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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Dive Bombed:

Thank you, old sock.

Your envy is noted and appreciated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not envious.

I live in a country where young and willing crops come aplenty.

Do that Normandy sightseeing and see for yourself if that young wife of yours doesn't put you on a leash like one of those Creatures in Black & White...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

I live in a country where young and willing crops come aplenty.


Yes yes, but all vegetation fetishes aside, I'm talking about teenage


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Don't pull age on a woman.


If only you knew the facts david.

I was a victim of a gamey, reverse slope, premeditated and unsuspected ambush more sinister and under handed than Pearl harbour, and much like the final episode to that little bun-fight, I also went the way of the A-bomb.

Harsh but fair under the circumstances I'd wager.

(the age thing, not the A-bomb)

[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Perhaps one of the 'poolers (who doesn't like young girls) would care to explain to me what I did wrong as I'm buggered if I can see a problem with it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you're buggered, you're doing something wrong. Do a Search. What kind of girls are these, anyway?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I did a search and kept getting Maces picture, whats up with that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can't come up with Mace mug shots when doing a search unless you were looking for keywords like "How long for CM to sheep?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Usually drunk... check

No firm grasp on reality... check

Wild appearance... check

Somewhat hypnotic... check

Not someone you want in polite society... check

Peng is the reincarnation of Father Gregori!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does this mean we can beat Peng with a chain, shoot him a few times, stab him and throw him in a frozen river?

Does it also mean he gets to have sex with the queen (down Bauhaus, its not that kind of queen)?


Cartoon's gamey use of stealth and a Firefly cost me a tank; however, his infantry are paying the price (and will continue to do so as I have the only decent high ground on the board. Enjoy your minor accomplishment while you are still alive - your end is nigh.

Hey Abbott! is making a weighted attack on my left flank, gamily hugging the edge of the map and taking advantage of my overworked, underpaid machine gunners (who still can't run). I think some artillery here will do the trick nicely.

Treee-Oh!'s troops are currently celebrating the apparent desertion of their commander. I guess that's one way to build morale.

True to his name, Speedbuggy has raced a pair of armored cars to the first victory location --- and found my warriors there waiting for him. I hope the smoke from these two soon-to-be brew ups doesn't obscure my vision too much.

Maced's game is like some surreal space opera:

In A.D. 1945, war was beginning.

Maced: What happen?

Mechanic: Somebody set up us the Tiger.

Radio Operator: We get signal.

Maced: What !

Operator: Main volume turn up.

Maced: Its you!

MrSpkr: How are you, Maced!! All your tank are belong to us. You are on your way to destruction.

etc.; etc.

Actually, this match is exactly nothing like a space opera; it's more like watching a golf tournament -- it's putting me in the deepest sleep I've been in since . . snore . . snort Wha? Hrmm? Oh yes, Sir Maced - Send me a turn, ya git!

The rest of you may carry on, with the exception of Lawyer, who may bugger a goat (as opposed to buggering his clients in the infested, fetid swamp that is D.C.).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Maced: What happen?

Mechanic: Somebody set up us the Tiger.

Radio Operator: We get signal.

Maced: What !

Operator: Main volume turn up.

Maced: Its you!

MrSpkr: How are you, Maced!! All your tank are belong to us. You are on your way to destruction.


And PushBroom thinks I'm psycho? Humph!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

jd Long have I been sickened by your writings. I have whomped your jurisprudential kin in a fair fight, and used him for a crash test dummy in one of my experimental setups, which I nearly won as well, except for dying somewhat near the end.

However, if you think you're going to get a game on the mere basis of being sickening, and a parenthetical drive-by lumped with elvis detriticus and a distempered expatriate martian, you are hallucinating. Make me hate you (posting your picture was a heckuva good start). Remember, I am Marketing, one of the few classes who cannot automatically look down on the legal profession. Though I'm pretty sure that I can.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm does our little marketing genius (no doubt cut his teeth on the business plan for the tele-tubbies) feel slighted that he was an after thought. Hiding his groginess behind his obvious predeliction for nubile young things, out Markymark seems to be casting about for a way to avoid the inevitable. Actually my dear IV having represented a number of pedophiles, deviants, rapists and sundry sorts, i note the similarity of the low simian brow (truly an insult to pongoids everywhere) as wel as the prognathous jaw and finally the knuckle dragging locomotor style of travel and fankly, I find you.

