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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

Easily the most succinct definition of yourself you've given to date.<hr></blockquote>Oh my Gawd, he's descended to "I know you are but what am I?" ... NOW we know why, although we wondered where Croda was, we never really MISSED him!


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Grreat weepy thangs on a burrnt stick! Ah knoo Ah owe some turrns, bu' ye kin tak a wee dunp an' fall back ain at.... Ah've bin perusin' mah noo video collection o' "The Color Of War" along wi' mah grrreat big Life "World War II" book. An' "Lord o tha Rings" as a bonny wee ditty as waill an' noo mistake.

Hiram, Ah appreciate ye perseverance ain wha as a distasteful an' trrucky task - ain ainsultin' tha Croda on a stick withoot haim thinkin' ye handin' hiam complimaints.

Goanna, Ah sae ye runnin' back tae tha sands o' Ali el bin Gattamattawhooflungmahdugarees rather than wait any longer fer tha setoop o' doom. At'll di ye noo guid, at'll folla' an' feend ye anyhoo!

Tha raist o' ye are a sloshy bag o' squid guts - tha bonnie wee lassies excaipted o' course.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, this whole Croda you suck! ... Huh uh, YOU suck Hiram! merry go round is just about more than I, or anyone else, wants to hear. If you MUST continue with this tiresome over and over and over repetitive potty taunting, at least include something about the game so that we know that you're not just recycling posts from 18 months ago.


[ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<hr></blockquote>

Joe, stupid, tired old Joe. It is as effort even to capitalize your name. I know that I have tread on your domain. You are king here. We are just visitors in your imaginary kingdom. I don't have a clue what a justicar is supposed to do. Are you in charge of something or someone? I think you are a tired old man sitting behind a computer pretending to be important. Sit there with your title and hope that maybe some day, somebody will notice you.

Now, if you follow the Jungian way of thinking, then... since I am quite inebriated now, you must be hearing from my other personality. That would be my subconscious. Hiram's subconscious would like nothing better than to kick Joe.

As for recycling, here is what I have to say: Turn your hearing aid on, Joe. I said...oh nevermind. I am what I am. God created me thusly. I am bone and sinew. I am sarcasm and spit. I am still the same individual I was this time last year although events have occurred to dim the hope I once had for justice in this world. That is another matter that should not concern you for they did not happen in your world, Joe. Still with me, or have you nodded off yet?

I state, with much veracity and quite a bit of alcoholic courage that you, Sir are guilty of the same misdemeanor that you accuse me of. Your same, tired prose bores my eyes on a daily basis. Your weak willed posts complain of new people and you beg us to stop them from trodding upon your lawn. Same thing, different year. I've tried to ignore you. But, this is simply wrong.

Here is some advice from one who you have disdained since his first consonant in this forum. Type from the diaphragm. Strive to not be a Seanachai junior. Grab your own identity and maybe we will start to respect you.

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Well, I seem to be back but still have no free time in which to send turns to the collective festering herpes sores that call themselves my opponents. Some friggin' genius decided to grant vacation over x-mas and new years to both 1st and 3rd shifts so I'm stuck working an inordinate amount of overtime. The same moron that granted time off to my useless co-workers devised a schedule for me worthy of Joseph Mengele involving working alternating 12 and 16 hour shifts. My sleep schedule is massively messed up and I haven't checked my email all week. I think the Army is going to retroactively grant me SEAR certification for this test of endurance. The only bright side is my paychecks have more overtime than regular hours which will allow me to purchase more gamey German things that go BANG! Upon further reflection I believe this explanation is much too cerebral for you collection of drooling, finger sniffing gits so I proffer this: I HATE YOU GITS! SODD OFF! You'll get a feckin' turn when I'm good and ready.

And to all a good night........


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Strive to not be a Seanachai junior. Grab your own identity and maybe we will start to respect you.<hr></blockquote>

Stop being so mean to poor, old Joe, you nazi bully-boy.

You know how sensitive and emotional the Justicar is and if anyone is going to make him cry, it's not going to be you.

If it takes you a belly full of liquor to give you the courage to pick on the 'pool's girly-man well, more shame on you.

We're with you Joe . Chin up little buckeroo!

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I must say that you sigline is the most horrifying thing I have ever read. Why would a man wish this upon another man? I've spent the last dozen odd years making sure this doesn't happen when I umm... make the two backed beast with a pretty young female (human you sicko 'strines, geesh!). People are so proud of their little bags of piss, poo and spittle and yet I'm constantly amazed they don't get rid of them so they can back to the fun part which is making them. Gotta admire the grit and tenacity of the ol' ratbrain. Brainstems of the world unite (and copulate)!


