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I stood in line all night for CM2, and all I got was this lousy Peng Challenge TShirt

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Is it a memorial to the "Unknown Sheep" with eternal flame and all?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



Can't stop to talk!!!!

*Builds scaffolding to which are attached many spot-lights, all pointed towards cylindrical object*


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Maaaacey....., I've got the June edition of "PlayLamb" here.

Mace: "Ugh ugh grunt "

*Wheezes his way over to brown paper bag wrapped magazine*

Quick! Someone grab a look at Maces building plans!

We've only got a few seconds before he realises its actually a scrapbook of Peng's "Men who wear Tutu's in odd places" yearly gala ball.

Still, even that may keep Mace occupied for awhile.

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Lately I seem to be composing replies, and then deleting them before posting...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Is it Bauhausian in origin? It is vaguely phallic shaped, ya know . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, it's a rocket to shoot your duct-taped a$$ into orbit so all the asteroids can hate you, too.

Anyone smarter than Mace would program it to come back down on Panzer Leader. Even with no vowels I'll bet you'd make an ugly payload, with the awful secondaries from all those consonants flying around. Then you could see each other's molecules naked for a few nanoseconds as they depart in opposite directions to be added to the other aerosol contaminants of our fragile planet.

Then Mace could get a job with NASA and program the rocket that carries Whitney Houston, Teddy Kennedy, Barbra Streisand, and at least 7 of the more gluteal members of the Outer Board on the first US space tour...

...I'm just not myself today...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

You wouldn't be Denise Richards then would you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[immature mode]


[/immature mode]

I know what you want to say, but Sod Off instead!


Edited: Because...

[ 06-05-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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Get a grip on reality SpbleedBlimp, a Stuka is a twin seater machine. Denise has her hands on the joystick and I am her little tail gunner so we are very happy together.

Sod off! yerself you dribbling commie.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Quick! Someone grab a look at Maces building plans!

We've only got a few seconds before he realises its actually a scrapbook of Peng's "Men who wear Tutu's in odd places" yearly gala ball.

Still, even that may keep Mace occupied for awhile.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm working on this structure solely through my imagination here, I don't need no steeeenking plans!

Hey this isn't no sheep-porn mag!!!

*Shoves scrapbook of "Men who wear Tutu's in odd places" in pocket for later reference*

Oh..sh*t...the invitations!


wtf is happening?: Mace will reveal all (and I do mean all)

When?: Midnight Cesspool time

Who's invited?: Extended to all cesspoolers (Newbies can go die)

Bring your own grog (that's Aussie for alcohol, but hey we're opened minded here, if you want to bring a grog feel free)!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Still I do have a pic I took tonight in which the expression on my face shows exactly what I think of you wanting to see me naked.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What? You were hung over and someone took pictures of you offering sacrifice to the porciline godess?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Lately I seem to be composing replies, and then deleting them before posting...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pity you aren't consistent in that regard.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>it's a duct-taped a$$<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Keep your fantasies to yourself, please. I realize you are from California, but this is a family board (well, dysfunctional family, anyway).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>you smarter than Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you, I think. Of course, your common houseplant is brighter than most Aussies, but that is a different subject altogether, isn't it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panzer Leader I'll see naked.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You ARE hard up, aren't you (get 'em, Bauhaus).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Then Mace could get a job<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What the heck are you smoking, anyway? Mace is employed by the government. There is a reason for that. Hint - it is the same reason I say he is employed by the government rather than saying he works for the government.

On a final note, "I'll take biblical references for $800, Alex."

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Whitney Houston, Teddy Kennedy, Barbra Streisand on tour...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"What is the sixth sign of the Apocalypse?"

. . . . .

Jazzy-Jeff, I expect little better from such a decrepit, reeking speck on a festering cyst on the rump of an intestinal worm. However, being an sympathetic sort, I recognize the limitations under which you labor. Things will be much easier when you grow a brainstem, trust me.

In the mean time, if that was your idea of a challenge, send me a setup. Otherwise, SOD OFF!

[ 06-05-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

Is it what I think it is, Mace? Is it what we discussed yesterday? Will we need paper hats?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh bugger!!! *runs off to get paper hats, balloons and streamers*

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What's all this then?!?

So far this stinking attempt at a thread reads like Penthouse Forum as penned by pimply grade school boys. How droll. Rest assured that I can churn out more off-color phrases than games Filly Fan has lost, and know ye that my George Carlin scroll of things you can't say on television is longer than a post by Sunshine.

