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Have you no Challenge, Peng? At long last, have you left no Challenge?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YK2:

Infact you stole it from PawBroon

tongue.gif <hr></blockquote>

Well then, where EXACTLY is the Frenchie Pawbroonian? We haven't seen him post here in ages. Has it now become "Woman's Work" in his Gallic reckoning that you should now post here on his behalf??

Ahh, I remember the Olde Days of one year past when the Frogman was actually able to post his own thoughts. But now it is a different world, I guess.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Well then, where EXACTLY is the Frenchie Pawbroonian? We haven't seen him post here in ages. Has it now become "Woman's Work" in his Gallic reckoning that you should now post here on his behalf??<hr></blockquote>

Ye kin watch ye tone laddie, talkin' tae tha fair YK2 lak tha'! Ye need tae gi tha' stankin' setoop tae mae - thain we'll sae af'n ye change ye prancin' ways Jimmy!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Well then, where EXACTLY is the Frenchie Pawbroonian? We haven't seen him post here in ages. Has it now become "Woman's Work" in his Gallic reckoning that you should now post here on his behalf??

Ahh, I remember the Olde Days of one year past when the Frogman was actually able to post his own thoughts. But now it is a different world, I guess.<hr></blockquote>

Sigh. I, too, miss the French. Oh, don't mind Lawyer, Emma, it's just his crusty way. Underneath that gruff talk there beats...well, not a heart, or anything like it, but I'm sure there's a deep desire to once again glory in

'Broonian flights of passionate English, where requited love without a physical locii was self-inflicted.

I believe, personally, that our Pawbroon, the French, is pining. Pining, indeed, after something that the more carefree and insouciant gallic spirit seldom pines for. It is my belief that he is brooding on the need for employment. Some good work that he might do that will bring in the ready, define the time on either side of a two hour lunch, and that gives each individual a focus outside themself.

That period between jobs is, of course, an often troubling and problematic time. When I lived, for a period, in Madison, WI, a local band had a song titled: Looking For Work Is Worse Than Working. Of course, a period of unemployment can also be a time of opportunity.

For example, the Peng Challenge Thread itself owes it genesis to the period between walking out of my last job, and the beginning of my current employment. During that period I did little besides read the Board, play the demo, and brood on the need to put Peng in his place. Finally, it all came together and the 'Peng Challenge' was issued.

Of course, for several months after that my main employment became the Peng Challenge Thread. I had, at last, the opportunity to engage upon a work that would even the score between myself and the Universe. I spent so much time posting to and nurturing the Peng Challenge Thread that one of our members (which one escapes me at the moment but, like chinchillas, you're all very much the same in some ways so it hardly matters) commented on the fact that I often spent pages apparently having conversations with myself.

But your Seanachai, lads, is a Great Man, and he can rise above such comments.

I know that in the fullness of time, Pawbroon will return to us. Once more the Thread will echo with gallic disdain, Rostandian insults, and that delightful sense of whimsy that cause the French to actually address Thread members as "my dear one" in order to create enough significance in them for him to insult them.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Lawyer, you seem to forget that the MBT is well represented by citizens (and other miscreants) of many countries, and that the statement is not applicable to them.


Now, Mace, while you have a point, you must consider that Mr. Bush (I call him that because, you see, I do not like the man in any way. Jello shows more brainwave acitivity), Mr. Bush expects you foreign types to also 'return to your normal lives'.

Of course, to Mr. Bush this means supporting each and every thing you're told to do by his administration, keeping your noses clean, and, in the case of you Australians, sending massive quantities of Aussie beer that is not considered 'export quality' (in other words, bloody piss) to America. You can begin the latter by sending it to me, because Dubya is supposedly from Texas, or 'Baja Oklahoma', as we call it, and wouldn't know good beer if it was forced into every orifice of his body with fire hoses.

Mind, it's hard to say how that would help him to determine its quality, but it's an enchanting image in any case, so I wish to let it stand.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

That was one word too many. Please, this is not Home and Gardens Network.<hr></blockquote>

You useless little sod! Where's my turn?! My goddamn game with Goanna didn't go on this long, and he went out of country for several months in the middle of it!

