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Ever kill your own troops in sheer frustration?

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Well, there was this one time...

Picutre this: I'm on the defense, and a group of my infantry accompanied by an 105mm Howitizer are guarding some VL's. The attacking infantry are holed up and suppressed in a light house, unable to move out, with one "*" of damage. There is at least a platoon in that there building, and all I need would be for the my dim-wit Howitizer to fire off 2 rounds into the thing for the blast to wipe out most of the enemy platoon.

For 4 turns I tried to make the idiot do what I wanted. I tried direct fire against the troops in the building, and indirect fire on the frekin' house itself. My Howitizer, which if it had lived, would have won the highest Medal of Uselessness award, keeps switching targets to a useless machine gun 600 metres away.

Each turn I keep redirecting it, and each turn, after about 15 second of turning towards the house once more and reloading, the Howitizer looses interest and turns on that machine gun which can barely even reach it, much less damage it (since my gun is in a bloody foxhole in the woods!).

So, after 4 turns and the enemy infantry finally evacuating the damaged house, I got so ticked off I accidently gave my 105mm FO the wrong coordinates. Woops...

BTW: Not the best tactic, I know (I won the game), but have YOU ever got so frustrated with a particular inefficent unit that you wanted to see it die?

Hehehe...quite a rant I got there, sorry. Had to get that off my chest biggrin.gif


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

[This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-21-2001).]

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Yeah whats your real name commissar? Does it rhyme with Stalin?

lol, well sometimes when all is lost, I will make a suicidial charge ala Kamikazi, does that count?

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this is going to my bookmark list of funny sh-t. i am going to bed tonite in a good mood because of this!



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Oh. My. God.

Im Psycho! Err, I mean Psychic! I predicted people would compare CM with "Real Life" !!!

I had no smoke left in my spotter, used it all up unfortunately.

Oh, and the machine gun was down to one man, immobilized in a bloody clearing, and the machine gun is very very far away. Too bad the AI isnt up to it to understand why I give the orders I do...

Mr. Johnson,

How did you kno - I mean, no, of course not! Note to self: KGB have a job to do tonight.


T'least I made someone happy...



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If I were manning that gun and I had a choice of targets such as you described, I would aim at the one shooting at me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you had a choice (no orders and thus acting on your own initiative), that'd be fine. However, if your superior repeatedly gave you a direct order that you kept disobeying (as in the case Commissar described), not so fine.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

have YOU ever got so frustrated with a particular inefficent unit that you wanted to see it die?


Only one answer there.... YES

If I could execute my own forces I would.

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Well yes and no. Anyone who's played me has seen me call artillery in on an area where the enemy is when my own men occupy the same space. They've seen me make futile headlong infantry charges across open ground vs. numerically superior forces. They've witnessed my ineptness at getting flamethrowers to kill the enemy whereupon I use them to target any of my own nearby units. They've seen my summary execution of units whose performance I found lacking via tanks or artillery . . . but it's not done out of frustration. I do it 'cause it's fun!!! =D



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Well yes and no. Anyone who's played me has seen me call artillery in on an area where the enemy is when my own men occupy the same space. They've seen me make futile headlong infantry charges across open ground vs. numerically superior forces. They've witnessed my ineptness at getting flamethrowers to kill the enemy whereupon I use them to target any of my own nearby units. They've seen my summary execution of units whose performance I found lacking via tanks or artillery . . . but it's not done out of frustration. I do it 'cause it's fun!!! =D



wow.. and I thought I only did that.. *grin*

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Well, look at the bright side: In CM 2 we SHOULD have Commissar and NKVD (Im not sure if it was around yet) troops accompanying Soviet regulars, just for that special occasions like the ones we mentioned.

I wonder if BTS will make them regular additions to a platoon/battalion (like Company Commanders) or make them a unit you have to buy seperately? Matt? BTS?



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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First time I had ever employed Nebelwurfers-- targeting two guns at 200m. Nobody was closer than the spotter (>300m). The rounds came in and I was impressed. Sadly two tree burst killed an ENTIRE PLATOON. Another round fell on an ambush location destroying a squad, and another round landed in the middle of an attack killing two squads.

I ran the bastard out in front of the gun emplacement to die (the only place not hit by the nebels-- the allied suffered NO casualties in the bombardment).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Well yes and no. Anyone who's played me has seen me call artillery in on an area where the enemy is when my own men occupy the same space. They've seen me make futile headlong infantry charges across open ground vs. numerically superior forces. They've witnessed my ineptness at getting flamethrowers to kill the enemy whereupon I use them to target any of my own nearby units. They've seen my summary execution of units whose performance I found lacking via tanks or artillery . . . but it's not done out of frustration. I do it 'cause it's fun!!! =D



After reading all of that, I'm tempted to challenge you to a PBEM and let you self destruct. But...I won't hehe :)

We could have a competition to see who loses faster.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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My point exactly. At 800 maximum range, you would figure that the damage one can do at 600 is limited, even if the gun WASN'T in woods in a foxhole, which it WAS.

Sometimes what the the Tac AI considers a threat couldnt kill a fly at point blank range, resulting in irritation on the players part.

BTW - So far, Kitty takes the cake for the most careless treatment of her poor saps. I could take lessons from this lady! wink.gif


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

[This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-22-2001).]

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Did your howitzer have a LOS to any unit which was hiding in the building? If this was not the case and that MG was firing at your gun the TAC AI's decision to overrule your area fire command and fire at something that is more of a threat to it, is plausible.

If you had total battlefield control your gun eventually had shifted it's aim towards the spotter as he dials in the wrong coordinates...

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Does killing your own troops out of sheer stupidity count?

I was playing an Armored ME against the dear Chupacapra:

Out on the left of the map he rushed a platoon of Sturmtruppen behind my swarm of Shermans and into a patch of woods which already contained some of my US infantery. I knew for sure that my reg troops would be eaten up by his vet troop, so I decided to even out the score a little bit. I targeted every available Sherman into the patch of wood against his platoon of soon to be dead virtual soldiers. I was even a little bit proud when I managed to sum up 5 or 6 Shermans to spew death him. .... I was proud until I pressed go and realised what would happen. Most of the tanks were at least 200-300 meters away which meant that there fire missed and hit other stuff in the area. 1 minute later my troops were dead or routed, while his were ... in a remarkable good shape.

I think I teached him a good lesson: that I rather kill my own troops than let him do it.


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I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thinks of killing his own troops when they act stupid. I was beginning to think there was a conspiracy against me. Between the computer AI, the fuzzy AI, my inability to keep my troops alive, and executing the dumb fuzzy AI commanders I thought I was a bit sick.

Now I'm only average.

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BTW, I do think we should have an ignore target order because it is irritating when that **** happens.

One other order we need is the surrender order. I hate watching crews right next to enemy units getting needlessly and unrealistically mown down when in reality they would just stick their hands in the air.

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Originally posted by Lordfluffers:

One other order we need is the surrender order. I hate watching crews right next to enemy units getting needlessly and unrealistically mown down when in reality they would just stick their hands in the air.

That is an excellent idea, Lordfluffers smile.gif

IMO, troops are far to unlikely to raise their arms in CM and try most of the time to make their escape only to be gunned down in the open.

Well, keep in mind that your opponent gains more victory points for capturing than killing your soldiers.

Also, you'll hardly have the time to issue a surrender order. When your crews leave their ko'ed vehicle - say on the 30th second in a turn - and found themselfs looking into the guns of a rather angry Fallschirmjäger squad, they won't survive the remaining seconds before it goes "bloop".

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