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These 'Peng' threads are pure nonsense, but liked by BTS (for whatever reason).

It has nothing to do with CMBO, and is obviously for people who think that they share some certain type of 'humour'.

It adds nothing to the game, but, even if off-topic, is obviously tolerated.

Just ignore it.


[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Fred ]

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One must also notice that as often as Peng Threads are reborn in all their Phoenix like glory, those what's a Peng it's a waste of bandwidth come along.

Vultures really.

The question is NOT what's a Peng?

It should rather be, do I have what it takes to be a Peng?

Play one and cry little boy...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:

These 'Peng' threads are pure nonsense, but liked by BTS (for whatever reason).

It has nothing to do with CMBO, and is obviously for people that think that they share some certain type of 'humour'.

It adds nothing to the game, but, even if off-topic, is obviously tolerated.

Just ignore it.


So if it's nothing to do with CMBO, what game do you think they are playing?

I don't participate, but I enjoy reading them. Some days they are the only thing worth reading. Then again I like that sort of humour - the funny sort smile.gif.

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Yadda yadda, waste of bandwidth.

Here's a thought, geniuses - it's BTS' job to keep these boards running smoothly. If the Peng threads were really dragging down performance that badly, don't you think they would have locked Peng up and thrown away the key?

I prefer not to read all the "Why doesn't CM model French hookers?!" and "My country can beat up your country" threads but I deal with them. So deal.

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Chupacabra ]

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The peng threads are all about playing the game. Nobody argues about running with MG42s, nobody worries about the thickness of the mantlet on the KT, unbalanced force selections are de rigeur (often set up by a third party). It's not whether you win or lose--it's how well you taunt your opponent in the process. The taunting is pretty much the same thing that went on over board games 20 years ago, but now it's on the web.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumbo:

The 'Peng' threads artificially boost the number of posts to the discussion board and waste bandwidth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Much like 10,000 threads asking the time-old question: "How do I take a screen shot, and how do I view all of the movies strung together. BTS, do somefink!"

My suggestion is much like what you'll tell me regarding these repetitious threads: If you don't like it, don't read it. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What's up with these huge threads that say nothing useful and only slow down the loading of the web page?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What's up with these threads that say that the Peng threads say nothing useful and only slow down the loading of the web page?

Good question, let me ask another, what's your favorite color? Red ... NO BLUE!

Beauty, my friend, is in the eye of the beholder, as is value and humor. If you want to see something slow down the loading of the page, check out some of the Mod previews people post. If you want to see something useless, how about reviewing the endless rehashing of already dead and buried topics (i.e. Real time CM).

I am prejudiced, I have been a 'pooler for a long, long time and truly enjoy the comraderie I find there. But I wouldn't enjoy it as much were it not for the core and heart of the 'pool ... Combat Mission. Only a great game like CM can inspire the kind of loyalty and longevity that causes nut cases like us to form our own little sub-community. You may not, obviously, care for our humor or the style we use. We don't care for the endless dull, boring, interminable discussions of the ability to run with a HMG (to clarify that, we DO care but we trust BTS to come up with the right answer). EACH TO THEIR OWN.

Finally, BTS has made it clear that they tolerate the Peng Threads within certain limits and we try to follow those limits. They don't slow down the page any more than any other postings and as to their value ... Madmatt thinks we're funny ... so there :D

And Chupacabra, thanks for the words of support ... now come home, your corner is still waiting and there's some lovely flotsom that's collected there.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:

[QB]but it wastes time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So don't read it? How much time does it "waste" to see Peng thread, process that Peng = don't read, and continue scanning up the page?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>true-blue grogs do not taunt, they play...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow, I hope you someday realize how incredibly pretentious that sounds. I'm sure grogdom appreciates you appointing yourself its spokesman.

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Nice reply Joe, I agree wholeheartedly EXCEPT for that annoying smiley at the end -- you know how Peng feels about those.

Then, on second thought, given how Peng feels about those - let's use them more often. smile.gif:D;)

Peng is enjoyable to some, not to others. That's okay.

However, I personally find the following amusing:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I guess it's supposed to be a friendly game of insult exchanging, I could give a crap. I try not to read them. . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dunnee, weren't you the guy who came into the Peng thread, got embarrassed, and then posted a thread complaining about how mean and nasty some of those awful Peng'ers were (read from about the fifth post on - your comments devolve from whining to defensive, obscenity laced rants worthy of a ten year old).

I just find it amusing you would post that you "could give a crap" about the Peng thread when you obviously gave enough of a crap to whine about it to MadMatt! Hypocritical, I would say.

Y'all take care now, ya' hear.


[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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But first, a few words.

The Peng Threads are permitted to exist for several reasons chief of which "WE THINK THEY ARE FUNNY!" and last time I checked , which was about 13 seconds ago, this was and still is our board to run as we see fit. And we do amd will continue to do so.

If you are going to wade into the cesspool then a thick layer of skin (or biohazard suit) is going to be a must BUT I have gone in there myself from time to time to make sure they keep it at to at least some level of decency.

I don't care where someone hails from, the rules of common civility still apply here and when someone goes off on a rant and it's F'in This and F'in That, well then its time to put the brakes on and bust some heads, which is what I do best.

