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major changes needed


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i really liked the game stretaigc command is fun to play. yes thats true only if you have played it 3 or 4 time the more you play the more borring it gets, expample the war in russian tanks are superior then infantry and a tank corps can take out 3000 4000 infantry men easily there creating huge gap in the enemy line then you can send more men into the weakened enemy, thats what lightining war is all about right?? but thats none apparent in strigic command in the game russian can just make cheap corpse and tie the game down and you are forced to also spend money on cheap corpse, i had played games where cheap corps streched all the way from berlin to minsk wtf this game is so gay if you want realism not world war 2 trech war fire.

the changed i propuse are no cheat corpse and tanks should chew up infantry and not get buged down by some f%%king cheap infantry.

i am very disspointed in the game so far if i were to rate this game right now i would give 2.0 out of a possible 10

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Guest Panzer Boxb

Hubert & Co. did a great job on this game bringing us a high-level that does a good job all around in presenting a balanced, enjoyable experience. Yes, as per your other inane thread the Expert/+2 level is rather difficult, but that's for players who really want to feel the pain. If you're looking for a super detailed mega-strategy game go play Third Reich or its ilk. In any event please go tout your strategy analysis based upon your mad l337 strategy experience somewhere else.

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I think the original poster is wrong, but I think all the flak he's copped isn't very objectivve either.

This game is fun, playable, blanaced, etc.

But there are MUCH better strategic WW2 games about in cardboard and paper, and IMO it's a bit of a shame that this one doesn't really measure up to them.

I guess it's a function of having a single person design team, and a cheap price!! smile.gif

I like SC for what it is, but I'm not going to pretend it's better than it is either.

IMO it's gets a B. A good effort but with plenty of areas that could be improved.

And of course NO - panzers did not tear holes in the enemy lines - infantry and artillery did that - then the Panzers went in and rummaged around in the rear areas creating havooc!! smile.gif

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The game is simplistic and in a way that is the beauty of it.I hear what you say about all these cheap corps,but most war games one is presented with how best employ strategy and tactics to best overcome and enemies strategy.

You most likey need to play a game or two against another player.I very really ever play anything against the AI including CM.

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Actually Krikke at the start of the war that was far from true.

Infantry require training and confidence to stand up against tanks, even when dug in (interestingly Napoleonic infantry took the same to stand agaisnt cavalry even when in square!!). A decent level of infantry AT weapons helps too.

At hte start of the war there was no infantry adequately trained or equipped to do so - not even German infantry (read accounts of them fleeing from British armoured attacks in France in 1940).

Once the level of AT equipment increased (better aT guns, etc), adequate tank support (including decent tactics) provided and that sort of thing it changed!!

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Indeed, Titan. I really only play the AI while waiting for the next PBEM turn.

I have found that many of the strategies I can successfully use against the AI are of no use vs a human opponent. Much more challenging and fun vs people - not to mention the taunting! :D

I have not tried Expert +2 yet. Expert +1 (both sides) had a few moments but were not that hard too beat.



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Yeah your right, but I tought it's obvious you need some AT to fight tanks. I mean that it is possible. It also depends on terrain, tactics employed,... A normal equiped infantery unit, in well prepared positions, and with enough experience so they don't run away should be able to hold off a tank attack.

Later in the war you needed infatery and artilery to attack enemy lines, tanks give support and take advantage of breaches in the line.

Example: the 1st British airborne in Arnhem during market garden. They were fighting 2 tank divisions. A small British unit defended the bridge, and German armored attacks could not cross it, whatever they tried. In the city, the Brits took out a lot of German tanks, and the German infantery had to do all the hard work, tanks were used as support. The British had the terrain advantage, but take in account that they had no heavy AT weapons, and they were soon short on ammo for their PIAT's and 6-pounders.

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At the risk of making a negative comment (which I most certainly do not wish to do), mincks where are you from?

With your incessant use of all Caps manner of posting text, and your outrageously atrocious grammar/spelling, your are either a non native english speaking person (and thus it is not your fault), or you are one of today's annoying breed of teens that can't speak proper english due to having learned to speak using a computer (although any net savvy person knows you don't type in all upper case letters).

In the case of the foreign origin, none of your posts are worthy of me saying anything negative, but it's unfortunate you don't like that game.

In the case of you being a teen (and we all had to be one at some point), it is apparent your lack of fullfillment might be due to your being conditioned to all those silly wanna be wargames out there, that require no real thinking (and no I am NOT going to accept RTS or FPS games as possessing any critical thinking required, so guys don't waste time trying to convince this old board gamer otherwise I have no intention of changing), and in the end your frustration might be indicative of you not being up to the calibre of wargamer you might have considered possible.

