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Where's Fionn

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He recently posted on the CMMC mailing list, so one can assume that he remains sound of wind and limb. Unless sinister dark smiley forces have stolen his e-mail address and turned him into a pod person.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Hello Maximus !

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Or he may be engaged in a stupid email exchange trying to piss on someone's parade or beliefs. wink.gif


I don't think so ! He has better things to do! I guess he is still preparing CMMC for us so we should be greatful to him that we will be able to play it !

And as the E-mail thing you are refering to(not sure how it should be written) I support him a 100%. We have seen too many stupid, idiotic and useless flame wars about nothing. So it was about time someone did something about this. If one is "clean", he should not be offended by what Fionn said. Only the guilty ones are feeling offended !

Just my opinion and we all should start to act like grown ups, swallow our pride and so we will have a great Meta Campaign !

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Guest Big Time Software

He is a bit busy with all sorts of things. He had to cut back on something, so the Forum (which is a big time sink smile.gif) was the thing to go. CMMC is going to keep him far busier than he expected.


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OK Maxipad, That is EXACTLY the kind of use of smilies that confounds the intent. Even tho MrWinky is a dirty slapper who like to get into trouble, you have used him as if you are joking, when it is clear to members that know your history with Fionn, and the thread that sparked that comment, that you are not joking.

You claimed in my anti smiley thread that you agreed with me that people should say what they mean and not use smilies to cover up intent. So, are you joking or are you not? Do you agree or not? Were you lying then or are you lying now?


No dead smilies in this post.


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

OK Maxipad, [...] So, are you joking or are you not? Do you agree or not? Were you lying then or are you lying now?


No dead smilies in this post.



Please note, all smilies on this iMac have met an untimely yet well-deserved brutal end.



The powers of accurate perception are often called cynicism by those who do not possess them. (forgot who said it)

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My guess is that, in addition to what Steve mentioned, Fionn is attempting to avoid getting into pointless arguments with people.

Last week I had a good (if unusual) online chat with Fionn at the Annex. Fionn is a really cool guy (and I finally learned how old he is!) and keeping himself busy , I hope.

The chats certainly give a different view of board regulars (when not talking about war stuff). Kinda fun seeing the same slackers every day.

I've been reading Usenet for eight years, and it can be pretty tough to avoid getting into online arguments. Gotta keep your asbestos undies dry...


(note new e-mail addy in profile)


Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

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"CMMC is going to keep him far busier than he expected"

Thank you Steve. I am glad for one that we have someone with the historical knowledge that Fionn has and his apparent research skills. I am looking forward to dieing a hero soon, probably at the hands of someone unwhorthy of even playing in the CMMC.

"Fionn is attempting to avoid getting into pointless arguments with people"

Precisely, guachi. This is a job clearly left to someone like me, a known masochist and avowed smiley irradicator.

Maximus, is your first name Gluteous by any chance?


desert rat wannabe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:


Careful Cardinal Fang! I hear that OB&M has an almost-fanatical-devotion-to-the-Pope!


All smilies in this post have been burned at the stake for heresy! (Unless, of course, they repented first --- then we just ruffed 'em up a little and sent 'em on their way with a stern warning!)

[This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 06-07-2000).]

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(especially in a forum about CM!)

Amongst our weaponry are such diverse items as: surprise, fear, an almost fanatical devotion to the pope, and nice red uniforms.


Professional Lurker

Will Remember Monty Python Dialog Even

After I Forget My Own Name

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Hes still smarting from my pointing out his mistake of calling the lower hull of Panthers its weakest point. The Panther had alot more to worry about (the shot-trap, weak side armor, high profile, etc.)

For Fionn to make the claim he did and then not even respond casts some doubt in my mind.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Hes still smarting from my pointing out his mistake of calling the lower hull of Panthers its weakest point. The Panther had alot more to worry about (the shot-trap, weak side armor, high profile, etc.)

For Fionn to make the claim he did and then not even respond casts some doubt in my mind.


Anyone who doesn't agree with you and suck up to you casts doubt in your mind, Lewis.

I don't know him, but I doubt Fionn is smarting from just about anything you could come up with.


We are both men of action. Lies do not become us. — Westley

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 06-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Hes still smarting from my pointing out his mistake of calling the lower hull of Panthers its weakest point. The Panther had alot more to worry about (the shot-trap, weak side armor, high profile, etc.)