Perhaps Stephano said it well: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Four legs and two voices; a most delicate monster! His forward voice now is to speak well of his friends; his backward voice is to utter foul speeches and to detract.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tempest Act 2, scene ii

Yup that about describes the man. Away varlet. play or not, it is the same to me, the shame is yours....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

having represented a number of pedophiles, deviants, rapists and sundry sorts<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't know how you do it.

Me, I'd say "Judge, he/she/its as guilty as hell, book 'em Danno!"

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I don't recall having spoken well of anyone. Nonetheless, that'll do it.

Cite parameters, etc., rather than Shakespeare. Your brave new world is at its brightest, prior to the opening turn.

I am proud of my australopithecine heritage. Prepare to be brow-jutted, shyster, in what can only be called...

The Battle of the Suits

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka wrote:

I don't know how you do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So you've never encountered the association of the terms "lawyer", "money" and "leech"?

You should come over here. The nice chaps in the European Court of Human Rights recently awarded £10,000 compensation to the families of the IRA terrorists who smashed into a police station in Loughall, Ireland in a bulldozer with a bomb in the scoop, opened up with machineguns, and were ambushed by the SAS while trying to escape. Apparently the terrorists' rights were violated. Makes you want to be a lawyer, eh?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

So you've never encountered the association of the terms "lawyer", "money" and "leech"?

You should come over here. The nice chaps in the European Court of Human Rights recently awarded £10,000 compensation to the families of the IRA terrorists who smashed into a police station in Loughall, Ireland in a bulldozer with a bomb in the scoop, opened up with machineguns, and were ambushed by the SAS while trying to escape. Apparently the terrorists' rights were violated. Makes you want to be a lawyer, eh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe they were trying to make up for not doing anything for the unarmed ones that the brit para's murdered?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MeKnowShakespeare:

Tempest Act II, Scene 2<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's one of the favorite Shakespeare play for the Czech people.

They love the fact that it's supposed to be OFF BOHEMIA.

Seeing as Czech Republic is so inland, one can only speculate just how much far OFF it really was.


JD you little pre celebrity John Grisham, we need a rematch.

Something full of sound and fury to keep up with what started this...

And in dedication to Senility newfound love for Flaubert, a little something aimed at you JDMorse:

Nothing is more humiliating than to see idiots succeed in enterprises we have failed.

It's a question of Honor.

Send a setup or I put the Medoc in the freezer!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Does this mean we can beat Peng with a chain, shoot him a few times, stab him and throw him in a frozen river?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You forgot about the poison, but unfortunately, much like the Mad Monk, Peng will still live.


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The first time I met Peng, I mentioned to him that he looked like Rasputin. Without the beard, he looks like Henry Winkler with a heroin addiction.

I recommend jd as the father confessor person. I acknowledge that he could never be Fransiscan or even Jesuit in his appearance because of his apparent affluence, but he does care for the young ones. When I was a neophyte in this religion we've created he tried his best to teach me the basics. He would tell me to not do things right after I did them. JD was more verbose in his emails than many of my opponents at the time. I recall that many of you would ask me what was wrong with me and if I had been dropped on my head as a child. The game play was that bad. JD would cut and paste things into email and draw pictures for me like it was Autism that I really suffered from.

For a span of a week, I had thought I could go to Seanachai for advice and help but that was shot down when he threatened to eat my cats and date my girlfriend. (did I get that backwards?)

When you tally your votes and scratch your collective chin, keep in mind that without people like jd, fragile minds would have gotten discouraged and given up by now.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

DUH! Has there ever been a point to any of these posts?

I'd like a Consigliari (sic) ruling on this!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

**Consigliori enters the room and takes a seat at the head of the table**

Iskander makes a good point in raising the point as to whether there is any point in a pointless excercise such as the Cesspool. Joe Shaw, as we well know, makes no points, but does emit much gas, which has the point of making the rest of us wish that a sharp stick with a point be inserted into the pointy thing that holds up his hair (what's left of it) and his trademark four-eyes geek gaze.

