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OT: CNN.com poll

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You used the word "sentiment" a couple times…you mean sediment or cuttings perhaps? wink.gif Freudian slip. I reckon your boss probably worked the cost of the core bit into his invoice to the Geotech outfit you were working for. Dam drillers wink.gif **** happens, but somebody always ends up paying for the ****…one way or the other.

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Thanks for the adage, "Capt," I first read that as "doing something NOW is better than doing the perfect thing too late."

You're right with your final point as well; I doubt we'll ever know the full extent of what happened/didn't. Now I'm incredibly anxious to see how the Navy finds.


ps, I'm going to start another Navy topic, so you may not want to read it Capt!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nathman:

Meanwhile, CNN will release it's poll results and treat them as if they are sacred.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, they won't. And if you think they will, you haven't been paying attention very closely.

Web based polls aren't scientific and are not treated as such, especially in a case like this.

They are simply means for the web audience to sound off on a given issue. And they give the site an extra page view and extend the visit time.

All news organizations who want to do polls and talk about the results hire actual scientific polling organizations to conduct the polls.

If you want to hate the news business, go ahead and hate them, but hate them for an actual reason, not because you don't know what you are talking about.

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You know what pisses me off?

This whole notion of blaming the good guys for the crimes of others.

Blame cops for a riot, blame the captian for not stopping some nutjob terrorists, blame the "community" for some kids going nuts.

How about we blame the people who commit these acts rather than dragging through the mud the fine folks who actually go into the professions of policing, military and teaching?

Eeesh it makes me mad. Still thats journalists for you, too stupid to study science, too weak to be physical and too ugly to do anything else.

ahhh nothing feels better than bashing the clueless press 8)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo:

You know what pisses me off?

This whole notion of blaming the good guys for the crimes of others.

Blame cops for a riot, blame the captian for not stopping some nutjob terrorists, blame the "community" for some kids going nuts.

How about we blame the people who commit these acts rather than dragging through the mud the fine folks who actually go into the professions of policing, military and teaching?

Eeesh it makes me mad. Still thats journalists for you, too stupid to study science, too weak to be physical and too ugly to do anything else.

ahhh nothing feels better than bashing the clueless press 8)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know what pisses me off? Stupidity, thats what.

Nobody, including CNN, is blaming the captain for anything. The question is simply this: Should the captain have taken more security measures and if he should have, should he be disciplined for not doing so.

In fact, some people on this board say yes, (personally, I think having a hole blown in your ship may be punishment enough) and I don't think there's any question that they are blaming the captain for the attack.

As far as the rest of your post goes, I spent 6 years of my career in newsrooms working my ass off to tell the story as accurately as possible, and I'm neither ugly, dumb nor weak.

I have, however, conceived an extremely negative opinion of you.

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Go Terence!!!

I am not a journalist, but I do have a couple of friends who are. It is amusing how much people like to pan the press for not telling them what they want to hear.

It's like Rush constantly whining about the "liberal" media because they refuse to report the news the way he sees it. Give me a break.

Jeff Heidman

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"As far as the rest of your post goes, I spent 6 years of my career in newsrooms working my ass off to tell the story as accurately as possible, and I'm neither ugly, dumb nor weak.

I have, however, conceived an extremely negative opinion of you."

Always entertaining to see the media complaining about being smeared or having the facts distorted smile.gif

I accept your negative opinion with pride sir.

Good day to you,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

Go Terence!!!

I am not a journalist, but I do have a couple of friends who are. It is amusing how much people like to pan the press for not telling them what they want to hear.

It's like Rush constantly whining about the "liberal" media because they refuse to report the news the way he sees it. Give me a break.

Jeff Heidman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks, Jeff.

Just for the record, I'm not starry eyed about reporters -- there are so many lazy stupid idiots about that some of them have found their way onto the staffs of newspapers, magazines and TV stations, with predictable results.

But I do think the press plays an important role in our country, and has right from the beginning, after all the framers of the constitution put protection for the press in the bill of rights.

But to keep it on the topic, all the people at CNN were doing was raising the question, which is what they are supposed to do. Some people feel one way, some feel another.

Personally, it never occurred to me that the captain would be punished at all, and when I read the story I found that out and learned something about how the military might do business in this case.

Which is kind of the point, isn't it???

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo:

Always entertaining to see the media complaining about being smeared or having the facts distorted smile.gif


Wow, you have a real axe to grind here. Why, I have no idea. Did a reporter rape your dog or something??

Actually, don't answer that.

I have a feeling that the moderator will decend if we get into it and I'm not really interested in having this thread locked up.

[This message has been edited by Terence (edited 01-11-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo:

Blame cops for a riot, blame the captian for not stopping some nutjob terrorists, blame the "community" for some kids going nuts.


Sometimes it is at least partially their fault. Aggressive police intervention in an otherwize peacefull protest has more than once resulted in voilence. Sometimes military commanders do act with total incompetence and allows an enemy to score a spectacular victory. And sometimes a community is to blame for edging on children who don't fit in to reach the breaking point. 'Blame' if you call it as such, cannot be labled as only being one person's or the other's. Sometimes it is collective.

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Guest Andrew Hedges

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

But to keep it on the topic, all the people at CNN were doing was raising the question, which is what they are supposed to do. Some people feel one way, some feel another.


Taking a poll is exactly the opposite of what the press should do. It is making news, not reporting news. Their time would be better spent doing actual reporting.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

If you want to hate the news business, go ahead and hate them, but hate them for an actual reason, not because you don't know what you are talking about. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're right, Terence, I didn't know what I was talking about - thank you for setting me straight. I thought that the poll was like the presidential election type polls and not an on-line poll. I didn't read the initial post correctly - my bad.

I still hate the american news media because of their biases and xenophobic outlook. Give me the BBC any day!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nathman:

I still hate the american news media because of their biases and xenophobic outlook. Give me the BBC any day!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Heh, if you're trying to put forth the British news media as a model of unbiased reporting, you'd probably do well to see some of London tabloids.

True, the BBC is an excellent news source...as there are plenty of excellent American news sources. Every major American newspaper is on the web by now. If you can't find one you like, I'd suggest that's for lack of looking, not lack of availability.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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