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A New Beginning-Invitational Tourney

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte:

The horrible truth is starting to reveal. It seems that those aliens have abducted a lot more people, because all of my opponents are using something called Mac: Jarmo, Berli, Shandorf, CDIC, Fionn?. And nobody is using the PBEM helper for obvious reasons.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For what it is worth, I tried PBEM Helper on a PC... and couldn't get it to work

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We have news from the front!! Texas Toast has racked up a Minor Victory over Jeff Shandorf. The final score was 57-33. Rumor has it the PBEM Helper made all the difference for Texas Toast. He was able to play longer with less fatigue than his opponent, thus wearing him down. :D

As for Claymore, he'll be back. He's probably working on some project to send monkeys to Mars or something. BTW, here's a typical Claymore force pick. He doesn't use the editor:

"I need some riflemen, a couple tanks, and some arty. It should come out to 1497 points." Physicists.....Geez!!

Here's what it looks like now:





Texas Toast........292...5...58.40

M. Dorosh..........135...3...45.00


John Kettler........44...2...22.00



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Nothing from Jarmo yet (hint), but I can say that I'm the Allies against jshandorf and that my brain splitting force buy has been sent to Treeburst155. It was much easier buying my force against Jarmo because of the mandatory platoon buy and minimum 800 pts. for armor.

This exercise was cut from whole cloth, using dull scissors, and featured a bunch of new choices I'd never had before. Let's hope the garment fits the intended application!

I'll keep you posted.


John Kettler

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The battle with Shandorf couldn't start any worse. He destroyed my tank, and I still have not seen any of his units.

The battle with CDIC started quite the opposite, his Hummel is gone.

We have played our battle with Jarmo very quickly, already 24 turns have been made.

I am still trying to make Berli's infantry to retreat, but they seem to be quite stubborn.

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I appear to be between losses at the moment and would like to invite applicants who wish to remedy this. As I await a setup move from Berli in our $50 face-off, I have room for another game to complicate my harried Antipodean existence. First come, first served.


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Jarmo sent me his German setup, receiving in turn the first German move in our Stalingrad West in the Fog.

Shandorf has my Allied setup, a nightmare deployment exercise which severely taxed my

less than optimally working brain. We're fighting in Treeburst155's masterpiece, a sprawling accreted old village which is both incredible and a tactical nightmare. The thing is full of twisting roads, hills, blind spots, stone walls, trees and...fog. Yes, fog. Shall we say the setup zone's unusual, too?

Our esteeemed judge seem to be a photophobe, for I've seen normal daylight once in the tourney, that in battle with someone who left.

That's all I have at the moment.


John Kettler

[ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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I'm so frustrated! I'm in two games and have turns today from neither, hence no DARs.

Jarmo is having problems sending files to me. I don't know what he's doing, but they're huge, necessitating that he stuff them. The stuff format is one I can decompress, for it's Mac native (two more Mac's, Fuerte!), but I had no compression capability, a problem I handled via a link Jarmo supplied to a free trial download of Aladdin's DropStuff. Jarmo was notified many hours ago to try again. So far, nothing.

Shandorf has apparently been taken again by the aliens. Nothing has been heard from him since I sent my Allied setup, and that was yesterday evening.


John Kettler

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Patience Mr. Keller dear boy, Patience. Think of it as the lull before the storm ;) Besides we all grouped together in an alliance, we agreed not to let you win any games and to keep you waiting for your turns......thats the type of kind hearted guys we all are......he he he :D Its all about taxing your greymatter. But nevermind, i shall make sure i beat them on your behalf....unless you also have made some alliances!

Meanwhile Fuerte has indeed got off to a blinder - first shot of the game saw his Churchill (Or was that 2 i saw?) blow my Hummel to pieces....and after only 4 seconds from the starting whistle ;( My Hummel was supposed to be my reserve firepower !! Hilfe Hilfe!

This will be the first time i have had to switch to plan B in the first one minute...oh well, i need to fight the bocage before i can get to fight for the flags. :D

Here we go...


