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Peng goes to Sweden

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*Deke glances over his shoulder to ensure that the area is void of any bile stained, incestuous, perversions who claim sentience in this pod of blubber engorged cranial cavities, then bows deeply to Naja*

While your observations and commentary are obviously the wise products of a pontific pundit, I must take some small issue with your declaration of my mastery over the true art form that is PENG. While I may have, in some infinitesimal measure, propagated the intent of the original author I can not in good conscience allow my moniker to be compared in the same paragraph with his. A mere mortal toiling to adhere to divine teachings, may from time to time deserve recognition but should never be thought of in comparison to the exalted being.

I do heartily offer you my sincere salutations and pray that if you find some small pleasure in pursuing this bog of buffoonery, you will continue to grace us with your patronage. Well met good sir and give no credence to the inane and ineffectual meandering of the destitute defilers who post here in hopes of declaiming to the community at large their derisory skill at taunting or insulting anything or anyone much less the Whuppin’ boy of PENG!

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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Originally posted by jd:

Kitty'sBoySpacey ... He has learned to use tanks in groups. After a clever ambush of one of my kampfgruppe's he has managed to employ his forces en masse. ...a lot of hot air expelled...Since this was an experiment in armor pentration, he shall be dispatched shortly.

Not only am I about to be penetrated, but I think I'm also going to feel somewhat violated by the process!

Who was the drongo who agreed to be allied this time around tho? Oh wait..that would be me! =P


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During a brief scrutiny of your postings, which any functional intestine would reject as unfit for processing, I concluded it was high time I address your pathetic, abortive attempts to have me abandon this haven for mentally deficient bipolar asylum escapees.

Where to begin? *sigh* A target this large deserves at least several forums of verbose slander expounding on the absurdity of a semi-sentient entity that believes he is a compilation of rodents! Your paltry offerings of subservient drivel are in the best light droll, and most often bring on a severe case of narcolepsy to the gentle readers of this insipid insanity that attempts to pawn itself off as a thread devoted to the art of the taunt.

I am convinced that if the hamster phylum became aware of your claim they would commit species suicide in revulsion of the possibility that they might in someway be associated to your affections. Your claim looses even more credibility when one realizes that a hamster has the synaptic capacity to understand the workings of a water bottle. You on the other hand still haven’t figured out that the wheel doesn’t go anywhere no matter how fast you run and have further failed to ascertain with anything approaching 100% certainty, which pellets are for consumption.

Allow me to suggest a solution to the pain you purport my posts bring to you. A battle of 1500 – 2000 points. I leave the other parameters for you to configure. I choose the side after you define the afore mentioned. If by some miracle or your widely known gamey tactics, you manage to pull off even a draw I will vacate this vipers nest of virally stricken victorian vagabonds for two weeks.

Now douse yourself with flea spray and gather your hairy horde in conference. Listen to the squeaking calliope that are your thought processes and reply posthaste.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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To make things a tad more comfortable for us all in our new digs, I offer to you the wisdom of Mr. Borg:

Tennis legend Bjoern Borg urges Europeans to have more sex...

STOCKHOLM, March 9 (AFP) -

Tennis legend Bjoern Borg, Swedish porn star, wants Europeans to have more sex and recommends they learn from the "Swedish model" to increase people production -- and ensure future financing for pensions.

"We have a bit of a delicate problem here in the western world: there aren't enough babies being born," the five-time Wimbledon winner and porn star said in a full-page advertisement published in Sweden's main financial daily Dagens Industri. Further, he said, "If we keep masturbating as we have, Europa will cease to exist."

An English language text printed on a large color photograph of 11 striking young women dressed as hospital midwives ? said: "If nothing drastic happens soon there won't be anyone who can work and put up for our pensions.

"Bad karma! Luckily there is a simple solution that is both enjoyable and relaxing: The Swedish model. An intimate form of socialising that, if done properly, will keep midwives labouring all over Europe.

"So the humble advice from Bjoern Borg is quite simply: Get to it!"

The advertisment concluded with an admonition to readers to "F--- for Future" and Borg's signature. There was no other explanation for the stunt.

Kitty and YK2... front and center!!!

Bauhaus... to the rear!

[edited to remove clarity]


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

[This message has been edited by Iskander (edited 03-09-2001).]

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While I find your whimpering, and the false bravado you get betting on your chest, funny.

