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Ammo in CM2

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Every time i play a long scenario my guys run out of ammo early in the game. Most of it is because they see a mortar 500+ yards away and start shooting. Even after i cancel their target and tell them to hide. also the default 30 "shots" get used up really quickly in close encounters and hand to hand fights. Is it possible to give more ammo to the units, say 60 instead of 30? or maybe create a way to model each gun's ammo? :mad:

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In scenarios you create, you can give units up to 60 ammo. (40 is the default btw, not 30) The ammo number is kind of an abstraction, an average of how much ammo each unit has.

When defending, you should usually have your units hidden right from the beginning. Wait until the enemy gets nice and close and then blaze away.

Units with higher experience will tend to use up their ammo a lot slower, so you may be better off buying veterans.

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one way to avoid running out of amo is to have some units in a reserve of some kind like keep one platoon back away from combat( very's because some battle only have one or two platoons ), but save them for later in the battle when your units and maybe your enemy have low amo. Then you bring up that unit (I know its gamey)...and crush your opponent. Also buy some vehicles like Grayhounds they have bad ass 50mm MGs and they can cover your units when they are low on amo as well.

[ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: Rob/1 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

one way to avoid running out of amo is to have some units in a reserve of some kind like keep one platoon back away from combat...but save them for later in the battle when your units and maybe your enemy have low amo. Then you bring up that unit (I know its gamey)...and crush your opponent.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not gamey at all, Rob. That's a time-honored military tactic. Give yourself a pat on the back.



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i know to buy better guys and i always hid my guys i just want more ammo to be standard. BTS could this be standard in CM 2???60 "shots" from the squads? or for the quick battles to have a selector that lets you set the ammo ammount(like in Close Combat)?? It would be very.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

one way to avoid running out of amo is to have some units in a reserve of some kind...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Even better, rotate platoons on and off the firing line to give them a chance to rest up and regroup. It takes perfect timing if you're defending, and I'm only now beginning to use it, but it works very well.

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The best way I've found to keep your units from shooting is to simply move them out of LOS of enemy units, even when hidden.

I've almost had an entire Commando Skorzeny scenario ruined for me when a hidden "Elite" SS squad opened up on an Allied tank way before it had reached the ambush marker. Not very Elite behaviour if you ask me. The unruly squad paid with its cyber life when the other 7 tanks in the convoy opened up on it.

So if you want to guarantee ambush success you have to move your ambushing units out of LOS. Pretty lame, and I hope it gets fixed in CM2.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:


I've almost had an entire Commando Skorzeny scenario ruined for me when a hidden "Elite" SS squad opened up on an Allied tank way before it had reached the ambush marker.


Pretty lame, and I hope it gets fixed in CM2.


I've seen this behavior from time to time. They (or one of them) simply lost their (his)nerves and opened up too early. Which I feel is an accurate modelling of reality. BTW, it seems that low experience troops are much more prone to do this kind of things.

Just my opinion.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

What would be great is to have some way to resupply troops during combat.



I've thought about this a lot. I haven't actually done any research to see if it happened during the war, and if so, in which armies, but I do remember a section in Guy Sajer's book where his job was exactly this -- running ammo and supplies to troops under fire.

Now, I know Sajer's book has come under suspicion and also been stoutly defended by some on this board. I'm totally unqualified to make a judgement one way or the other, but its the only mention of this kind of thing that I can think of.

Except for, what I think was a mention, in Cornelius Ryan's book A Bridge Too Far, where he discusses how the British Airborne dropped with some extra ammo and buried it in a hole inside their lines at Arnhem.

Now that isn't exactly a normal situation, but it does involve troops being resupplied while fighting or darn close to it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

I haven't actually done any research to see if it happened during the war, ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Neither have I. But I do know how I, if a soldier in the Swedish army, is supposed to behave when I need more ammo during combat;

Take cover and wave with the weapon or an empty ammo case.

Then someone is supposed to come and bring me more ammo of the correct type.

We always had a supply (an extra case) of ammo ready in our vehicle less than 100m behind the platoon's firing positions.

This could come in handy, since standard personal ammo supply was four clips of ammo (plus what else you could squeeze into your pockets.)



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The supply truck filled to the hilt with ammo is a great idea...not only for the troops needing a top-up but also for the spectacular explosion it would create if hit by the opposing member. Spotting and killing the ammo truck would really throw the cat amongst the pigeons in a tight fight.

I like it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

Also buy some vehicles like Grayhounds they have bad ass 50mm MGs and they can cover your units when they are low on amo as well.

[ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: Rob/1 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Woo hoo! 5 c.m. machineguns! Where can I get hold of these uber weapons? tongue.gif


Jim R.

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If you REALLY want them to stay hidden and not fire simply use the Platoon HQ to lay some ambush markers 30m or so in front of the squads and have them hide and target them. Then unless the enemy runs right in front of you your guys wll not fire at anything.

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