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I stood in line all night for CM2, and all I got was this lousy Peng Challenge TShirt

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

To The Pool,

the competition will be very stiff.

Sincerely, Treeburst155


Geez, why doesn't he just come right out and ask for Bauhaus? Teacher's pet!

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I hate you, Pawbroon.

The amount of drivel posted by cesspoolers has suddenly grown at an exponential rate due to your stinking competition, and to keep well informed *HAH*, I have to read the whole bloody lot!

The terrible thing is that the typical post is now 500 paragraphs of mind numbingness, rather than the usual 1 or 2!


And for what? 6 bottles of French Wine.


I hate you, I loathe you, and I hope the bogies drop off your AFVs in your next CM game (btw, this is a collective hate to be directed to all of you).


Oh yes, while I'm at it...I'll be tinkering with my PC tonight so expect no turns for at least another 24 hours

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

competition will be very stiff.


Shandy Duncan always enjoys a little stiff (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more) Competition.

I nominate Jefe to kick some Boardie ass.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

To The Pool,

I personally would consider it an honor if the members of the Pool would choose from among their own a representative to take part in WineCape's Invitational CM Tourney.

I've enjoyed reading the Peng thread for many months (years?) now and feel the forum and the CM community in general would lack a certain something if there were no Pool. I also know there is a fair amount of CM talent among you. Since we are trying to organize a tournament of prominent CM citizens and/or very skilled players it would be a crime not to invite The Pool to send one of their own as The Pool is both prominent and skilled IMO.

If The Pool is interested simply send me a name within 72 hours so I can send your representative a formal invitation complete with the tournament mechanics, etc.. I would suggest you nominate one of your best tacticians as the competition will be very stiff.

Sincerely, Treeburst155


I would nominate Mark IV to represent us, if he is willing, especially as he overcame the rigging, skullduggery, backstabbing and politicking to emerge victorious in the Lawyer's Cup.

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I'll be tinkering with my PC tonight <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

'Tinkering"?, Is that what you call it?

First Sheep and now PC's.

Mace, have you NO morals?

Animal, vegetable or mineral, you will do anything to anything won't you?

A 'Collosal Pervert' is the term that springs to mind.

*Sniff* Good on ya mate!

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Personally, I think it would be in the pools best tradition that either Hiram, Croda or Seanachai be Our Brave Sir Knaggit Champion Croda is out because he's been AWOL too long, but by the merit of hisrecord in Pool play Hiram is defintely a front runner. Now Seanachai could render them ineffective hors de combat due to excessive windage, and besides he manages the most draws. I'd like to see the winner 0-0-10!

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A Short Drama

By Mark IV

The Cast:

Mark IV as Himself

A Disgusting Piece of Lint, as Panzer Leader

A Witless Boor, as MrSpkr

BPS Upland Special as Itself

(A dimly lit rural scene. There are scattered trees, gentle slopes, and a village; it is damp, but none of this matters. Mark IV is seated on a log, with a green and yellow box of 3” Remington Nitro Express Magnum shells, #4 shot, 1200 fps+ muzzle veolicty. He is caressing the gleaming walnut straight English-cut grip of the BPS Upland Special with a peaceful expression.)

(Panzer Leader and MrSpkr enter, stage right.)

BPS Upland Special: Bang. Bang.

Panzer Leader: Aaaaarrrgggh.

MrSpkr: Thud.

(They die.)


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A lone mounted figure glides ghostly though the heat-shimmered haze, cast an opalescent hue, to the dust it is due. A scarggly, rusting fence parallels the path of the rider a-horsed, and our hero intently settles his attention upon the rusting, patched strands of barbed wire. Opposite our hero, held back by the fence, are the yapping, scrapping Junior members, flushed with the thrill of dreams become real upon their cathode-rayed replacements for the reality they so desperately seek to avoid. They Yap, and they snap, at our lone horseman, repeatedly denied their flesh consuming desperation to escape the pain of their existence in an attempt to experience that Nirvana of bliss implanted into their piles of grey sludge by that game of games, the grail most holy-played, Squad Leader. And I’m not talking about that crap “Advanced, completely incoherent unless you have a photographic memory of anachronyms” type junk either. Occasionally a giant Grog, hairy and Hoary in tooth and nail, (and that tooth is a frickken’ 7.345.90 caliber doo-hickey with a muzzle velocity of umpteen billion damned-by-the-war-gods-above miles a frikken’ hour) trundles to the fence, and brandishes a club composed of books, both in and out of print.

