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Going Under the Knife and CM Withdrawl

Guest barrold713

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Guest barrold713

Howdy Fellow CM addicts

On Tuesday March 13, I am going to have surgery to repair a herniated disc in my back. I was thinking I was going to have a longer wait but after the surgeon saw how poorly I was able to walk, he found a spot for me in his booked schedule and fit me in.

This is my first surgery and the first time I have had to be hospitalized so I am a little concerned at facing the unknown.

Additionally, after the surgery, I am looking at about a month where I may not be able to play CM!!!

Why do you ask? Well the fortress of solitude known at my house as "Man Town" where my Destination Big Screen computer is located, is in the basement, and I am not supposed to use the stairs more than once or twice a day. Not having bathroom facilities downstairs, my ability to get to the computer is going to be severely limited.

So beyond a general request for some positive waves to be directed my way on Tuesday, how should I best cope with the CM withdrawl?

I will look forward to being able to catch up with the board ASAP (barring some unforseen horrible complication..God forbid)

and I wish my best regards to BTS and all of the other people here who make this game such an addicting blast to play.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Originally posted by barrold713:

Howdy Fellow CM addicts

On Tuesday March 13, I am going to have surgery to repair a herniated disc in my back. I was thinking I was going to have a longer wait but after the surgeon saw how poorly I was able to walk, he found a spot for me in his booked schedule and fit me in.

This is my first surgery and the first time I have had to be hospitalized so I am a little concerned at facing the unknown.

Additionally, after the surgery, I am looking at about a month where I may not be able to play CM!!!

Why do you ask? Well the fortress of solitude known at my house as "Man Town" where my Destination Big Screen computer is located, is in the basement, and I am not supposed to use the stairs more than once or twice a day. Not having bathroom facilities downstairs, my ability to get to the computer is going to be severely limited.

So beyond a general request for some positive waves to be directed my way on Tuesday, how should I best cope with the CM withdrawl?

I will look forward to being able to catch up with the board ASAP (barring some unforseen horrible complication..God forbid)

and I wish my best regards to BTS and all of the other people here who make this game such an addicting blast to play.


some good books and movies(light hearted happy stuff hopefully not involving slapstick & surgery)



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Guest barrold713

LMAO...let's go through that conversation with my wife:

Me: I need a laptop to play CM during my recovery.

Wife: You haven't been able to work for two months and you want to buy another computer to play a game?!?

Me: Sure, but I'll be able to use it for other stuff too...besides you'll be able to use it too.

Wife: Not only no, but @$*# no (stomping off to hide my pain medication)


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Originally posted by barrold713:

Not having bathroom facilities downstairs, my ability to get to the computer is going to be severely limited.... how should I best cope with the CM withdrawl?

A few suggestions:

a) have the basement remodeled while you're in the hospital, adding a bathroom.


B) get a can or a chamber pot, or even one of those little portable camp toilets( http://www.rei.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=659678&prmenbr=8000 )


c) move the computer upstairs.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 03-10-2001).]

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Let me tell ya what happens. I am going on week three without CM. My 2.5 yr old boy has misplaced my disk. I had made a backup as insurance, but discovered it does not work given the protection scheme BTS has employed. I have taken the place apart, to no avail. I have also begged to BTS-- but as yet have not heard anything.

So what happens without CM? Some examples...

Well, as you are laying in bed contemplating your next move (in my case, if I can remember it)-- the clock is not reading a blurry 1:37 am-- but 10:01 pm!!!

Your wife gets accostomed to the new CM-less schedule. (This is your biggest concern.) She gets used to having you around again.

I am coping by finishing the first of Churchill's six volumes on the war. That glorious, pompous, self-inflated, ex-PM and his anecdotes ARE NOT HELPING MY WITHDRAWAL THOUGH!!!

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Not to mention the ripple effect of your PBEM opponents going through withdrawal too. Not only you, but my usual opponent is having computer troubles and the new guy from Finland is away for the weekend.

To help you out on remembering your last move, it was all your Shermans blowing up. HTH.

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Guest barrold713

Actually we are planning on modding the basement but money is going to be an issue until I get back to work in a month or so.

Unfortunately my wife isn't capable of lifting the 150 pound monitor or moving the computer upstairs would be a good option.

In all seriousness, I'll probably just see how things feel and move around modestly at first and go from there.

