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I Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea, and Upon His Heads the Name of Peng Challenge

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Thats right, Lorak!, rack 'em up.

I have added another of the elder skulls to my trophy cabinet.

Scarcly had the varnish dried on the gleaming orb of Seanoo cha cha, than I had to move it to one side to place the pointy bonce of Elvis front and centre on display.

Elvis has been taught that no matter how many 8" shells you can lob at your enemy, it is not a good idea to follow up such a bombardment by running your troops straight at dug in HMGs.

It was a close run game and no mistake.

I thought I had blown it by buying a couple of Fusilier squads and boy, don't those trigger happy buffoons love opening up at extreme range when they are most effective at 40m or less.

It took some tricky manooovering and 'hide' orders to get those suckers to conserve a little ammo until it really mattered but they did well when the final frenchy assault started and they proceeded to hose down squad after squad.

I've never captured an intact 'crack' Company CO unit before.

And now as I try to bring up the AAR to give y'all the score, it occurs to me that here is a good reason to number files.

In accordance with Evitas wishes, I simply overwrote the last file, now I can't see what the final scores were.

Me: 62ish

Him: 38ish

PS Mr Lorakski, I think you may have overlooked my victory over OGSF from the final posts of the last thread.

Be a good chap and do the deed for us. cheers.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Some of the “Elders” will doubtless dismiss me as a brief and minor distraction.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A very accurate description. Sod off and go play in the traffic was appropriate then, and it is appropriate now.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sir Mensch is a full fledged Knight of the CessPool while you are ... allow me to check ... ah, yes, here it is ... The Whuppin' Boy ... Ah me {wipes tear from eye}. Therefore he is as far above your station (the Texaco on the corner if I'm not mistaken?) as is the Earth from the Moon.


Mushy is NOT fully fledged. I do believe he’s bald as the proverbial egg. With regards to my station, it’s an Amoco you twit. {sigh} I make no claims to station in this festering fold of fools. Why would I compare myself to hedonistic halfwits?


For that reason, he is automatically right and you are automatically wrong ... actually you're automatically wrong all the time.


Of course, this is obvious and it clearly demonstrates your orphaned attempts at originality.


Consider that Sir Mensch is not abiding in this country (or even in YOUR country ... have you crowned Jesse yet?) and therefore may not be completely cognizant of proper grammatical construction. Even if he IS well versed in English, everyone makes the odd mistake ... you wandered in here didn't you, and to berate someone for their grammar or spelling is usually considered ... poor form. But then we've come to expect that of you.


Jesse will be crowned and I have personally invited him here. I do hope this causes much wailing and nail biting amongst the yammering Kinnigets. Mushy abides here in the polluted poltroon of poolers and as such is subject to any and all attacks against his derisive drivel. As far as poor form and expectations, well… {ROTFLMAO} that’s just to much joey. Good lord you are a funny boy!


Am I to deduce from your previous post that you DO want a game with me?


Now who was it who mentioned the art form of PENG involving witticism and/or obscure literary references? Not that Willy is all that obscure mind you. I have been informed by Agua Perdido (Who’s only failing, aside from his gamey tactics, was to allow you to call him squire.) that you are a not the bellicose buffoon your piteous prose make you out to be. I do believe I might actually be able to stay awake while I watch your half-arsed attempt at manoooverin.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A very accurate description. Sod off and go play in the traffic was appropriate then, and it is appropriate now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, Berlichtingen, I see from Lindan’s archives that it was with you that I was scheduled to duel (before I bravely ran away). Seems I was also trying to rile Elvis, so let me attempt to renew the animosities:


At first glance fighting you would seem beneath me. Berlichtingen once called you the Cesspool lackwit, and it seems you have done little to raise your status since then. You are like the mangy mongrel that begs for scraps at the knights’ table, but I have decided it that it would be most humane to dispatch you first. That way you will not have to see your masters humiliated when I move on to them. So, if you have not choked on your blood hamster, and are done having you belly rubbed in that obscene post by Seanachai, let us tangle in a Quick Battle. Come, Elvis, come! Be a good boy -- come on.


I had somehow got the impression the first time around that you were a decent CMer and might be able to last a few turns against me. Now I see from Lorak’s Cesspool page that you actually have a worse record than Elvis. Your only remarkable achievement is the sheer quantity of games you have played (apparently with a total disregard for the quality of those games). I would be happy to help you chalk another one up in the loss column. Lets have at it, you dimwit.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

festering fold of fools...hedonistic halfwits...polluted poltroon of poolers ...bellicose buffoon ...etc


Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary:

Alliteration n. The occurence in a phrase or line of speech or writing of 2 or more words having the same initial sound

Ah...thought so. Alliteration does not equal wit (or an obscure literary reference). Please refrain from this activity in the future, or better yet erase your post all together!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Now who was it who mentioned the art form of PENG involving witticism and/or obscure literary references? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I dunno. Who are you and what are you doing here?

Sod off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary:

Alliteration n. The occurence in a phrase or line of speech or writing of 2 or more words having the same initial sound


Congratulations Speedy! You can use a dictionary! If it wasn’t for the occurrence of illiteracy in your post, one could believe you actually now how to use it correctly.


Ah...thought so. Alliteration does not equal wit (or an obscure literary reference). Please refrain from this activity in the future, or better yet erase your post all together!


