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The Imperial Peng Challenge Thread OR Seanachai's Finest Hour

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Posted by Seanachai



So here we go. Another boring, slow-motion attempt to enliven their sad lives. Not content with picking on a Continent, they now allight onto "Poor Boo" - sad really.

How long must we wait for an outcome, I wonder. With one of them who sends turns slower than the second coming, and the other that only comes out of delusions once in a blue moon, this is going to be Brutally Booring. The Donkey has it tapped.

Now if we got to see the blood, the gore, the screaming and grinding of heels into the mud of Russia - preferably with AAR's to match - THAT might be entertaining.

Nothing to see here, move along.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And now, an address to Leeo.

Ah, Leeo! How well I remember when you first shuffled in here, soggy, as all you Northwest Coasters are, from your own inability to figure out which way the wind is blowing when you go to relieve yourselves.

I challenge you to a game, my dear Leeo. You have, in private email passed amongst only 15 or so truly utterly vulgar and useless human beings, impugned my courage.

As I now recall your 'remarks', you stated that I was 'afraid' to meet you on the Field of Honour. I took this to mean that I had not spent enough time calling into question every aspect of your person, abilities, and intelligence here in the Peng Challenge Thread. There was simply no possibility of a game of CM with you ending in anything less than the sort of humiliation for you that even the most anxious halfwit would struggle to reject before taking his own life.

How glad I am to find that, after all this time of allowing you to flop about on the shore of the Peng Challenge Thread like some sort of gill-netted trash fish stripped out and heaped up to rot, you're now anxious to prove your unworthiness of anything other than scorn by back-handing a challenge to me.

You tit. You very small puddle of poodle urine. What's next for you, Leeo? A full episode interview with Nicole Smith?

Send me a setup.

For all that you might have been, I will grant you the grace of dispatching you myself.


You Knee-High Gnome of Iniquity. You Grifter of Hate. You Prancing Pan of Perception. You will dispatch me naught, for I have come to lay claim to my share of the "front porch," and you damned-well better make room for me and my malt-liquor encrusted sleeping bag!

Long have I keened in the wind at the hole in my life left by not having yet abraded you and your 'troops' with hot metal and gunpowder.

You prance and preen in your black hole of magnanamous ego, yet it will be I that finally paints your eyes with the crimson which gushes through you.

1000pts. Everything random. I'll flip a coin as to sides and defend/attack. The Gods may build our ships of fate, but only we can steer them.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

make room for me and my malt-liquor encrusted sleeping bag!

The outside or the inside?

I'm betting on the inside.

Unless, of course, it soaked its way from the inside to the outside, in which case, all bets are off.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Chew other people’s pencils.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

No, no, no, Berli, you're confusing...

"Heart and soul, I fell in love with you

Heart and soul, the way a fool would do,


Because you held me tight

And stole a kiss in the night

Heart and soul, I begged to be adored

Lost control, and tumbled overboard,


That magic night we kissed

There in the moon mist

Oh! but your lips were thrilling, much too thrilling

Never before were mine so strangely willing

But now I see, what one embrace can do

Look at me, it's got me loving you


That little kiss you stole

Held all my heart and soul"

Could someone explain to me why Boo is singing love songs to Berli? Did I miss an episode of the Thread in which everything changed? Or is Spock going to show up any minute with a beard and inform me that the way one gets a lower member number is by assasinating the current holder?

Boo, far be it from me, the most 'romantic' of soul amongst the Olde Ones, to discourage you in this new passion, but having met and dealt with Berli fairly extensively, I can tell you that you're unlikely to be requited. Well, at least not until Hell freezes over, thaws, is extensively landscaped with nice green lawns, neatly trimmed hedges, and white marble statuary of fauns and dryads, then frozen again, then beaten with white hot whips of raw energy, and finally filled with small white bunnies.

Should that occur, I imagine that the next 'reply to all' email that will be making the rounds amongst 'Poolers will be about the wonderful weekend the two of you spent in Vegas together, where you stayed with 'Timmy'.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Could someone explain to me why Boo is singing love songs to Berli? Did I miss an episode of the Thread in which everything changed? Or is Spock going to show up any minute with a beard and inform me that the way one gets a lower member number is by assasinating the current holder?

Boo, far be it from me, the most 'romantic' of soul amongst the Olde Ones, to discourage you in this new passion, but having met and dealt with Berli fairly extensively, I can tell you that you're unlikely to be requited. Well, at least not until Hell freezes over, thaws, is extensively landscaped with nice green lawns, neatly trimmed hedges, and white marble statuary of fauns and dryads, then frozen again, then beaten with white hot whips of raw energy, and finally filled with small white bunnies.