. Gather round, Children of the Mutha’ Beautiful Thread.

So the rider rides on, until he notices the weathered and red-rusted strands of that wire dip dangerously towards the parched, gray dirt. Some posts holding up the strand lean crazily, letting the strands of barbed uncomfortability lay dragging upon the earth. The these places, the hoards, of Grogs, Juniors and perpetually curious spill across the fence, and tumble loosely into the green fields hidden by the illusionary wall of disdain.

Our hero un-mounts, and kneels in the grey dust of boredom that coats the border.

“This,” says our mustachioed writer, digging at the post with a knife drawn deftly from its “Newbie-Git” leather sheath, “is a bad fecckin’ post! Look at it. All toilety-toilety tee-hee crap from the outer boards.”

The rider’s mount bends its head, ears pricked forward in anticipatory thought.

“Had the person who made this post put some thought, some clever thought, yeah verily, a little class, Perchance even some real wit, it would not have succumbed to the restless, grasping, worthless masses of the outer boards.” The pale horse nods it’s head in adamant confirmation as the rider produces a small keyboard and screen from his mount’s saddlebags.

As he begins to ponder, plan, and research his incarnation of a stronger, more witty post, there is a restless, mindless surge of gits, ill-begotten squires, and “Wanna-be-Peng-Grogs” coalesce, rushing the point where the weak post has let the fence fall. Our here throw up his post, scabbed together with wit, and style, and verve. The Outer-Board-Horde slams against the imaginary boundary set by the Border Guard. They are cast back, but the barbed strand sinks lower. Our hero talks into what appears to be a watch; “We could use a little reinforcement here. All Post makers, Lip breakers, and gitkillers, report to……..

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

I would nominate Mark IV to represent us, if he is willing, especially as he overcame the rigging, skullduggery, backstabbing and politicking to emerge victorious in the Lawyer's Cup.


Au contraire, Moribundity.

Mark IV "won" the esteemed Lawyer's Cup like a fat boy kills a frog in a pail with a bat. Or like George W. "won" the presidency.

It was a stolen contest. Only my calm demeanor under fire, as well as my charitable and gracious acceptance of that unholy situation, kept it from becoming a cause celebre that could have torn apart the Peng Nation.

Mark IV can represent Dried Doo Doo on a Fresno sidewalk, and that's about all.

Let the record be clear.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

'Tinkering"?, Is that what you call it?

First Sheep and now PC's.

Mace, have you NO morals?

Animal, vegetable or mineral, you will do anything to anything won't you?

A 'Collosal Pervert' is the term that springs to mind.

*Sniff* Good on ya mate!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can categorically state that my PC is consenting!


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Pansy Litter almsot gets it right - thre are defintely 3 types of inhabitants in the cess pool....

Those elders who fondly think that they're swiming in clear water........like the Kay-nig-hits of old they are mostly parasites with little or no purpose in the scheme of things otehr than to try to preserve their own privileges.

Then there's the squares - those realtive newcomers who aspire to kay-nig-hit-hood. they think that they will get a clear view of things if only they could get elevated out of the muck......so they attach themselves to some kay-nig-hit or otehr in the hope of getting some sort of lift or ride to the upper levels. Parasites one and all....in fact parasites on the coat tails of parasites!

Then there's the SSN's - like all good submarines they know they don't have to surface so they run deep, if not silent...

But of course with all the stirring that goes on the....um....water quality is exactly the same at all levels - ther's ain't such a thing as grades of ****! The only difference between us all is that we SSN's know that thisplace smells bad, while all you ponces think it smells sweet!

A cesspool by any other name would still stink!

Now for all those that find my presence here distasteful I can only suggest that you stop breathing. Then I won't have to put up with your mealy mouthed mewling, and maybe in time your typing will cease too.

As an underworked and overpaid civil servant I have a duty to abuse the taxpayers resources by spending as much of my working day swimming in cess as I can........I see no reason to be either civil or anyone's servant here.

So you are all invited to get used to it.