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I feel the need to express myself, perhaps because I've been re-reading the Archives posts (thanks MadMatt), perhaps because my beloved Dallas Cowboys will tomorrow, once again, do everything they can to achieve that coveted #2 draft choice next year, perhaps because I have a job interview Monday and may (you should all BE so lucky) have less time to spend engaged in the important work of the M.B.T.

Whatever the reason I would note with a nod of approval at The Way Things Ought To Be that Dame YK2, The Lady Of The Pool saw fit to list MY name first among those who have upheld the traditions of the OLDE 'Pool.

I question, however, her accuracy as to the origin of Lawyer's quote ... how could it have come from PawBroon ... it made sense!

I note with further approval the disgust Lawyer has so ably exhibited at the behavior of the swine who hasn't enough games going. I myself have nine CessPool games that I am currently engaged in and look askance at those with fewer ... among whom I must, apparently, include Lawyer. Of course he's used to be looked at askance ... and probably with a shudder or two for good measure. I do hope he's not flying much these days or he'll be bogging down the air transport system.

"Flight Attendant? That man in 3C ... I know he doesn't fit the profile but ..."

"Hmmm, yes, I see your point ... perhaps a preemptive taser shot would be appropriate."

And I recall with fondness June 23, 2000 ... the day, as recorded in the Archives, that I received my copy of CM. And of course who can forget November of 1999 when I first posted to the BTS forum. I suppose, in the interests of history, I should determine my first CessPool post, but I'm feeling ... mellow right now, perhaps a bath ... yes a bath and a good book I think, just the ticket.

As to Peng (did you like the smooth segway), he's losing in our game and has taken to gloating over my "Own Goal" in which my Priest was taken out by my errant flamethrower. He ignores the grevious losses he's incurred as well as my occupation in force of the lone VL. No doubt I'll have to wait the interminable turns until the LAST MINUTE so he can make a flag rush, oh well.

As to my turns, I have them ... or not. I'll get to them ... or not. And may, of course, all SSNs SOD OFF!


p.s. I encourage you all to re-read the Archives ... history is important after all. And be sure to revel in my masterpiece "Twas the Night of Delivery."

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Speedbump - Unfortuantely, in the joy of kicking your buttocks up between your shoulder blades, my computer, disgusted that I would accept files from the likes of you, Joe Shaw, Lawyer, Elvis, Berli, Lars and others, committed ritualistic hari kari (not the baseball announcer, you ninny - the Japanese thingie).

In any event, please resend your last turn to me (and, as much as it pains me to say so, that goes for the lot of you) so that I may complete the conquest.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

How could he be out of the country AND in the middle of it? Is this a riddle?

Hmm, let me guess: Topeka!<hr></blockquote>

Good answer! Only, of course, if the question was: Where will a useless little ****e who takes over a month to return a file spend eternity in a Motel 6 in order to expiate his goddamn sins?

Now, Panzer Leader, my merry little lad (you'd also look good dressed in crushed velvet and rhinestones, with a severe hairstyle and one pierced nostril and working as a waiter in Naples, Florida—don't make me get medieval on your arse...), when are we going to finish this nasty piece of Rune****e that you began?

Be a good lad, and send the turn.

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I was understanding in a way that can only be appreciated by the good and the wise, when I heard that turns would be delayed because of the move to a new community.

I was accepting during the 'I have no furniture, and must drink while lying on the floor' phase of transition.

I was restive but patient during the 'forgive the lack of turns while I mix paint fumes with my gin' stage of his decent into Southern Kalifornia uselessness.

But since then, I'm not sure if we're at the 'excuse the delay, but I'm snorting China white with Triad members', or ' the State won't allow me access to my computer until I make reparation for working in marketing and sending lewd pictures of myself to legislators', but I'd dearly like to know when in f'ing hell I'm going to see a turn from Mark IV?

