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Peng goes to Sweden

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You all know the drill. Do something beautiful and righteous and we'll hunt you down and bore you.

It's cold it's wet, the booze is really expensive and there is nothing you can do about it.


Free Ethan



"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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Originally posted by Geier:

Free Ethan

I'll have you know that I'm very expensive. Although I'm sure that you can find something among Sweden's export products that I would take in trade. Hint: it ain't Lutfisk.

One day, I shall emerge from the illusion known as Real Life™ and play CM again. Oh, yes, I will play CM again.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Hint: it ain't Lutfisk.

It's them Swedish birds... Hmmmm, Swedish birds....



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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First, you silly faux Irishperson at whom my full blooded Irish great grandfather would have sneered with well deserved scorn {hang on ... got to grab a quick breath ... whew!}, I doubt seriously that this will be the last time I thwart you, especially if you keep eyeing Mace's sheep that way. I've no particular fancy for sheep myself you understand, but Mace IS a member of the CMMC Allied Press Corps with me and therefore is to be accorded the rights of a Mate ... in the Ozzie sense of the word of course. Therefore, I am obliged to protect his ... uh ... interests. As to the setup you DEMAND, I find that I have a slot open (sit DOWN Bauhaus) on my dance card and shall accomodate you posthaste and forthwith.

Shaw, I use a large, heavy, and rough gauntlet to slap all four cheeks. When you've finished rubbing the various affected areas

to take the sting out

Now you've done it, I at least was clever enough to forestall Bauhaus in my reply, but now ... well just look at him, I'd tell him to stop but he's obviously to the point where it would be safer to just let the thing run it's course.
I suggest, Old Foul Joe, that you send me a setup not larger than 1500 points, all other conditions to be set by you, Mr 'Put the Squire down and step away'.
Righto chap, I'll have my man Jeeves here toss a setup together in a jiff ... say hello Jeeves, Good afternoon Mr. Seanachai. We may, of course, trust Jeeves implicitly.
This has been a long time coming, Shaw. Many have claimed that we are equally long-winded and tedious, but this is the final straw.
While I readily admit that my posts have trended toward the larger end of the scale, I protest vehemently the tag of "tedious" ... to you and you alone that honor shall be accorded.
That I should have to go to Lorak's site and find you to be a common poacher, snatching up Squires from better men!
One may only poach that to which one is not entitled. As I am a Knight of the 'Pool and as Agua Perdido had no sponsor (you, no doubt, being off listening to "The Irish Rover" records to improve your accent) I took it upon myself to claim the lad as squire ... and right happy I am with the decision too. It's hardly MY fault that you are tardy in your appreciation of the lad's talents. As to the self acquired title of better man... we shall see ... we shall see.
Despite his obvious instability and apparent appeal to even more disturbed

individuals, I wished I'd cast the mantle on DekeFentle just so a Squire of mine could stomp the guts out of your Squire!

Oh come now, surely even YOU have more taste ... not to mention good sense ... than to acquire that ... Pipsqueak as a squire? Might as well choose Croda again, his last master obviously didn't do a very good job.
Fast up with it, Shaw! This incidence of lèse majesté cannot pass nanswered!
FAST UP WITH IT? FAST UP WITH IT? While I normally don't make sport of spelling and grammatical mistakes this goes into the realm of pure linguistic invention. Kindly provide us with a definition of the phrases you MAKE UP in the future so that those that are so inclined can follow at least the rough gist of your conversation. As to lèse majesté ... ah, good Bauhaus is ... uh ... free now I see, Bauhaus, there's a good lad, see to Sir Seanachai's lèse majesté will you?

Thank you Agua lad, you're far too kind to a broken down old Knight, let's see here ... ah, lad, but I can't have nuts you see, a minor digestive problem, so the Almonds are right out. Go ahead, eat up lad, I know that a squire, especially one engaged in honorable battle, needs his nourishment ... no, no ... I insist.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 03-09-2001).]

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Ok were are the Swedish Dental nurses??? I thought that there would of been some here. Oh when they bend over you while you are in the chair. You dont need no needle to deaden the pain in your mouth... wink.gif


"Alla Keefek" is a Brit soldier's corruption of an Arabic phrase. It

means "couldn't be bothered". A Firefly of the 4th County of London Yeomanry had it painted on the rear of the turret. This Firefly was knocked out by a Tiger from 501st SS.

[This message has been edited by alla_keefek (edited 03-09-2001).]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Peng goes to Sweden to get that operation he's been planning on

What? He's going to be a Podette at long last? How... how absolutely wonderful.

Smashing. Great. Really.

