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My 234 Blew It's Head Off!

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I'm playing a PBEM right now where I am defending with Germans in a village. I had positioned a 234 in back behind some buildings to take care of some enemy squads that were preparing to bull rush my infantry in the front.

Having LOS seemingly through a window or something, (LOS line through the building) I ordered them to target and shoot. Apparently what happened was they tried to shoot through this opening and missed! The round hit the side of the house and took out the AC. Everyone abandoned the vehicle and I was left with my mouth wide open in disbelief.

Has this happened to anyone else? How rare is it to see something like this?

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It happens from time to time. There have been several threads about self inflicted destruction and LOS through buildings. It happens with Priests and Hummels/Wespes on occasion. I don't think anyone has reported it happening with an AC.

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I think it's funny. Not to say it's never happened to me. I had a Grey Hound once run up real fast past and behind a self propelled gun thinking that since it was so slow I could get behind it and take it out before it could turn. Well, I got behind it but it was faster then I thought and blew my Hound away but the blast from it blew itself up too. Boy was my opponent surprised as well as I was to hear what happened. I of course thought that it just destroyed my Hound. Didn't realize what happened until he told me. :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Has this happened to anyone else? How rare is it to see something like this?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've had it happen once in awhile, although not with an AC. I've had it happen with Priests, Wespes, and Hummels. There is a problem with being able to get LOS through buildings when you get really close to them. I think this is usually what leads to the suicidal SPGs.

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Happened to me with a Wespe a while back. This was just caused by some infantry running into view 25m away. The Wespe let rip with it's main gun, right on target, the infantry ducked, the blast blew up the Wespe, the infantry stood up from ground zero, dusted themselves down and no doubt laughed themselves into a coma.

Very silly.

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I hadn't even noticed that that is what happened to that armored car. I went back to the movie file and saw it. It's kind of funny from my perspective. I guess that sort of evens it up for the two tanks I've lost to mines.

I've never had it happen to myself but I did see an opponents Priest do the same thing. Try to shoot through a building and blow itself up in the process.

I wonder if only open top vehicles can do that? sounds like test time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch:

I hadn't even noticed that that is what happened to that armored car. I went back to the movie file and saw it. It's kind of funny from my perspective. I guess that sort of evens it up for the two tanks I've lost to mines.

I've never had it happen to myself but I did see an opponents Priest do the same thing. Try to shoot through a building and blow itself up in the process.

I wonder if only open top vehicles can do that? sounds like test time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhh...I thought you knew about that. Hope that little tidbit doesn't help your cause.

After bagging that last Sherm, I may now have enough to stop you although your seemingly endless wave of infantry rushing the front does nothing to improve my confidence in winning this battle.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker:

I lost a 75mm gunned Puma<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I didn't know they made those? ;)

I think you mean the PSW 234/3 Heavy Armored Car.

A Puma is a PSW 234/2. Different animal, or as my neighbor used to say, "same thing - but different". :D

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And buildings aren't the only way to blow up yourself.

I had a Panther hull down, when some infantry popped up before it. It blasted away with the main gun, but didn't clear the hill in front of it. The first 3 shots only hit the ground in front of the tank, the 4th shot blew up in its face and killed it.


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I hadn't noticed how that AC had been killed. When you mentioned that it had killed itself I went back to the movie file and then saw it for myself.

That last Sherman you got was a bit of a bitter pill to swallow. Bouncing a shot of a Hetzer at less than 100 meters and then buying the farm. There have definately been some interesting events over the course of this battle.

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Awhile back I had a Daimler AC take a position along side of a building. Enemy infantry entered the building from the opposite side. The Daimler fired into the building and immobilized itself. Then it fired smoke. Neither side could aquire on the next turn because of the smoke. On the following turn I was able to acquire the enemy squad and took a chance firing at it since no other unit could help out. The Daimler fired its main gun at what was point blank range. The enemy infantry was struck in such a way that it was blown outside of the building in the open, eliminated.

Totally awesome .. Toad.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch:

That last Sherman you got was a bit of a bitter pill to swallow. Bouncing a shot of a Hetzer at less than 100 meters and then buying the farm. There have definately been some interesting events over the course of this battle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I felt pretty confident about that move because I was hunting towards you behind a small ridge. I figured you'd have to get a gun hit or you'd be toast because the lower hull was blocked, keeping me hull down--plus no Tungsten in July 44.

By the way, while we're on the subject of strange happenings, I recall a game I had where I had an Allied tank (M10 maybe) and my opponent's Tiger was shooting at the multistory building I was behind. Apparently, a stone block or something broke off and landed on my smoke discharger. After that, the thing was broken for the rest of the battle.

This got me wondering...what do those things look like? Does it protrude out of the hull like a gun does? I assume it must in some way since it was crushed by falling material from a building.

[ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

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I had a Puma whack itself by firing at a jeep crew at about 10 meters...I couldn't believe how stupid that was...I was so honked that I ran my surviving Puma crew into a position of known .50 cals...so in an effect, excuting my Puma crew for being so stupid to blow themselves up!

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