I have heard so much of and challenge the Lass.

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Member # 2305

posted July 17, 2003 13:27


NG cavscout, I apologize, just thought of a good thing to say about Wisconsin.

It's between me and Chicago."

Well, another from the Minestrone gallery is heard from. Thank you for your input. Don't you have ice to fish? Or Moose to molest? Don't you have to make a sacrifice to the football gods to try and convince them to give the Vikings a playoff spot? Then again, that hasn't been working very well lately....

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Ok, I'm past the lamenting stage an into the fermenting. That gamey bastiche Sir She-skank1 may have somehow managed to manipulate, lie, cheat and forge himself to a win, but just you wait, you defiler of shrew bottoms!

I will return, and the vengeance shall be greater than your pathetic excuse for a semideveloped organ cluster can possibly fathom. The Horde Will Not Be Denied! And the next time I will be on guard against your slimey tricks and stinking fabrications!

Beware, Nidan, the Horde is coming for you, your drawer of ladies underwear, your pet cockroaches and that laughable black, twisted shred of meat you call your heart!


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Mace: You mean this?.....
No, I think the servicing with the porcelain pole is older than even the treatment that the Olde Firm provides. Also not nearly as cruel, but far more personal by design and gut-wrenchingly vile.

Lars you are a paragon of your state, the king hermit in a state full of shut-ins and those that ought to be. Chicago is far and away the best of the ****e piles of humanity that you call cities in Amerika and you ought to venture there more often until you get into the spirit of the place (or at least get mugged a few times). Then you can return home to your land of 37.5 m2 lakes and feel worldly, and be the one considered by both your friends as wind swept and interesting. They’ll say:

Bumpkin Clod A: “See there goes Lars, he’s the one that travels

Bumpkin Clod B: “Yup, and I hear he didn’t even take his boot”



Yadda (ad nauseum)




(add extra nauseum, because after all we are talking Minnesota here)

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

[serious] Funnily enough I have a double interest in playing the Russians. Not only was I born in Russia, but in fact, in the very city were many of the T-34 tanks were produced during the war - Chelyabinsk. In fact, the centrepiece in the main square in my home town is a huge granite obelisk with an actual T-34 sitting proudly on top of it. And before anyone finds it themselves, I will volunteer this information http://www.logtv.com/chelya/default.html Do your worst[/serious]
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He hasn't forgotten where it is, it's just that - as an american - he finds the idea of moving his left hand ALL the way over to the caps lock button as an un-welcome amount of effort when he can merely crush the right shift key under the enormous bulk of his little finger, natch...

[ July 17, 2003, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: urefinger ]

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My Gawd, how I hate the lot of you!! Why do I keep coming back here and posting when I know that your vapid responses will do nothing but make me smirk? I see the pretty pictures and they do nothing for me. They leave me as flaccid as Joe Shaw when he struggles to remember what it was like to have a woman touch him. Can you smell the disdain I have for the mouth breathing, geriatric, wind bag?

Anyhoo…here is what you are waiting for….

Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Updates:

Elvis His bony hips scare me. He likes to think that he can dance like his namesake but he cannot. We are playing an atrocity and he is cheating. Ask me how at another time. I am waiting for him to remind me that his namesake is not the king but some wierdo with glasses.

Moriarty Two blind, palsied, incontinent Utah inhabitants could play a better scenario than Mister Moriarty (Always with the bad vibes) and I could. This is no strategical acumen shown. You will not find a speck of intelligence here folks. He will win because his tanks are bigger. Go figure. This guy probably forgot my name by now.

Lee Oh I taunted him, he sent me a scenario that has been around since our Messiah was reaching puberty and then I emailed a Mister KingFish for a better one. We are now playing a Stalingrad scenario and the results will be in after you call our 900 number. Do you want Lee Oh to win? Or, deep within your soul of souls, do you want what’s good and proper? Vote for Hiram!!

The rest of these porkchops are either not visiting the Peng thread any more, are too brain dead to understand their computers, or are wussyboy’s: Lorak, Goanna, MRPeng, Speedbump, JDMorse.

I blame the whole beta thing. These are all wonderful participants in the Hiram struggle. I do wonder if MRPeng has a hand puppet though, ala Mister Garrison. (you go to hell and you die!)

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That's all very interesting, Hiram, which is to say, I really wasn't paying much attention to you anyways. But, that's something you're probably very familiar with, aren't you?

Oh, and now you're talking to me with the instant message gizmo. Is there no escaping you?

Other than death. Yours preferably.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

I name myself adter this particular vodka because I am Russian, and have, on numerous occasions, consumed my bodyweight equivalent of 42below.

Well now, what have we here? A real Russian? My goodness, that would be a first, I believe.

Appreciate your clarifying your name, we were thinking it was pretty silly to be posting your IQ for all to see.

Well, lad, as long as you are not from Georgia there should be no problem. We have our own Georgia here, and the Great State of Florida has been in steady conflict since the days of *yore and yon. Each year there is a large outdoor cocktail party held in Jacksonville in which our beloved Gators apply a firm, but kindly, can of whoop arse on the poor Bulldogs.

Besides, it's hard enough getting anybody to actually want to play the Russians, so I'm sure you will not be lacking for games.

*yore and yon-a period in history that came before the dinosaurs and when Berli's posts were worth reading. </font>

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