Ethan, 2 kg of blood sausage is winging its way toward you. Just make sure those nasty people at customs don't get to see it. They are so picky these days, especially as I got this batch really cheap. It's from The Royal British pigsty so I don't think there is anyfink wrong with it. The brits have always been good with pigs. I mean nice to pigs. Haven't they?

mensch. I saw a Pink Floyd documentary just now, lots of weird and rare footage and you didn't. Set your controls for... and bugger off. Thank you.

la di da,


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Hamsters you have had a good game so far and I salute you. But it is far from over. Your wonderous Jabo is wasting it's time with a vehicle that has been dead for about 6 turns! Apparently Lorak is piloting it.

"BURP....Got another one...BURP....That makes 6....geez those German cats always put a tank there every pass i make....GUHHUAHUAHU!"

And you Lorak are hiding in some trees hoping to god that I do not see your sorry hide. At least Hammie is fighting a man's fight, one in which he has a much better chance of winning than you do I am afraid.

Lastly ShansyDorph why dost thou not respond?


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

It's them Swedish birds... Hmmmm, Swedish birds....

Have you finaly given up on women? Good for you! Hope you find a nice little sparrow or somefink.

DrA aka Baby Spice

ps. You can send me a setup next week if you want to spank me and feel superior.


Philosophy is a battle against bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language. -- L.Wittgenstein

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Amazing, isn't it?!

Everytime we move, all the new neighbours drop in trying to steal the cutlery or to help themselves to the other valuables while we unpack.

btw, can we turn up the heating, it's fecking freezing here. And what's on the menu, Smoked Eel? Ewwwwuuuuuuu!!!


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Cromag Cromag Cromag, I made you out of clay

Cromag Cromag Cromag, a Cromag I will play.

Cromag Cromag Cromag, SEND ME A F-IN' TURN!



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I am really laughing at you, and no, not just on the inside.

Hiding in trees am I ? Or is this just some fantasy you have going. Pesonaly I find your use of artillery enlightning. All I have to do is say "I see you guys". And BLAMO you shoot up the nearest batch of trees.

Really is quite funny. In a sad kind of way.

Not sad in that I am upset killing a Priest....But sad in that when I survey all your dead men littered accross the field, they will have my picture beside them.

Now cheer up and all that, I will not make you wither in pain long.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

I'll have you know that I'm very expensive. Although I'm sure that you can find something among Sweden's export products that I would take in trade. Hint: it ain't Lutfisk.

Pity. I have three and a half metric tons of fresh [cough, cough] lutfisk I could have on your doorstep within 24 hours.

[shrugs] Oh well, I don't really belong in this thread anyway..


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Okay lets get the sauna fired up and I shall regale you with tales of derring do and base cowardice........

MeekHanster has made a valiant effort. He is massing his brave boys for a final assault across the leafy vale. Trouble is his troops suffered mightily in rousting one of my platoons and was repulsed with significant loss on my other flank. His jabofixation was put to rest by about turn 5 with the net result of two nicely positioned foxholes for my troops. Time is running out for the forces of multiple personality boy. I fear he has no choice but to blow the whistles and have his boys go over the top.

Crodatheformersquire I fear is as equally fixated on big battles as he is on Crodaberg. Definitely some sort of psychological overcompensation for a perceived inadequacy. Oh well, out of loyalty I consent to batter him silly from time to time. This should be no different.

JosephSmith has started out yet another game complaining that he made a mistake in setting up. Must be a standard disclaimer. All I know is at this point is that this is sniper alley and that Joe likes to hang his Panthers out one by one so that 10+ allied barrels of 76mm or more can have a shot at him, with predictable results. Stay tuned on this one.

grenouilefacedboy has been understudying the Mormon Wives school of armor usage as aptly demonstrated by JS above. Show it and hope they run. Despite the demonstration that 3 beats 1, Monsieur insists that 1 sherman can beat 3 German tanks any day. A highlight in this night battle is the fireworks I am employing around his 2 remaining VL's, the others being held by me. I have no clue if he is there but we are on turn 3 of the bomardment. We shall see if it has had any effect. It was a whim, what can I say as his tactics so far have been of the guerrilla school of hit and die.

In the battle of Evil Incarnate vs Evil Manifest it would seem that the things of the nether world are no match for the evilness of the world. I believe Berli's last words were,

"It is no fun getting raped"
crude perhaps but accurate as another building housing and sheltering his men explodes. He has lost 2 TD's 1 Sherman, 2 HT's and myriad men to my, well let me see,......hmmmm, 1 case of trenchfoot.

MrPeng has proven to be a steady and stand up fellow about keeping up a regular flow of turns, and for that I will treat him with respect, at least till our forces come to gather and grapple in another night fest.

Geriltoy is being methodically rousted and evicted. I lost a platoon to carelessness, ie I could have sworn his frenchies were waving a white flag......but the cowardly lot displayed their treachery and gunned my poor trusting troops down like dogs. Vengeance may be the Lord's but revenge shall be mine.

