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CM Burnout

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I just finished yet another QB. As usual, it was a great game. That got me thinking...

I have seen CM for sale on Ebay. I would never sell my treasured copy, and I was wondering why on earth anyone would. I don't think this game will ever get stale.

Aside from CM being such a suberb game on a subject that fascinates me, the QB feature, availability of scenarios on the net, and the newness of mods keep it fresh. There is also the feeling that once you are hooked, you belong to a community.

Is anyone getting burned out on this gem? I haven't even spread my play out among all the nations/forces in the game yet, and I think I enjoy it more than the day I first tried to figure out what the funny colored lines were in the demo.

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I was getting burned out on the AI, but I stepped up the PBEMs and began playing the occassional TCP game, so everythings good again.

Just start making mods, scenarios, or a website, and you'll be amazed how quickly your time for playing CM vanishes. It's worth it, though.

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Guest ckoharik

If I play too much CM (is there truly such a thing?) I find that my eagerness to play wanes. To recitfy this I usuall switch to some mindless game for a day or too. Perhaps watch Saving Private Ryan :D to get motivated to play and all is well. I doubt I'll ever get rid of this game.

Now, how to clear some time to start with PBEM and TCP...hrmmmm...

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Well, playing does get old after a while if your computer can no longer handle all the hi-res mods one as installed.

However, with a fast computer where the screen scrolls silky smooth even with hi-res grass, then playing the game becomes enjoyable again. And to be honest with you, a fast computer really does change the way you "see" the game. I can't even begin to phathom how people try to play the game on a less than 300 MHz computer with less than a 16 MB video card. My old Celeron 433 with a 32MB TNT2 was pokin' along there at the end.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Well, playing does get old after a while if your computer can no longer handle all the hi-res mods one as installed.

However, with a fast computer where the screen scrolls silky smooth even with hi-res grass, then playing the game becomes enjoyable again. And to be honest with you, a fast computer really does change the way you "see" the game. I can't even begin to phathom how people try to play the game on a less than 300 MHz computer with less than a 16 MB video card. My old Celeron 433 with a 32MB TNT2 was pokin' along there at the end.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep, I just purchased a 1.5gig 256meg Ultra 64 monster, and the level of enjoyment from my old 300mhz 64 meg machine is substantial. I'd get a slide show on the old machine when too much was going on and would have to run the replay several times. Now I run the replay several times just because I love how this game looks!!!


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I'm seeing signs of getting an overdose.

The first 6 months went real fast, but after that I've restarted to

also play other games! Now I'm even considering of buying

another game.

Furthermore; I still have 8 PBEM's going, but now days might go by

without me playing a single AI game...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackthorne:

Yep, I just purchased a 1.5gig 256meg Ultra 64 monster<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Curious, what CPU did you get? Athlon, P4?

I got a 1.2GHz T-bird with a 64MB Geforce 2 GTS Pro Platinum. Not only does the game run like a dream now, but it also looks better too with the better video card.

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I was getting a little, just a little bored with the game but the new mods got me out of this several months ago and haven't had that feeling since. Plus I did play some Pbem and that showed me that I'll never get tired of it. At present I really don't have the time for Pbem so I am just enjoying the AI since I have all these great mods to juice the looks of the game up. I guess I could see someone getting tired of the game if maybe they - died, but that's the only way I'll stop. :D

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i did the same thing..tho i never really even started getting bored...but i was playing at LEAST one quickbattle a day since i bought the game last year (some days 0 games, some days 5 smile.gif)

About the guys mentioning mods...i did that too...got some new grass(in the game..not the street corner)...got my old textures for tanks i made last year and bingo..enthusiasm went from 98% back up to 100 hehe

My only problem is i'm getting to know the AI too well hehe..i just eneded Carenten v2 (i think)..with 9 battles of 20 turns each. By the time i was done (playing as Germans) the US guys had 4 units left alive (not units like tanks, guns etc..i'm talking 4 alive US soldiers left on the battlefield :(

[ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Fox ]

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After a while you just get too good for AI to handle so it doesn't provide much of a challenge..