Should that occur, I imagine that the next 'reply to all' email that will be making the rounds amongst 'Poolers will be about the wonderful weekend the two of you spent in Vegas together, where you stayed with 'Timmy'.

Dear Seanachai, once again you show the world that you are really quite dense. Have you always been this way? Was your nickname "Thickie" in grade school? Or were you home schooled in the great tradition of dour midwestern values?

I was not singing a love song to Berli. Well, I was singing it to him, but not "to" him if you know what I mean. Or, if that explanation is a bit too subtle for your blunt mallet way of thinking, all I can say is no, I'm not putting the moves on Berli. I don't believe there's enough alcohol on the planet for that to ever happen.

So your jealosy is unfounded.

And Timmy does not live in Las Vegas, he merely likes to go there and throw away his retirement checks.

And don't you owe me a move? AGAIN?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And Timmy does not live in Las Vegas, he merely likes to go there and throw away his retirement checks.

And don't you owe me a move? AGAIN?

Las Vegas Timmy What's that, Boo? A Showgirl has fallen down in her dressing room and needs resuscitation?

Boo Bark! Bark! Whine.

Las Vegas Timmy And you think the blackjack dealer is plotting against us?!

Boo Bark!

Wasn't someone advocating that I turn my talents to writing for Television? I can see a natural here with 'The Adventures of Boo and Las Vegas Timmy'.

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Hah! HAH! I say!

I have been contacted by no other than LASVEGASTIMMY himself!

It seems he is a bit disturbed by the Employment Prospect I sent to Hiram. I'm not sure whether it is the thought of Hiram being allowed out of his doublewide, or if he thinks Boo would be a better candidate for the job.

However, he DOES exist, and is apparently bright enough to ignore suggestions from Boo (such as "Run! Run for your life and whatever you do, DON'T RESPOND TO THEM!!").


[ August 08, 2003, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I just finished watching South Pacific for the first time. I now understand why Seanachai acts the way he does.

You've got to be taught

To hate and fear,

You've got to be taught

From year to year,

It's got to be drummed

In your dear little ear

You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid

of people who've defeated your arse in a game,

which would be everyone that you've ever played,

You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,

Before you are six or seven or eight,

To hate all the people the Cesspoolers hate,

You've got to be carefully taught!

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Tales from Ohio

Breast-feeding driver testifies she was acting under husband's orders


Associated Press

RAVENNA, Ohio - Clutching a bible as she testified, a woman told prosecutors she was following her husband's orders when she breast-fed their baby daughter while driving on the Ohio Turnpike.

Catherine Nicole Donkers said that for a short time she took both hands off the wheel to move the 7-month-old girl while the car drove in cruise control at 65 mph.

"I don't believe there was any form of recklessness," Donkers said Thursday in Portage County Municipal Court.

Donkers, 29, is representing herself in the trial scheduled to resume Friday with closing arguments. Judge Donald Martell could rule later in the day, at the earliest.

Donkers is charged with driving without a license, along with several other misdemeanors, the most severe being child endangerment. A conviction carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

The mother and her husband, Brad Lee Barnhill, belong to a religion they say requires Barnhill to be responsible for punishing Donkers. It also disagrees with driver's license and other laws.

Donkers testified that she had stopped earlier on May 8 at a highway rest stop and fed cereal to the baby her father said was named Seren Barnhill. Donkers said she realized the baby was still hungry after she got back on the road, headed to Michigan from Pennsylvania.

"I called my husband, and he directed me to continue on, to drive to Michigan and nurse my child in the car," Donkers said.

"All of her skin was completely covered to provide me the privacy I felt I might need if any passers-by were curious," she said. "It certainly isn't a primary choice as a form of feeding my child. I certainly had no intent to harm my child. I never would."

Donkers and Barnhill both refused to take an oath before testifying because of their religious beliefs. Both signed written statements swearing to tell the truth.

The couple – who lack a marriage license but claim to be married – belong to the First Christian Fellowship for Eternal Sovereignty, which has a history of challenging the government.

The organization, which pledges allegiance to Jesus Christ, was founded in Henderson, Nev., in the 1990s. Barnhill says he is a minister in the fellowship with 650 followers.

In May, state police pursued Donkers for several miles on the northeast Ohio highway before she stopped. She insisted on speaking to her husband before cooperating.

Testimony from a state trooper said Donkers had what appeared to be a homemade Pennsylvania identification card instead of a driver's license.

Barnhill said the couple was living temporarily in Pittsburgh for work, but Donkers was a resident of Livonia, Mich., when arrested. Child restraint laws in Michigan exempt nursing babies, which the couple says should clear Donkers.

Sigh. Well, I guess this isn't all that bad. I mean, I understand that some other Ohioans who shall remain nameless [cough]Boo[/cough] perform other, more distracting, umm, acts while driving down the highway.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Breast-feeding driver testifies she was acting under husband's orders.