Kitty'sBoySpacey has graduated from the armor school of JS and Spaw (see above) He has learned to use tanks in groups. After a clever ambush of one of my kampfgruppe's he has managed to employ his forces en masse. Let's see, I believe he has been losing them at a rate of an average of 2 a turn. One interesting note is that a quartet of Tigers is blasting away at a Sherman jumbo (immobilized a couple of turns ago.) Despite being turned into zombie mush from the ringing of the multiple (and I do mean multiple hits) he will not die, at least from the front. Since this was an experiment in armor pentration, he shall be dispatched shortly.

Shandorffffffel continues his gamey tactics of sending a battalion down the board edge and insists on over running my positions. like I said a "gamey bastard" We are running low on artillery, ammo and velveeta, but my men are prepared to defend Western Civilization, even if futiley (MTV™, Survivor™ Bank of America™, Spam™) from the Hunnish foe.

Chrisl tongue.gif enough said, because I am beseeching the CM gods to provide reinforcements for the next battle because these have been squandered and wasted in the most futile of demonstrations of the PeterNZ Principle: If it starts badly, it will almost assuredly end worse Right Berli?

If there is anyone else Diealot™ll I can get back to you.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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So it's come to Sweden. This is one of the more promising developments, as with the suicide rate here, we'll be rid of at least some of the riff-raff in short order.

Speaking of Swedes... one of the world's slower starting scenarios is Bogged, and near Immobilized, with the perpetrator more interested in hosting miscreants, than being one. It sucks but it's all we've got, so lock and load. Have some expensive booze and plot that turn, there's a nice little fishy. Yum.

von Schkrewed feels my wrath in the Afterlife... suicide won't do either of us any good, we're already in Hell... Elvis prepares for the hammer he knows must fall... Peng returned a turn, a while back, did I mention that?... Pawbroom is still trying to crack the V-chip Emma put on his computer... Hamsters fled at my mere notice of them, harharharhar. Har. Harhar.

...perhaps the weekend will bring Turns. We can only hope... worthless wankers. TCP/IP sluts. Pacifists. Bah.

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Lorak Lorak Lorak Lorak.

You know playing in character can only go so far but you do have that whole disillusioned German military stereotype working in overdrive. Run for as long as you like. Taunt for as long as you like. Brag for whatever reason you would like. Every turn some German CO has come and told me that my time is up and every time that same person is either:

1.) Dead

2.) Captured

3.) Commanding what amounts to a Nazi custodial crew.

Which do you choose?


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Originally posted by Priest:

Lorak Lorak Lorak Lorak.

You know playing in character can only go so far but you do have that whole disillusioned German military stereotype working in overdrive. Run for as long as you like. Taunt for as long as you like. Brag for whatever reason you would like. Every turn some German CO has come and told me that my time is up and every time that same person is either:

1.) Dead

2.) Captured

3.) Commanding what amounts to a Nazi custodial crew.

Which do you choose?

I choose....

4.) Laughing my arse off that your men are so spooked that they are blowing up trees and running around screaming the "THE WOODS ARE ALIVE !

Hell it takes a great commander such as I. (pretend to be) Just to keep my men from blowing thier cover, rolling with laughter.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by jd:

In the battle of Evil Incarnate vs Evil Manifest it would seem that the things of the nether world are no match for the evilness of the world. I believe Berli's last words were, "It is no fun getting raped"

Actually, I believe my last message refered to sandpaper condoms

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Lorak, Wake up!

Lawyer starts the slow crawl from bottom feeder to pondscum.

Enter thusly:

Lawyer -- Major Victory (73)

Babra -- Evacuated, but Lost Anyway (27)

More Lawyer victories soon to follow. Keep your hands on your wallets, Lads. Pray earnestly, for the Lawyer (like athlete's foot and painful death), cometh to all in due course....


You're never alone with a schizophrenic.

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Has anyone seen this Swedish Dental Nurse in here ???? B00000IPAX.01.LZZZZZZZ.gif

NO? Well i will just have to take all the knives and forks then and leave.... biggrin.gif


"Alla Keefek" is a Brit soldier's corruption of an Arabic phrase. It

means "couldn't be bothered". A Firefly of the 4th County of London Yeomanry had it painted on the rear of the turret. This Firefly was knocked out by a Tiger from 501st SS.


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My guys just hope you have foxholes (it saves the work of digging your graves)

As you said in the game Lorak it sure is nice to be able to use artillery freely.

More importantly I guess is the fact that only one side needed to get to river to a win and the one that did not was the one who did.

Two words for ya


The campaign and in 8514 my friend.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-09-2001).]

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