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Peng, Your Challenge Necessitates Gamey Manouvrouvrevoouvring!

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Since it seems to be extremely difficult to sort out my modem problems (sort of taking my machine in for repair, which I won't do at this time), you can all forget about me returning PBEM turns probably for quite some time to come. Same goes for appearances on the board (not that anyone will mind). Also Moriarty - I won't be able to answer your question. Sorry.

No worries, there. Come back soon.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball

"Crap." -- Moriarty

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HAMMIE. I await my turn.

Question? Why did you guys choose Lorak the Loser who will go to the lengths of hanging out with his boss!!!! just to get free drinks, to keep your records. Now free drinks, however wonderful, is not justification for the level one must stoop. Why not just get the Bum from the Andy Griffith show to keep track.

On a side note, MrPeng you still have not learned. The more you complain the more you can be assurred that the thread will continue to be named after you.




Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

While you're at it *kick* bring me the head of Joe's mooncalf squire!

Mooncalf? Mooncalf?!






Bring it on, evilboy (or evilboy's lackey, as the case may be). I get junk mail that's more formidable than you. (Damn paper cuts... ooooh, Val-Pak coupons!)

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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David, I try to send turns at leasst twice a day..before I go to work and when I get home..sometimes more. Despite the fact that most of the people I am playing are almost as slow as Peng with the file turn around time thing I currently have so many games going that I am late for work each day. I expect a surrender files from Seanachithery, chrisl, MarkIV, Goanna, Mace and others any minute now. Once I have ended one of these games I will coomand you to send a set up file. Until then, die.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Joe noded with knowing approval as DekeFentle posted: Kieran's Irish Pub is located on the intersection of 2nd Street South and 4th Avenue. Just ask the bus driver to let you know when the stop comes up.
Let the CessPool take note that our methods are working. When first young Deke approached the members of this The One The True CessPool, he attempted to ingratiate himself with us through silly alliterations and poorly thought out taunts. After appropriate correction by, among others, myself, he has moderated his attempts and the result is the well crafted and subtle taunt we see above. He has still, of course, to attract a proper sponsor, but the lad shows promise. He has yet to equal the venom and wit shown by TheSquireFormerlyKnownAsAguaPerdido in his posts such as:
Bring it on, evilboy (or evilboy's lackey, as the case may be). I get junk mail that's more formidable than you. (Damn paper cuts... ooooh, Val-Pak coupons!)
... but promise still.

reference to Agua Perdido changed slightly to show Sir Mace that I'm a regular guy ... don't expect it to happen again.







[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 03-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

An embarassment Berli? Hardly, a shining example rather, and a squire to be emulated by ALL aspirants to that rank.

We shall see *kick*... I expect Foobar to deliver *kick* his useless head to me shortly so I can mount it *kick* over the gates of the Pool as an example

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Elvis wrote:

Once I have ended one of these games I will coomand you to send a set up file.

Enjoy the results of your current games, as even a humiliating defeat will seem glorious after your imminent encouter with Destroyer Dave™.

Yeah, I know the name hardly strikes fear into the hearts of Gods... possibly old women, but I'm working on it.


Funny how 95% of the psots in this thread just completely missed the point. – Jeff Heidman

Funny how you had nothing beneficial to add and were less congenial than the original misunderstood poster. – Croda

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Berli, in an attempt ... futile but an attempt ... to be clever, stated: Yes, that sums it up nicely
Berli you couldn't SUM UP Two plus Two ... HINT: Agua Perdido is FOUR times better than any other squire in the 'pool.







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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

HINT: Agua Perdido is FOUR times better than any other squire in the 'pool'.

God! I knew you were dumb, but perhaps you are actually more worthless than youe squire. Given that squires, by their very nature, are worthless (null value [zero]), and , by your assertion, Aqua Perdido has FOUR times the worth of other squires... let's do the math... FOUR times ZERO equals ZERO!

I begin to suspect that Aqua Perdido deserves to be the Knight and you the Squire

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Joe, I am beginning to worry about you old man. This fixation on a young, virile and wholesome squire is making me uneasy. Has your local chapter of NAMBLA been recruiting again? In the world of sexual deviancy such behavior, esp in an older person occupying a position of power and authority over the young man, would certainly be characterized as grooming behavior.

I am afraid Joe that you are going to have to "retire" to the monastery where you can engage in appropriate "meditation" with a whip to scourge yourself of the unclean and base desires that you seem to harbor.


•Non illegitimi carborundum est

•If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-15-2001).]

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Ah, Squire kicking. Roborat was our squire but now we have Priest (We prefer to call him pissboy). We thought that Roborat was knighted in Lorak's cult-style mass knighting some time back. If he wasn't, oh well, now he's sponsorless, perhaps Croda will take him. Pissboy, go get Berli a new boot, he seems to have worn his out.

