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Honest to goodness Power Rankings this exact second


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The game was fun while it lasted. move on to other games.
Waltero is some sort of absolutely UNIQUE Individual,

And that is ALWAYS refreshing to see,

And, as such, he knows things.

Heark to this here crazy curious Clown. ;)

NEW day's a'coming.

THE next most amazing game WILL be... SC2.

Never mind all those... pretenders

Fooling & futzing around out there

In "milk the WW2 GS market,"

With their crooked "area movements,"

And their BIG budget enticements.


I don't say that merely because I have some very TINY insights into this latest

Geyser-like! game development.

I say it... as a 40+ year... PLAYER.

Of ALL manner of board games.

And computer games.


Games where your very existence

Stumbles over... a dice-rolled edginess.


This next most amazing game,

SC2 ... is gonna send ALL

Them OLD player rankings,

And them "speculations" about WHO is such & such

A so-called... PREMIER player,

OUT - the fun-house window! :cool:

All of EVERYTHING is now... topsy turvy,

Like some sort of crazy kaleidoscope

You look into and

Stare once again, and... can't QUITE

Determine - what? :eek:

Is... the figure,

And what?

Is... the ground.

That mangled, Panzer-claw'd ground.

You will soon!

See new! Masters of the quick-ripping blitz,

And new! Crack cats of... the bad-track nasty.

Old "top-dogs" will have to fight,

And scratch,

And claw,

And howl - to that soon! subsumed Moon,

MERELY... to simply survive.

It's gonna be... some kind of merry mayhem, oh

Yea, all you contenders and pretenders,

Some kind of... mayhem MOST amazing! :cool:

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Yep, Waltero is part of the original SC players. I've played this dude seems like every Holiday Season, in clips of 2-days straigth, no breaks! Think he's from Alaska, so Waltero needs to get some gaming in before winter hibernation (spelling?).

Anyhow...I remember my first SeaLion against Waltero, I cranked up this song, by the Clash smile.gif

London Calling

London calling to the faraway towns

Now that war is declared-and battle come down

London calling to the underworld

Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls

London calling, now don't look at us

All that phoney beatlemania has bitten the dust

London calling, see we ain't got no swing

'cept for the ring of that truncheon thing


The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in

Engines stop running and the wheat is growing thin

A nuclear error, but i have no fear

London is drowning-and i live by the river

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Nice to see some things never change. Zapp and Terif not speaking, Rambo on a top 10 list in SC. Ahhh if only it didnt take 12 hours for a good game, and so many end quickly with no one willing to fight when behind :( .

Any major changes or is it still just a air race for tech and the one behind bow's out quickly?

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I have found Iron that it's more and more about MPPs and yes Air and Land Tech are some of the more powerful capabilities. Now Axis/Russians both use Anti-Air more often

Subs are becoming a common tactic but easily countered by a smart Allied player

I have played a game vs Rambo recently, lost almost all of Scandanavia, but managed to trap most of the US Army up in bergen and eat him enough to kill UK and US Air and still be gaining ground against the Soviets.. I was almost out of that race, held on by a 'thread' definitely a comeback.

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Originally posted by Dragonheart:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zappsweden:

Due to achievements and streak, I should currently be ranked #1 this exact second until someone really beats me. I have positive streak against anyone (Dragonheart, Rambo, Avatar included!) except Liam (temporary because I am coming to get you Liam ;)

Zapp....Zaaaaaaaaap :rolleyes: ....really....i dont care who has which place....but ....dont tell the ppl you have a positive winning streak ag me......just....just as you won the past 3 games before i stopped playing.

Before i had a streak of at least 8 ...i repeat 8 games....and before in was a up and down between us. Since my winning streak in Kunis league was ended i had 35 victories in a row....i had a better rating then everybody.........but........to be no 1 was denied to me.......a couple of ppl can proove this and saw my rating...wondering why i did not get the 1 Rank. :eek:

But thats irrelevant anyhow....i will accept you as alltime No.1 outside Terif´s world .....but dont talk about a posivtive streak ag me. </font>

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

1) You do not care who has which place? Still you are pissed of not being ranked #1 in the Kuni League? :rolleyes:

2) I never claim to be an all timer (that would be braggy IMO) but like this topic indicates we are discussing the current rankings not any all-time.

3) I cannot say I have a 3 games streak against you but you can say you had 8 games winning streak against me? :rolleyes:

4) Not my fault you retired, but I would happily give you a chance for revenge (and me a chance of retiring you again LOL tongue.gif;) )... gimme time and "place" and I will be there :cool:

1.) Yep, btw i was ranked for some days No1.

2.) If so then only ppl are allowed participating in ISCL not me...forgive my involvement.

3.) Well you can say what you want and i confirmed it also so its no secret,which it cant be as you stated it in several other treads :rolleyes:

4.) I retired for several reasons beside i was pissed with this system i had defenitely a burnout. There is definitely no reason for a revenge.

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4.) I retired for several reasons beside i was pissed with this system i had defenitely a burnout. There is definitely no reason for a revenge.

I have your back on this one DH. That is a tough combo, burnout and discuss'd. I put some thought into a few different ways of getting the 39 game started. Even test played afew with Zapp, Rambo, CC, and a few newbies. I think they went well but you would have to ask the others (thanks again for the help with that 1 year ago guys).