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Hiram, Hiram, Hiram, Hiram ... and Hiram. I recall with great clarity your first tentative steps into the pool, with many a "please sir, may I be the doormat today, sir?" and the occassional "what a jolly lot of fellows here, would it be taken amiss if I were to join in?" and the odd "Oh no, sir, it's not that I actually MIND Sir Bauhaus, not exactly, but he does, well ... STARE so doesn't he?"

You see lad, in those far off days you had a certain ... style. Forlorn, pathetic, even pitiful but a style. It was something ... different and that was a GOOD thing. Now though, you've fallen in with the wrong crowd. They seem to think that merely stringing insulting words together in any old fashion is enough. Well lad ... it ISN'T!

You have to ask "What is a Justicar?" when the correct question is "What is NOT a Justicar". Now we all realize that your absence from our midst has left you without guideposts to the current situation ... we don't care. If you can't be bothered to do the hard work of catching up then it's to be YOUR loss.

I am not a King, merely a poor struggling Justicar trying to do his duty as Gawd gives me the light to see that duty. And in the twilight of my years my heart will return here and my last thoughts shall be of the Pool, and the Pool ... and the Pool.














And it's going to PISS ME OFF if you're still posting tripe, so snap it up boyo and post something that doesn't bore the socks off Seanachai ... and we all know what a high tolerance HE has.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I am still the same individual I was this time last year although events have occurred to dim the hope I once had for justice in this world.

Strive to not be a Seanachai junior. Grab your own identity and maybe we will start to respect you.<hr></blockquote>

There's no one over the age of 25 that wants justice, lad. As you get older, you vastly prefer mercy.

And 'Seanachai' juniour? My name's being bandied about in a number of odd and unsavoury ways, lately. Don't make me turn my hand to a bit of writing to straighten you all out.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

There's no one over the age of 25 that wants justice, lad. As you get older, you vastly prefer mercy.


Gosh how I hate to start something, but I'm over 25 and I certainly enjoy a good dose of justice with my mercy. I even enjoy a good dose of justice with my McDonald's french fries and McChicken. Justice is served well warm, cold, or on a kaiser roll with a dill pickle spear. I believe some ninny even entitled a Justicar of this thread. Would not justice be the root word of justicar? (Gosh I hope I'm right or Andreas will lambast me again for my pathetic American education).

Mercy is what didn't happen that makes the justice necessary.

And Hiram, if you think that I'll forget about machine-gunning those Iowa farmboys trying desparately to live long enough to see the inside of that house, then you're as deluded as Shaw. Send the turn you cretin, or I'll tell Joe that you were secretly badmouthing the MBT and laugh as I watch him go medievally self-righteous on your candy ass.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

People are so proud of their little bags of piss, poo and spittle and yet I'm constantly amazed they don't get rid of them so they can back to the fun part which is making them.<hr></blockquote>

You wouldn't be here to enjoy it if it weren't for your mom and dad changing your diapers and wiping your snot, you selfish, ungrateful git. Sheesh!

BTW your excuses are NOT acceptable. Send a turn, even if it means sacrificing a few bleary minutes of your beauty sleep.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hiram, Hiram, Hiram, Hiram ... and Hiram. I recall with great clarity your first tentative steps into the pool...

And it's going to PISS ME OFF if blah blah

*Tripe edited for the sake of brevity


Yes, you would remember my first splash in the pool because you, Joe, were here before me. You'll be here after me. I had to edit your response because you are oh so much like the originator of verbosity. That would be Seanachai

I'm curious. What would you do if I really pissed you off? Ignore me? hehe

Edited to add a response to Croda because I am bored of messing with Joe.

Croda You'll get your turn when I send it and not a moment sooner. The more caterwauling I hear from your end of the pool means the slower turnaround time. It was you who challenged me, Sparky!! So, take that lower lip, pull it up over your head and swallow.

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


I wonder if that is the justicarrot's website.<hr></blockquote>Gawd I hope not! I mean, sure, there are those blank days to account for but I think I'd have remembered and anyway I didn't see ANYTHING in there about little grey men with big eyes so it doesn't seem related.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joey:

...anyway I didn't see ANYTHING in there about little grey men with big eyes so it doesn't seem related.