And now, to assure everyone that we are lovers of fine things, selected passages from The Sword of Damocles, by:

He who reads that ancient fable,

Wondering at the plot,

Seeing in it no resemblance,

To life's common lot,

Reads it as an unknown language,

Comprehending not,

Over every human being

Hangs a sword in air,

From myst'rious heights suspended,

By a single hair;

Though perceived not, though unheeded,

Yet forever there.

Keener than the sword Assyrian

Flashing through the fight;

Deadlier than the sword of Gideon

Battling for the right;

Than Excalibur more subtle

In its cunning might...

Fall it may with swift-winged vengeance

Bidding evil cease;

Fall it may with blest redemption

Bringing sweet release;

Fall it may with angel's summons

Like a song of Peace.

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Okay, Okay,

Here we go,

I guess I've decided (in an Eeyore sort of way) to enter the one true thread (the peng, or whatever the hell that's supposed to mean). Yes, yes, a quick sod-off to the lot of you, but I understand that I'm to specifically challenge an individual. Oh me, oh my. So, here goes;

Eat dung, elvis (lower case "e" intended). May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your groin. You can barely manage the OOmph to give a good "wankers" call occasionally, and I pee in your general direction. Your mother was a gopher, and your uncle smelled of boysenberries.

Does that suffice?


Well, then , Ok, You have not the balls to meet me on the field of battle, and I hereby slap you repeatedly with my leather Field-Glove-O-Love. Were you the real Elvis, you'd at least have the grace to die upon the toilet of infamy, instead of spewing your random drive-by pedestrian insults.

How's that?

Not enough, you say?


Elvis, you couldn't process a turn in less than a fortnight, even if your favorite dog were the soup-de-jour of all the Vietnamese restaurants in San Francisco!

Does that work? Should I be more specific?

Elvis, you are but a zit on the arse of the largest prostitute in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Does that work? Have I challenged you personally enough? No?

OK, I guess I must continue. You, sir elvis (of the infected pelvis), are not worth the stick it takes to scrape the dog-doo from my shoes. I spit-at-thee, I spit-at-thee, I spit-at-thee.

Ok, I'm spent. If there is anything at all glandular that keeps your legs from rubbing together, you will send a set-up my way, so that I may prove that Elvis is, indeed, dead and rotting.

So, all the rest of you,



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Originally posted by jd:

...unclean and base desires...

Um, jd, having Latin and NAMBLA in the same post makes me worry that you're imbibing too many of those Left Coast fumes again... if I'd known that humiliating you would drive you to this point, I'd have picked on Curdled instead....

Take t'morrow off and find yourself a good St.Pat's drunk-fest... you'll feel better on Monday, Isky promises... there, there... poor little lawyer-warrior...


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Jealousy, rank jealousy has invaded the CessPool and infected our fair dwelling. I offer as evidence the following:

Berli, Berli, Berli ... surely even YOU can't believe that:God! I knew you were dumb, but perhaps you are actually more worthless than youe squire. Given that squires, by their very nature,

are worthless (null value [zero]), and , by your assertion, Aqua Perdido has FOUR times the worth of other squires... let's do the

math... FOUR times ZERO equals ZERO! I begin to suspect that Aqua Perdido deserves to be the Knight and you the Squire

Hah! none of your Jedi mind tricks (opps, sorry, one must first HAVE a mind in order to employ mind tricks.) The entire substance of your alleged allegation is dependent upon your statement that " squires, by their very nature, are worthless (null value [zero])". You have provided no proof, null, zero, that this is correct. Now obviously, in your case and that of jd, the statement is true, but that's only because you were misguided enough to chose the squire you did! I, on the other hand, exercised judgement and discretion in my choice and am well pleased. That you are not is only further evidence that you (and by extension jd) are POO POO HEADS!

But wait, I have to contend with the above referenced jd and his contention: Joe, I am beginning to worry about you old man. This fixation on a young, virile and wholesome squire is making me uneasy.
Indeed? I'm not the one who has gone through TWO squires only to have them both reject me in the end (sit DOWN Bauhaus ... and perhaps you'd better have jd join you, by his statements he seems to have a ... problem ... as well.)
Has your local chapter of NAMBLA been recruiting again?
Not that I'm aware of, perhaps you could send me some of your recruiting material, do you get a commission when you induce new recruits?
In the world of sexual deviancy such behavior, esp in an older person occupying a position of power and authority over the young man, would certainly be characterized as grooming behavior.
I'll have to take your word for that, I'm not as familiar with sexual deviancy as you seem to be. As to grooming behavior though, it's also practiced by the lower primates ... again, you would be more familiar than I.
I am afraid Joe that you are going to have to "retire" to the monastery where you can engage in appropriate "meditation" with a whip to scourge yourself of the unclean and base desires that you seem to harbor.
Again, perhaps you can recommend, from personal experience, such an establishment? Oh wait though, any of these that YOU recommended couldn't do too good a job ... considering their alumni.

