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What I find funny is that Germanboy is worried about costal flooding with the global warming.

Seems the major problem will be, not the poles melting and flooding.... but the poles melting and adding to much fresh water to the north atlantic. This will cause several problems, less-saline, thus the ocean is more prone to temparture changes.... but more important this will kill the nice atlantic current that keeps the british Islands and the europian coast livible at all.

So I would be worried about the europian deep freeze than I would about flooding.

Lorak the loathed.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by stevetherat:

Oh my GOD!

Yes, you'd better say yer prayers, git; you'll be dead soon enough. At least, you would if you'd quit wankin' and send me a feckin' turn!

As for my game with Major Tom: last turn I sicked my pair of Pup-Chiens on his Canucklehead armor. One toyed with a Sherm III, playfully biting off the head of the TC before ripping out its guts through the front upper hull. It chewed off the arm of one of the bailed crew before knocking out a Firefly. The other tore the throat out of another Sherm III with its first shot and then went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, that defenseless bird-watcher he killed on turn 1 seems to have some friends... Those are mighty big eggs tree-bursting over your guys in the woods, aren't they? He hasn't even hit my MLR, and already he's dying-a-lot.

Seanachai: welcome back, twit. I was tired of being the dullest person in the 'Pool.

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Lorak:

but more important this will kill the nice atlantic current that keeps the british Islands and the europian coast livible at all.

Err, Lorak, why would I be worried about bad things happening to the Tommies? Sorry, but you have me puzzled.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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And, Agave Pestulence, unfortunately I have been rather busy at work.

You see, I and my fellow natives of this grand civilisation, have to work twice as hard now that we have imported these slack handed Europhiles to help solve our manpower shortages. You would think that we could all afford to takes things a bit easy, but no. These Europeans don't seem to be able to work at all. After all their siestas and mandatory work breaks (according to the latest EU laws), and strikes, and God only knows what else, it is left to us to work for them.

God help us. Only he can.

Please excuse me while I alone have to do 3 peoples jobs, while the Imports have a nap and game of cards.

Your damnable files will be with you shortly, my faithful PBEMers.


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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by stevetherat:

After all their siestas and mandatory work breaks (according to the latest EU laws), and strikes, and God only knows what else, it is left to us to work for them.StR

hahaha - hahahahahhaha - bwuhahahahhaaha - ROFL. *wipes a tear* that is great. An English 'let's have a cuppa before we give the grand chaps at Arnhem a hand' man complaining about other people taking a break and being on strike... The effin dockers here were on strike in autumn 1944, when they should have sent men and machines over to defeat my grandparents. God, Maggie really wrecked this country. Ripped out its spine. Hold on...



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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I hate to interrupt this engrossing discussion of absolutely nothing, but I have an important request to make.

Lorak, please do sumfink about your zoo. Every time I go to page 4, I have this insane fool in high-hair and a leisure suit staring at me. Move him to the bottom or something, but get it away from the top, where I have to see it. Kee-rap. Is That 70's Show looking for re-enactors to make the show more believeable?

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Now Germanboy,

Granted while you will git to laugh as the north sea that has been somewhat held at bay, unleashes all her fury upon the the coast lines there. But the atlantic current is also what governs your homelands weather too. I'd hate for you to leave england laughing...only to find germany the new siberia.

You would think you enviromentalist whould at least know a little more about the events you are protecting against.

this has been further teachings from the Lorak.

(unintelligent, lazy and self-absorbed yank)

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Lorak:

I'd hate for you to leave england laughing...only to find germany the new siberia.

Let's get this straight - as far as I am concerned, Germany can as well freeze over. And I hope Japan has a rotten time of it while I am at it. The only people I pity are the Irish, but in the larger scheme of things it is a small sacrifice if it means getting rid of all the rest. You may look for me in Italy when this happens.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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LMAO Germanboy,

Well.. at least your worrys are in the right place.

Sadly I fear the Irish home land will be lost. But we Irish have been preparing for a long time. Not only Have we seeded our selves all over the world, Hell England even gave a lot of us a free boat ride to australia wink.gif Also don't forget that we have been preparing our personal anti-freeze systems for centuries.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Croda:

I hate to interrupt this engrossing discussion of absolutely nothing, but I have an important request to make.

