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Although I don't know for how long. I received my new computer today, but it has a disturbingly long list of faults:

) the first few times I started it up it repeated the RAM count until I hit ESC. Now it skips the RAM count altogether

) the POST reports the CPU as a 700 Duron--I paid for a Tbird

) my brother in law had to mess with it for almost 15 minutes to get it to boot up completely, and it takes over a minute to go from power-off to fully ready

) I have a motherboard with ATA100 and an ATA100 drive, but when I start it up it goes to a screen saying "ATA100 BIOS not loaded because no ATA100 drive attached."

) there was no Network Neighborhood installed out-of-box; it only appeared after successful installation of my NIC. Every other computer I've ever seen has NetNeighbor regardless of internet connection capability

) I installed Diablo2 successfully, but the game absolutely refuses to start. The CD spins for 5 seconds, and the hourglass icon shows for 10, but then nothing at all. If I ctl/alt/del the TaskManager shows Diablo2 is running, but it is most certainly not.

I'm going to find one of those utilities that IDs CPU types and check that out. If the CPU is, indeed, a Duron, I'm going to call the mfr rep and tear off his head. Regardless, I'm going to call him and have some words. This is NOT my concept of "initial quality."


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Ouch Doug! Not good news, I hope it all gets better quickly. I am on the verge of buying an AMD 850 Thunderbird PC with 256MB RAM (so I can play All or Nothing without whiteouts, I also have a new video card), and I am seriously considering getting this from a vendor online.

Would you mind telling who your vendor is / was? If a public forum is not appropriate, please emal me via my profile.



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Naw don't do it.

Ah, c'mon ya wuss.

OK, but it'll start a flame war.

Hey Doug. You could always go get that Mac.

... and then send me a set-up and lets hook up on IM for some gore laden turns.


desert rat wannabe

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Hey Doug. You could always go get that Mac. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know, that was exactly my reaction about 1/3 through the first sentence of his post.



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I'm going to talk with our Director of Inside Sales (my boss, but she's more like mom-away-from-home) to see if my company will put its weight behind prosecuting errors on internal orders just as strongly as errors for actual customers. I'm pretty sure she'll answer yes.

We're the #2 software reseller and #4 hardware reseller out there; we'll hit the Big B$ in sales in November. Screwing with us is a bad idea.


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