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Bigger infantry hair.

Guest muslim_Bob

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Guest muslim_Bob

After reading the post "Patch needed" (and others) I've come to the conclusion you people seem to think that without your help BTS will utterly fail in bringing out CM2.

BTS Producer: Gee wiz, I don't know WHAT on earth we should do for the sequel.

BTS Really smart guy: maybe we should just update the original by putting in poplular 3rd party mods on a bonus CD, changing the name to combat mission 2, adding bigger infantry hair and putting Pamela Anderson's breasts on the front.

BTS Producer: Sassy! Should we keep all the original units in tact such as tanks?

BTS Really smart guy: Absolutely not! Tanks weren't very popular anyhow, from what I hear.

BTS Producer: Swelltastic!! Well, I'm off to hanalullu for three years vacation and I'm putting you in charge of EVERYTHING. Make sure the game gets released before I return, and if fans get concerned over the status just make up somthing about combat mission 3 being already in the works and that it will support real time weather effects and... ummm... even bigger hair!!

BTS Really smart guy: Already done.

You people seem to think that without your feedback BTS won't know how to improve on the original. And don't give me that stuff about how 'your only making suggestions' when really it's just a bunch of constant whinning and nitpicking going on.

YOUR CM2 FEEDBACK: This is real.

"Whooo Nely, the Panzerschrek fires backwards!!"

"Oh the Tiger should primarily be an infantry crushing weapon LIKE IN REAL LIFE, they should fix it for CM2! BTS you aren't doing your job, you need to be more like me and play video games all day..., oh wait."

"Ohhhhhh, when facing the sun its glare isn't properly calculated for blinding infantry and triggering a firepower deduction, my wife won't sleep with me thanks to you!!"

"If you don't add bigger infantry hair for CM2 I am going to comit suicide. I am so freaking pathetic."

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You dont seem to realize, bob, that the very reason BTS is getting suggestions for the game is because it has taken suggestions in the past, with CM1. BTS asked what the fans wanted (or was asked in turn if a feature would be implemented) and often a time -**KAZAM** (youre not the only one who can use flashy buzz words) - the feature was in!

So this is perfectly justified. Generally, your post was thus not needed. Neither did mine, really. I give this thread a day.

Then again, I did learn a new word to humour my buddies with: Swelltastic - ROFL! biggrin.gif

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Guest muslim_Bob

What i'm getting at is that you people make it seem that BTS doesn't know their ass-from-their-elbow when it comes to creating a sequel.

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We're doing the exact same thing that was done a year or two ago, when CM1 was still in development. Use the search and take a look at some of the first threads. They are much like the ones we start up these days.


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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I agree with you Muslim Bob, obviously, given my earlier outburst in a now locked thread today.

The stated purpose of this forum is indeed to garner input from those that will eventually purchase CM2 (read: Support BTS Financially).

However, if BTS continues to be deluged with requests for things that clearly won't/can't be implemented given current hardware, or worse, told that they should hire more staff or invest more money in advertising or things of that nature that no one is in a position to really provide workable advice, I don't see that the forum will continue to be of benefit to them.

I run several websites, and while I can't and won't speak for BTS (though that, too, is a favorite pastime here) I can say from experience that I am tickled pink to get feedback from people, and when people offer to write articles or design web pages, I consider it seriously and usually welcome that, as well.

But when people I've never met start describing wholesale pages that I NEED to implement to my site, I tend to get a little antsy.

No doubt I shouldn't have gone into attack-dog mode with Juardis, but let's all consider that Charles and Steve are

a) very intelligent

B) very business savvy

c) pretty classy guys

For these reasons, they are not going to jeopardize future sales by telling people in public that they are wasting their breath.

A little common sense goes a long way. The majority of posts on this forum are good natured fun, and in the long run of benefit to BTS. But shear repetition of themes alone dilutes the effectiveness of the information, and in the end, I pray that BTS is relying on solid primary research and not simply the whims of armchair generals like me in order to create CM2.

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The ass is that round thing on the back. The elbows are those pointy things at the angles of the dangling dowitzes on the sides.

"Redundant truth never bothers me" - Feynman

Incidentally, if one wants input on things to include in a product, then listening to the customers is a fine idea. Which seems to have occurred to some people.

On the other hand, if you want fawning amorous attentions, hire a lady of ill fame.

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Okay, what is really bothering you? You seem WAAAAYYY too worked up to be annoyed over one simple topic. Maybe its been a bad day; maybe this is your personality. I don't know.

What I do know is that, for some of us, these chat boards are a way of sounding out problems/issues and reaching a consensus agreement.

For others, it is a place to find tips and hints, new opponents, and new friends.

For many others, it is one of the few places we can locate a large group of people who enjoy our hobbies, military history and gaming, and are willing to discuss various issues related to it.

BTS most likely does not waste time reading every single post. If they do, then more power to them - they have a business, they run it, and have been pretty successful in putting out a wildly popular product. I am quite sure that if they became annoyed with these message boards or repititious or facetious comments/questions, they would find a way to resolve it.

In the meantime, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the company here. Most of us are pretty pleasant, actually.



And we're saying goodbye to them all

We're Harry's police force on call

So put back your pack on the next stop is Saigon

Don't bless the few bless 'em all.

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The good thing about the way BTS is doing things, is, they can ignore the crazy and irrational demands, and listen to the intelligent and constructive requests. Just because someone says 'it must be in it' doesn't mean that BTS will give any consideration of it.