I will pain the rest of the dutiful readers by re-posting the gist of my reference. In reply to one of joey’s random spasms upon the key board…

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by DekeFentle:

As for saying I have no desire to contest with you on the pixeled battle ground, I don't recall penning that but there are a lot of unimportant things I let slip. I am always willing to take up the gauntlet. I fear the lack of challenge you would provide might bore me past my normal stuper, however if you feel the need "Cry havoc! and let slip the dogs of war!"


Try again Speedy me boyo. A little larger caliber next time eh?

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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Mouse: Running out of crews and arty observers to rush at the Flags.

Communist’s Member: Running like hell in “Jabo”. Our other game is still too close to call but I’m sure he is losing this one as well.

Poopoowiper4/2: Running off for a week’s vacation. Let’s all hope he gets another week off.

Now, I also will be running off for four days to the EAA Fly-in. It will be just me and 12,000 airplanes. Ahh, the smell of kerosene, the roar of old radials and the napalm drop on the main runway, it is not to be missed.

So no files for you stinkin SSN’s until Monday. Nor you, Mouse. It’s a shame none of you will be there as then I would have the chance to push you into a prop.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

In fact, I'll play Into the East against any takers, I just need to finish it first.


Alright then you smelly Swede (redundant, I know), I expect a setup in my inbox when I get back. If you should somehow win, I’ll send you photos of a Vickers Vimy from the airshow. This will have to hold you for now.


If I win, you’ll send me…wait a minute, Sweden doesn’t have anything other than Swedes, and I’m up to my ass in them here anyway. So if I win, just promise not to emigrate.

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Now, now Kinky Ferkle, theres no need to get all testy with the bigger boys.

Thats it, pull your bottom lip back in and pick up your Malibu Stacey doll, we'll have no childish tanties in this kindergarten.

Now if the mean kids call you names that you don't understand, just hoist up your skirt and walk over to the swings and have a little cry all by yourself if you must. We don't want the others thinking that your'e not a big, strong girl who can't handle a little joke without getting all scratchy and bitey now do we?

If you can't play well with others then someone will have to turn you inside out and feed you to Berli's cat.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I do believe I might actually be able to stay awake while I watch your half-arsed attempt at manoooverin.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, well I am sorry for your sad case of narcolepsy then. No doubt that would explain the disjointed nature of your posts. In any case I wasn't offering a game, I was just curious if you actually were trying to GET a game with me. If so, you are going about it in an odd fashion. Remember, I play people that I ENJOY playing, people whose posts amuse me and people who play the game for fun ... whoops, that's three strikes I believe ... you're Out!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

It’s a shame none of you will be there as then I would have the chance to push you into a prop.


I am not some fanboy of Lars, but dammit, that comment was just too funny. That is my kind of humor.

Push you into a prop. Ha! *cackle*


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Now, now DekeFentle, theres no need to get all testy with the bigger boys.

Thats it, pull your bottom lip back in and pick up your Malibu Stacey doll, we'll have no childish tanties in this kindergarten.


Stuky Puky it’s a Chrissy doll you blathering boob. Kindergarten??? Now I am concerned, mommy put me on the pre-school bus this morning…


Now if the mean kids call you names that you don't understand, just hoist up your skirt and walk over to the swings and have a little cry all by yourself if you must. We don't want the others thinking that your'e not a big, strong girl who can't handle a little joke without getting all scratchy and bitey now do we?


Mommy told me to keep my skirt down thank you very much, and she warned me about pedophiles like you so just get off the play ground or I’ll call a teacher over here and you’ll go to the principles office for sure!


If you can't play well with others then someone will have to turn you inside out and feed you to Berli's cat.


Belri Werli has a kitty??? Oh my, please, pretty please can I play with him Berli? I positively adore kitty cats.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I play with peoples thingys that I ENJOY playing with, people of a like diminished mental capacity... whoops, that's three strikes I believe ... you're Out!


Elvis! joey's using numbers again!!!! Well sort of, I think, it's definitely counting of some kind. He tried to disguise it by spelling out the words (no doubt so Speedbump could look them up in his dictionary)

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

If only he was as easily scrubbed away...



I stand you to booze and eats and this is the ****e I get? hell next time I'll buy you a woman too!

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

I stand you to booze and eats and this is the ****e I get?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, that bribe was a while ago. It's worn off now. You need to pony up some more beer and buffalo wings.

Just call me the "squeaky wheel".

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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Squeaky Wheel perhaps is time again for you and the gray bearded bard to venture into the bowels of Murderapolis. IIRC my constitution was less than optimum at our last meeting and I was unable to fully bask in the glory of your august presence. What say ye?

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

i am running with comets. i'll tell you all

the results, promise..


[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is this the Swedish version of running with the bulls? I've actually heard of many a swedes being gored by a comet. Sounds painful.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

In our game he was within mere turns of being ousted from his positions, handcuffed ankle to wrist over the 44 gallon drum and then sent 'round to Bauhaus' place.

Its no wonder he vanished really.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We actually made him into a bird feeder. Quite popular with the blackbirds.

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Okay, I need some good recommendations for scenarios that work well in TCP. Any of you gits got some? My opponents and I must be able to manipulate the little thingies (while drinking) in 10 minutes or less. I've decided it takes too long to humiliate you wasted souls by PBEM.

The Lawyer is planning his offensive Fall Offensive and some of you are targets, so give generously and give often.

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Kind of busy tonight, so I'll make this brief.



Mark IV-Draw

Von Shrad-draw



We also have two new pictures posted on page 5 at the cesspool site. Speedbump and Mr.Spkr

Game updates:

Everyone I am playing I am losing too.

Lorak the loathed

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