I must warn you that if you keep wagging your toungue about... one of my jack booted thugs might just stomp on it.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Speaking of murdering the english language!

I am BETTING on my chest.

I mean its nice and all, chicks dig it but I doubt i would "bet" on it.


Anyways to each his own. Now might I suggest JD for tonights battle Loser Lorak



Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido

I will grant you a game, specifically so I can not play Crodaburg with you. Expect a setup tomorrow or Sunday.

I await your sending good squire. Please be aware that I am out of town until late CST Sunday and will probably be unable to return a file until Monday.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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Ahh yes,

While I am an admitted sufferer of Deslexia. (and can't spell for sh*t) that was a typo, and below me to edit it.

As for me being a loser... I'll admit that too. I'm not "Lorak the loathed" because my foes hate me... I am "Lorak the loathed" because I loath myself.

Now. As for JD. I plan on winning this battle and JD the drink, or JD the pooler is a recipe for disaster.

Nay I am a Guinness man..maybe a couple fingers of scotch...

My problem now is picking out a suitable CD to listen too, while drowning out your death screams.

Looks like it might be a Guinness and wolftones night.

Die a lot now

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Geier:

You all know the drill. Do something beautiful and righteous and we'll hunt you down and bore you.

It's cold it's wet, the booze is really expensive and there is nothing you can do about it.


Free Ethan

I've always been a fan of the Old Firm although I acknowledge that the Old Firm doesn't need either fans or acknowledgement. I was noticed once by the Old Firm a couple of months ago for a few seconds but then was dismissed as a pest. Much like a CM Masonic lodge that requires a secret handshake coupled with the ring, the Old Firm has had me enthralled for some time now.

I am now as I once was; so forgettable. Think of this as the post that never happened.



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Originally posted by jd:

Despite the demonstration that 3 beats 1, Monsieur (Pawbroom - ed.)insists that 1 sherman can beat 3 German tanks any day.

No it doesn't! Sheesh I tried to warn ya!


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Despite his obvious instability and apparent appeal to even more disturbed individuals, I wished I'd cast the mantle on DekeFentle just so a Squire of mine could stomp the guts out of your Squire! Fast up with it, Shaw! This incidence of lèse majesté cannot pass unanswered!


You city dwelling twit. Reference the previous admonishment telling you to read the thread. I have a title, I am Whuppin’ boy. I wear it proudly and will not shed it until I am pronounced Emperor or some other suitably auspicious vestment. Your inference that my postings in some way emulate Mensch have also been covered but I will do you the favor of quoting myself since you are seemingly incapable of following along.

My gibberish is sui generis. It is far superior to Mensch in both it’s inexplicable meandering and its oblique references.

Your vague illusions to my residence being located in the backwaters of our fair state are beneath my notice. Of late as I walk through the streets of murderapolis I often wonder which one of the unwashed, change-begging supplicants you might be. Your bluster and claim of job a deadline is undoubtedly a cover for the time you spend incarcerated by the local constabulary. That or the deadline you referred to was for emptying the grease from the fryer at Micky D’s

I have my suspicions that you may be a Carl Polad lover. Now if that last is not enough to bring you out of you closet then the learning curve before you is even steeper than Hamsters.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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Originally posted by Priest:

I am woe. Would that I could find a legitimate excuse to get out of the game I am losing (So terribly) to those avatars of the one, true god, Hamsters.

So sorry to whup on you so hard, Priest, we're taking out our frustration with Armornuts on you, as the git seems to have quit playing and left the 'Pool, thereby leaving us like Germanboy's sister did, not at all hot but very, very bothered.

We have no topical Swedish humor, what is funny about Sweden?

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Originally posted by jd:

MeekHanster has made a valiant effort. He is massing his brave boys for a final assault across the leafy vale. Trouble is his troops suffered mightily in rousting one of my platoons and was repulsed with significant loss on my other flank. His jabofixation was put to rest by about turn 5 with the net result of two nicely positioned foxholes for my troops. Time is running out for the forces of multiple personality boy. I fear he has no choice but to blow the whistles and have his boys go over the top.

We like playing playing jd, he is both proficient and suitably witty. The best part of a game like this is that we all know what's going to happen and so now it's about the biting and the breaking, the dying and the victorious stomping of the enemy's bones to dust. May the deserving win and the deserving die.

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

And he says our posts make people fall asleep.