Now, I happen to know that Ike imbibes fine spirits, and thus the spirit in his spirits takes him to spiritual highs where he expresses points (see aforementioned point reference) that may have no point at all. However, Ike is also civic-minded. He supports local spirit-makers by drinking their spirits, which occasionally blinds him (quite literally) to the points he pointedly attempts to point out.

Are you following this fine-tuned legal analysis? Good, then you see the point.

Personally, I took Iskander's mention of "golden plates" as a clear reference to rich old BY's dentures. You have your Golden Arches and your golden showers, so why not golden plates?

So the Don has asked that Joey go along on a little fishing trip he has planned for Fredo. Feed the fishes. He don't want to hear no more about them, ya know?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

So you've never encountered the association of the terms "lawyer", "money" and "leech"?

Makes you want to be a lawyer, eh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmm... Methinks I may be missing out on something good. Davey, do you know what the lawyers got in that case? If it's under 50 percent, I ain't interested.

BTW, the Association of Leeches has retained me to sue you for libeling their good character and reputation by your statement associating them with lawyers.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Are you following this fine-tuned legal analysis? Good, then you see the point.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed we do, but your hair is covering it pretty well. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Personally, I took Iskander's mention of "golden plates" as a clear reference to rich old BY's dentures. You have your Golden Arches and your golden showers, so why not golden plates?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now there's a combination you don't see everyday, golden arches, showers and plates.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So the Don has asked that Joey go along on a little fishing trip he has planned for Fredo. Feed the fishes. He don't want to hear no more about them, ya know?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey fuggidaboudit! Youse guys has got it all wrong. I don't know no Fredo 'cepting for Fred176 and Seananchai is ... taking care o' him ... if ya get my drift. And if da Don don't wanna know 'bout no fish I gots no problem wit dat, but I can't go on no fishing trip cause of how I get seasick ya know? As old Brig himself once said ... "dis mus be da place.".


[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lorak wrote:

Maybe they were trying to make up for not doing anything for the unarmed ones that the brit para's murdered?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aha, a pseudo-Irishman. Keep in mind that there are two factions in Northern Ireland, those who are happy being part of the UK (the Loyalists) and those who want to be part of Ireland (the Republicans). Both groups seem to enjoy having guns and killing people, and have been somewhat reluctant to make compromises.

The Army and the former Royal Ulster Constabulary have been tasked not with oppressing the Irish people, but with trying to protect the public and prevent the militant groups doing too much damage. I don't imagine the security forces are perfect, but I pity no terrorist who falls victim to their heavy-handed tactics.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

JD you little pre celebrity John Grisham, we need a rematch. Something full of sound and fury...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>and signifying nothing, but you are French and have panache. We do not, but have and/or own everything else. Oh yes you do have that nice little winery north of Avigion that I liked muchly.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It's a question of Honor.

Send a setup or I put the Medoc in the freezer!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I shall of couse act like you have honor (ahh the French so like their little pretensions) But in ignominy they are Magnifique so I shall enjoy ripping your epaulets from your shoulders and removing the regimental buttons, breaking your sword over your tête and expecterate your remains outside of Ft Defiance.

Allons mes enfants, aux barricades!

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Right then, there'll be no more political discussions around here lads. Remember that one man's terrorist is another man's Labrador Retriever ... or something. First we were shocked to see evidence of Seanachai posting his Grogginess on the Outer Board (couldn't he have used an alias or something?) and now this. There'll be no seriousness around here or we'll know the reason why! Now shake hands and make up ... be sure to check for your watches when you get through.


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Pool Notice:

We (Not as in Rexfordian We) would gladly see posts and comments about would be antagonistic Pakistanis / Sikhs / Irish / Basques / Serbs / Kurds / Insert name HERE kept outside of the Pool.

Any such subject is prone to Regular Board Treatment (IE Flames).

If some of you feel offended by some of the posts even by our lowly Pool Standards then drop a mail to the poster and state your view to have it edited.

It's of NO interrest to the community to grant the sudden attention of the Moderators and to behave exactly the way all of the #176s are expecting us to...

If you really feel like bashing somebody, do the Frogs as it never seems to bugger anyone on the Board.

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