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Guest Big Time Software

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Am I the ONLY one to notice that in Rune's (Spoiler Alert!!) ........

"A River Runs Throught It" scenario the Canadian Half Tracks show that they have 2 .30 cal MG's BUT still show NO ammo, in b24 in the scenario editor I cannot edit the scenario and give them some ammo?

I'm wondering if this issue is specific to Rune's scenario? I have not tested other Allies HT's to see if they can have MG ammo. In the scenario editor when I open A River Runs Throught It there is NO option to increase the HT ammo from ZERO?

Thanks to Rune for all his TCP/IP ready head to head canned scenario's.

And thanks for the great Patch.

I will agree with the others here who suggest that when a Tank rotates its frontal aspect towards and infantry threat that this may be a little OVERKILL, the patch is GREAT, but I am slightly uncomfortable with the tac AI rotating the hull toward an infantry threat, I agree, YES that threat "Could" be an anti tank team, but I have found this behaviour causes more problems than it is worth because when the tank in question turns its frontal aspect off towards the left or the right and then usually exposes its weak side armour to something more dangrous like a tank that it did not see but was facing with its frontal armour until it picked up in the infantry threat, and turned its frontal aspect toward it exposing its flank to other bigger threats that are still largely in front of it, then BAMMO, Ko to the flank.

I would like to suggest this behaviour should be looked at again. (for some strange reason, my heart goes out to those poor (sometimes) abused anti Tanks teams, I think they deserve the odd flank shot they can get (in the old version when tanks didn't auto rotate the hull) , because they don't usually fair so well against the frontal aspect if a tank, (and they deserve what ever "break" they can get)

And of Course a Merry Christmas to ALL!

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 12-26-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

You can't edit the MG amount for Halftracks. They are considered the same weapon type as Hull and Bow MG's (also uneditable).

However, there was a bug with some Halftracks MG ammo amounts before (forget which beta it happenend in) and Rune will probably just need to update his scenario since he is a bad boy nd always uses the Beta's to make his latest masterpeices. BAD RUNE! frown.gif


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Thanks Matt

Rune has already sent me his latest update on that scenario and it's fine now.

If you are interested in playing Rune's "A River Runs Through It", you should get his very latest release of that scenario, so your Allied HT's will have ammo, otherwise they are mostly useless troop transport trucks with tracks.

Thanks for the Prompt reply Matt.

-tom w

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In the new beta, do tiles of rough terrain form a solid barrier to tanks? I mean, before, there was open ground in between the tiles, but I heard this got fixed.

Of course, I would just download the patch and see for myself, but I'm at my family's house, and Combat Missionless right now. (My hands still shake, but the pills are helping. Can someone send me a few screenshots to help with my addiction? I swear, I'll only have one glass! smile.gif )


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

I will agree with the others here who suggest that when a Tank rotates its frontal aspect towards and infantry threat that this may be a little OVERKILL, the patch is GREAT, but I am slightly uncomfortable with the tac AI rotating the hull toward an infantry threat, I agree, YES that threat "Could" be an anti tank team, but I have found this behaviour causes more problems than it is worth because when the tank in question turns its frontal aspect off towards the left or the right and then usually exposes its weak side armour to something more dangrous like a tank that it did not see but was facing with its frontal armour until it picked up in the infantry threat, and turned its frontal aspect toward it exposing its flank to other bigger threats that are still largely in front of it, then BAMMO, Ko to the flank.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I don't suppose we will ever have perfect agreement on this subject, but one more time I'll try to explain my own point of view just for the sake of the record.

My understanding of why a tank would rotate its hull to face a target is several fold:

1. It allows the turret weapons to be brought more quickly to bear. This is particularly important for those vehicles that have slow turret rotation.

2. It allows the hull MG to be brought to bear (if it possesses one), no small consideration in a fast moving fight against soft targets.

3. It presents its heaviest protection against a known target. True, you may also by the same act present your rump to an unsighted enemy unit that will play a nice tune on it...but that's war. And that's why you should strive to avoid going anywhere unaccompanied. Real tankers, if they discovered themselves alone in injun country got the hell out of there. You could do worse than follow their example.


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Guest Madmatt

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

In the new beta, do tiles of rough terrain form a solid barrier to tanks? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



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One question, when trying to connect, would be be possible NOT to have it dump out to the main screen on an unsuccessful connect attempt. It is a minor quibble, I know, but it is a little irritating to have to make two clicks to get back in to try another attempt, or another address, also functions as a bump, I suppose.

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I have no idea how hard it would be to put into the application... but the ability to enter domain names would be much easier than dealing with constantly changing DHCP IP addresses.

With sites like dyndns.com (dynamic dns.com) you set up an account, say karch.dyndns.com and run software on your mac/pc that checks what your IP address is as often as you specify.. and uploads it to their server automatically.

This way you never need to look up your IP address... your new domain will always point to your computer. People could use some form of their online username from CM to connect for IP games. I don't know how hard it would be for CM to resolve the domain name, but it would be much easier for people to remember a domain name than an IP address... that's why they made them!

just my 2 cents


(happy birthday to me.. happy birthday to me.. happy birthday to scotty....... happy birthday to me) turned 32 an hour ago. smile.gif

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Is this where we report bugs? I hope so cuz I'm going to report a few.

1. When on board mortars run, instead of showing their fatigue level go to ready, tired ect. it says "reloading". At least that's the case with Brit 2 inch mortars.

2. Start a game with a towed gun hitched to a prime mover. Give the prime mover orders to move to, oh say, a nearby stand of trees or something. At the same time, give the towed gun orders to move into the trees so that it will unlimber and start to do so as soon as the prime mover stops moving. Note that the location they are moving to must be at least 50 meters or so away or the gun will unlimber before the prime mover does its movement instead of after (that's not the bug.)

The bug is if you look at the PM on the turn after the gun has unlimbered it will always have a pause order. You can get rid of it by giving it a move order and then canceling it, along with the pause. A pretty minor bug, but there it is anyway.

3. I saw another incident of the AI moving a tank ass first towards a threat. It even had a red targeting line going to one of my halftracks, but it rotated right past the halftrack despite having targeted it and drove ass first towards a Bofors gun that was shooting at it. It was a StuG BTW, and my Bofors nailed it through the back.

I saw this type of AI behavior fairly often in 1.05, but this is the first time in a beta. I was going to send the saved turn file to Matt, but I accidently saved over it. frown.gif These incidents seem to be random, so cannot be recreated AFAIK.


You've never heard music until you've heard the bleating of a gut-shot cesspooler. -Mark IV

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