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Stug III Usage

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Well look at that, someone just did a Stug post, nevermind, lets stick with the first one.

What is everyone's opinion on the Stug? I have had very little success with them except in a defensive position behind a good hill. The armor is weak but it seems much better than the Hetzer against infantry. I would like to hear other peoples experiences with it. Also the price is right, less than 100 points I think?

Thanks Pvt.Tom

[This message has been edited by Pvt.Tom (edited 01-05-2001).]

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Its a fantastic infantry support weapon, and OK as anti-tank. It is best used in a combined arms role, i.e, move them with the infantry and as overwatch for infantry moves.

Best bang for the buck, in my opinion.

BTW, the M-8 HMC is a similar great tool for the US, except it ain't much on killing tanks, but it is dirt cheap.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt.Tom:

The armor is weak but it seems much better than the Hetzer against infantry.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's because they were designed to do different things. The StuG is really a mobile infantry support gun and the Hetzer is a Tank Destroyer. Still, they aren't so overspecialized that they can't perform the other's job.

I find myself using the Hetzer more than the StuG since I'd rather buy a PzKfw IV than a StuG for a few points more if I can. Same gun, pretty much the same armor but it's turreted and has another MG. I find the Hetzer's biggest drawback to be its low ammo loadout since they usually survive pretty long when when sited properly.


"It's a boy!" - My wife's OB/GYN

Nov. 8th, 4:45am

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt.Tom:

The armor is weak but it seems much better than the Hetzer against infantry.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's because they were designed to do different things. The StuG is really a mobile infantry support gun and the Hetzer is a Tank Destroyer. Still, they aren't so overspecialized that they can't perform the other's job.

I find myself using the Hetzer more than the StuG since I'd rather buy a PzKfw IV than a StuG for a few points more if I can. Same gun, pretty much the same armor but it's turreted and has another MG. I find the Hetzer's biggest drawback to be its low ammo loadout since they usually survive pretty long when when sited properly.


"It's a boy!" - My wife's OB/GYN

Nov. 8th, 4:45am

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IntelWeenie:

That's because they were designed to do different things. The StuG is really a mobile infantry support gun and the Hetzer is a Tank Destroyer. Still, they aren't so overspecialized that they can't perform the other's job.

I find myself using the Hetzer more than the StuG since I'd rather buy a PzKfw IV than a StuG for a few points more if I can. Same gun, pretty much the same armor but it's turreted and has another MG. I find the Hetzer's biggest drawback to be its low ammo loadout since they usually survive pretty long when when sited properly.


Why did you post this four times?

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I use the stug almost only to achive some realism in my shopping.

But when trying to get the most bang, I go for the JagdpanzerIV.

It has a bigger HE load and a sloped armor that stops the 75mm cold.

Asking myself, if I'd rather have 5 stugs or 4 JgdpzIV's, I find the

choice quite easy. Hetzer is a tougher question.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

Why did you post this four times?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

WHOOOOPPPS!!! redface.gif

I kept getting a "server not responding error and retried it a couple too many times I guess!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC:

He's a teacher and he's stomping his foot to make sure everyone knows this will be on the test.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hee Hee! I had a Russian teacher (he was Russian teaching Russian) and he did this all the time!


"It's a boy!" - My wife's OB/GYN

Nov. 8th, 4:45am

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My only success with the stug has been using it when either a StuH or a hetzer would have done the job a lot better. The only time I have ever taken out tanks with it I have been using ambush positions like when I use hetzers or other tank destroyers. I also find it's large sihlouette compared to the hetzer and much weaker armor makes it a much poorer choice against tanks. Personally when I want an infantry support tank I will get a stuh because it's howitzer kicks ass


There was a long silence of rememberance for the dead, to which I added these names:

Ernst Neubach, Lensen, Wiener, Wesreidau, Prinz, Solma, Hoth, Olensheim, Sperlovski, Smellens, Dunde, Kellerman, Freivitch, Ballers, Frosch, Woortenbeck, Siemenlies...

I refuse to add Paula to that list, and I shall never forget the names of Hals, or Lindberg, or Pferham, or Wollers. Their memory lves within me.

There is another man, whom I must forget. He was called Guy Sajer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IntelWeenie:

That's because they were designed to do different things. The StuG is really a mobile infantry support gun and the Hetzer is a Tank Destroyer. Still, they aren't so overspecialized that they can't perform the other's job.

I find myself using the Hetzer more than the StuG since I'd rather buy a PzKfw IV than a StuG for a few points more if I can. Same gun, pretty much the same armor but it's turreted and has another MG. I find the Hetzer's biggest drawback to be its low ammo loadout since they usually survive pretty long when when sited properly.


The decision to give the StuG the 7,5cm Lang (long) shifted the StuG role to that of an anti tank weapon, this was one of the moves instigated due to the inability of a German infantry company in dealing with the T-34. The Hetzer was one of the multitudes of designs put forward and then manufactured as the replacement StuG (including the JagdPanzer IV, PIV L70 (A), PIV L70 (V), and the stop gap StuG IV), ironically being produced simultaneously and actually operating side by side along with the PaK40s in the Infantry/Volkgrendier divisions integral anti-tank battalions although the independent StuG brigades still operated with only StuG III/IV plus the issue of 100 PIV L70 (A) (not in CM).

I've said it before and i'll say it again, a search will turn up a host of information on the tactical employment of the StuG. This due to its place as the centre of the German line in Chance Encounter, during the beta demo and through the gold demo.


Kittys words smile.gif

For whatever reason, my guess is because the post was damn funny, the hamster jokes grew and grew. Slapdragon added some classic WWII photo retouches with hamsters (see "Combat Photos" on this site), and eventually it took on a life of it's own which, I guess pretty much peaked with my mods and this site. So you see, I'm not the originator of this thing, I just happened to stumble upon the CM boards at about the same time as OGSF's post appeared and I found it, and the subsequent posts it spawned, to be a refreshing change from the endless barrage of condescending and ultra-serious posts from insulting and short-tempered wanna-be academics about obscure information,

[This message has been edited by Bastables (edited 01-05-2001).]

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Bast has a good point, once Stug armament was switched to the the 7.5 cm KwK.40, L/43 & L/48 the Stug's role as an Inf Supt weapon was curtailed, with it's main role switching to an AT platform.

Stug's despite their lack of an turret were very effective vs tank's especilay on the Eastren Front, where Stug units alone, were credited with the destruction of over 20,000 Soviet AFV's.

Regards, John Waters


"We've got the finest tanks in the world. We just love to see the

German Royal Tiger come up on the field".

Lt.Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. February 1945.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1:

Bast has a good point, once Stug armament was switched to the the 7.5 cm KwK.40, L/43 & L/48 the Stug's role as an Inf Supt weapon was curtailed, with it's main role switching to an AT platform.

Stug's despite their lack of an turret were very effective vs tank's especilay on the Eastren Front, where Stug units alone, were credited with the destruction of over 20,000 Soviet AFV's.

Regards, John Waters


One reason for this impressive kill rate was the fact that more Stugs were manufactured than all the other German tank models of the war.

Any true historical realist should almost always have a Stug or two in their games.


"Then we shall fight in the shade." (Greek general's comment upon being told that the Persian archers could blot-out the sun with their arrows.)

[This message has been edited by Turret Ring (edited 01-06-2001).]

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