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BTS...How about a new CM2 dev. board?

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I will refrain from commenting on the current status of the CM board as compared to last year during CM development. However, I would like to request a CM2 development board that is either access available by petition based on one's previous history here or so tightly monitored that nothing off topic is allowed if it doesn't pertain to the eastern front and CM2 specifically. Any violation of

civility, protocol or the "rules" would result in immediate banning from this board but not necessarily the others.

Though mostly a lurker early on, I visited the CM board from the early pre-beta days onward and always found it interesting and informative. It allowed me to learn more about the western front, weaponry, etc. as well as to follow the development of this superb sim and resulted in my being in the pre-beta group of orders. I felt very confident in ordering based on what I was reading about the game development and the efforts that were being made to provide the quality of game we now experience the result of. Also, the feedback from readers was obviously significant to development of the game throughout the process.

Please seriously consider this request as I'm sure there are many others out here who would also like to see this.

Thanks and thanks for your creation!


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This was cute at first but now it's gone a little too far. Sure, there are off-topic posts, people acting flippantly and our fair share of trolls. I, however, think this is a good thing, the best of things, and I'll sum it up with one word, community.

Other developers spend time, money and countless web page redesigns to attract the kind of community here. The cameraderie and wealth of talent on this board, both on-topic and off, is amazing. BTS has attracted this by creating a great product and by being fun. Remember, Steve has posted O/T before and has joked around with the best of them, should we ban him from your future CM2 boards?

If you want to drive away people like me, the non-grognard but still CM-loving crowd, then your board will be the worse for it. The reason you get these shrieking violets is because there are so many CM fans. Same with the trolls. If you had a select group of the three dozen best, most on-topic fans, you'd lose the Cesspool, you'd lose the philisophical debates and, most importantly, you'd lose the community.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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Elijah....I think you've missed the point or maybe you had to be around during CM's development. This is a sincere request for a CM2 development board that is tightly controlled so that it serves the purpose of the pre-release CM board. Nothing more...nothing less.


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I like this idea, even though I was not a part of CM's development. I have read a lot of the old threads from those days and many are quite informative and occasionally entertaining. One suggestion I would put forth would be that the proposed development board be readable by all, even those not able to post there. That way, everyone can keep up with the current CM2 gossip. smile.gif


Canada: Where men were men, unless they were horses.

-Dudley Do-right

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Oh, I must have gotten it all wrong, I thought you guys were saying that decent CM2 related topics weren't coming from this board and that you wanted a board open to very specific people who would be quickly kicked off if they didn't follow the (More rigid than this nasty CM board) rules. That way you could talk about CM2 without interference from those damn O/T posters. Wait, that is what you said.

I've said this before, once CM2 development, or expansion development, heats up, you will see a commensurate increase of on-topic posts on this board. Until then, we have fun, that's what people do. Most every point was decided long ago, now we wait for BTS to tell us how they'll implement something and then debate it. To ask for a seperate board is, away from the riff-raff (Who obviously care nothing about CM2) is elitist.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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Elijah....bottom line is I don't want to have to wade through all the crap posts to get to the core material/dialogue and there are way too many of said posts on this board now that have absolutely no relevance. I also hate to see some of the highly contributive old timers leaving this board when they would be making a contribution to CM2 dialogue if we had another board.

BTW....your sarcasm is counterproductive and only invites an attack. My query is to BTS and I'm not interested in debating this. As I said, it's a genuine request for something CM2 only based without irrelevant topics. If you want to "have fun" then you'd still have this or another board for said "entertainment".


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Ok just my 2 cents here. I have to agree with Elijah. Sure the board has been hit lately with a bunch of A holes. But I have never seen a board that did not have any. If you put up a CM2 board they will find thier way there. Unless they step way out of line BTS is going to allow them to stay. On the other hand I understand with Ghost is trying to do, But after over 100,000 posts we have pretty much talked out CM. Just my 2 cents


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Guest Silesian-jaeger

I agree fully. There must be a new board to discuss "CM2, Warhammer 40,000 Squats vrs Gretchin."


"In one (German) town, Private Honey stood next to an

elderly German man and a ten-year-old boy. As the Shermans and brand-new

Pershings rumbled by the boy said,'Deutsches Panzer lind besser.' Honey

looked down at him and asked,'If

German tanks are better,

why aren't they here?' "

quote from Stephen E. Ambrose, "Citizen Soldiers"

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I agree with the intent of the originator of this thread. This *has* been a problem on several of the boards I read and they all came up with a similar solution:

Create an off-topic forum category.

The posters must place all off topic posts in that forum. This made the usual forum much easier, faster, and more pleasant to read. Those that like to have fun have a safe place to post. In fact on one of the boards, the off topic forum is slightly more popular than normal forum.