PS. John, only kidding about the alliance ok ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Jarmo is having problems sending files to me. I don't know what he's doing, but they're huge, necessitating that he stuff them. The stuff format is one I can decompress, for it's Mac native (two more Mac's, Fuerte!), but I had no compression capability, a problem I handled via a link Jarmo supplied to a free trial download of Aladdin's DropStuff. Jarmo was notified many hours ago to try again. So far, nothing.


Ahh. We have a communication problem.

I have been waiting for you to send the last turn again. smile.gif

I have no problem sending the files, but for some odd reason I sometimes can't receive large files, usually if the opponent uses a webmail system.

The attachment comes in the message body, not as attachment. That works too if the files are small, but large files are splitted between numerous mail messages. Compressing files before sending them (with dropstuff, zip or whatever) always solves the problem.


BTW, I was asleep many hours ago..

[ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Jarmo ]

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It's "Kettler." Am no relation to the woman whose fingers were purple because she "heard it through the grapevine." (Helen Keller)

I see. Plots. Conspiracies. Cabals. Enemies everywhere and conspiring to drive me (dramatic pause) mad. Too late, I fear. Hoo hoo! Hoo ha! Hoo he!

Pray forgive the indelicacy, but what was a Hummel doing so close to the front lines that the first shot of the game got it killed?

Seems to me that such a fearsome beast should be kept in trail and whistled up from the rear only as and when needed. As you know, I AM the leading expert on armor employment in ME's, with a spesh e all i tee (Brit speak) in night combat using Crocodile support in cities.

Is this Treeburst155's infamous barren billiard table map? Wouldn't bocage block LOS? Maybe you were simply accursed and got daylight without fog! At the rate things are going, I'm going to need virtual sunblock when my army eventually comes back into the sun. I'll either go blind or combust.


Sorry about that! I thought you were saying

your turn to me was too big, but that you knew I couldn't read it without special software. If this happens again send this : "Please stuff and resend last turn n/t" to me. Even with severe brain function degradation I'll grok that right away. I'll try to get the file off tonight (already 3:15 a.m. PDT here); if not, after I awake.


John the Tired

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

Treeburst, I'd really like to invite myself to your next invitational thingie. I'll bring a bottle of cheap wine too. :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>No need Lindan. ;)

Apply for an application (via Treeburst) for Wild Bill's Rumblings of War Tourney and you might get a bottle of expensive wine or six if you win... a cheap 1/2 dozen if you insist! smile.gif



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Fuerte and I are fighting a very uneventful match. There's this elevated railroad separating us and neither seems willing to cross it. He sent a lone halftrack over on a scouting mission, I blew it with a screck and will now slay the crew.

There has been some arty.

Finally Kettler and I are getting the fight underway. We agreed on a blind armor heavy match and got a foggy city to fight it in. I hope he came turretless.

Claymore crawled out from wherever he had been hiding and sent me a few turns. I have him pocketed and am blasting the general area with my remaining 5.5 inch VT. I killed his lonely spotter with a Cromwell. This match will probably lower his average score to a more humanly level. smile.gif

Then he crawled back and left me waiting for more turns...

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Prelude to an AAR: (apologies ..I was bored)

Normandy, August '44.. somewhere north of Caen....


- Major?

- Yes, come in Bates. Good lord, man, you're soaking. Any sign of the dreaded Hun?

- No sir. The town in front of us appears quiet. But it's hard to know, sir. Our intel from a few days ago indicates that the Jerries are spoiling for a fight. And frankly, sir, this place looks a good spot to me. Lots of terrain cover too.

- Very well then, Bates. Now, I'll let you in on a little secret. The Jerries are most definitely planning on a fight for this town. Don't ask me how I know that because if you did, well then I'd have to tell you that it came from London thanks to the ULTRA lads. Oops. I seem to have spilled the beans.

At any rate, they appear to be led by a real madman, Obergruppenmeinhamster Berli.

He's the one who ordered four of his platoons to disguise themselves as an English cricket team in a bizarre attempt to infiltrate our lines back at Sword.

- The word is that he's after a cache of fine French wine in the centre of town. But I aim to get there first. Or last. Or possibly at the same time. But I'll have that wine, thank you.