Which in teen speak terms, you are not as smart as you might have thought perhaps.

As it goes, the majority view has been the AI is quite stupid. Which leads me to wonder how you are having trouble?

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I agree. Make that a double yawn. :rolleyes:

Seriously, the game's not *perfect* yet but it's off to a good start to be a classic. Advanced Third Reich, by comparison, is well developed - but it's been around for almost 3 decades. SC has barely been out for 3 weeks! The initial release of Third Reich in 1974 went through a lot of growing pains, a lot of playtesting, and a lot of player feedback over the years. We'll get there. Just be a little more patient and a little less critical. ;)

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If SC enjoys just a fraction of the evolutionary improvement that Third Reich enjoyed (1st edition, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th AKA Advanced, Rising Sun extension with new concepts retroactively usable in what is now called Classicm and into what is being referred to as Global War 2000), then SC will be headed towards being one of the best Strategic level games period.

Original Third Reich was incredible (even if it did chop off the Gulf for charts that could have been positioned better, and the counter mix didn't provide sufficient force pool counters for all the minors at one time).

That error is on par with SC not allowing Stacking (which I think could possibly be remedied in the future if enough people feel it has merit).

I highly doubt there "won't" be an "Advanced" SC (or SC2 as seems to be the preferred method of labelling software), as the game has clearly shown a great deal of promise.

I personally think SC has earned a favourable comparison with Steel Panthers for how good it was in it's opening release, and how it might well grow to be a very well liked game.

Now if I can just get my wallet to trust me long enough, I might join the ranks of the haves, and stop being one of the have nots.

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All games get repetitive, that's impossible to avoid. I agree that Strat Comm isn't perfect but your rating reflects how little time you've spent actually playing the game. No, it's not Advanced Third Reich or Totaler Krieg but it isn't trying to be either. It's obvious from your comments about big, strong tanks conquering all that you're used to playing RTS's like Sudden Strike and such. These games aren't necessarily bad but they're not strategically sufficient for Avalon Hill junkies like myself. Anyway, it's a game, don't get so bent out of shape. There are better ways to say that it's not for you besides calling it "so gay".

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Hey, with respect to the Sudden Strike point. Tank's don't rule the fields in SS -- to be used effectively they absolutely need infantry support and even artillery cover. The tactics (and strategy) in the multiplayer game run very deep.

While some log on to just see units get blown up (which is fun in its own right), there are rare subleties and hidden structure to that game for those able to discover them.

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mincs it's too bad you are letting the game play you instead of you playing the game

what, you don't like russia building cheap gay corps, so you are 'forced' into buying your own cheap gay corps?


why don't you buy some air fleets, huh?

i don't care if the russian has a double row of cheap gay corps - i can pound a hole in there with 6 air fleets, enlarge the holes with armies attacking their flanks, and then pour 3-4 tank armies through to cut everyone out of supply and create a nice fat zoc so next turn half my army pours through

it seems like you WANT to play a world war 1 game

that's fine if that's your style, but don't come here bitching and moaning how this game is gay and how it sucks when you're obviously NOT using air power and armor as it's meant to

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Les the Sarge 9-1b

At the risk of making a negative comment (which I most certainly do not wish to do), mincks where are you from?

With your incessant use of all Caps manner of posting text, and your outrageously atrocious grammar/spelling, your are either a non native english speaking person (and thus it is not your fault), or you are one of today's annoying breed of teens that can't speak proper english due to having learned to speak using a computer (although any net savvy person knows you don't type in all upper case letters).

In the case of the foreign origin, none of your posts are worthy of me saying anything negative, but it's unfortunate you don't like that game.

for someone who have only spoken english for only 2 years i think my english is not bad by the way i have played the game more then 24 hours by now im finally able to beat russia and have a lot of fun while doing it!

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Originally posted by Mammou:

Indeed, Titan. I really only play the AI while waiting for the next PBEM turn.

I have found that many of the strategies I can successfully use against the AI are of no use vs a human opponent. Much more challenging and fun vs people - not to mention the taunting! :D

<snip>... (ouch)

Taunting? You mean there's a good taunting to be had!??!?!?!

Titan... you better step up the taunting!! (while you're sinking the pride of the Axis Navy!!) You swine!! ;)


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I´ve only played the demo but I partly agree with you on the opinions on trench-war. It would change game play a bit if units would retreat.

But at the same time were talkin strategic view here. Panzers running over a well dug in infantry aint so easy.

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Originally posted by Canuck_TAR:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Krikke:

Indeed, infantery well dug in should have no problem stopping tanks.

HEHEHEHEHE.........You ever been dug in and had Tanks come at you.......THE HOLE AIN'T DEEP ENOUGH!!!</font>
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