But to what end? Save your fantasy floggings for the Japanime abomination pages, and hie thy (schoolgirl + tentacles = EEEEWWWWWWW!!!) posturing hence!

As to games that are afoot, why

LawDog and I are wallowing in some snowy Kall River Road obscenity from the archives of Der Kessel. No contact yet, but snow blindness may be preventing me from seeing his advancing Yankees. If Steve & Charles don't include Snow Blindness in CM2 I'm going to eat a jelly sandwich in protest of their abject heinosity.

Josie and the FlawCats is tending to personal business, so our Nighttime Rainy Pinball Machine of Flaming Death Sandwiches is in temporary Limbo.

WhirliBerli has ponied up a horrifying dried placenta of a scenario called "Little Island", or somesuch. Penned by the mighty prehensile dewlap of Pengalina hisself, this one will no doubt set us awash in a tide of stinkum.

Marlowbrow's evident flaccidity hangs in his codpiece like a clapper in a bell.

Speedyhump still has lots of bullet-flingy things, whereas I do not. I fear the Darkness in this one.

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Midnight! It’s time!!!!

*spotlights turn on, casting beams of light on a the cylindrical object, revealing what is actually a MASSIVE BIRTHDAY CAKE*

*Music starts up - Ta ta dum…ta ta dum…ta ta dum dum dum*

*From the top of the cake jumps out….Mace!*

Happy birthday…..

*Mace removes his shoes and throws them into the cesspoolers*

…to you!

*Mace removes his socks, gives them a twirl, and throws them as well*

Happy birthday…..

*Removes his tie slowly, then drapes it over one of the birthday girl’s shoulders*

…to you!

*Mace unbuttons his shirt, removes it, and tosses it to one side*

Happy birthdaaaaAAAAAaaay…..dearest Kitty

*Unbuckles his belt and drops it to the floor*

Happy birthday…

*drops pants, kicks them off, saunters up to the birthday girl then sits on her lap*

…toooOOOOoooo YOOOoooOOOOOOOooooooOOoooou!!!


Happy birthday, Kitty


PS Do you realise how hard it is to find a good cyber stripper?

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Mace has raised a 68pdr carronade from the wreck of the Santissima Trinidad. He plans to blast the misbegotten annoying little twerp Patsy tha Lubber right out of the Pool. Next he will load a barrel of vowels and give Spkr a broadside. The cheers of the crew will be deafening.

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Don't worry about being blind Mr Spelunker.....there's noth'n much to see.

It's not like either Kitty or Mace will be embarrased...I mean they're both..adults....more or less.....maybe less than more.

And here was me thinking you had to have big ones to get in here? sheesh - another illusion shattered

Of course if someone shows up with a magnifying glass it might be another story......one worthy of forgetting altogether!

kitty has my depest sympathy for this pointless disappointment! There, there, never mind.........Macey's only an aussie...it's not like you're missing out on a man or anything......

But happy anniversary anyway!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Midnight! It’s time!!!!

Happy birthday, Kitty


PS Do you realise how hard it is to find a good cyber stripper?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Happy Birthday, Kitty!

My gods, Mace, hang a towel on that or somefink.

Lord, make Panzer Leader look at this. That should shut him up about talking about nakedness and his betters.

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Omigawd it's worser than I thought! The nudity, the flatulence, the exposure of naughty parts only known once in while to sheep upon an odd non-continent! What am I doing here??

Oh, yes: (Breathes deeply, regularly, remembering the mantra) Looking for new opponents. But... the exposure... it's almost too much to take... easy, eaaaaaasy...

I've been out, I've had a few beers and the odd whisky-sour, and all I ask a wee bit of challenge. Surely someone wants to take a grab at my virgin sig file. It's all clean and un-spoken-for, guaranteed fresh and non-toxic. I've been checked out by the finest medics and whorehouse physicios! (Waves empty sig file in the general direction of pool regulars) But there's only one way to get it! Surely I don't have to spell it out.

(Aside to self) Do you know what you're doing?!

(Further parenthetical aside to self) Relax! Someone is bound to rise for the bait...

Oh, and Berli, I have to admit that two digits is very impressive. I bow respectfully.


P.S. Kitty, if I may presume--and, scum-sucking newbie that I am, surely I may not--many happy returns of the day to you! (Chivalrous curtsy)

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