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Go tell the Outerboards, Stranger,That Here Obedient to Their Laws We Challenged Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mind numbing drivel.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First point, I already told you to quit your belching! You are just like a ravenous junk-yard dog with its mouth around the rotting corpse of last weeks roadkill, you just can't let it go! Actually you are last weeks roadkill. Which leads me to my second point:

You claim "shooting down a couple of those planes, and the fact that a good portion of my force made it off the map". Now I know with all certainty that you are a cretin. The ability to count is simply beyond your abilities. Let me remind you that you shot down exactly one plane, while exiting all of one AA truck and remants of 3 infantry squads (totalling around 10 men)!

Third your understanding of military units is lacking. Your "convoy of half-tracks and kubelwagens" was actually a reinforced armor company with Tigers, Panzergrenadiers and multiple armored units.

Fourth, I am not sure you belong in the Pool. I give you an opportunity to grind the face of a newbie into the muck of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, providing you an opportunity to taunt, gloat and generally beat your concaved chest. And what do you do? You scurry away into that little hole you call your life, screaming in a high-pitched girly voice (no offense Kitty and YK2), "No not me! I don't want to play any games!"

I think we all agree here that you, sir, should go play in a gas oven, while the rest of us move forward with the business of the Pool.


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I smell a bit of fear in young Paintsniffer's post, methinks. Perhaps a bit of shell shock or battle fatigue? Perhaps he is simply, to paraphrase General Patton, a coward, a discredit to the Cess and a disgrace to his comrades, whom he heartlessly leaves to endure the dangers of battle, while he, himself, uses excuses as a means of escape. Or perhaps he has gotten too caught up in his "how to assault young friends" thread, or whatever the heck it is, I'm too busy destroying things and pretending to work to pay much attention.

One thing is obvious - he is certainly Pa Buffoon's squire. Only someone with a "french connection" could be so obstinate, so argumentative, so ineffective in battle. Perhaps his reluctance to engage yon My-foot-smells-like-fish (no bolding for scumsucking newbies) is a blessing in disguise - of all the members of the pool, Prancysister is the most likely to embarass and dishonor our collective Cess. Again, I say it is his relationship to the French that is to blame.

Perhaps young what's-his-name-again-something-to-do-with-fish can challenge a squire of the pool (and certainly not pantingquitter - shouldn't he have an asterisk by his name or something?) and enjoy the glory of his first pool game.

By the way, Skeetburper, that Jabo! thingy you mentioned sounds fun. Send it to me sometime, okay?

One last note - to whatever-your-name-that-sounds-like-my-teeth-itch - you recognize this is all too futile anyway. You are not worthy to even sniff the fecal leavings of a member of the pool, let alone actually have one stoop to accepting your challenge (which, I must say, sounded more like two five year old sisters arguing over who gets to sit in the front seat than anything else). Well, unworthy to all but pantywaister, but that is a different story altogether.

[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Listen CorporalSpeedbump. Just because you are one inch closer to Mace's teet than I, we are both well below his testes, so why don't you step down from the hobby horse, wipe it off, and lose the self-righteous attitude. My god, I have heard assistant managers from Taco Bell who have more composure than you.

Your voice is shrill, your eyes dart wildly, your fists clench and unclench uncontrollably. In short, you are a loose cannon, and anyone who could feel the passion that you so obvioulsy do for the meaningless dreck of the cesspool has some serious problems.

So listen here, jefe, sod off and play the boring little troll yourself. You are not the Assistant Manager of the cess, no matter how much you want to be.

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Gas oven jokes in a WW2 related forum.

That's grand.

No, it's far more than just grand, it's brilliant...

I, for one, think it's quite worthy of note that SquireLeader should frown upon that stupid vetting rite of playing someone with Jawo!.

That's an outstanding accomplishment when you manage the simultaneous usage of insipid posts and challenge free games.

BTW, being a Pooler had never been about gloating.

It's all about how you gloat (not GOAT Mace stop humping me!).

