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Hello everyone.

I'd like to start off by saying that I am not a "grognard", but I love strategy and any game which has the feel of a wargame, whether it's tactical or operational.

I was a playtester for Talonsoft's Rising Sun (back when I had all the time in the world.) I even have an article printed in the manual on infantry tactics. At the time I was also following the progress of CM as well. I played the demo and really enjoyed the game.

"Unfortunately" I was diverted by life to other pursuits and lost track of its progress until recently. Last week, I decided to come back and check in on this "up and coming" wargame.

I have to say...OUTSTANDING! In a way, I'm glad I waited.

I was skeptical about buying a game online in part because of old store habits and in part because of the unknown. What really turned me around was the community support this game has generated. It's like TS's Campaign Series only I have to say, much more invigorated and full flavored. No offense intended to my old comrades. That was an awesome community.

One of the things I like the most about these type of games are the people. Cream of the crop in my opinion. And it seems this game has started a deep and interesting fan base. It is my lament that the industry has all but nearly forsaken these type of games for the more brain dead titles that appear on the shelves.

After going through all of the Combat Mission site, I was salivating at the arrival of my copy. I installed and played it last night...complete with all the mods suggested by the MadMatt mod guide.

Truly exceptional work people. The graphic mods and sounds are a vast improvement to the demo from what I remember of it. And the playability is just as good as I remember. Scrolling the map is still a bit cumbersome, but I will get used to it with practice. Practice I shall get plenty of with this amazing wargame.

The game is revolutionary for the wargamming industry. It's like Close Combat up close and personal.

I'm extremely excited for the future of this game. I have some opinions (as always) that I would like to share just for the sake of it.

1) The sounds, action and scenery almost make you forget you're playing a game. But, things only get better, yes? One thing I noticed was the clipping inside buildings. It's hard to see anything coherently once units enter a building.

2) The animation of units fighting is a bit slow and puppet-like. No offense and playability is the key, but this might be a future something to tweak.

3) People might think this too gruesome, but I have always disagreed with that. I think animating soldiers dying and lying dead on the field only adds to the excitement and detail of the game, not to mention the gritty realism. Games like Gettysburg and Close Combat have done it without a population uproar. I think the opinion of it being a bad selling point is not a bad opinion, but a unnecessary one.

I understand that dead units are extra processing power, but IMO it would be worth it.

And that's it. Not too bad was it?

Lastly... Outstanding job to BigTime Software and to all the people that continue to support this game. The manual is one of the best manuals I have every seen for a game and the game itself is steadily making its way as one of my all time favorites.

I found this site not too long ago. I think everyone will fully enjoy it:


Das Baron

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Thank you for purchasing our shareware product, Combat Mission, and enjoy your 30 day free trial period. After your trial period is over, please send $10 my way for I am in need of a cheap hooker and some expensive Scotch...or possibly an expensive hooker and cheap Scotch. Doesn't matter, just send the money and enjoy the game.

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Welcome to CM

1. I'm not sure what you are talking about, but it would be nice if the player could see through the walls of a building while viewing a unit that is inside a building.

2. The unit animations are graphical representations. They are not intended to depict the actions of individual soldiers. But I agree that there could be a little more activity with close combat and vehicle assaults.

3. I'm on your side with this, but this topic has been debated to death. Some argue it would be an unnecessary hit on processor power, others argue that the gore is simply unnecessary. Whether it's either or both, BTS has decided it will not be a part of CM.

Enjoy. BTW, Madmatt's Mod Guide is a bit out of date. You may want to explore the CM sites some more if you are interested in the latest mods that the artists have to offer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DasBaron:

It's hard to see anything coherently once units enter a building.


Did you realize that you can use hotkeys to make this easier?

"Shift-O" makes building walls transparent or completely removes them if you like while the building is occupied.

"Shift-R" romoves the roofs.

Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DasBaron:

...One of the things I like the most about these type of games are the people. Cream of the crop in my opinion. And it seems this game has started a deep and interesting fan base...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry, this is a big missunderstanding! This is not a fan site, it's a self-help group for addicts :D

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But you should be able to see inside the buildings. That way you could mod the interior and furniture. Biedermeier furniture for the fighting in the Reich, and several variations (from Provencial to Louis XIV) for the French homes. Not to mention wine cellars. Maybe rough wooden plank furniture for russian villages in CM2.

CMHQ could have a special furniture section, featuring, say, Magua's Biedermeier chest, or Richard's Velvet Sofa.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Subvet:

Did you realize that you can use hotkeys to make this easier?

"Shift-O" makes building walls transparent or completely removes them if you like while the building is occupied.

"Shift-R" romoves the roofs.

Nope, didn't. I just got the game yesterday. I will explore more indepth as soon as I get home. ;)


Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio:

Sorry, this is a big missunderstanding! This is not a fan site, it's a self-help group for addicts :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

WHO WANTS HELP? Speak for yourself. I don' need no stinkin' help. I play CM all the time. No problem. What was the question? Where am I? Is this the up elevator? Thanks for sharing...My name is Gunnergoz and I'm a CM addict... :D

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I agree with you on the animations of the units when in a close quarters situation and in general. I am sure it will be improved down the road as the engine progresses. For now this is a part of the game I turn on the super 3D processesor that lies between my ears and I get to see some pretty intense hand to hand using that.

Blood I'd like to see. I have always been a sick bastard like that, but only in my games.

I don't mean during combat but in the after math of a battle. For me it adds to the visceralness <-is that a word) of the situation. But I doubt it will happen and I can live with that. It was a hotly debated topic here for a long while. And one I am not looking to get into now so hold your flame throwers people.

I do hope that the casualty markers will rise above one man per unit in the future. I am very glad that they had that in the game at all. You really get a sense of hard fought objectives when you see all those dead and wounded soldiers laying around in one area after a battle. Many times I have sat back and said "Wow there was some seriously bitter fighting going on for this little piece of terrain!"

Oh! Welcome and enjoy CM! There are a ton of mods out there. Head over to Manx's site and check out his listing of them. It'll make your head swim.


[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Mord ]

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Mord, I agree with you on the casualty markers. This is something that I brought up before CMBO came out. Even if it was only on some sort of after action map where simple different color x's were placed for each casualty I think you could get a better overall picture of the battle.

Also I agree that having one casualty marker for the last man in a squad/team is better than nothing. A problem with this can be when 11 men in a squad go down defending a certain area and then the lone survivor runs 200 yards across an open field before getting whacked.

I can certainally do without the blood and gore. Yes, that was a hot topic.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>WHO WANTS HELP? Speak for yourself. I don' need no stinkin' help. I play CM all the time. No problem. What was the question? Where am I? Is this the up elevator? Thanks for sharing...My name is Gunnergoz and I'm a CM addict... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not an addict. I can quit the game and this forum whenever I want.


OK I LIE!!!!


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Welcome DasBaron and glad to hear you like our little game. It's the best and if you think you like it now wait until you've played it some more. It's really the game people have waited for all their lives, well at least me. Yes, I am a CMBO addict. As far as the members - yeah their ok. It's a cool bunch actually, twisted but cool. As far as mods go you are really in for some fun when you get a change to look at all of them. The more recent ones are getting to be outstanding and I mean it. You won't believe how detailed they are, it's like watching them in person. Anyway, glad to have another member that sounds like he's going to fit right in. ;)

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