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Now is the Challenge of our discontent, made horrid cess by this son of Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Because you are a complete moron. However, I will note that your utter stupidity does not reach anywhere near the level of certian cretins of the antipodes. However, when I finish my current games (and my game against CM player is going to suddenly surprise him in a way he wont like at all) I desire to challenge you to a game where I defend with lots of tripod mounted Brens against the gamey bastard Germans played by a lackwit (you).

How about, want a go in two weeks?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He LIKES me, he LIKES me!!!!!!!!!!

Sure thing Slap. Name the time and place. You bring the tripods, I'll bring the ATMMs, and we'll duke it out in the town square.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

[[edited 'cause I'm not NEARLY as smart as Andreas]

[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Iskander ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Selbsterkenntnis ist der erste Schritt auf dem Weg zur Besserung.

To the rest of you bunch of retarded troglodytes (although that is a tad harsh on your average Neandertal man), not only would the abysmal quality of your taunts fail to qualify you for entry into Taunting pre-school, but you also produce such a miniscule amount of them that the bloody waste of time that this thread has become thanks to you is in constant danger of falling off the front page. You truly are beyond salvation, and generally not worth of being my toilet roll holder or Pukka Wallah. The amount of what would be the verbal equivalent of uncontrolled drooling going on here is impressive quantitatively. The absence of inspiration even more so.

Congratulations, you have all passed the Witless Taunting 101 degree course, and are well on your way to a job in the advertisement industry.

Not edited because I like to show you how dumb you all are.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Anglophile:

... Neandertal man ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Either the Krautkid has made a major scientific discovery, and come up with a new species (genus? breed? evolution?) of prehistoric man, or he kan juzt sbell guid lyke teh rist off uz ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You truly are beyond salvation, and generally not worth of being my toilet roll holder or Pukka Wallah.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Quite right, Germanboy, we are obviously not worthy of you or your presence nor have we gained even a smidgen of wit from you ... probably best that you give us up as a bad job and just leave ... see ya.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Either the Krautkid has made a major scientific discovery, and come up with a new species (genus? breed? evolution?) of prehistoric man, or he kan juzt sbell guid lyke teh rist off uz<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ARRRRGGGGHHH! DAMN ... damndamndamndamndamn ... that I should have to DEFEND Germanboy about ANYTHING ... damndamndamndamn ... but this slimly SSN says ... oh DAMN:


ToiletS ... don't EVER make me do that again.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS:

Either the Krautkid has made a major scientific discovery, and come up with a new species (genus? breed? evolution?) of prehistoric man, or he kan juzt sbell guid lyke teh rist off uz ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I suggest you think about where the Krautgit hails from, and then look up 'Neandertal' on Yahoo.de. The fact that some sad Latin speaker insisted on some poncey spelling does not mean that a Gifted Giant of Thought and Learning™ like me has to conform to it.

The lad was found in the Neandertal in Germany, hence calling him Neandertaler is quite alright. I do not call people from Berlin Behrliner either.

Joe, what is it? Difficult to accept the sad truth? Can't cope with Reality™? Try drugs then.

Not edited because I am too smart to make mistakes.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sahibs, Nabobs and Boxwallahs: a Dictionary of the Words of Anglo-India has (as it probably should) the last word: ...

punkah-wallah [1864], a menial who kept the old cloth punkah going ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No extra charge.


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In order to rush the end of this thread of limited wit, I announce the initiation of hostilities with Iskander. From the world famous design studios of Ker Dessel, A Salt & Butter has inflicted on me huge masses of green Frenchies. It appears to me that these revolutionary designers have transported us back to 1916 to examine the human wave attack strategies of the era.

Let it be clear that I made a mistake asking Joe Shaw and MrSpnkr to participate. I detest and loathe you...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>From the world famous design studios of Ker Dessel, A Salt & Butter has inflicted on me huge masses of green Frenchies. It appears to me that these revolutionary designers have transported us back to 1916 to examine the human wave attack strategies of the era.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In the interests of self-promotion I should point out that the scenario referred to is actually called "Assault & Battery Incl.". This cleverly designed and well thought out battle from Ker Dessel (our motto: "When you need a scenario in the worst way.") illustrates stuff like ... tactics ... and labels ... and stuff. We spared no expense, MrSpkr downed a couple of six packs AT LEAST working on it and I've STILL got the hiccups.

And THIS is the thanks we get.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We spared no expense, MrSpkr downed a couple of six packs AT LEAST working on it and I've STILL got the hiccups.


And since we all know that if you studied drunk, then you tanjed well better take the test drunk, it seems that I quite definitely have the advantage over SB on this one.

To reiterate what has transpired in the backchannels, since Speedbump thinks it's 1916, he decided to open with human wave tactics. Very posh.

Perhaps to enhance the mood, Andreas can read to us from All Quiet on the Western Front So I'm Picking Lint Out of My Ass in the original German....

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Well, before I trot off and get turns done and try to figure out what the heck I did with Berli's email, I have to say that I notice Madmatt likes Peng Challenge titles that give the classics a miss and play to Popular culture. So I'm dredging up a long ago one of mine that was never used:

A Fistfull of Peng Challlenges

Opens up the possibilities of sequels, as it were.

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