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Peng, I take your Challenge to HOLLAND!

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you alls stink.. and more so Berli for dying large in my pbem with him.. come on boy bring out your other sherman.. I need to laugh hard.

as for the rest of you lot.. no this is not Sweden, no its not England.. it's Holland...yes Holland.. you heard me.. its all redlight district and Coffee shops till Mad Moot locks it up after 10 or so pages.!!

no Dimond steeling and best of all .. no SHEEP!

thank you, brownie?.. I just baked them! biggrin.gif

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Head for the Dykes!!!!... and wait a second.. Fuerte people have been banned for less stupid crap then what your posting.. get a grip man... you have no girl do you? heres a tip.. impress them by brushing your teeth and washing more then four times a month.

now.. berli... eat this brownie and can you hold my smoke.. I have to go beat up a Fuerte now.

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Actually gentlemen I think it's spelled DIKE ... can't imagine where you'd have gotten the alternative spelling unless, of course, English isn't your first language (or in the case of Berli language isn't your first language). Because, you see, DYKE actually refers to ... OH! ... carry on then. can I be the camera man?







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Guest Wildman

Good Lord above and his evilness Berli below!

I go away for a little fun, sponsored by the USAF and we've go from England to Sweeden to Holland. Damn, I know the cess is disgusting, but can't we stay somewhere at least overnight?

Well, I'm off to read the childish and grammatically poor posts you wankers have placed over the past two weeks. Although after several hours of reading your drivel I'm sure the top of my head will explode.

As for my games, I've got Berli's and Marlow's last turns and they will go out shortly, as if those two would have it any other way, but I need StevietheRat and Croda to resend your turns, thank you very much.

As for the rest of you, my game calander have a few open spots and when I've read your pathetic atempts at humor and ribaldry, I'm sure someones ineptness will make itself known.


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Yup, suppose we haven't been to Holland yet. Where next, Tunisia?

Ahh, well...Let me bring this thread one post closer to closing by declaring my total ownership of Armornut.

The 78-22 victory over a super-gamey mix of American and Brit Airborne and armor, was marred only by 2 zook teams who had late game hot-streaks, one of them nabbing 3 HTs on 1 turn. Otherwise, he was slapped down like a little boy trying to steal his daddy's porno mags.

For those of you wondering why I am not proclaiming my total owner ship of the Dalem, it is because the fool refused to send the turns which held his imminent departure from the earth.

Also dying in droves are SeeN'Say, ThatRatGuy, AGayPersonito, and all my opponents in Mensch's NSSBII.

Oberst rapes livestock, Chupacabra's plane to New York apparently crashed, Hamsters are trying in vain to assault Crodaburg, jd and shandorfffffff are both preparing to lose vast amounts of armor to my Battalion Defense, and NipponBoy, though I'm not playing him, looks better suited for the Pacific theater, or better yet, American Concentration Camps. Ever seen They Call Me Bruce? Probably not.

In other news, the forum is now replete with new morons, who have replaced on a 2 for 1 basis the old morons. So the old stoopid questions are now being asked twice as often as they were. If this keeps up, by the time CM2 is released, we'll be having guys named Woot2kISKewl ranting because tanks can't run through buildings and dead bodies don't drop their ammo and armor for you to pick up and WHERE THE FECK ARE THE TELEPORTERS?????

I'm also sick and tired of this fecking Enemy at the Gates debate. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm about ready to wrap the reel around someone's throat and yank really tight...

I burned my finger on a frying pan at lunch and I'm pissed off!

And remember to cast your votes over in the CessPool.


Woot! - Maximus2k

Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster.

The New CessPool

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 03-19-2001).]

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Me-thinks (rare and frightening in itself), that Holland is just the place for the Cess. Though the high water table (put the brownie down, mensch) may cause the muck to stay close to the surface, at least the wooden shoes will keep the ick from infecting our toes (though I'm afraid that it's too late for Elvis, as I think the ick has worked it's way up to his pelvis).


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

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enough about my country,there is more here than drugs,whores and wooden shoes......

makes me...sick ,lock this one up!!!!!



[This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 03-19-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 03-19-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 03-19-2001).]

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Originally posted by Stoffel:

enough about my country,there is more here than drugs,whores and wooden shoes......

makes me...sick ,lock this one up!!!!!

Oh yeah and two-lips too, don't fegit them. As a side business we could trash the country or location we are in, as the toristas drive by. Sort of like the football (soccer) hooligans.


•Non illegitimi carborundum est

•If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by Stoffel:

enough about my country,there is more here than drugs,whores and wooden shoes......

makes me...sick ,lock this one up!!!!!

Is there more?

Oh yeh, Friesian cows, diary products, tulips, windmills. How exciting!

And then there is my father-in-law...the Dutch must have really hated us Aussies to send him over here, you have a lot to answer for!!!

btw, can any of you Dutch tell me what Kuk-a-luk means?

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Originally posted by Stoffel:

there is more here than drugs,whores and wooden shoes......makes me...sick

Have some dam cheese and sit in the shade of that windmill over yonder, pardner. You musta had your finger in that dijk too long.

This here's the Cesspool, aka Peng Thread etc., and if you're here for geopolitical insight, ya got the right place. That's what we're about, yup. We also offer free help with algebra homework and driving directions, so thanks for updating our database.

What Holland oughta be famous for is the best gin in the world, but the Brits copped your schtick on that one. So that left whores, drugs, and the shoe concession. It is still one of my favorite countries visited, for all the excellent reasons covered here, and more.

I hope the Tunisians aren't this sensitive. Most of the EC was bidding to host this next.

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Perhaps we should set up an international commission now so that we may determine which country next gets the horror (um, I mean honor) of hosting the Peng Challenge thread? Sounds like a great opportunity for bribery, scandal and corruption! Oh, wait, I guess we already have all that (and a bag of chips).

Oh, and just so I can beat Elvis to it..


(edited to get one up on the king)


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-19-2001).]

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Guest Germanboy

Someone who's username is Stoffel has no right to complain about anything...

Hmmm... Dutch birds...

Stuka will have his impending doom sent to him soon. Berli has made a nice map and given me the Germans, so that I can go and seize those wine yards.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Stoffel:

enough about my country,there is more here than drugs,whores and wooden shoes......

makes me...sick ,lock this one up!!!!!

Windmills, don't forget the windmills, though they're probably former stoned prostitutes too. Cigars too, don't forget the nastiest machine made cigars known to man....Dutchmasters.


St. Bauhaus of the Immaculate Thingy

canonized 2001 A.D.

[This message has been edited by bauhaus (edited 03-19-2001).]

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And don't forget, Amsterdam is the home of world famous Leather Tiger Press, world famous publishers of world famous GrogPorn™.

Now, pass that brownie...




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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