Now go the Hell outta Dodge before I get on top of Mensch's soapbax...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

anyone who could feel the passion that you so obvioulsy do for the meaningless dreck of the cesspool has some serious problems.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tsk, tsk, plantweeder, Squire Speedbuggy may be a bit enthusiastic (okay, so he does froth at the mouth a bit and appears to have run quite a deep rut along the chainlink fence out back), but he does seem to grasp what you do not - having passion about the glorious tradition of playing an opponent and gloating and rubbing his face in your victory OR defeat is a good thing. If you can't grasp that, perhaps you should not be here.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So listen here, jefe, sod off and play the boring little troll yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahh, I stand corrected. It is not fear I smell - it is terror. Or maybe that is just the reek emanating from French Poodle, who just wandered in to yip and yap his two francs worth. It is amusing, however, to see a frenchman giving advice to ANYONE about which battle to fight - rather like taking cooking instructions from Daddy Achin or advice on police-community relations from Germanboy.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have no clue.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Truer words were never spoken.

[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Squire Speedbuggy may be a bit enthusiastic, but he does seem to grasp what you do not.


*shudder* MrSpkr actually agrees with me? Oh, the horror! Someone, please hold me, I'm so scared.

Were it not for the fact that I am about to eviscerate you in our Ubertankfest, I would thank you for your support and good taste. However, because I am about to eviscerate you in our Ubertankfest, Sod Off!


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Oh crap, MrPrchr is getting all fidgety again. He is editing his posts after already posting again, making double posts, then trying to cover them up. I sense that someone is losing their grip. Settle down, take a few deep breaths. It'll all come back to you, no worries. Your house of cards still stands.

I agree (and mentioned) that the Lorak's absence is unnerving. I never linked to his page, so now I feel cut off from the deepest pits of cess. Where the Hell are you? You missed the reminiscing and the waxing philosophical, and all the ugs and "It'll be all right, the squires are a good lot," afterwards.

Well, Speechsump, Sister-sneak-a-peeker I guess it is just us three now, given the task of the phoenix, to lift this Mutha Beautiful back from the ashes into which it sunk.(sank?) Didn't last night's syrup dipped wine-induced romantic ramblings remind you of the death knell of those elephants that all go to the same place to die? It was eerie.

I have a theory. With the leaking info on CM2 beginning to appear, the "old guard" is becoming restless. They fear that, as often happens to people of the retirement age, they have become set in their way, and will not be able to grasp the subtle differences of this "new-fangled game." Much like the rosy-cheeked expectations of a year before, there is a hush in the air. On the tip of everyone's tongue is "Russia...".

But to the squires, SSN's and even outerboardes, the word is whispered in anticipation. But, alas, like many a dynasty (even Russia's) who has witnessed its rise and decline, so the Kanigget's tongue has not a sweet jewel, but a tart pill. "Russia..." with dread and a hopeless sense of loss.

Peng. You sir are inhuman in your exotic (and sometimes erotic) ravings. You will survive by ecoming increasingly arcane.

Berlichtingen You will become the new mascot of the "Second Ping Thread" (notice revised spelling) and will be forced to wear a teddy-bear costume and give candy out to the scum sucking newbies.

Mensch I'm sorry old goat, when the Ami's leave the stage, the silence will bring you to your knees.

Mace There's a goat on it's knees over there.

Joe Shaw You will still be told to shut the hell up, but it will no longer be by kaniggets, but by SSNs. Ouch.

Seanachai There walks the kanigget and his squire, one with a suit and a chain in its hand. The other naked on hands and knees with a chain about its neck. Sadly, the squire is the one in the suit.

Pawbroon will sudenly realize that by using a combination of babelfish, the thesaurus in WORD, and a healthy dose of gin, his words can be deciphered. He will be reduced to speaking in straight French and will therefore be ignored. His last squire, Panzer Leader still occaisionally send him cookies or a bouquet of flowers, usually on Bastille Day (or whatever the hell holidays you have over there.)

David Aitkin The only flowers you receive is on Guy Fawkes day. Or was that an Australian Holiday? Ouch!

jd There never was anything to say about him.

Lawyer He will go on getting richer, as lawyers always do.

Did I miss anyone? Oh yeah, you suck.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


I think I'll get all upset about this Computer Games thing. ". . . took a dare too far in creating furry faces . . ." Since when did anyone ever "dare" me to do that?!? And gee guys, don't bother to mention my name or anything, "one mod maker." I swear, after this I get a lot more meaning out of HBO's "61*" movie. The press. Just call me Roger Maris. Sheesh!