So, everyone just chill, accept the fact that while we run this board as best we can it may not always seem fair to you, go outside, take a deep breathe and put everything into perspective once and a while. This is just a web based message board on the internet. its not some holy writ, it's not the unfinished symphony and it's occasionally choked full of detritus and spew, but it is also a repository for some of the best and brightest and eductaed minds I have ever met and many of the relationships that have formed here are strong indeed.

So, don't worry about how far is too far, just participate in the discussions that interest you and leave the others alone, try and keep the language to nothing worse than you might hear on network TV and get up and walk away from your computer before you launch into some sort of personal attack on someone.

We don't ask much of people here...Just be cool with each other, have some fun and who knows, you might come away a little smarter for the time invested...


This should explain the "Peng" threads.

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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I never entered one of those rediculous Peng threads, so please, after 20 years of wargaming, I still like to discuss game topics (even about one or two inch more of armor on any tank), and not be a member of wannabee stand-up comedians.

Poolers are def not the 'elite' of CM fans, and they should live with it; when it all started (you saw my number?), there was no PENG pool, there were just 'boring' grogs that commented on the game...and it worked.

So, stay in your 'pools' and let us discuss game topics...and all will be good.


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I think the Peng threads are a disgrace and an affront to all that is holy.

But mostly I'm jealous I didn't get in on the ground floor.

I'd also miss them if they left - the old BTS homestead would be empty without them.

Peng has acquired a life of its own, and is even talked about on other boards. If it draws people here and gets them involved in Combat Mission, even if out of curiousity - so much the better.

And I shamefully admit that while I don't often read their posts, the few I do read quite often have a richness of expression, as well as some damn clever banter.

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I don't think I've ever actually read a Peng thread but I don't see what the big deal is about it being here. It's kind of a tradition on the board and I don't see where it harms anything nor anybody. If your not into what they do in there don't read the thread.

The Cess Poolers are as much a part of this BB as threads like "The Trajectory on the UberwaffenbuttsnorkleIV is off by 2 degrees!!!" We have lots of different threads in lots of different flavors read what interests you and forget the rest and just be happy.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Fred said:

bla bla grogs bla bla<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Where do you get off mate? Some of the most educated and erudite members of this board post to the peng thread. And i'm not talking people who've pushed cardboard for 20 years, i'm talking former military, historians, and various experts in their fields. Why do they do it? Because they choose not to spend their time on the anal fixation that can exist over certain silly issues on this board.

Some of them have contributed greatly to CM as we know it today, some of them still do. In the end, we Poolers do nothing harmfull to anyone else and help any folk that asks for it (outside the pool of course!).

As for us not playing games, what a joke! I think poolers probably have some of the greatest number of games on at one time of any group of CMers so we're not different from anyone else.

If your board game group consisted of sober (in all senses of the word) disucssions of the likelihood of one piece of cardboard eliminating another and never had taunting, jibes or laughter, well i think you've missed something!


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it looks as if we have different opinions on this topic. So should it be.

I now end this fruitless and boring discussion and spend some time with Mr. Stephen King.

You can go back and have fun with your "Poolers".


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Fred, do grow up. There is no such thing as a "bad" CM fan or a "good" CM fan. Just fans. If anyone has a claim to being an "elite" CMer - it is every one of us.

Personally though, I reserve apellations like "elite" for those who actually join the forces, maybe serve in a real operation or two. Certainly don't apply it to someone proud of the fact that he "plays games" for 20 years.

Besides, coming in early doesn't mean you know more.

Enjoy your King.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Besides, coming in early doesn't mean you know more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks Michael.

Sometimes those chaps could be more arrogant and offensive than bonafide Poolers.

Throwing his number like a poker chit is quite disrespectful for those who registered later on and contributed far more.

Besides, Berlichtingen is #40 which is 2 above Steve.

So what do that tell Fred about numbers?

As a side note, we Poolers have played so much game that we are most certainly the least gamey bastards around because we know for a fact that the fun is in the proceedings.

That makes us knowledgeable punks also since we have seen all kind of weird things since the beta testing and did our fair share of bug reports.

Now if those who have a problem with Peng would care enough to do a search, they'll find that more often than not answers are given by Poolers who tend to behave properly when in the regular board.

That's not the case for most of the others...

And for those who are still not convinced, Peng Threads numbered well over 10000 posts surely now.

Each time it had been questionned BTS had kept that Thread going on.

Respecting BTS work is also respecting BTS choices and position.

There is a Rogue Peng Thread with regular Poolers outside this URL so that the worst of what we can fathom won't splash on BTS image and fend off wannabe buyers.

How many of you think of what you are posting in term of global interrest for the community and cross rating that in Grog factor?

Give us a break...

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To you that say the Peng thread hath no value… I offer one of yesterday’s “Pool” PBEM reports on a game.

Abbott and I havoc wreak destruction. My halftracks are much thanks to plane die-a-lot. His tanks and TDs are my Tigers meet and cease to normally proper function. We lack many forces of which we began. We fight with sticks and objects of moreover less deathly.

PBEM Report

Me plane be good but brings only little enough bombs. Many machine bullets from high up go to halftracks, halftracks smoke good and flame. Bleeped out's Tiger's be evil to hills. Me tanks be toast. German infantry be nowhere anymore soon. Allied infantry be everywhere soon that Tigers not be. Zooks carry not more rounds but only a few. Me like zooks and want zooks to like Tigers much.

Now knowye (or is that knowyeha) of one of the values of the “Peng” thread.

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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