Lorak, please do sumfink about your zoo. Every time I go to page 4, I have this insane fool in high-hair and a leisure suit staring at me. Move him to the bottom or something, but get it away from the top, where I have to see it. Kee-rap. Is That 70's Show looking for re-enactors to make the show more believeable?

To whom are you refering laddie?

I sincerely hope, for the sake of your snowbound plebs chanting "dead men walking", that you are NOT talking about ME mister!

Clarify this slander at once!


[Edited to remove a rather unsightly spit bubble]

[This message has been edited by stevetherat (edited 02-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by Doofus Germanicus:

...JD is having trouble penetrating my outer line of defense. I am not more impressed by him than I am by Bauhaus so far.

An interesting observation Herr Pox of the Rhine. Considering that your troops, pour l'honoreur are firing 2 shots, then abandoning their position in panic and soiled pants, it's hard to penetrate a line that keeps moving to the rear.

PusShaw also has learned the lesson of artillery, esp VT in dispersing troops in the open and trees. His attack on one VL has been repulsed, and neutralized. He, with dogged, or is that dog like determination presses forward against my forces. Since a single platoon held off arty, 3 Panthers, 4 halftracks and a 2-3 platoons of infantry before running in panic at the appearance of the NaffeuweferMoromWivesische, I feel they have done all that can be asked of them. Despite Joe's strut, this isn't over yet. can't understand why he hasn't surrendered yet.

Lizardcrawlunderrockanddieplease seems not to be cooperating. My options are seriously limited to not ever returning the turn file and plead isp problem's for eternity.

Seanwhosenameisdarenotspoken has managed figure how to send a turn as his overwhelming forces slowly close in on the brave defenders. Outpost after outpost fall silent, yet time is running short....

IskPhilander is not pressing his attack with much verve. He has taken half the game to assault an undefended VL, his infantry, like shadowy ghosts flit through he trees like ghosts only to die unmourned and far from home in the god forsaken woods, he has a cold streak though as he has no compunction to shelling his own troops, and omlette and broken eggs he says....he continues to probe, yet my defenses are intact.

SheeppredatornancyboyMace and I manuever to bring armor to bear, each have struck and we are well started.

LoserboyswhoareShamelessNonturnReturninggits Pillocks, Marltoad, Crawdad and Pawshisbutt all owe turns and haven't gotten sober yet apparently to find the keyboard.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by stevetherat:

To whom are you refering laddie?

I sincerely hope, for the sake of your snowbound plebs chanting "dead men walking", that you are NOT talking about ME mister!

Geez, I'll have to guess that you're blind instead of stupid since it also takes blindness to miss my turn that's been sitting in front of your flith-laden whiskers for two days!

Mace! He's talking about Mace, you freaking tea-sipper! If he'd been referring to you he would have mentioned "the guy with the hard bowel movement on the lawnchair."

Get a grip! (not you, bauhaus!)


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Originally posted by chrisl:

jake, the evil inside the beltway washington lobbyist, foolishly turned his Panther around and drove it directly away from a building that I occupy in his little satanic village. Among the troops with which I occupy that building was/is a bazooka team. As his Panther turned left (what was going through his head? Clearly it must have been an icepick or a tamping iron) the bazooka team put one right through the side of the Panther. The sad part of it all is that it didn't quite roll onto his AT gu before it stopped. It was some kind of case of "suicide by bazooka"-- his Panther crew were depressed at the direction the war was going, and decided to end it all by waving their ass at an enemy AT team. In the same turn, he managed to lose a halftrack (to another bazooka team) and an armored car (to the arty I believe).

Gristle, aka The Little Old Lady from Pasadena

Poolers, please excuse these rants of the severly ego-challenged Gristle, who is applying for another Federal grant to fund his ongoing attempts to learn how to beat me. I fear he has been inhaling his zit cream once too often.

I did not previously deem it necessary to intrude upon your proboscis mining time to bore you with the details of how I was methodically taking out Gristle's tanks and troops, mostly with a single 20mm stationary flak gun that he insists upon charging again and again to his dismay and the growing body count of his bulletstoppers. (You think he would learn after a while...)