*gets into limo and rides off into the sunset*

Kitty ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Did Pawbroon just scold or reward me? I have no clue...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that all depends on whether he was behind you or in front of you, no?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Lawyer He will go on getting richer, as lawyers always do.


How did you find out? I actually do have a few "courtesy copies" of CM2 available for sale now to SSN's for the low, low price of $150 each. Just send me your money (cash only) and I'll get them to you.

Trust me.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Someone pretending to be mensch wrote:

So dawning a new age mensch who is frustrated by the crap some of the poolers have been spewing rummages through the kitchen and looks for a snip<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Either mensch has installed his wife in front of the computer while he is engaged with the alleged lucrative contract (which would doubtlessly send his win/loss ratio through the roof), or he has been fired and now finds himself with the time to work out what each of the letters on his keyboard actually mean.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by about-to-be-impishly-defeated:

You want my Testes? You want me to suck tit?

Sorry, I'm here to play CM with intelligent opponents, not to cyber with some sardine!


I thought you were Australian. Would you prefer it if I was a sheep? A "'Roo," as it were? Or maybe a cute and cuddly koala bear to keep your hairy ass warm at night!!?? WOULD THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY?????


Here's the deal, flatulent-house-fart, we have a fine *AHEM* selection of squires who's job is to separate the healthy sheep from the fly-blown flock.

Give them a hard time, play a game against them, and maybe Maybe I'll actually put aside some time to make your life by allowing you to play me!


Ah.. 'tis obvious that you are lacking in the fine education provided to us Northern Hemispherers. Having other, lesser people fight your battles? Shameless. If you're not Australian, you MUST be French. I assume that the autosave feature was implemented for you?

Send me a setup, coward! PBEM or, if you want to make it quick, give me a TCP/IP time.


The loser (i.e. YOU, goatboy) shall place into his sig file "Bitch Slapped by ____(i.e. Hellfish)."

[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: fytinghellfish ]

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And despite the sudden nostalgia attack, I am still thriving, in all my glorious form. Meanwhile the various members of the cess pool continue to deplete this earth's resources through the act of living, without returning anything more valuable than a few tears over what has become of their "lovely" thread. Of course, having been reduced to hollow shells of their former selves (by their own admission mind you) they quickly got over such a tragic incident as their decline.

Of course, by this claim, they pretend that maybe, once upon a time in a bulletin board far, far away, they were ever higher than the scum that they are today. Recognition of the fact that they have very rarely, if ever, been blessed by genius is not forthcoming due to their own deluded beliefs in the sanctity of their status as pool members. To say that they have declined is to say that they were once great, but nay, had they ever been great, they would not be poolers.

Its also worth mentioning that ever since

Mensch had his middle life crisis and ditched all his games, I have remained gameless. While I quickly sent a challenge and set up to Mace , he has not been speedy in returning it, and so I am forced to turn to others. Perhaps my fault has lain in attempting to challenge senior poolers, and as such I must extend a challenge to Leeo. Upon acceptance, the set up will be sent.

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A public service announcement to the Scum Sucking Newbies of the Cess.

Since for better or for worse (obviously for the worse) several of you SSNs have become viewed by the OuterBoards as associated with the Pool. Despite our repeated efforts to get you to leave, you keep wandering back in like a pack of really stupid and ugly lost puppies. Even though we would prefer it if you would just GET THE HELL OUT, it seems that we are stuck with you (sort of like Herpes. Not fatal, but occasionally unpleasant). Since we are in part judged by your behavior in the OuterBoards, please try to maintain some level of civility. Or if you are going to act like an ass, at least be entertaining.

Example of acceptable outside behavior:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda in response to continued questions about what the * on buildings meant:

Any idea why? If I shoot a building it gets *s next to the name. One time, I had a building named Heavy Building*. Later it was Heavy Building**. I kept shooting it and it became rubble***. What's up? Does this mean that the building is going up in rank when I shoot it? If I shoot a building with my Company CO in it, and it get's *s, does that mean he became a general? That would be great!

