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If Microsoft bought BTS and CM

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Let's imagine the MS or another large software company.

Instead of four programmers devoting all their time to the basic game features, MS could really overhaul this game:

- Ability to send/receive emails directly through CM;

- A true windows format for CM;

- Virtually any feature people required would be added, to make it more user friendly;

- Ability to move Infantry in a much more effective and efficient manner; and

- Better graphics.

These are some of the potential upgrade possiblities.

Feel free to add more, perhaps, some will get added.




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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

Please go away.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I second the motion. GB, take a hike, perhaps back to your newsgroup that you killed. Maybe you can start discussions with yourself again.


[edited for troll warning message]

[ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]

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Yeah, and don't forget the requirement to REGISTER every single mod just because...

( One of the dumbest things about XP is having to register every single darn thing. Don't wipe your hard drive or else... Heaven forbid your hard drive fails accidentially.)

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Obviously you haven't looked at what Microsoft does to game companies. They recently bought out Bungie Software, the producers of Myth I and II, the Marathon trilogy, Oni, and several other games. After two years, their game of the future, Halo, still hasn't been released, and when it is, it will be an xbox game more or less ported to the Mac and PC, instead of the other way around.

1. Yeah, but only by a Microsoftian method, meaning you would have to use Outlook.

2. Why does CM need a true Windows format? That would only alienate BTS's many loyal Mac users, and wouldn't accomplish anything that the current format can't handle.

3. Yes, features would be addded, with excellent response from the company, and in a timely manner. You would also have to pay for them, unlike BTS's current plan.

4. BTS is working on infantry movement in CM2. IIRC there will be an abstracted "fire and movement" command, in which the squad splits to provide covering fire for the other half of the squad.

5. If you would remove the potatoes from your ears, you would learn that CM already uses more polygons then most FPS games. Since most of us aren't blessed with the 2000mhz Athlon equipped computer that you must have, better graphics would be useless. Besides, CM2 will be entirely hires.

Now please go do something productive with your time, perhaps posting a reply in one of your threads.

Almost forgot- better graphics? Which has better graphics- the most recent version of Close Combat or CM? If Microsoft bought out BTS, CM5 would have the same graphics used in the CMBO beta demo. After all, why bother improving the graphics when you can just rearrange them a bit, move the battles to a different theater, and sell a whole new game for more money?

[ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]

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Guest PondScum

Gunny Bunny seems to be one of those sad group of individuals locked in a particular behavior pattern. Anyone who's spent a while on usenet will know the sort - here are some more. Telling him to "grow up" won't work, because he literally can't. He's doomed to acting like this for eternity. Worthy more of our pity than our anger, really.

Anyway, seeing as how I work for Microsoft, I think I can safely say that we're not interested in Combat Mission. Our rule of thumb is that if it can't sell a million, we're not interested :D. On the other hand, if Steve were interested in an XBox development kit...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gunny_ Bunny:

Instead of four programmers devoting all their time to the basic game features, MS could really overhaul this game:


The 4 BTS gentlemen are committed to producing quality product, and generally listening to any intelligent comments made by their customers.

That's fine by me.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PondScum:

Gunny Bunny seems to be one of those sad group of individuals locked in a particular behavior pattern. Anyone who's spent a while on usenet will know the sort - here are some more. Telling him to "grow up" won't work, because he literally can't. He's doomed to acting like this for eternity. Worthy more of our pity than our anger, really.

Anyway, seeing as how I work for Microsoft, I think I can safely say that we're not interested in Combat Mission. Our rule of thumb is that if it can't sell a million, we're not interested :D. On the other hand, if Steve were interested in an XBox development kit...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I would not be worried about Mac development if MS bought BTS, Microsoft makes money hand over fist from the Mac platform, and the Mac platform is all that stands between MS and mandatory regulatory breakup.

As for Gunny Bunny, he haunted the forum a number of months ago with a different login (without the underscore, he was Gunny Bunny Member # 3962 ) and was, I thought, warned a number of times about his posting habits. He then tried to start a Usenet Group on Combat Mission after several of his threads were locked and he was asked not to constantly start new threads in response to a lock, which flopped massively. (see alt.combatmission discussion #6

However, I think that he is more sad than destructive. On this forum, we are like a band of brothers, all with the same hobby and direction. Each month a new set of people join us. Some try and wreck us like they wrecked Usenet (Eumundi and Beazeley as an example), and some fit right into the band as useful members.

Gunny Bunny is a young man with few social skills. He is the sort who paints a phalis on the bathroom wall then brags to his friends about his daring act of public outrage. Likely he would love to fit into our community, and just does not know how.

As a community of grown adults, or people who act like grown adults even though they are just entering that phase of life (I like to use Gustav 109 as my example since no one would suspect him of being a babe in the woods. That is true maturity) we should be ready to welcome in young men and women who are ready to learn adult ways. Adult ways does not mean wearing a suit, talking stuffy, and showering each day (or else the Cesspool would be depopulated). It means handling discourse in an adult way.

Now, Gunny may be guilty of endless sins, but we need to at least try and help him fit in. I have several students who are completely at sea when it comes to social interaction, and the problem is no one has ever taught them how to behave in human society.

I agree that a bomb thrower such as this is worthy of pity and not anger, but maybe he will change.

[ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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A.) you are wrong.

B.) you are wrong.

c.) you are wrong.

You wanna know why? Because CM sold a bunch of copies and people in general are raving about it. It is a Top 50 game already. So CMBB would not have all those improvements you speak of, instead it would be exactly the same game with the Russians. No new engine tweaks, no new editor, no new tank command structure, etc, etc. You know why because adding that stuff would take money and the general masses would buy it regardless.

Your comments are innane and you intentions are clear. CMBO is as close to a complete game as I have seen since Xcom. Is there room for some improvement? Some but less than any game I know of. Is there a place for more features? Yes of course.

Answer me this, find me a game that is better at doing what CMBO does than CMBO. I doubt you will find one. I mean PCgamer, Gamespot, and pretty much everyone else has stated that CMBO is the superior game on the market for WWII tactical combat. Take you ignorance and find another locale for it. I am all for free speech but I do prefer it to be spoken with cause, purpose, and knowledge. I question the first two concerning your statement and it completely lacks the third.

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