In short, I repeat, JEALOUSY!







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Originally posted by Leeo:

Okay, Okay,

Here we go...

...infected pelvis...

Ok, I'm spent.

Look: I'm not exactly an old-timer myself, and I'd love to see a rerun of Elvis doing his "crapping myself to death" routine, but posts like yours remind me like nothing more than the turdlettes that collect around my mangy dog's ass. OK, sure: you've done better than some of the freewheeling toe-suckers we get in here at every karmatic turn of the Wheel of Peng, but... well, but, you still really gnaw hamster knees.

Maybe for the under 25-set your so-called taunts might lead you somewhere, but we are a tad more genteel than that. Did I read any Donne? Any Boccaccio? Any Joyce? Dammit man, did I read any friggin' Buckley, anything, anywhere in your so-called prancing, limp-wristed, fur-breasted, mincing, queen-of-the-deep post! NO!

Get thee to the MainBoardary, lest you be lost! Or, as I am sure you'll more readily understand:

Bugger Off!*

*recently quoted by nonentity


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Maybe for the under 25-set your so-called taunts might lead you somewhere, but we are a tad more genteel than that. Did I read any Donne? Any Boccaccio? Any Joyce? Dammit man, did I read any friggin' Buckley, anything, anywhere in your so-called prancing, limp-wristed, fur-breasted, mincing, queen-of-the-deep post! NO!

Get thee to the MainBoardary, lest you be lost! Or, as I am sure you'll more readily understand:

Bugger Off!*

*recently quoted by nonentity

And who are thee?

to point at me,

and claim tradition lost

whose pompous jest, with no request

'tis but on the fire, frost.

Though new flame just started,

beats your voice farted,

whom bleats from those before,

you cant be bothered,

no idea you've fathered,

so BUGGER OFF, forever more.

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PBEM Report

Meeks and I have reached turn 2 of a 600 point attack scenario. He has already lost.

Turn 1: Meeks spots a Wespe on top of a hill. Too late he realises it's actually a Hetzer. Scratch two Daimlers.

Turn 2: A Sherman II and two more Daimlers go out for a Sunday drive. Sherman has a run-in with the locals and comes off worst. Daimler crews decide they need to stretch their legs and spot a sign for a Car Park. Or at least they thought it said Car Park, but their German wasn't up to scratch, and now they're sitting on a minefield. Scratch one Sherman and another Daimler.

Any more men you wish relieved of their duties, Hamster boy?


Now under the tutelage and infinite wisdom of Gunny Bunny, BTS has recognized their inferiorities and has decided to rewrite their engine completely and call it CMII. – Gunny Bunny on alt.games.combat-mission

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*Checking Leeo's details*


Leeo, it would appear that you are a sinful consumer of hops and yeast based products. The 'pool is a teetotal collective of god fearing hard core christians who meet regularly for bible readings/prayer recitals and self flagellation {Thank you, brother Bauhaus, you may be seated} and as such we condemn sinners such as yourself to the fiery pits of Hell. {Berli, your'e on.....}

If you are truely rependent of your evil ways and are prepared to let god into your heart, then you may ask God yourself. Seanichie is in the refectory....3rd on the left after the sacrificial altar.

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I admit that I have sinned. Indeed, I have imbibed in great quatities of the Devil'sbrew. And I shall continue to do so, and in the process will drag the lot of you pretenders to the depths of dead-brain-celled hell! It is a noble endeavor, but I'm afraid I'm Preachin' to the choir on this point. So, the only thing is to have a drink-off. C'mon now. Reeaaaaddyyy, drink!

Okay, again! and again!

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God save us, another analyst!

Next title: Peng, I wish to conduct an analysis of our Challenge policy!


Now under the tutelage and infinite wisdom of Gunny Bunny, BTS has recognized their inferiorities and has decided to rewrite their engine completely and call it CMII. – Gunny Bunny on alt.games.combat-mission

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Leeo, it would appear that you are a sinful consumer of hops and yeast based products. The 'pool is a teetotal collective of god fearing hard core christians who meet regularly for bible readings/prayer recitals and self flagellation

It is?

I'm definitely in the wrong place then, although I wouldn't mind sticking around for the self-flagellation?


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Numerous Elvis references

I haven't seen such a vulgar display of emotions towards another cesspooler since mine.

Sorry, but there is only room for one brown-noser in this here cesspool!


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