Marshmellow - who are you, and why do you bother addressing me at all? I would hapily crush you underfoot, but you'er all soft and squishy and would just stick to my boot........ah....of course...the quintisential pooler. Shame about the colour tho' - pink is a panty colour, not a cess pool shade!

Barfandchuck - don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open boy....some nasty old sea captain might put something in it...do you like chicken boy....when are you going to send me something??

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Oh dear....poor old Macey's pets are all going to be treated to reduce air pollution:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Australian farmers are signing up their sheep and cattle in droves to take part in a vaccine program aimed at reducing harmful methane gas emissions from their animals and help take the heat off global warming.

Australia's 114 million sheep and 27 million cattle are prolific producers of methane by flatulence and burping. They produce total methane emissions equivalent to 60 million tons of carbon dioxide, or 14 percent of the country's greenhouse gas emissions every year.(ABC News)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This disturbing report raises many questions about some of our resident slimeballs -

How will Mace find his way around without the eau-dours of the out-back to guide him? Will our brave computer tinkerer be able to find his way back to the pool..or has he already herd of this and decided to flock-off on his own?

How will this affect his relationship with Baaabra?

Is da Lamb facing a phlatulenceless phuture?

Will Phillies Phanny phinally phinish phancying phoals, and phind the beef?

who cares?

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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It's time to sing now, lads. Hit it, a-one ,two three

In the pool

Where I was born

Lived a git

Who sailed the cess

And he told

Us of his time

In the land

Of Scum-sucking newbie-ness

So we sailed

Into the cess

On our yellow

Scum sucking newbie

Sky of puce

Sea of pea

On our Scum

Sucking Newbie

We all live off of scum

Sucking newbies

Scum sucking newbies

Scum sucking newbies

All together now!

We all live off of scum

Sucking newbies

Scum sucking newbies

Scum sucking newbies

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

It's time to sing now, lads. Hit it, a-one ,two three

In the pool

Where I was born


(snipped for the sake of any true artists who might accidentally stumble across this, have a heart attack in horror and die, thus depriving the world of something actually useful unlike the writer of this little ditty)


scum sucking newbies<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I guess this means I must be panty litter's muse.....why do I get all the crap jobs??!!

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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As we closed upon the enemy line they opened fire at long range with shot and chain aiming at our rigging. But their fire was ineffective humming through our rigging or raising great spouts around our ship. The men stood to their stations waiting. Occasionally now the ship trembled as a shot thudded into our hull but their fire was sporadic and ill-aimed. Thank god they had not the skill of our own gunners or our plight would be grave. The Cap'n gave the order "Wear round on the starboard tack and bring us across their bows at pistol shot range" "Gunner, double shot the guns, fire as you bear". There was a cheer from the starboard chaser crew as one of their shots brought down the top of their foremast. The enemy had their chance to cripple us and had failed. Soon they would know with regret the difference between their rabble and a British crew.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Personally, I think it would be in the pools best tradition that Seanachai be Our Brave Sir Knaggit Champion.

Seanachai could render them ineffective hors de combat due to excessive windage, and besides he manages the most draws. I'd like to see the winner 0-0-10!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I second that.

Since when Poolers are known Tactishuns?



That one defunct kraut never won anything against me...

Naaah, the Second Coming of the Pemble is a good one.

Let those Boardees drown under the constant drivel of Celtics quotes to explain the charm of driving a tank rearward.

And, if I may, Senility looks like he is in dire need of cheap SouthAf Vinasse...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

I second that.

Since when Poolers are known Tactishuns?



That one defunct kraut never won anything against me...

Naaah, the Second Coming of the Pemble is a good one.

Let those Boardees drown under the constant drivel of Celtics quotes to explain the charm of driving a tank rearward.

And, if I may, Senility looks like he is in dire need of cheap SouthAf Vinasse...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

While I agree that Seanachai is probably the best choice, I think we should also suggest inflicting Peng on them

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I can't believe those gits on the Outer Board™. You could give them a scale model of the world in the 1940's and allow them to zoom in and see what's happening in any place at any time, and issue orders to try and change the course of history in absolute realism, and they'd still be complaining that they don't have a proper way to group-select their units or their men aren't executing orders according to doctrine. God help BTS.

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