I noticed that my gameplay improved enormously after just a handful of PBEM games. There's a big unpredictability factor with a human-equivalent AI.. Sometimes people do dumb things but at least they're rarely predictable.

I just started "we fight and die here" op and I got half of the 4km map with the first battle..

Well, I just have to try'n'aggravate some more europeans for another rugged defense match ;)

[ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Barleyman ]

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Yep, I admit it. Im burned out.

Been about a month or so since I really just stopped playing. Im finishing up a PBEM right now. Im not even into it at all, and it shows as I'm getting beaten badly and I don't care.


When it's over that's gonna be it for me and CM until Fall I imagine. Maybe CM2 will be out then. Im definitly getting that! With CM2 I'm sure Ill be hooked for awhile again.

I think 8 months of playing CM almost every night finally took it's toll.

As a side note, I am really looking forward to Operation Flashpoint.

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Well now! I can just imagine telling my better half that I need to buy a faster machine so I can spend more of what little free time I have playing CM. The result would be a QB with a Major and violent victory for my wife!

I still play lots of games against the AI. Perhaps my play is poor enough that it satisfies me, perhaps I enjoy winning ;) or it could be my habit of letting the AI have a healthy force bonus keeps it challenging.

I am just starting to maintain a website for a real world job, the mere thought of doing a CM site is frightful. My helmet is off to you fine folks that do so.

The prospects for a future full of CM are good. There are folks who latch on to a game that is years "out of date" and play it forever. Pirates! comes to mind, and my bride will kill time playing Tetris on occasion.

I think that for me, burnout in CM is going to be something you do with a Crocodile.

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I am playing about one solo Operation game or 2-3 QB per month, so I don't get bored so easily. I have completed only one PBEM and one is going on right now. I think I will never get bored/burnout with this game. Don't eat candy too much or you get sick. tongue.gif

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I don't play much anymore. Most of it's due to technical problems - since 1.04 was released CM doesn't seem to want to deal with my video drivers. If I run it in hardware mode it crashes every...oh, 5 minutes or so. Works fine in software mode, but ugly and choppy. So...

I'm also pretty busy with my degree lately, that doesn't help.

Then again, CM2 should be released right about the time I'm done with school and employed with (hopefully) enough money to buy a new computer. Fun times.

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Well, a few reasons probably exist as to why somebody would sell their copy of CM...

1. It was a burned copy

2. The person was a RTS freak, and couldn't handle the nail biting 1 minute Action Phase (maybe got a little chaffed playing with something else while waiting for the comp to think, those RTS are non-stop click-fest don't you know)

3. The lack of an SDK might have turned them off, even though the MOD community is awesome, never changing the sheets can make for a stale smelling bed...

4. They needed Crack...

5. It was in a marriage council agreement, he'd get rid of the game, if she'd just shut the hell up...

That's my list, I'm sure there's others.

[ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Suicides-by-Steve ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phoenix:

As a side note, I am really looking forward to Operation Flashpoint.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Better save your dough up then, it'll need the newest and shiniest piece of hardware available to run that puppy by the time it's released. Unless of course you like to turn all the settings down... then party on! Of course, they could reduce the horizon, and dummy down some of the textures... Then again, I could always invest in a 64MB GC and that may make all the difference in the world. smile.gif

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I tire dthe Flashpoint demo and found it to be OK. I don't have a top-end system, but I do have a 64MB card, a Radeon. Coupled to a PIII 600 it ran rather well although the shadows were extremely annoying because of the way they were drawn as composites from every polygon that cast a shadow. It automatically selected high graphics options for my PC and I couldn't find out how to change the resolution or get rid of the shadows.

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Better save your dough up then, it'll need the newest and shiniest piece of hardware available to run that puppy by the time it's released.

Won't be a problem. I'm using a P866 with a NVIDIA 32mb GeForce2 GTS card, 128 MB ram.

The demo runs beautifully. The night missions are spectacular. The game really gives me a feeling of chaos and terror in a combat situation. (So far as I know) Keeping track of your buddies etc, getting lost, it's very cool.

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