* - Please see post #1 on buildings with asterisks on this page of the forum

** - Please see post #2 on buildings with asterisks on this page of the forum

*** - Did you get the freaking picture yet?


You see? Obnoxious but funny. Compare with obnoxious and unfunny such as anything posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named or Maximus.

Now to address actions by a couple of our recent SSNs:

First MrSpkr,

From the "Liberal Linguistic Shenanigans" thread:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

How much longer do we have to see this garbage posted? BTS please fix or DO SOMEFINK!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You really need to take your own advice:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Dang it Fleee-oh! - first Phillie's Phool and now you. If you feed the trolls, like some psycho chick you said hi to at a party, they'll expect you to call them and keep in touch and talk to them and be their friend and . . . .



Now for (unbolded) Panzer Bleeder,

I raise again my previous proposal that should you meet the requisite 5 battles that you be made "CessPool Idiot" rather than Kanigget. Why? Let me put this simply. You need to pull your head out of your fourth point of contact, and stop acting like Maximus Light (e.g. the GIC business). If we in the pool are seen as jerks rather than marginally entertaining, the already tenuous acceptance of the Peng will decrease, and we will have more "The Pengers are wastes of Oxygen, Do Somefink BTS!"

Thank you for your attention.

You all Suck.

[ 06-01-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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First time in a year, an I'm drunk. Maybe it´s a dogs year who knows who cares and speaking of which does anyone reallyread Tanzen Leiders posts? What a complete and utter waste. I blame the french, but then again I always do and I'm always right.


Roight-toighty fragging hoight, mensch the drug lair (no you read it right, lair not lord) mentioned me inna loooong post which I kinda liked. Anyway, at least I don't refer to em as graphic novels as I bet the rest of you lot do. And I actually own issues 1 and 2 of "Big Numbers" by Moore and Sienkiewicz which I believe makes people like Aitken itch.

In beautiful condition too I might add. More of that alcoholy stuff gulped.

Right, Aitken. IOU a setup file, I found "Champs" at Moons place and liked it so much I'm thinking about not letting you see it. Have you played it? If not, you are on. Why didn´t REM put "Fretless" on any of their own albums? It's a beautiful piece and I own it as well, "Until the end of the World" soundtrack, actually probably the best soundtrack with comtemporary rock songs ever made. S'got Depeche Modes best, one of U2's best, one of Nick Caves best and kd lang (who apparently makes a lot of heterosexual 'muricans vewy angry) with some other (possibly othersexual) woman singing a song that should piss off Berli immensely.

"Calling all angels"

and T-Bone Burnett too. Just so you know.


Sennatjoo. Well, jus let me know yur alive so I ken kill you. alrighty?

Marky the fourdly. Are we on? I saved your unhappy ass from total and uttel and complete annihilation in that other crap scenario so send me a frigging setup alright?

Hurli-Berli You da man. We goan play long time. I'll kick your butt out of my continent.

Peterbaaaah-baaaaah where is my mother-beautiful file man? You are so deep up that certain creek and lookee-lookee no paddle it's not even funny.

mensch didja wanna quit? rotsa ruck keed on that job-thingy. lemme know ok?

Tally-fragging-ho, the guy is finally coming out. Good thing we set fire to the roof after all, I've been building up a grudge all winter.

Someone tell Tanzer Leider to Sod Off so we don't have to scroll past his tripe. I'm sure he'll post something noone will read soon after my post.

It must suck to be him.

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You know...

Oh never mind. I have written some funny stuff in my time, in fact, I have even been personally called out by the Bald One for my humour. Let me see if I can find it...

Okay, the thread was lost in the great server crash of last month, but trust me - IT WAS FUNNY!

As to the bit about GIC, I have come to realize that what I said was inflammatory and formally apologized to Eric. I would have edited my post but my usename is different from work.

Even the above post had elements of humour. I think that part about Berli was raucous. Geier is just mad because I didn't write his epithet.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

First time in a year, an I'm drunk......hic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Warning: Keep all open flames and incendiary devices away from your computer, the fumes may ignite......poof, of course Geier with out eyebrows would look the same.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

funny stuff in my time ... my humour... FUNNY! ... apologized to my usename ... humour ... raucous... Geier is just mad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I toldja all an I wuz right too.

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