At least the disc I am going to have removed is not my copy of CM. That would truly be traumatic.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Originally posted by barrold713:

Unfortunately my wife isn't capable of lifting the 150 pound monitor or moving the computer upstairs would be a good option.

Easy; as soon as you get back have a couple of strong friends for dinner. After dinner you just ask 'em: By the way, could you guys help me out with something... Works every time. wink.gif

Good luck Barrold!

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Had that surgery a couple of years ago my friend. It'll be a bummer at first, but soon you'll be fit as a fiddle. No more not being able to tie your shoes. No more fidgeting in place every 20 seconds to try and alleviate that phantom pain shooting from your hip down the back of your leg.

I had a ruptured and a herniated fixed (L5S1&2), but was up and around pretty good after about a week. Here's to your rapid recovery and return to the battlefield.


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I am in the process of recovering from just such surgery (5th week post surgery). The surgery went well (no more sciatica) and the recovery has been pretty fast although it may take 3-4 weeks before you feel comfortable sitting for more than 15 minutes. My surgeon recommended lots of walking and I do think it has helped alot. I think you'll definitely feel decent between 4-6 weeks after surgery.

Note, make sure you have someone there to help you at home cause you're not going to be able to reach much or lift it if you can reach it for that matter. Just be patient (pun intended 8^) and take it easy and I'm sure you will recover nicely.

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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by barrold713:

Howdy Fellow CM addicts

On Tuesday March 13, I am going to have surgery...

I can well appreciate your situation. On Wednesday, Feb. 28th. they were wheeling me into the OR at the precise instant that the Northwest earthquake hit. I guess it was the Big Guy Upstairs announcing he was in a playful mood. I was very slow recovering from the aenesthetic, so they clapped me in the ICU, where from time to time during the night I would briefly come to and see myself surrounded by concerned faces, then conk back out. I was registering low oxygen levels and having great difficulty putting words together to communicate with the nursing staff. Finally at one point I said, "I'm not sure if staying alive is really worth all this trouble," rolled over and went back to sleep.

To make a long story short, after many tests the medical staff decided that I had come down with a heavy case of the flu just as the operation began. I lost ten pounds in 48 hours, and was pretty thoroughly wiped out. I still don't have much energy for anything beyond sitting in front of this computer. Thank god it's no longer a major effort just to do that. I still haven't gotten around to playing CM yet, and there are a couple of battles I'd really like to finish.

As for what you will need to do during your own recovery period, you've already received some excellent suggestions. To which I would add that this might be an especially good time to take up some form of meditation. When it's hard even to move, you can always turn inward and find what you need there, whether it is peace and beauty or a figurative kick in the butt.

Good luck and I hope you are well soon.


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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Old Crow:

Have you x-rayed the lad?


For a CD? You must have some interesting ideas on how it would have been ingested that I hope you will share with all of us.



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My reply chimes in with several others;

1) Move the cpu upstairs via beefy friends.

2) Buy a new 17" monitor, they are less than $300 for a good one, and you can spin it into a new system for your wife after you recover ('All we need to spend is another $600 for a cpu for you).

3) Kiss CM goodbye and get with Amazon, Powell's or Abe's used books (I'll supply the URL if you ask) and buy a couple books to read while recuperating.


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The only thing I am a veteran of is Surgery

I've had 28 of them so my thoughts and prayers are with you.

(I walk around on more of American Industry than I do original parts...

Metal detectors at airports are particularly fun)

Now to your dilemma

My advice is try to find somebody to move that computer. Nothing will help your recovery more than forgetting you are trying to recover.

I personally know of nothing better at making me forget MY daily troubles than having a Shreck team reduce all my armour to flaming hulks in only two turns frown.gif

So Fellow CM'ers are there any of you who live close enough to help this guy move his computer

Good Luck


"The Trouble with Normal is it only gets Worse"

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Guest barrold713

Perhaps I won't need surgery at all.

Yes that's it...I'm getting better...I'm happy...think I'll go for a nice jog and shovel the driveway...No old sawbones has to cut me open and lay me up for a month. I'll just get used to living under the influence of vicodin and flexoril. Just watch me go...

OUCH..OW..CRAP...Where's my heating pad. Pills...give me pills...sweetie help me into my chair..OW! Not so fast...maybe a beer will make them work faster....

OK I'll go on Tuesday...Crud

Thanks for the suggestions and positive waves everyone


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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