Sure, we'll play ya. But you've been sponsored, so's it don't matter when we win, you's can stays as long as ya want. After we stuff you, we'll make sure to set you up in a suitably disgusting pose with our stuffed Elvis.

And MarkIV, we didn't realize you'd accepted any challenge, send a setup and we will happilly whang the everliving bejeezus out of ya.

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Aye, Lorak; scribe it thusly:

Lawyer - Win

Babs - Crushed like a worm.


Gamey me did not care to pit my circa 100 low-ammo infantry against four tanks, uncountable halftracks and gawd knows how many infantry, and so it is ended. The band plays "The World Turned Upside Down". Snowballs are being happily tossed in hell.


"Za Rodentia!"

[This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 03-10-2001).]

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Sure, we'll play ya. But you've been sponsored, so's it don't matter when we win, you's can stays as long as ya want. After we stuff you, we'll make sure to set you up in a suitably disgusting pose with our stuffed Elvis.

I await your term eagerly oh master of rodentia.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.


Winning is why we play!

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Guest MrHappy


get on line now you silly sod. Hiram is so friggin worthless. We tried to play a TCP/IP game tonight but he kept crashing like the miserable little toad he is...gah i am all hyped up for a game and there is no-one on ICQ or the hated AIM. what is with you people?

gah feh! there is no reason to post here anymore. except perhaps to say naughty things to kitty. here kitty kitty! rub against my legs and purr you saucy thing, and purrrhaps you shall have a saucer of milk. or maybe you can finish the game you started with Peng, eh? he has been asking about you. not that he cares or anything, and not that he has actually downloaded that silly 'pool mod and installed it and used it all the time forever, and giggles hysterically at the lorak thing...

i think he is just curious about you and wondering if the game is still on.

Get Happy


MrHappy sez, "C'MON GET HAPPY!"

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Just wanted to get a quick woot in there and inform you all that day 14 of the "weekend upgrade" by the ISP here in Oman has a new twist. Now I can use the internet at what would appear to be an infinitesimally faster rate, but I do not get any e-mail from outside the company. This would include any turns you may have sent me in the last couple of days. I imagine that the problem will be addressed when either:

(a) the IT weenies discover the problem by accident, and confirm my previously ignored complaints that “this thing just ain’t working”, or (B) the MD of the company notices that he is not getting any e-mail from outside the company, after which a platoon or company sized element of Indian IT specialists will be thrown at the problem.

Bear with me and don’t feel too bad, since your fiery death has only been delayed, not abandoned.

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Oh Crawdad, my Crawdad...

We can finally see the mental state of Crawdad's troops. Committed in their own minds that they will all die soon enough, his squads have adopted a morbid sense of humor. They started a game called Survivor: Herr Oberst's Armor, and began challenging each other to games of chicken with my armor in hopes of winning some silly immunity idol.

One such challenge entailed successfully completing at least four changes of direction in front of one of my Tiger tanks. The first squad to complete this maneuver was to be granted immunity, and permitted to walk calmly off the battlefield. While the home crowd cheered them on, the intrepid squad unfortunately failed.

A small pictorial essay follows:

thisway.gif ^ This way...

Aah, screw the rest of the images...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 03-10-2001).]

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Originally posted by Elvis:



Post like a man, lad, or lie down and ask people to wipe their boots on you. Now is the time when all true Peng Threaders must come to the aid of the Thread. Selah.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by HolgerDK:

Why does it look like Ikea in here? Svenska flikka, Peng mej!

Holger Dansk? Ogier the Dane? Who the bloody hell are you, lad? This isn't some eurotrash disco, where tomorrow's doorway sleeping vagrants are today's posters. Sound off in la Anglais, you foreign git, or hold your water.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Holger Dansk? Ogier the Dane? Who the bloody hell are you, lad? This isn't some eurotrash disco, where tomorrow's doorway sleeping vagrants are today's posters. Sound off in la Anglais, you foreign git, or hold your water.

He's no foreign git! He's a local git!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Holger Dansk? Ogier the Dane? Who the bloody hell are you, lad? This isn't some eurotrash disco, where tomorrow's doorway sleeping vagrants are today's posters. Sound off in la Anglais, you foreign git, or hold your water.

We must "out" HolgerDK. He is the fourth of the Heraldites ... although now a former Heraldite as he has gone off to do real work at a real company and make real money ... in short, he's a whore ... but a Heraldite nonetheless.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball

"Crap." -- Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 03-10-2001).]

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