They have stated to have a strict policy of 'if it can't be backed up, its not in'. Plus, they know what their target audience is, they know who bought CM, so, they can determine what computer speeds are required. With all of the ill advised and irrational statements there come about a few good ones, ones that BTS had not thought up before and will implement in the game.

However, if we shut down the entire process because we let a bunch of whiners dominate the agenda we lose out on real possible enhancements.

This is how things are done, a bunch of crap mingling in with some really good ideas. There is no rule that BTS must deal with irrational demands.

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Bob, Have you read the BTS Manifesto? Here is a couple salient points for you to consider; "Computer wargaming still has a future, provided that talented wargame Developers and gamers understand and adapt to the new economics of The Industry - but refuse to “sell out”. Enter Battlefront.com and you. We understand how The Industry works because we’ve worked in it. We know how it stifles quality wargame development and we also know how to solve the problem - with your help. Together we can take wargaming back from the corporate suits!"

... and then there is this;

"The only limit is the interest of all you wargamers out there, and we’re one of the few companies who think your interest matters!"

...and this;

"The complementary half of the plan is community building. We want Battlefront.com to become a haven where wargamers come to discover and discuss games, military history, favorite strategies, feedback, you name it."


You hand in your ticket

And you go watch the geek

Who immediately walks up to you

When he hears you speak

And says, "How does it feel

To be such a freak?"

And you say, "Impossible"

As he hands you a bone.

- Bob Dylan Copyright © 1965

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Guest Rommel22


Lazy Ass Mother F*cking Customer

A term we use at CompUSA to discribe customers. All of them!!!

Remind me of some people here.


Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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Originally posted by Rommel22:

Lazy Ass Mother F*cking Customer

A term we use at CompUSA to discribe customers. All of them!!!

The term manufacturers use to describe this attitude is: "distributor counter person". As in "know-nothing customer-shafter soon to be obsoleted by the Internet and good riddance want fries with that". When you start thinking that your extreme cases (customers) are "all of them" (LAMFs), you have reached your personal ceiling, which in such cases makes a roach motel look like a cathedral.

Not that contempt for customers isn't a sound basis to build a business on, but the recent spate of layoffs in real industry might conceivably pose a threat to the deadwood masquerading as "help" in retail computing.

But such thoughts are wasted on those who have advanced operating systems spliced into their genetic code. Most people are not qualified to be your customers, to be sure. Are you a stockholder?

This is really a disgusting post to have to respond to, and belongs in some otherly-manifestoed bbs. I thought this kind of arrogance went out in the 70s. And it appears to be typical of... well, never mind. Some people are so shocked when the layoff notice comes, it's best to let justice take its course.

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

I'm just trying to figure out who was lobbying for bigger hair.

I can see some obvious advantages to this, but I think we should discuss it in depth.

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Guest Rommel22

Mark IV,

Look, I only work at CompUSA cause I aint working at a fast food place. Second, they work around my hours since I still have school. And they pay me good.

Look, you try working there. Same Fvcking question after same fvcking question by people. What is a CD writer. What is a video card, what is motherboard, what is cd-rw? I get these qustions everyday.

customer- I need ram

Me - Waht kind of mememory do you need

customer- I don't know

me - what comp. do you have

customer - i don't know

me- How old is it

customer i don't know

me- model number

customer - I don't know


That is not it. If we don't have something, meaning we run out of stock. Some people yell about it why isn't it in stock, why don't you have?

I tell them, "what the hell do you think, we have unlimitted suplies, am I suppose to pull this video card out of my ass, or what?

I get this about 20-50 times a day. It's annyoing! You try it for a month. I am serious you try it! I don't care about CompUSA, I can care less if they go out of bussines or if they burn down. I just work there for money. And the fact that I get free stuff. I get free CDs, free mice, keyboards, I got a laptop for 60 bucks.(a 200mmx 64mb of ram. works great) I got 128mb of ram for 5 bucks. I got a cd burner for 10bucks. The stuff I get and don't need I sell on Ebay and make money. It's great! I made about 500 bucks in the past 2 moths, selling the stuff I get free on Ebay! LOL

See I get good deals becuase I work there. But as far as customers the compnay is concerned I don't give a SH*T!!!!!!!!!!

I know I am an as*hole to customers and that's the way I like it. If they are as*holes and idiots they desrve it!

Hope that helps, you LAMFC!!!


Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

[This message has been edited by Rommel22 (edited 04-03-2001).]

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I'm surprised at you lot.

Surely you know bigger hair was ONLY used by WESTERN forces between April '40 and November 43', WELL outside the timescale for CM and in totally the WRONG theatre of operations for CM2

I'm APPAULED that you lot didn't know that!?!

Now, examining this more closely..

It is clear that on the western front 80%German soldiers had a full head of hair, and of those roughly 50% were allowed to grow their hair long, so we end up with 40% of german soldiers on the western front had bigger hair, which is some 358% more than is represented by CMBO at present. I hope by CM4 this error is corrected.



- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joe Shaw -

Der Kessel scenario design group

Combat Vision movies

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Originally posted by muslim_Bob:

"Ohhhhhh, when facing the sun its glare isn't properly calculated for blinding infantry and triggering a firepower deduction, my wife won't sleep with me thanks to you!!"

LOL! My co-workers must be wondering what the hell I'm laughing at. biggrin.gif

While I disagree with muslim_Bob, the comment is still spot-on...

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