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A Must Read For Newbies: PBEM FILE NAMING

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Sorry if it has been posted before (I know it has) but starting a new topic will insure it is not buried.

I have started a few PBEM games with new players and would like to pass along the system that insures the correct file is sent to your opponent. One that has been in place since the Beta Versions came out..

since the game is in a WEGO system there are three files that get passed for each turn. so to tell what part of the turn is being passed most veterans of this game use this system:

the first file passed is the game originators orders phase after the initial deployment of your troops. that file will be named:

xxxxxx Tyya.txt

where xxxx is the name you chose for the file and yy is the turn number

the second file is the opponents orders phase and is will be named:

xxxxxx Tyyb.txt

the third file to be passed is the movie file. the originator will see the movie when he receives the file xxxxxx Tyyb.txt. it's name will be:

xxxxxx Tyym.txt

if you only have one game going at a time you should be able to tell where you are at in a game. But if you have multiple games being played like most of the old timers here. this system helps to control what game and what turn you are on.


again for all us old farts (and you cess'ers know who we are) sorry for the redundancy.

hope this helps


[This message has been edited by Arien (edited 03-07-2001).]

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My preferred method is just never renaming the PBEM file. The name of the file would be like SmithVsJones.txt.

By default, old moves are stored in email folders if I ever need them.

Also, I use WinZip 8.0, which provides a right click context menu item "Zip and Email (filename>.zip to". This defaults to the filename, but one guy I play with I use the naming of the ZipFile as taunts and humor.

Anyway, keeping the PBEM fil name always the same and depending on email folder backups, keeps my PBEM folder uncluttered.

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For the record:

The system demonstrated above by Mannheim Tanker and Mattias is the One True Holy and Apostolic PBEM File Naming convention. It has been, since cavemen first chipped 3D wargames from bits of flint.

No others should be tolerated, experimented with, or even looked at. Sequential numbering is vital to file management, disaster recovery, archival investigations, and most mathematical functions. It is the very fabric of the universe. Other information in the filename is utterly unnecessary and deprives the term "contents" of significance.

One more time:




I urge all of you to write your congressmen, commissar, or mullah to get this passed into law.

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Guest wwb_99

I am a fan of the sequential numbering scheme as well. That a, b, m thing gets annoying.

The single file name is also quite valid, but it is sometimes hard to tell if you have sent the turn without opening CM.

Also, I suggest using 8.3 file names without spaces, as some e-mail systems garble long ones.


Before battle, my digital soldiers turn to me and say,

Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salutamus.

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Well, I think all of you are on crack (except the original poster). The "a, b, m" system is far superior. The sequential never tells you what turn you are on and it is still often screwed up.

Jag vs Guy 01a

Jag vs Guy 01b

Jag vs Guy 01m

Jag vs Guy 02a


Only way to go. I bend for the folks using CM Oneclick, but otherwise, a, b, m is the way to go. wink.gif



What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

CM Recon

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I follow the tenets of the xxx01, xxx02, xxx03 crowd. EXCEPT..I have of late taken to adding my initial after the numeral; 01r, 03r, etc. I am becoming old and feeble of mind and with a glance I can make out whether that last file in the list was sent by me or my illustrious opponent.

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I have a mod that I'm developing that tells you what turn you are on. It seems pretty easy, but you let me know what you think. It goes like this:

Open the turn.

So what does everybody think? Too complicated, or just right? I know some of you are old and feeble-minded, so look to us young whipper-snappers for guidance.


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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My apologies to all..

i guess it is just as hard for you to give the correct change without a computer..

if you are able to change 1,2,3,4 etc... how hard is it to grasp the concept of a,b,m then a number change every 3 files.. i can understand if you are using "one click". you only have to change one character. what else gets changed.. help me understand the difference..

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Originally posted by Arien:

Sorry if it has been posted before (I know it has) but starting a new topic will insure it is not buried.