- Very good sir. Oh, there's one more thing, Major. It's Humphries again. He's still waking up screaming after having that dream..

- You mean the one where he thinks we're all..

- Yes sir. Where we're all just electronic sprites being controlled by giant fingers typing on some monstrous keyboard.

- Bugger that. He's upsetting the men. Can I shoot him?

- No sir, I don't think that would go down well.

- Alright, put him on point for the assault. With a bit of luck, problem will be solved. Dismissed.

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Dearest Kelter,

My Hummel was attempting to hide in scattered trees - however, since trees are abstracted how was i to know that that large Oak tree was actually a sappling, or a twig even ! My Hummel was doing its best to think like an elephant - if I can't see him surely he cannot see me hiding ....wrong....Kaboom!

The Churchill with its 152mm frontal armour was sitting proudly and defiantly in the middle of the road...no doubt with a smirk on his face.

But nevermind, my King Tiger shall make short work of that British chunk of steel. The Finish commander may be a formidable foe - time will tell, its still early days yet.


PS. Mick Oz, thats a great post.

PPS. I can fit one more game into my schedule - if anyone wishes to lower their average score just drop me a line. I promise not to buy a Hummel anymore in this tourney ;)

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Okay, things are more or less back on keel now. The ghastly cabal has been exposed, and turns are flowing in the prescribed manner.

The aliens brought Shandorf back. Again. Maybe they finally finished their tests on him. I hope so! I got a file from him and sent one back. I'm attacking everywhere in force. Yeah, right.

Jarmo claims he sees/hears me. Maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't. I do know the fog does weird things to sound. Visibility is not good, but it's terrific compared to my battle with Shandorf, where white canes are mandatory, so thick is the fog.

Capitaristfroginchina, (Kelter indeed!)

I see the barbs on your wit need no sharpening. Your description of the limitations of LOS info in scattered trees as applied to your poor Hummel was a minor masterpiece. Smite that Churchill, I say. If it takes a King Tiger , then use that.


John Kettler

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:

Your description of the limitations of LOS info in scattered trees as applied to your poor Hummel was a minor masterpiece. Smite that Churchill, I say. If it takes a King Tiger , then use that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehe, I told the story of that poor Hummel to my regular PBEM mate, and we had a good laugh! :D In fact it was not the Churchill that killed that Hummel, it was something else, but because CDIC apparently didn't notice it, then I'm not going to tell what it was quite yet... the beginning of the match was very quick. First Hummel made a shot, missed my Churchill by several meters above, then about at the same second my unit killed it, and then maybe a half second later the Churchill killed it again! tongue.gif Poor Hummel indeed...

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Michael Dorosh is back from his "military vacation" so his Invitational Tourney statistics page will soon be updated. Here you can view results of individual games, who played which side, and also players' totals.

For a quick view of the standings based on average score per game go to my page. See sig below for both links.

[ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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The cunning Fin seems to be one step ahead of me in this battle - everywhere i go he is there waiting...and with more firepower! Damn my plan B, who has hidden my plan C ? I did notice the 2 penetrations, but failed to see the other AFV, you seem to have too many tanks - time for me to relieve you of a few ;)

Mr. Kettle i may need to re-abreviate my name from CDIC to KFC (Kapitalist Frog in China) smile.gif He he.


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Well, it appears I rejoiced too soon. The hideous KFC cabal was but a diversion, during which both Jarmo and Shandorf were made desparecidos by a party or parties unknown.

Would whoever took them, whether terrestrial or ET, please bring them back? They both owe me turns, and we were finally beginning to get a flow going.


John Kettler

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My plea was heard! Well, halfway. Shandorf has returned. Jarmo is absent from combat altogether.

Whatever Shandorf was subjected to didn't agree with him, for he came back spoiling for a fight and found one in Turn 1.

Yes, there's a merciless point blank firefight already in progress near the rightmost crossroads between advancing American infantry and what appear to be Himmler's boys, also surging forward. I predict serious lumps for all concerned. The FP scores at this range are


Will keep you posted.


John Kettler

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