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Interest in CM2 will vary

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Guest Big Time Software

Just to pipe in with our view...

We think it is likely that more CM2s will go out the door than CM1s. For three reasons:

1. CM sales are word of mouth driven. We should probably sell more the second time around since the "hype base" will be much larger than with CM1.

2. There will be more folks online and more online with computers able to handle the 3D graphics. That means people that missed out on CM1 will hopefully hear about CM2 because of #1 above or finally being able to run it.

3. The Eastern Front is the bigger seller to the grognard crowd for sure. I think this is because traditionally wargames have always had the Allied stuff winding up being too weak vs. the German stuff. We heard a LOT of this before the Beta Demo was out. Check out all the threads on the Sherman to see the misconception that the tank was a piece of junk. As any of you can see now, the Sherman is, on average, a fairly decent tank. The Allied problem was they didn't have the big bad boys that could go toe to toe with the German heavies. And that is where the Soviets have a bit of an edge over the Western Allies smile.gif


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This will probably sound lame, but I would buy CM2 just so I could replay the ASL Hill 621 scenario in 3D!!

That was fun, rushing across the field, hoping that some of the Russians would make it to the other side, and that #$%$^% HMG on the top floor of the stone buildings, waiting for them...

And the appearance, later on, of those SP IGs that could pound the German positions from a distance, sweet revenge.


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The Eastern Front is where the Big war happened, and I, for one, am looking forward to simulating it with CM2. I am also looking forward to an earlier time frame. Big guns that kill easily anything in their field of fire are cool, but no so cool as a well executed flanking maneuver in order to get your puny 37 millimeter cnnon a flank shot on a T-34 or MkIV.

Also, I'm also dying to model SL's Hill 621 scenario. I mean, 48 squads running 400 meters through a wheat field (at best) against good machine guns will be a sight to see from ground level! cool.gif

I am mailny interested in the earlier time frame ('39-'42), so desert, steppe or Dunkirk are all in my future, and yours!


Ugati: You despise me, don't you Rick?

Rick Blaine: If I gave you any thought I probably would.

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I do agree that the East Front was pivotal, I am only 18 so have not studied as much as I would like. But, when it comes right down to it I would say that El Alamein, Anzio and Dunkirk were just as decisive as Stalingrad or D-Day. So I am propably going to buy all the CM games, I think more people should open their eyes to all parts of WWII instead of focusing on one front.

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Without reading all the replys to your post all I can say is that anything with the words "combat mission" will be an instant sell for me. If you're not interested in the theater then imagine the graphic advance that will be possible in the sequel!

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Fionn wrote:

> Umm, I'm hoping you meant to type EASTERN Front there.

Well, I'm thinking about the likes of the Comet and the Pershing, that were so new they barely saw service. To be honest, I wasn't really thinking about the Russians' latest kit - you might say I was referring to the 'latest and greatest' kit which us Westerners would be most familiar with. Most of all, you must agree that the Germans weren't resisting long enough for the British and Americans to test out all the new kit they'd invented. I do agree that the Russians were coming up with some excellent designs.



There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT

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Pre 1943 CM2 CMMC (CMMC2?) Red Army communications would only go one way: from the top down! Superior Officers would only be able to tell their subordinates what to do and never be able to find out what happened. At least until the panzers showed up at their HQ... "Hmmm Comrade, that Pzkw III driving towards us tells me our counter attack didn't go too well..."

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One word.


Let´s find out what really happened.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

[This message has been edited by Geier (edited 08-22-2000).]

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Why I like (ok, love) CM:

1 The ungodly, magnificent AI that takes care of my troops. I am in awe, really.

2 The wego system.

3 The advanced fog of war (compared to other games).

4 The 3D graphics.

5 The complex ruleset.

If you put all that in another game, (and hopefully improve on it a little bit, especially the graphics, hint hint)I will buy it, period. I don't care if the tanks are colored bright red and blue and have names like Crusher and Annihilator, and it takes place in the 23rd century, I will buy it.


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For me personally it is easy to 'connect' to all sides in CM1&CM2, so East or West Front is interesting in the same scale.

Beeing 25 years old, born in the GDR, my one grandparents comming from Königsberg, the others meeting themself at first at a Nazi-propaganda event in the 1920's, my one grandmother beeing religious but where in the SED the other atheistic... Grown up in a totalitarian society and now living in a democratic. So I've connections to all different mixes of Weltanschauungen you can imagine in this contex. I also understand english, german (of course) and a little bit russian - He,He I think CM2 will be very interesting in all aspects... smile.gif

Greetings to all!

<a href="http://www.koch-athene.de/6th/6th.htm">The Brief American Occupation of Parts of East Germany, 1945


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Personally, I respect great software designs and products and just for that reason alone, I have been spreading the word about CM.

As we have seen here, there are a number of reasons why people play a game like CM. Some are more interested in...

the historical timeperiod, or

the accurate modeling of the units, or

the roleplaying aspect, or

the nationalities, or

the geography, or

the WEGO system (because it's not RTS), or

the fact that you got people shooting at each other, or

a combination of all of the above.