I do find it intereting that so little has changed in the last year. But with people like Terif rutting out every advantage and willing to teach others the learning curve for many was steep.

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Heh! The problem with the learning in SC is noone comes right out and says this is the strategy, they rather post up what not to do and let you figure out the rest for yourself. In other wargames I've played you usually find much more straightforward and indepth strategy shared but this is a competitive sport and people will protect their secrets. The best way of uncovering others secrets is playing them and copying their moves!

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Yep that correct ... more and more ppl are adepting their moves and the outcome is a common strategy...in SC ppl shared their knowledge with others which ensures much more competition if only a few ppl will know the secrets.

But even if so there are still dozents possible combinations and differnt strategies leading to a differnt outcome. And some of us f.e.Rambo has a personal style playing SC. I myself dont have a certain style as i adept my playing style everytime using different strategies to win and i shared all my sucessfull strategies or moves with weaker players.

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I also have a policy of sharing knowledge, especially I shared gameplay bugs as soon as I found them out. So did Rambo when he discovered there was a bullet proof way of taking Rome for Allies knocking them out of the war without ANY axis move to prevent it.

It was me revealing the general interception flaws (interceptor using terrain and trench bonus) prior to the 1.07 patch and the carrier vs air interception flaw that still was there after that patch (but was fixed later in a update of the 1.07 patch) and the AA interception flaw that unfortunately was discovered too late and was not fixed.

I know that some other player for instance had a different attitude towards gameplay flaws and thought that what was possible in the game was to be used and exploited (despite being obviouos design flaws) and was reluctant to even mentioning it to others (unless specifically asked).

Everyone should put the cards on the tables when concerning game balancing problems so that we get fixes in patches instead of maximizing winning percentages due to advantegous knowledge of rules that were never meant to be in the game.

[ November 06, 2004, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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I can say for one that Zapp did help me in our games. I keep getting blasted away when I'd operate my HQ and Fighters back to kill RAF and USAF Air. I didn't realize what was going on. He told me that you need Manstein for that job really. After that noone ever just murdered my fighters wholesale.

On top of that DH, reinforced to me fact that you need to operate the fighters under that HQs Control!

When I came to the boards originally asking how to perform and LC Light. I did get help from Terif too. However I found that I did better developing an early LC Attack on my own than taking his advice. I suppose that it was a bit above my head at the time.

Rambo and Terif seemed overall less helpful, aside from Terif's hints on Russian Readiness that was of great help..

I try to give as much info as possible to new players. I have pointed out to Rambo the Vichy Port bug<I believe Iron Ranger pointed that out to me>, plus the German edition unique qualities and believe me the Germans would know they're there if they want to try the N.A Version. Also to both the Froggey with a obvious UberFrench Cheat

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Don't look to me for strategies, mine have sucked. I've been trying some new crap against France, got headcracked by DragonHeart. I got my ass kicked this weekend by both Yoda & DH. What a diaster, concentration level wasn't there against Yoda. Tech luck sucked against DH. Nothing I can do with no Jet tech as The Fritz. Also, my new strategy sucked, if you want, you can have, it's a sure fire loser.

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Bahhh Rambo! Your problem is you need to stick with your competent moves!

You're damned good with new strategies, you know what gets you to a certian point. Like in our game last night, you stopped the foolish stuff, hunkered down for a long war. You're gaining experience for your RAF and Carriers. You're making me waste time, you evac'd a lot of units to UK. With a steady player, most new strategies will fail unless it's something he's never seen or used in a way that he cannot counter.<strategies and counters all the game is about>

These top Dogs adapt too well!

Yoda gutted me in our game. I reassigned a corps to the wrong location bop...there went Russian Readiness

DH got me last time we played. He had awesome Fighters Carriers and same here no Jet tech.. It was like iceskating uphill..

Zapp though he'll never beat me again tongue.gif not even with a 300 bid tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Liam:

DH got me last time we played. He had awesome Fighters Carriers and same here no Jet tech.. It was like iceskating uphill..

Hey Liam if you wanna see this movie in slow motion again?, just ask me for a game...i´m now member of ISCL so you can loose in honour as everybody will take notice of your heroic fight against me. :D
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Hello Folks,

So, today... I am challenging you all !

I want ro make my may to the top 10, so I need to play against top players and get beaten and beaten again until I get it... I am looking for pbem games right now, so I can have time to think and learn... I dont want to start TCP game for now and have people complaining about me being slow : I dont want be a second Zapp...

I wrote a bunch of people form the top 8 list Rambo gathered and so far people want TCP or are not playing SC very much... I am not very good yet and balanced games at the limit of my skill are the ones at 200+ bid if I play allies and 150 if I am Axe... Usualy I can play 3 to 6 turns per day in pbem, so not that slow... So anybody up for a game ?

About startegies, I am fairly new to Sc but I am heading to a different startegic direction from most of the sutff I read so far... Maybe 500+ games players have already been there and know it is a dead end... I will still work on it and see if it is realistic to deploy it later against good players...


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Originally posted by Dragonheart:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam:

DH got me last time we played. He had awesome Fighters Carriers and same here no Jet tech.. It was like iceskating uphill..

Hey Liam if you wanna see this movie in slow motion again?</font>
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