I was a lurker before CM was released, and I learned a lot reading the threads back then. While I enjoy reading some of the fluff threads, I think moving them into a different location would benefit all.

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OK, let's say this idea goes through, how many posts would be on the CM-Only and CM2-Only boards? Few.

How many CM issues have been swamped or destroyed by O/T posting? Few, if any. You guys are mistaking a lack of topics for a lack of a suitable atmosphere. There just aren't that many on-topic discussions left.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

OK, let's say this idea goes through, how many posts would be on the CM-Only and CM2-Only boards? Few.

How many CM issues have been swamped or destroyed by O/T posting? Few, if any. You guys are mistaking a lack of topics for a lack of a suitable atmosphere. There just aren't that many on-topic discussions left.


Elijah you're missing the point, some of us don't enjoy wading thru a constant barrage of useless drivle to find the one or two CM related topic's. If there was an OT board for alot of this *stuff* that's present on this board now, it'd limit the amount of wasted time seeing if there are any new CM threads worth reading.

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Don't see what the big deal is with wanting a CM2 only board for only a few posters allowed on it etc. This board despite the OT stuff & whatever else you consider drivel, is one of the best discussion boards I have participated in, & from my experiences in moderating 2 discussion boards in the past, one for Paul Calvi on the old Tankers & one for Mario Kroll at the old wargamer, & 1 for Micheal Brunk at Tanker.net the postings are about on normal with Charles & Steve showing more mercy then we would have.

One thing they all share is that some ppl will develop a community & will eventualy start posting what ever they think will interest that boards user base or mainly their friends. & that same community will attract ppl who get on the 'old timers' nerves & inspire flamefests etc, its inevitible & normal for board growth.

This then goes to an point where the moderator(s), decide to let it go on or to discourage it's continuing by posting an nice message on their POV concerning the OT & or flame posts or by just locking the thread.

Then you move on until more ppl start exiting the board as RL or other things pop up Ie, Paul closed down Tankers when it was the most popular wargame sim site on the net because of RL commitments. Or something occurs on the board they don't like, or they just lose interest in the board, again this is all normal & theirs nothing special about it, its growth effects as are OT posts etc .

Now if you want to split a board, sugesting what you did in this topic will do it. Sounds to me like strict moderation is what you'd prefer maybe that should be the topic if ppl feel moderation is lax.

But as Joe said if your post was meant for BTS only then you should E-mailed it, because, posting it publicly opens it for public debate.

Regards, John Waters


"When the blind leadeth the blind, get the hell out of the way".

[This message has been edited by PzKpfw 1 (edited 09-07-2000).]

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Dam this is a hard one to call. Again I am forced to agree with Elijah. Sure there seems to be even more off topic than on topic posts lately. This goes under a personal opinion, I like reading some of the off topic stuff and the rest I just disregard. Lets keep this going.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

OK, let's say this idea goes through, how many posts would be on the CM-Only and CM2-Only boards? Few.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gee, I count 69 threads (no, I'm not making a sexual innuendo here!) that have been posted to today. Of those, I would say that about 45 of those (depending on how you define "on-topic") are on-topic. Gee, that's about 2/3rds. Maybe not so few, after all.


Canada: Where men were men, unless they were horses.

-Dudley Do-right

[This message has been edited by IntelWeenie (edited 09-07-2000).]

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Boy, SF, that's a bit melodramatic. Let me summarize the current CM serious discussions:

Armor Should be Purchaseable in Platoons and Companies

Concrete Pillboxes Really Are That Tough(&Axis Flamethrowers are too Cheap)

New Mods

Posts About How The CM Board Isn't Serious Enough

The Ongoing L88 Discussion/German Optics

Searchable Questions (On-Board Indirect Artillery, Mortar HTs, Pushing Tanks off Bridges)

Ambush Too Restrictive

What's the drivel:

Cool Things That Happened to my Forces in CM

Mockery of Cool Things That Happened to my Forces in CM

Whiny Posts About the Quality of the CM Board

Mockeries of Whiny Posts About the Quality of the CM Board

PBEM Opponent Searching

The Cesspool

So, its clear that a lot of the drivel is just mocking people who complain about the drivel. Some more of it is people mocking other types of silly posting. However, the on-topic, CM related threads seem to be holding their own against the morrass of drivel. I don't think they need any help.


There was more here but it can be summed up with, "Blah blah blah, the board is doing just fine, let's stop trying to fix it if it ain't broke."


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-07-2000).]

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OK...let me make this as succinct as possible:

A CM2/eastern front board available to all for viewing but O/T is kept out by whatever means BTS decides upon. Not elitist, just focused without all the garbage coming up on this board since the game release.

There's a ton of eastern front material to be discussed/shared/mulled over etc. along with CM2 development info. That's what I'm hoping will be established.


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