What I was more interested in finding out is why some of my fellow wargamers do NOT play CM. The main reason is not because CM is not a great product (they know it is) but they are not that much interested in WW2-style combat. Any one who is at least marginally interested in 20th century warfare will play CM (and CM2 and CM3 and ...), regardless of the theatre. But interest will vary in CM2 (that does NOT mean it won't sell more), it means for some, interest will be higher and others lower as compared to CM1.

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I have always preferred The Western Front,But being a fan of Armor Warfare I cant help but get excited over CM2.The Battle of Kursk will be an Armor Lovers Nirvana.The fighting in Stalingrad will also be awesome.Being an American Of German Heritage I will just have to march on Moscow and take it this time around.Just have to remember to bring my Wool Coat and Boots. smile.gif

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Nah, you know what would really sell? CM: Beyond Agincourt. Of course, programming the Blindly Hack, Coup de Grace, and Loot Corpses commands would be a bitch. On the plus side, it's already possible to execute prisoners. And think about how much fun everyone would have researching penetration values of clothyard shafts vs. mail shirts!

I am confident that, along with my revolutionary IGO/UNOGO system (which, I note with some dismay, has not yet been adopted by BTS), CM:BA will change wargaming forever, like the way that guys with long sticks on horses changed war forever.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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King Tiger22, what I find that interests me in a game and what others do, can be different.

I don't think wanting to "relate" to one side is ridiculous. Since members of my family served in the Western front, and as a kid watching war movies where about this area, it simply interests me more, and I can relate to it more.

I get more enjoyment out of a game whether it is a wargame, RPG or football, when I can at least identify with one side or the other.

I am sure that most casual non-wargamers will agree.

This is not to say I won't enjoy CM2, but that I won't enjoy it as much as CM1 because of the subject matter.

I think the majority of the public knows about the Pacific and Western Front in WW2, but very little about the Eastern Front, me included.

So sue me, I like to relate to one side or the other in all games. smile.gif

To each his own.


-kill 'em all and let God sort them out-

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A lot of people here seem to look forward to huge armored behemoths slowly clanking across the steppes blowing up everything in sight, but I can't wait for the early war "clash of the midgets" (as a good friend of mine calls it) biggrin.gif

Anyone else looking for a good BT-5 BBQ?

(or PzKfwIII roast for that matter) wink.gif


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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Yawn, when you folks back off pontificating, you realize that you would buy and play, ANY wargame dealing with any era or theatre, 'cuz that's what we groggies do wink.gif

personally, ost is welcome, if only to get it out of the way for 1939,'40, the desert war and the rest of history in general.

(pzvg who owns polish army mini's and ran poland '39 at Dragon Con in '95)


If you make it BTS, you are garwunteeed at least one sale, and probably more than that.



"Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder

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Originally posted by patboivin:

This will probably sound lame, but I would buy CM2 just so I could replay the ASL Hill 621 scenario in 3D!!


I am right there with you! I loved that scenario, even though Elvis was always the Germans and almost always whipped me. I don't know why I could never take that damn hill. Now in CM I am his master and he is my CM whipping boy, my garscon du piss and I will tear him apart.

Hey, care for a PBEM when it comes out? Someone is bound to create a battle based on it.

Oh yeah, on topic:

I like both fronts for reasons of my own. I have always had an affinity for the Russians and the awful position they were in with Stalin at the helm and the wolf at the door (unashamedly mixing my metaphores).

I also like the Western front simply because I am an American and take pride in the accompishments of our army, among other less noble reasons.

OK well that's about enough from me then.

Peng shutting up a lot now.


A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single gunshot wound to the foot.

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Early war will definitely be very interesting, but BTS better explain what Russians really had in their toolbox, as opposed to what the OOB says. Otherwise, we'll get people going : "CM2 is ahistorical. With just one battalion of T34s I easily crushed the whole 19th Panzer Division". Try to do it with 3 T34s and 8 T-26s, each with 12 rounds apiece, and then call it ahistorical.

OB gratuitous tank foto:


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IntelWeenie:

Anyone else looking for a good BT-5 BBQ?

(or PzKfwIII roast for that matter) wink.gif


ME,ME,ME biggrin.gif. Personaly looking forward to BT-7 vs PzKpfw III great match up their and practicly even AFV wise as well.

Regards, John Waters


People who can smile when things go wrong

have found someone else to blame.

[This message has been edited by PzKpfw 1 (edited 08-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IntelWeenie:

A lot of people here seem to look forward to huge armored behemoths slowly clanking across the steppes blowing up everything in sight, but I can't wait for the early war "clash of the midgets" (as a good friend of mine calls it) biggrin.gif

Anyone else looking for a good BT-5 BBQ?

(or PzKfwIII roast for that matter) wink.gif


See, that's right. I agree. In my post yesterday I was talking about "clashes of the midgets" (LOL, BTW). I love that stuff. Where ROF and maneuver are far more important the sheer brute force.

Of course, that's just my opinion.....


Ugati: You despise me, don't you Rick?

Rick Blaine: If I gave you any thought I probably would.

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