So if you had a web page it would have pictures of Andreas all over it? Wierd.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

So if you had a web page it would have pictures of Andreas all over it? Wierd.<hr></blockquote>Now Croda, part of the problem with your current spate of postings is that you simply post without asking yourself, "Does this make ANY sense at all or am I simply posting to be posting?" In the above referenced instance it's clear that the later was in force.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now Croda, part of the problem with your current spate of postings is that you simply post without asking yourself, "Does this make ANY sense at all or am I simply posting to be posting?" In the above referenced instance it's clear that the later was in force.


Which is in stark contrast to your prosaic additions to the thread, the purpose of which are to comment on everyone else's comments and explain why they are still not at your level. It was as plain as the self-righteousness on your face that my post was aimed at hurling a random disparaging remark towards Andreas for no reason other than to do so. You, in wearing your wit on your sleeve, allowed that point to sail by the point catcher sitting on top of your pencil-neck and dismissed it as a waste of 3 inches of MBT space. Peut-être you could make a better effort to donate a modicum of you spare brain cycles towards the decryption of gibberish-riddled post such as the one in question. Given a little practice, I imagine you could endeavor to advance to a point where you actually get jokes and laugh at them with the rest of us. Come on, Joey, it's time to come play with the rest of the kids.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Given a little practice, I imagine you could endeavor to advance to a point where you actually get jokes and laugh at them with the rest of us. Come on, Joey, it's time to come play with the rest of the kids.<hr></blockquote> Croda lad, there is a substantial difference between "not getting" an example of sophisticated, clever wit and "not laughing" at an example, such as yours, that simply makes no sense.

Is Andreas grey? NO! Does Andreas have big eyes? NO! Is Andreas an alien? Well, the jury is still out on that but your comparision fails on the two counts that matter.

Perhaps you might attempt humor that is more to your level ... Double Bubble comic strips should provide you with a wealth of such material AND you get bubble gum too!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally whined by Cole Slaw:

I grow old...I grow old...

I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.


Is Andreas gray?

An odd, pasty white that many will agree is close enough.

Does Andreas have big eyes?

Small, beady ones behind small, beady glasses. Surely the paradox strikes you.

Is Andreas an alien?

I also will defer this question to later as alien is still such a subjective term.

As for Double Bubble...I heard that if you blowhard the bubble will be full of hot air and it can swell to gigantic proprtions. An odd coincidence.

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Unlike the case with most of you bunch of low-life barely sentient scum, there are at least some pictures of the handsome diwil that is me abroad, and I shall leave it up to others to draw conclusions from the absence of your pictures.

Went to see Lord of the Rings last night. Bloody good movie. Go see it if you have not done so. If you have, go see it again. Keeps you lot occupied and out of (more) trouble.

Tossers. Crappy new year to all of you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

Unlike the case with most of you bunch of low-life barely sentient scum, there are at least some pictures of the handsome diwil that is me abroad, and I shall leave it up to others to draw conclusions from the absence of your pictures.

Went to see Lord of the Rings last night. Bloody good movie. Go see it if you have not done so. If you have, go see it again. Keeps you lot occupied and out of (more) trouble.

Tossers. Crappy new year to all of you.<hr></blockquote>Ah well, Andreas, you must forgive Croda (actually you needn't if you don't choose, merely a figure of speech). He hasn't yet learned that there should be a REASON for a post beyond practicing keyboarding. His attempted comparison of you to an small grey alien fell flat on it's face and he is too embarrassed to admit it.

As to Lord of the Rings, I concur wholeheartedly and plan on seeing it again as soon as possible.

As to your sig, I happened across "Quartered Safe Out Here" again and am re-reading it myself. My, but the man has a way with words doesn't he? He's one of my favorite authors of all time.

Oh and Stuka, you'll be pleased to know that (AaA) I've not yet completed the no doubt gripping turn you sent and (aAa) I've created a mission in IL-2 in your honor ... a couple of green JU-87s get bounced by my Mig3U. Unfortunately the bloody things have rear gunners (who'd have thought) and they are bloody good. Each time I've been shot down in flames and I've managed to kill exactly ONE Stuka and that one crashed AFTER I died so it doesn't count ... UbiSoft, fix or do somefink!


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Roight you prancing gits. I've made a damndely-damn fine scenario that I want you losers to test thoroghly. It's a bit too big to be a Byte battle but I thoroghly recommend it for hotseat or pbem play. Size-wise it's about the same as Riesberg the old classic.

Send me a gawdam email and tell me who you're playing. It doesn't work against the AI as it is far too clever by half. It's about as balanced as a snake with armpits but hey, it's not about winning after all.

It's about making the other guy lose.

And turns will go out to everyone tomorrow. I've been creating again and you know what that does to me.


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