But this whining sissy of a Rocket Scientist insists on sharing every one of his silly moves in This Hallowed Public Place, even though they are boring and deserve not the honor. He has become so desperate in the waning hours of his vacant existence that he apparently must hoot and holler over the most trivial of events. We are collectively embarrassed for him because he is not able to understand his personally inflicted debasement himself.

The Federally-funded computers at Caltech are hot to the touch after being run all night to illegally insert an AT team beside each of my AFV's. Gristle then glorifies his illgotten rewards as "accomplishments", when in fact it is just more of the gamey behavior he has displayed throughout our match.

No wonder the US rocket program is behind time and way beyond budget.

To All Men Present: Be advised that Lawyer still holds all victory flags, and that said Gristle is even now applying blue facepaint to his men for once last suicidal charge against my entrenched SMG force.

Now go stick your collective heads where the sun don't shine.


Some days the sun just don't shine up a dog's behind.

-- Catfish Hunter

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Originally posted by Goanna:

bahaus and Marlow have returned from self-imposed exile but will be ignored for a further week until they post something amusing.


You should realize by now that it will take me longer than a week to post anything remotely amusing. Hold it, maybe I can post a movie file from one of my many loses. That should provide a buttload of amusement.

Moriarty, you lost to Peng? Oh the shame.

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Guest Wildman

Hello and may all of you have large, painful object inserted into your Peng.

In my fight against the author of all that is evil, I'm not sure what the hell Berli is doing. I'm attack and he is supposed to be defending, however, I'm 100m from the VLs and no sickly, German brautboys can be seen. Apparently the clever evil planned for every possible approach, but the most obvious one right down the center of the map.

LowerIntestinalGasProducingTom continues to Die-a-Lot, however, he is not going down down Kitty without a fight. He's lost all his armor, or is that armour for the Brits, and his right flank is busy running away. His right flank has somehow managed to find my fine, German soldiers and practice heinous cruelity on their bodies. He will lose, the only question is by what margin.

StevetheRat saw my reenforcements in the abortion Marlow provided and apparently is still in the corner blubbering like a small girl who has skinned her knee. Ratie, when your done and mommie had dried your tears, find the keyboard and return the file you ninny.

As for Croda and Marlow, you both are obviously so incredibly incompetent you should send my your surrenders right now. Neither one of you pathetic losers will return the file, and therefore I am forced to place you on the Pool's wUse list starting today. Now stop picking at the scabs and let them heal.


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Originally posted by Germanboy:

I am not more impressed by him than I am by Bauhaus so far. Speaking of him, he forgot his password...

Forgotten it? If I forgot it there's a chance I might remember it. I did more than forget it.......I think I typed it in a language I do not know as of yet. Thankfully it was only on turn 2 of the game.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

I'm 100m from the VLs and no sickly, German brautboys can be seen. Apparently the clever evil planned for every possible approach, but the most obvious one right down the center of the map.

Ah! So, grasshopper, this will be your first lesson in fire disciple?

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I like to thank the pool for their fecking attention.. god knows I need it.

you'll need shockwave Flash and the file is 136kb big.. hope you can choke on it.

Mensch Films Presents Four Idiots and a Tank


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by mensch:

you'll need shockwave Flash and the file is 136kb big.. hope you can choke on it.

The script was fine, although lacking in depth.

I personally though the relationships between the 4 main characters could have been explored a bit more deeply.

However, Mensch did manage to squeeze in a fart joke, and that's a very fine achievement IMHO.

Special affects were great.

Film Noir it's not, but I recommend everyone to see it, if only for the experience of having the contents of your stomach violently rejected and hurled out all over your monitor!



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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Joschka - he's my hero. No bad words about the man please.

I suppose none of us should be surprised at this, given your error-ridden illusions (I can't really call them views or opinions) regarding the employment of Armored Plumbing Vehicles.

Far better that you spend your time tilting at ecological windmills. Just make sure they don't interfere with the habitat of the Southern Furbish Lousewort.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Originally posted by mensch:

I like to thank the pool for their fecking attention.. god knows I need it.

you'll need shockwave Flash and the file is 136kb big.. hope you can choke on it.

(edited 02-16-2001).]

And you're also hoping that no one else recognizes the MM LP? F#*k it, let's all stand up....


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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