Not to mention that the whole tone of the place has gone down hill since this ex-Michiganite was hauled off to Rehab, or where ever he's gone.

Oh, and although a lot of the fun has spilled out of reporting things (sigh. It's just not the same without the Lorak), I need to acknowledge certain recent games.

Moriarity, in a move of unprecedented impudence, achieved another draw with myself. He played hard, strange, and loose with the rules, and garnered: A Draw.

On a truthful note, I was sodding well happy to get a draw out of that game! His tactics were unique, and damn near overwhelming. If he'd realized how completely unprepared my lot were for what he did, I would have been as shorn a sheep as any that Mace has cast an eye upon, bereft of wool and a certain sense of personal inviolabiltiy.

Further, against the completely demented case study who's posts occupy their own wing of the Betty Ford Clinic, Mad Mensch, I also achieved: A Draw.

This is my second draw against Mensch, and hopefully the last. It is not a positive affirmation to fail to defeat a man who weiner dogs regard as 'sanity challenged'.

Isn't there some otherwise usesless but helpful sod who can keep some sort of primitive tally system going until Lorak returns from reassuring George W. Bush that America stands ready to send Elf Lords into combat when required?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

but I'd dearly like to know when in f'ing hell I'm going to see a turn from Mark IV?


I'm going down to San Diego in a few weeks. If you go and extract from dalem the file that he owes me (preferably extracted through his nose, with tongs), I'll stop by MkIV's on the way to SD and the two of us will sit on the beach, in the warm sun, gazing at the ocean, playing CM on a laptop, and discussing how nice it is to not be stuck in the great white north with winter well underway and nothing to look forward to but pbem files from the likes of Peng.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Has it now become "Woman's Work" in his Gallic reckoning that you should now post here on his behalf??

Ahh, I remember the Olde Days of one year past when the Frogman was actually able to post his own thoughts. But now it is a different world, I guess.<hr></blockquote>

Bloody Typical of a Lawyer to twist the meaning of my words.

1# I would never attempt to even try posting on PawBroons behalf,(unless of course he asked me to )for only he could do that Justice.

2# I was posting my thoughts, not his.

3# Nope, it's not a different world, unless of course you know better.

And to Joe, trust me on this one,Stuka may well have used the quote, but it was a PawBroon original. Remember you only got one line of the full post in which it was made,

Sooooooooo how can you tell if it made sense or not? ;)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, don't mind Lawyer, Emma, it's just his crusty way. Underneath that gruff talk there beats...well, not a heart, or anything like it.


Like water of a ducks back Sean He's a bloody Lawyer so I expected nothing less.

I knew he wouldn't take kindly to someone correcting him, especially a woman, so he was a prime target for that little shot of something I mentioned in my earlier post.

Worked quite well, don't you think?

BTW, Nice to finally see the Bard smile.gif


Because I can't leave Seanacoochie "unquoted" which will make no sense to anyone, unless they read this post before I [Edited] it, making it all the more neccessary.


[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]</p>

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Rune****e? While I am out defending the world from KV-1s, and IS-2s, and planning to make YOUR future miserable, you insult me? For this, I plan on making a scenario just for you. Of course, you won't be able to play it for months, but I will have the satisfaction of designing it, playing it, and watching your conscript Russian troops die enmass. Yes, this is evil, did yuou expect any less?

Lawyer, mind doing some light work for me? Play him in CMBO so we don't have to hear his annoying wail...what...oh...I didn't know that was his singing...what the heck, wipe him out in a battle anyway.


<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good answer! Only, of course, if the question was: Where will a useless little ****e who takes over a month to return a file spend eternity in a Motel 6 in order to expiate his goddamn sins?

Now, Panzer Leader, my merry little lad (you'd also look good dressed in crushed velvet and rhinestones, with a severe hairstyle and one pierced nostril and working as a waiter in Naples, Florida—don't make me get medieval on your arse...), when are we going to finish this nasty piece of Rune****e that you began?