I have started a few PBEM games with new players and would like to pass along the system that insures the correct file is sent to your opponent. One that has been in place since the Beta Versions came out..

since the game is in a WEGO system there are three files that get passed for each turn. so to tell what part of the turn is being passed most veterans of this game use this system:

the first file passed is the game originators orders phase after the initial deployment of your troops. that file will be named:

xxxxxx Tyya.txt

where xxxx is the name you chose for the file and yy is the turn number

the second file is the opponents orders phase and is will be named:

xxxxxx Tyyb.txt

the third file to be passed is the movie file. the originator will see the movie when he receives the file xxxxxx Tyyb.txt. it's name will be:

xxxxxx Tyym.txt

if you only have one game going at a time you should be able to tell where you are at in a game. But if you have multiple games being played like most of the old timers here. this system helps to control what game and what turn you are on.


again for all us old farts (and you cess'ers know who we are) sorry for the redundancy.

hope this helps


[This message has been edited by Arien (edited 03-07-2001).]

Haha I can't think of a worst system!!

Top marks for effort though.

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Originally posted by Jagdcarcajou:

Well, I think all of you are on crack (except the original poster). The "a, b, m" system is far superior. The sequential never tells you what turn you are on and it is still often screwed up.

Jag vs Guy 01a

Jag vs Guy 01b

Jag vs Guy 01m

Jag vs Guy 02a


I've always used sequential numbers, though I've got a PBEM opponent who wants to do something like what you describe. The first problem I see is that the abm system doesn't tell you which files you can open. Seems like you would need another piece of information in the name of each file to know which file was to be opened by whom. A nice advantage of sequential numbers is that you merely have to remember whether you open odd or even files in a given battle.

I also find the lettering ambiguous, because you would need to know whether you are referring to how the file was produced, or what to expect when opening it. I would expect file 01m to contain the movie-only file for turn one, the first file in the three step sequence of movie only, movie-plus-orders, orders only. It looks like your file 01m contains the turn two movie produced during the orders-only step of turn one.

It all seems pretty confusing. I'll stick with sequential numbers.

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The T#-a-b-m (or "ABM" or "TAB 'em") method of file naming is so obviously superior that it boggles the mind how some players of CM can be so seriously and sadly misled. Moreover, Tab 'em has been supported as THE protocol of choice by:

1. New England Journal of Medicine

("CM File Naming Protocols in Inpatient Settings: Significant Advantages for ABM Approach")

2. Scientific American

("New Mathematical Proof of ABM Superiority in a Conflict Simulation System")

3. The National Enquirer

("Love Child of Elvis and Liz Taylor Reveals Secret of Ancient Telepathic Aliens: "ABM RULES!")

So there, Johan.

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Since it could be argued that this is the single most pointless debate to grace this hallowed forum, I'd like to really probe it in depth and make sure we squeeze it for all it is worth.

That said: What is the benefit of having the A, B, M after the file name?

Does it help play the turn better?

Does it aid in knowing who's turn it is?

Does it allow you to pull out just the movie files? - I'm sure, but does that matter?

Does it somehow prove the Big Bang Theory?

Does it make CAS show up on rainy days?

Somebody please explain to me why I should take the extra effort to place that letter at the end of the filename.


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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While we're on the subject, why is it that when I get a PBEM turn, sometimes I get to watch the movie then go, sometimes I get to go then watch the movie, sometimes I get to ONLY watch the movie and sometimes I ONLY get to go? This has been bugging me since day 1.


And King Xerxes looked to King Leonidas and spoke. "Our Archers will rain arrows down upon you to blot out the sun."

And King Leonidas replied: "Then we will fight in the shade."

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IMHO my renaming system is much better:

I rename all my opponents files which include his orders as “TurnXXGerman” or “TurnXXAllied” (XX is the number of the turn: 01, 02, 03,....,15, 16, ... etc.). When my opponent sends a movie back to me (no orders this time) I rename it “MovieturnXX” (please remember I’m Spanish, so the adjective always after the noun smile.gif ). I save all those files in a folder. I do the same with my files and save them in a different folder. As a result I have the following files from an opponent playing the German side in a playing started by me:




Movieturn08 etc.








Turn08German etc.

Now I know that every “MovieturnXX” is a movie and every “TurnXX-1German” (i.e Turn01German, Turn03German, Turn05German in the example) is also a movie. In short, the movies are:








Movieturn08 etc.

When I need to know where the damn turn18 movie is I only have to find the “Turn18something” file in my opponent's folder and check whether there is a “Movieturn18” file in that folder or not. If there is one then it’s the movie. If there is none then the “Turn18something” is the movie. It take about 2 seconds for a dumb person to find it smile.gif

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