For Fionn to make the claim he did and then not even respond casts some doubt in my mind.


Or maybe he just chose not to waste his energy on another trivial argument.

[This message has been edited by bauhaus (edited 06-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Hes still smarting from my pointing out his mistake of calling the lower hull of Panthers its weakest point. The Panther had alot more to worry about (the shot-trap, weak side armor, high profile, etc.)

For Fionn to make the claim he did and then not even respond casts some doubt in my mind.


Or maybe he just chose not to waste his energy in another trivial argument.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

I am looking forward to dieing a hero soon, probably at the hands of someone unwhorthy of even playing in the CMMC.

Maximus, is your first name Gluteous by any chance?


Unworthy? Sniffle.

Gluteus Maximus? Sweet beyond words. MrPeng would be proud.


We are both men of action. Lies do not become us. — Westley

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I just don't understand you. Why is it that you have to take every oppertunity avalible to insult or ridicule someone? I could understand if Fionn had came here and said something. But just to post a hateful comment because his name is mentioned? If you really have such a low self esteam that you have to pump yourself up on the net, I really am sorry for you. Let me see If I can make you feel better.

** attention everyone **

Lewis is great! he is the armor knowledge god! How did I ever think I could enjoy a "game" without is clever insights and vast military knowledge.

There hope that mad you feel better. I'll even let you print that and show it to all your friends at home(if you have any). I'm sure you have been telling them how great you are and how much we are all benifiting from your post. So you can show that to them to prove it.

Hopefully that has satisfied your requirements.

Now go away.




Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Hes still smarting from my pointing out his mistake of calling the lower hull of Panthers its weakest point. The Panther had alot more to worry about (the shot-trap, weak side armor, high profile, etc.)

For Fionn to make the claim he did and then not even respond casts some doubt in my mind.


This will be the 1st time in a while that I have replied to your drivel, not because any of your unanswered arguments have presented the necessary integrity to survive the mental attacks of an Orang utang. But be that as it may let us cast a look at your belief that Fionn has created an untenable argument concerning the vulnerability of the lower hull of a Panther tank. It’s good to see that you have begun to use basic physics in your arguments but again you have included only elements that will support your little fairy land of Lewis is King. Unfortunately Fionn was answering a question concerning the apparent vulnerability of the Panthers front lower hull in the VOT scenario. This Vulnerability come into play due to the situation that the Panther finds itself in when it plays king of the hill with the Sherman’s arrayed in the valley below it. My dear boy, this configuration insures that the Sherman’s are shooting up at the lower hull of the Panther, negating the advantages of obliquity for the Panther’s lower hull armour. Hence in a 3d world the front lower hull armour of the Panther is surprisingly vulnerable. But far be it for reality to get in the way of the world of winners and losers in Lewis fantasyland.

On reflection, this is the last post I will ever make regarding your chest beating. I’m sick and tired of your petty vindictive arguments that have begun to affect my posts addressing your, beliefs. So a good day to you and I hope we shall never meet.

[This message has been edited by Bastables (edited 06-07-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bastables (edited 06-07-2000).]

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For the most part I have found your posts misunderstood and funny....but this shows me that everyone must be right and you are jerk.

While I do not think of Fionn as an all knowing person, his insights and knowledge of the the game and WW2 have been EXTREMLY helpful to me and my enjoyment of CM so do me (us) a favor and keep the blatant bastardly behavior to a minimum. A good ball busting is plenty funny but what you have done here insults me.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Man, I thought we were going to bust on MrButtMuscle (Or, as that sissy girl MrHappy has dubbed him, Old Blood and Glutes) and along comes LoserName to brighten everyone's day. Yipee.

I think it is especially forthright and manly of him to attack our little pal Fionn when it has been made fairly clear (at least to those with a modicum of intellect) that he will not be around.

I have got to hand it to you loserName, you keep the surprises coming. I thought we had all seen the bottom of your pit when you confessed to being a leech on society and a kept man, but BEHOLD! it goeth deeper still. There squirms a craven coward in the murky, gloaming abyss. What next? Will you announce to us all that you have found employment as a slave trader?


PS Yes J/Goanna I am proud of you. I never would have thought of calling ExOB&G ButtMuscle if it weren't for you.


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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