"Barnhill said the couple was living temporarily in Pittsburgh for work,

but Donkers was a resident of Livonia, Mich., when arrested.

Child restraint laws in Michigan exempt nursing babies, which the couple says should clear Donkers."

Sigh. Well, I guess this isn't all that bad. I mean, I understand that some other Ohioans who shall remain nameless [cough]Boo[/cough] perform other, more distracting, umm, acts while driving down the highway.


MrSpkr you unmitigated ninny. I realize that the enlightening part of the article didn't appear until the very end and that your lips no doubt got tired halfway through, but just to set the record straight, the defendant lives in Michigan! I believe that would be dalem's home state. Is it any surprise?

And as for you being in contact with LASVEGASTIMMY (Spelt, but not bolded...because I really don't know why), I will probably be seeing him this weekend and will bluntly hammer in the dangers of dealing with pseudopods such as yourself. But, he's an adult and even though he's a retired chemist from Goodyear, supposedly he's accountable for his actions.

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Damn it Boo_Radley I sent you the surrender file you REQUIRED before we could embark on our Free LasVegasTimmy and Muffin quest. I did the honorable thing. And what do I see in my inbox? Do I see the return file showing me the MASSES of German armor ringing my last poor SU 85 like crocs surrounding a wildebeest? I do NOT! You should be ashamed sir ... well, okay ... you should be MORE ashamed.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

MrSpkr you unmitigated ninny. I realize that the enlightening part of the article didn't appear until the very end and that your lips no doubt got tired halfway through, but just to set the record straight, the defendant lives in Michigan! I believe that would be dalem's home state.

Same difference. I note for the record you don't deny the other allegations.


[ August 08, 2003, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Damn it Boo_Radley I sent you the surrender file you REQUIRED before we could embark on our Free LasVegasTimmy and Muffin quest. I did the honorable thing. And what do I see in my inbox? Do I see the return file showing me the MASSES of German armor ringing my last poor SU 85 like crocs surrounding a wildebeest? I do NOT! You should be ashamed sir ... well, okay ... you should be MORE ashamed.


Dear Josephus. I'm at work right now and am unable to process your request. Wait. Was that a request? No. More like an aimless rant.

See, Joe, unlike you, I work in a real office, far removed from my home. I actually wear pants and a shirt and shoes while I'm at work, whereas I imagine, your everyday work attire is closer to a tatty bathrobe and shower thongs. And that brings up another question: You're a banker who works out of his house. Does anybody else think that sounds weird? What is it called? The First Natl. Bank Of Joe Shaw & Live Bait? Is there a time yellowed sign Scotch-taped to your window that says "Notary Public" in faded Palmer-style cursive? Do you sometimes accept meat sold out of the trunks of cars as payment?

Are times really that tough?

You'll get your return file. Maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Damn it Boo_Radley I sent you the surrender file you REQUIRED before we could embark on our Free LasVegasTimmy and Muffin quest. I did the honorable thing. And what do I see in my inbox? Do I see the return file showing me the MASSES of German armor ringing my last poor SU 85 like crocs surrounding a wildebeest? I do NOT! You should be ashamed sir ... well, okay ... you should be MORE ashamed.


Dear Josephus. I'm at work right now and am unable to process your request. Wait. Was that a request? No. More like an aimless rant.

See, Joe, unlike you, I work in a real office, far removed from my home. I actually wear pants and a shirt and shoes while I'm at work, whereas I imagine, your everyday work attire is closer to a tatty bathrobe and shower thongs. And that brings up another question: You're a banker who works out of his house. Does anybody else think that sounds weird? What is it called? The First Natl. Bank Of Joe Shaw & Live Bait? Is there a time yellowed sign Scotch-taped to your window that says "Notary Public" in faded Palmer-style cursive? Do you sometimes accept meat sold out of the trunks of cars as payment?

Are times really that tough?

You'll get your return file. Maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Really Seanachai, a take off on "The Adventures of Lassie"? That's all you could come up with? I'm less than astounded.

It was a simple show, and you're a simple man. I thought that replacing a highly intelligent dog with a rather mentally impaired Ohio man would make the whole venture post-modern enough to play well to today's audiences.
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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[peers again at Boo]

I suppose its not exactly Polynesian... or even wot not...


Fertility rituals in Ohio...

*honk* *honk* *honkety hoooooooooooooooooonk*

Fertility rites in Ohio involve Budweiser, greasy bill caps, and bad fast food.

Also, probably, at some point, the use of the endearment 'punkin' (for "my little pumpkin"), a vegetable which Ohioans apparently find 'erotic'. Hard to understand why until you look at a bunch of Ohioans standing in line at Burger King and notice a certain 'uniformity' of physique.

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