Be a good lad, and send the turn.<hr></blockquote>

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I have noticed that the standards of this hopelessly useless place has slackened. Bloody typical. No longer do we taunt, challenge and despise the way we used to here. It's more like an old women's club where you exchange recipes for pies with each other and say in that Terry Jones-once-again-playing-an-old-woman-voice:

"Oh dearie dearie me, I think I already have that recipe. I think it was me who wrote it once. Has it got rat in it? Oh it has? Well, probably one of me Old Ones then."

Then we have the Utahrian running around with his Torquemada setup accusing people of anything his narrow little mind can conjure.

And those are the good parts.

Now then, then now, we've decided to sort it all out by divulging the contents of a recent email exchange where the Sodding Git, aka Ethan, after folding in and admitting that he was, indeedy-deedy, cheating in our latest game.

Knowing that the man is wont of bragging, I pushed him about some more until he confessed that it all had happened by chance and that he hadn't actually meant to cheat, showing once more what a despicable creature he is. Circumstantial cheating is, as most of us know, a sad and tawdry business that only pure-blooded losers indulge in, whereas Cheating with intent is a noble, honorably pasttime that should be applauded.

So in order for you morons to get a clue what everything is about really I have decided to post bits of my latest exchange with the Useless Sod here so that you may take comfort in the knowledge that someone, somewhere is upholding our fine traditions. It is possible that Ethan may publish his retort here, where he indubitably will lie, fabricate and very possibly not tell the truth. Here goes:

Dear Useless Sod,

I just would like to point out that I have always thought of you as a cheating, password-copying, edge-hugging, bad-smelling rotten bastard.

Also, I believe hating yourself in the morning only shows your lack of ambition and talent. I hate you at all hours, 24-7, every day of every year without even breaking a sweat.

But then I am a pro, not a useless rotter who tries to emulate superior players by using the same passwords as them and who is unable to see the difference of

"ALLIED player type in your password."


"AXIS MOTHER_BEAUTIFUL_BLOODY_GENIUS player, type in the holy brilliant password so that you can watch the enemy run before

you like burning wiener dogs. Or dachshounds."

Takes, breeding, skill and an intellect superior to yours obviously to do that ALL the time, not MOST of the time.


So to punish you and to punish you severely and with malice, lots of malice, I've decided that you must bring us a shrubbery AND play:

The bloody brits AND (possibly) the bloody canucks IN the fecking snow on a diagonal map designed by the man who as we speak are hashing out the details of an operation called SEE LÖWE II.

Yes, the German Edited Boy has once again created something awful and you will have to play it.

Not only will you play it, you will lose it and lose it most miserably. Try avoid hacking this one.

You twit,


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier:

I have noticed that the standards of this hopelessly useless place has slackened. Bloody typical. No longer do we taunt, challenge and despise the way we used to here. <hr></blockquote>

I'd like to point out that with your post, things haven't improved!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

I'd like to point out that with your post, things haven't improved!<hr></blockquote>

It's probably because I lack your special grasp of how to use exclamation marks! If only I could work that one out, I'd be brilliant!

You, are an idiot!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier:

It's probably because I lack your special grasp of how to use exclamation marks! If only I could work that one out, I'd be brilliant!

You, are an idiot!

Johan!<hr></blockquote>You need to work on commas too.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune:

Lawyer, mind doing some light work for me? Play him in CMBO so we don't have to hear his annoying wail...what...oh...I didn't know that was his singing...what the heck, wipe him out in a battle anyway.



Not to worry, I have Seanachai on the ropes again in the second turn of our second game. He lost a Stuart to 20mm flak on the first turn.

In our first game, he actually played to end with a draw. I notice he gets draws in all his games, except with me. No Patton in his genes.

Of course, I got my win in game one, and ended up with three quarters of the map when the briefing said I couldn't even mangage to hold one side of it. It was that "Break Wind and Run" scenario that everyone here has played.

The Trusty Lawyer is doing the Lord's Work on poor S-Man. So it is written, so let it be done.

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